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班主任工作需抓住以下三个关键:一、理解,基于“人性向善”这一价值预设,良好的教育更多的是尊重和信任,而不是防范与责罚,因此班主任要以一颗童心去理解学生;二、帮助,教育毕竟是一项师生之间双向的精神活动,应该是充满人性,充满温情的,这就要求教师怀有一腔热情来投入工作,尽自己所能去帮助学生;三、引领,作为班主任,对班集体的建设和学生个体的培养都应该有一个理想的追求,这个追求就是班集体和学生个体发展要达到的高度。班主任只有抓住这三个关键,才能走进学生的内心,赢得学生的信任,从而提高德育的有效性。  相似文献   

随着义务教育的日渐普及,人们上学的机会得到保障,但"教育质量"问题却逐渐凸显出来,追求有质量的教育的呼声高涨。从微观角度分析,追求有质量的教育应从课堂质量入手,转化教师和学生在课堂中的行为角色,领悟教与学的新关系,倡导"以学定教、先学后教、少教多学、教学做合一"的教育模式,从而促进课堂质量的提升,为打造高质量的教育做贡献。  相似文献   

Trust is an important dimension of parent educational involvement and parent‐teacher relationships. Preliminary research suggests that parent trust in teachers and schools is associated with student learning and behavior. However, examinations of parent trust in children's education are limited. The present study investigated the influence of demographic variables on parent trust and relations among parent trust, student behavior, and parent involvement. Findings suggested that student eligibility for a free or reduced‐price lunch predicted parent trust of teachers and schools, parent trust was correlated with dimensions of student behavior, and parent trust of teachers predicted parent involvement. Implications for parent involvement and parent‐teacher relationships are discussed.  相似文献   

绿色教育是科学发展观指导下的科学教育观。绿色教育理念的创新特征包括了和谐教育观、人本教育观、素质教育观。把绿色教育内化为教师群体的学术魅力和人格魅力,内化为莘莘学子的科学精神与人文素质,内化为广大师生自强不息、明德树人的精神动力,内化为健康向上的学风、教风和校风,是高职教育坚定不移的努力方向。  相似文献   

提高高等教育质量,师承效应不容忽视。在新的时代条件和背景下,高校基础课教师更需要增强责任感和使命感,为学生营造一种健康向上、崇尚创新、勤勉钻研、团结和谐的学习氛围,以其高尚的师德、丰富的学识、坚定的信念、严谨的学术追求引导学生健康成长。  相似文献   

This study investigated student perceptions of control, trust, and intimacy as dimensions of teacher‐student relationships, and. the correlation between these relational variables and reports of learning. Control, trust, and intimacy are viewed as core dimensions of interpersonal relationships, and it is hypothesized that students who engage in out of class communication have relationships that are more interpersonal in nature than students who do not engage in out of class communication with teachers. This hypothesis was supported. Additionally, students who perceived their teachers as exhibiting higher levels of shared control, trust, and intimacy reported greater learning.  相似文献   

绿色课堂追求教与学之间关系的和谐化、生态化,强调学生主体性精神、创新意识和实践能力的培养。以传统课堂的四个要素为前提,立足教育实践,抽象出绿色课堂的主体、客体以及本体功能三个方面的理论关系:教师和学生是"绿色"意义的共同决定者,是主体;作为与主体相对应的存在,教育教学活动是客体;课堂环境是这种主体和客体交互作用的场所,其本体功能在于对人的培养。在绿色课堂阈限下,高职教育要建立相互信任的平等的民主的师生关系;强调人本位的教育理念;培养具有稳定的政治素质,以健康的身心为基础、以科技知识和人文综合教育为内容的实践能力突出、富有主体精神和创新意识的全面发展的人才。  相似文献   

To equip graduates with the capability to meet complex demands of work and life, it is important that higher education teachers engage students in self-sustained learning – the persistent, self-initiated pursuit of expertise development in one's subject area. This requires building a positive synergy between learning and teaching, which implies various potential difficulties for teachers. Based on a critical analysis of these difficulties, it is proposed that self-sustained learning can be nurtured when teachers activate a form of dialogic reflective practice that prioritizes students’ subject expertise development. Relevant strategies are suggested and potential difficulties in implementing them are examined. These strategies are synthesized as the ISEE framework: (1) employing Inquiry-based Scaffolding Tasks to motivate students’ learning interests and scaffold their progress; (2) encouraging Engaging Classroom Dialogs to help students’ development of subject expertise and an active learner identity; and (3) using Engaged Critical Reflections to build close and trusting teacher–student relationships.  相似文献   

论教师自我教育意识   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
教师自我教育意识是教师对自身的教育理念与教学行为的省察和反思,是学习化社会和教师专业化对教师的形象诉求。积极的自我教育意识是教师人格不可或缺的职业品质,是教师专业成长的起点,能促使教师不断地进行角色认知和角色学习,进而达到自我完善,体现了教师专业发展状态的升华。通过开展教育科学研究,加强教学反思训练以及建立有意义学习的范式,以此构建符合个体实际的自我教育取向的教师专业发展路径。  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate how teachers’ trust in their students relates to reading comprehension achievement in socially and ethnically segregated elementary schools in Flanders (Belgium) by taking into account class composition characteristics. It is examined how student variables, ethnic diversity and the proportion of non-native students in the class, and teachers’ trust in their students relate to reading comprehension achievement and learning growth. A 3-level multivariate repeated measures analysis was conducted. At 2 measurement occasions, reading tests and questionnaires were administered to a sample (n = 417) of 7- and 8-year-old students in 32 classes. Teachers’ trust in their students was found to be a key factor relating to learning growth in reading comprehension, and mediated the relationship between the level of ethnic diversity in the class and learning growth. Teachers with a higher level of trust in their students seem to foster more learning growth in reading comprehension.  相似文献   

