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The purpose of the present study was to identify and investigate critical incidents at school that require ethically sensitive teaching. This kind of knowledge is needed in teacher education to prepare future teachers for their profession. The data included narrative interviews with 12 teachers from four urban schools in Finland. Critical incidents were defined as issues or situations in teachers' work that produce ethical reflection and moral emotions. The critical incidents experienced by urban schoolteachers were analysed and compared with earlier studies on ethical dilemmas in teaching. Concrete examples of these incidents were reported which contain teachers' emotional expressions. Four main categories of critical incidents were identified. These were related to the principal, students and families, teachers, and the school community. Teachers reported commitment, caring, co‐operation and respect as the most dominant emotional expressions in these situations. These emotional expressions reflected ethical sensitivity skills, especially in reading and expressing emotions. Based on our study we suggest recommendations for teacher educators on how education for ethically sensitive teaching can be promoted.  相似文献   

教师发展的根本是人的发展,是整体性发展。专业伦理混沌是教师发展的危机之一。好教师的伦理实现应当观照如下方面:专业伦理作为教师知识的组成部分,是教师专业情感与价值观的重要内容;专业自主决策是教师发展过程中伦理实践的基本特征;职场体验反思是教师专业伦理养成的内在要求;教师教育课程的"伦理"关注是实现教师发展的条件所在;好的专业生活体现了教师伦理实践智慧的生成。  相似文献   

为使教师教育评价的工具理性更加合乎价值理性的追求,将评价活动开展得更加合乎伦理道德要求,有必要从教育伦理规范的视角来审视教师教育评价过程中的各种现象和关系。具体言之,教师教育评价应以高素质教师的标准为指导原则;应以"服务和指导教师教育"为最终目的;在教师教育的评价内容方面如教师教育课程的开设、教师教育管理、教师教育主体等方面都应当给予伦理道德的关注;教师教育评价过程应做到公开、公正、公平;评价主体应对教师教育和评价活动有深入思考和远见卓识,懂得教师教育评价规律,人格高洁,处事公正,实事求是;评价结果方面,要正确使用评价结果,以提高教师教育质量为宗旨,避免评价结果的滥用和误用。  相似文献   

Reflection in action research is a complicated matter because of the many domains of reflection and most significantly, the lack of understanding of these domains of reflection in action research and how these are supported. In this paper, we propose a framework based on four domains of reflection, namely, scientific, artistic, moral and technical reflection. We describe an initial attempt to use this framework in relation to the actual practice of teacher reflection in action research and show that the framework allowed us to map the various domains of reflection that teachers use in relation to their action research. This helped us to gain insight into the differences and the course of reflection in action research. We discuss how the framework – through orientation, differentiation and deepening – might provide support for reflection in action research.  相似文献   

The concepts of reflection and reflective practice have become the core of many teacher education programmes, with critical reflection as the goal for many teacher educators. This study examined the use of a videoconference discussion in an instructional methodology course as a means to enrich the process of reflection and encourage critical reflection. Critical action research methodology was used by the researchers to evaluate the addition of videoconferencing to a model of scaffolded reflection which was already part of the course. The findings suggest that the introduction of a videoconference discussion to the scaffolded reflection model enriched critical reflection on four topics: technology use, multicultural curriculum and instruction, censorship of web-based resources, and accountability and assessment. The discussion of these topics allowed the preservice teachers to think about their own agency, and the affordances and constraints of their school context. Implications for using videoconferencing for critical reflection are provided for teacher educators.  相似文献   

教师反思的思想源头及其影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师反思在中外教师教育、课堂教学等领域,受到广泛关注。但是,不同学者所应用的反思概念可能不同,实践者所质疑与欢迎的教师反思也可能迥异。文章通过梳理教师反思的不同思想源头,发现这种多样性既塑造了教师反思的丰富类型,也决定了每一种教师反思都有其片面性。也就是说,每一种类型的教师反思都可能有自己的局限性,教师反思并不一定都会带来满意的结果。可以说,教师反思思想源头的多样性、类型的丰富性和存在的局限是相互关联的。这提醒我们在探讨教师反思的问题时,应带有类别意识,并更为清醒地意识到潜藏的问题。  相似文献   


The study concentrated on an area in Greece with a multiplicity of sites for outdoor education. Informal networks of teachers were detected through a snowball technique and data were collected by means of a questionnaire and semi-structured interviews. A typology was first enriched to account for teacher interaction. This typology was then operationalized to assess teacher leadership in outdoor education. Participants were classified in three clusters, namely, “strugglers,” “domesticators,” and “succeeders”. Leadership covariated with ability to overcome obstacles, master “affordances” of destinations, and focus on on-site instruction. Peer interaction offered opportunities for reflection. Leadership categories revealed a transient character, which implied that peer interaction might facilitate empowerment. However, there were indications of protecting existing practice against innovation. Implications for leadership development are discussed.  相似文献   

反思型教师是对经验型教师的超越,成为一名反思型教师,是教师成长与发展的必由之路,也是新课程改革的需要。自我反思与集体反思相结合、阅读相关的理论文献、加强师生间的交流对话和有效利用blog与电子档案袋是成为一名反思型教师的有效途径。  相似文献   