The suggestion that workplace supervisors should become facilitators of the learning of staff is prevalent in the workplace learning and learning organisation literatures, but it is not always clear what facilitative approach is being recommended to supervisors. In order to identify approaches to facilitation that might be amenable for inclusion within the role of workplace supervisors, the concept of facilitation within the main traditions of adult education is examined. A characterisation of the key features of the workplace as a context for learning is then developed in terms that relate to common accounts of contexts conducive to learning. The paper then considers the issues that might arise if each of the conceptions were to be implemented by supervisors. Both facilitation and supervision rely heavily on trust, and so the development and maintenance of trust for supervisors and for facilitators is explored using a dynamic model of trust building. The paper aims both to develop a critique of the concept of supervisory facilitation and to highlight the need to consider contextual issues when applying conceptions derived from the adult education literature to real-world situations. Some implications for the relationship between teachers and students in post-secondary education settings are also described.  相似文献   

当前风险社会与教师实践本身的不确定性,以及教育变革带来的不确定性与风险都引发了教师的存在论危机。这种存在论危机的化解,可以以信任为基础来寻求一种新的确定性,从而维护教师的本体性安全。为此,确定性的寻求可以从制度信任的建立与完善、以信任为基础的学习共同体建设、塑造可信性的教师自我形象、基于"不信任"的反思性选择、教学习性的合理改造等方面来实现。  相似文献   

教师学习的本义是基于教师的需求,与教师专业成长间具有某种对应性。在教师学习视域中的教师培训模式可以从三个层面思考:一是解释教师学习的标准是相互作用原则,教师的自主性确立了教师培训存在的独特性与有效性;二是搭建"重构概念图式"、"注重学科思维"、"追求教育价值观"教师培训模式框架;三是完善相应教师学习的新机制,即改变教师的教育话语体系,强化沉浸式的现场教学和教育价值观转化力。  相似文献   

高校中的师生信任是决定高校思想政治理论课教育效果的重要一环。本文从师生信任的特点,导致师生不信任的原因.塑造师生信任的途径几个方面对高校师生信任问题进行剖析,对解决高校师生信任问题提出了自己的见解,  相似文献   


The aim of this paper is to analyze the impact of trust perceptions on teachers’ intention to continue using e-learning technology in higher education. Drawing on the model of organizational trust and the information systems continuance model, a new research model is developed and tested using data from a university college based on a survey of 401 university teachers. We find that teachers’ perceptions of system-based trust and trust in management exerted strong direct effects on intention to continue using an e-learning system. Additionally, system-based trust affects perceived usefulness, and thus fully mediates the influence of perceived usefulness on teachers’ intentions to use e-learning technology. Our findings clarify the relationship between trust and teachers continued use of e-learning technology and have implications, theoretical as well as practical, for trust-building structures that could improve the implementation of e-learning technologies in higher educational settings.  相似文献   

This study tested the relationship between principals’ learning-centered leadership and teacher professional learning in Iranian primary schools, with a focus on the mediating role of trust and knowledge sharing behavior. Survey data collected from 886 teachers in 121 primary schools, representing a range of socioeconomic status, distributed across three districts in the city of Mashhad. Data were analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. The results illustrate significant path relationships between the constructs, linking learning-centered leadership with teacher professional learning. Learning-centered leadership directly influenced the professional learning of teachers, and such a relationship was fully mediated by the teachers’ trust and knowledge-based sharing behavior in these Iranian primary schools. These results provide evidence that principals can enhance teacher learning by emphasizing teaching and learning to develop trust among teachers and foster knowledge sharing.  相似文献   

社会资本视觉下高校教师心理压力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从社会资本视觉来看,造成高校教师心理压力的主要原因在于高校教师的社会关系难显优势,社会资本中的信任、规范、社会网络等因素的不良或欠缺,导致社会资本贫乏或占有不足。注重提高高校教师社会资本的积累和价值,是减轻高校教师心理压力,提高心理健康水平的有效途径。  相似文献   

高校教学名师及其生成机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校教学名师是在为学与为人方面表现突出、得到同行广泛认可的优秀教师,与一般教师相比,他们师德崇高、师知渊博、师心执着、师能娴熟、师威崇高。高校教学名师的培育既需要通过教师敬畏教育、追求卓越,富有激情、关爱学生,实践磨砺、反思教学,同伴互助、博采众长的自我生成机制,也需要完善教学运行机制、规范教师管理与营造名师成长环境的外部促进机制,两者结合,成就名师。  相似文献   

实践取向是当前教师培训的一个重要趋势。改变传统教师培训"三中心"的授受模式,让参训者走进中小学真实的教育现场、构建研修共同体、走近实践者、对话名师名校长,是情境学习理念和方法在教师培训模式改革与创新中的重要体现,凸显了现代教师培训所追求的实践性、针对性和实效性。  相似文献   

Despite increased attention in professional development to building communities of teachers, few studies have investigated the development of trust in these communities. This paper presents issues related to trust in a professional development project at an elementary school. The project aimed for school-based elementary teachers and university-based mathematics educators to work together to improve mathematics instruction at the school by developing a mathematics education community of learners, where learners were conceived of as both the teachers and the mathematics educators. This paper addresses the following question: What factors in the project supported the development of trust among mathematics educators and teachers as the community was formed? More specifically, the paper is about one aspect of trust, namely, building school-based elementary teachers’ trust in the university-based mathematics educators. We point to three factors that helped the development of trust and we use care theory to further understand and discuss these factors in the context of in-service teacher education initiatives.  相似文献   

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