This study analyzes narratives written in a culminating graduate seminar on reflective practice by 36 new secondary teachers who were asked to consider their moral beliefs, moral values and system of ethics as they reflected on their recent student teaching experiences. The findings explore how the participants depicted their constructed moral identities and felt obligated to critically reflect on them, affirmed values that guided their practice, and desired to be role models. Implications include attending to novice teachers’ moral identity development, infusing moral language into teacher education and recognizing teachers’ moral purposes, introducing curriculum to cultivate moral imagination, and helping teachers to realize their potential as moral agents by preparing them to become moral educators. The study also suggests the need to allow for broader ethical and political conceptions of the moral dimensions of teaching.  相似文献   

Student teachers face various difficult situations during their teacher education. The aim of this study was to examine how student teachers perceive coping with distressful situations during their teacher training. Focus groups and individual interviews were conducted. The results show that student teachers feel professionally inadequate, characterized by powerlessness, limited means of action and uncertainty. In resolving professional inadequacy, they use concepts connected to the social process of becoming teachers: modifying professional ideals, dependence on future colleagues and continuing to build experience. These concepts lead to acceptance and postponing strategies for learning from distressful situations.  相似文献   

In this conceptual paper, we provide a heuristic that organizes dispositions in a manner that is useful for prospective teachers and teacher educators. The heuristic is organized around three domains of dispositions – intellectual, cultural, and moral. We use a small sample of teacher candidate journal entries to ground the discussion of each disposition domain. Our goal is to explore how teacher candidates are inclined to think through issues of content and pedagogy, the cultural backgrounds of their students, and the values driving their moral reasoning. A significant part of this exploration includes examining teacher candidate assumptions. We offer recommendations for how teacher education programs can provide opportunities for prospective teachers to consider their dispositions and to identify how their dispositions influence teaching decisions.  相似文献   

教师的道德敏感性是指教师领悟和理解日常的教育场景中所蕴含的道德涵义的能力,它有助于教师抓住良好的教育契机,以及敏锐地意识到自身行为是否具有教育价值,从而避免做出不道德的教育行为。因此,师资培训中应重视教师道德敏感性的培养。具体而言,在师资培训的内容上,应对教师进行一般伦理教育,提高利用伦理学进行分析教育问题的能力;在方法上应采用案例法,增强师资培训的现实感;培训者还应提高教师对自身行为教育价值的反思能力.  相似文献   

To open a window into perceptions entailed in the professional world view of special education teacher trainees, three research questions were developed: (a) What are their motives for joining the profession? (b) How do they perceive the role of the special education teacher? and (c) What are their expectations from teacher training? The research was carried out using a qualitative approach. Ninety-three students about to begin their professional training in special education in an Israeli teacher-training college completed a questionnaire consisting of five open questions. The data were analyzed according to the grounded theory approach. The research findings showed that the trainees chose special education because they wanted to belong to a group of teachers perceived as the most ethical; one that considers its mission to help ‘vulnerable’ individuals, mold their characters, and ‘have an impact on society.’ The role of special education teachers was perceived mainly as caring for students and their parents; the trainees expected that during their training, they would become completely familiar with the range of disabilities and how to deal with them, as well as learn about themselves and strengthen their teaching skills. The world of special education was perceived as ‘mysterious,’ having a high moral standing; as a closed profession, in that relations are limited to teacher, child, and parents; but with a spiritual aspect. The professional world of special education as perceived by the teacher trainees was different than that actually waiting for them, and for which teacher training institutes must prepare them.  相似文献   

This paper used the data collected from reflective diaries, semi-structured interviews and surveys to identify and examine common themes identified in the roles required and/or perceived for teacher educators by both teachers and teacher educators. Collaboration, discussion and critique enabled personal reflection as teacher educators worked as partners to schools in a state-sponsored teaching and learning skills project. We have termed the collaboration in such an interactive project as one of ‘dancing in the ditches’, often requiring both groups to get out of their comfortable spaces and engage with each other in constantly moving situations. The teacher educators were required to be change agents at the interface of theory and practice and their experiences reflected individual journeys, but their reflections have ongoing implications for clarifying and professionalising the role of teacher educators.  相似文献   


Within education, some teachers’ interpretation of professionalism emphasizes conformity to the perceived norms of collective associations. Unprofessional behaviour, often equated with ‘unethical’ behaviour, is seen by many to be that which threatens solidarity and loyalty to colleagues. Informal norms typified by casual collegial relations as well as more formal attachments to organized unions or teachers’ federations exert a significant influence on individuals’ behaviour within the group. Professional ethics, in this sense, become concerned primarily with how one relates to colleagues rather than how one fulfils moral responsibilities to students. Qualitative findings from interviews with elementary and secondary school teachers suggest that, as a result of an ethic of collegial loyalty, some teachers experience personal moral and ethical dilemmas that they find difficult to resolve. Some respondents acknowledged that this can enable serious situations to be ignored or ‘covered up’. This paper examines some of the tensions and dilemmas experienced by teachers and raises questions about the ethical adequacy of defining professionalism in terms of inter‐colleague behaviour.  相似文献   

This article contributes to the discussion on mathematics teacher reflection. Reflection was included in a study of the didactisation practices of primary school mathematics teachers as one of nine didactisation practices. The study involved five volunteer primary school mathematics teachers. A qualitative design-research approach was designed which employed model-eliciting tasks to create new experiences for teachers. This article reports on the nature and development of mathematics teacher reflection. Teacher reflection was gauged at various times during the programme through written responses to open-ended reflective questionnaires. Teachers were involved in three types of sessions for a period of one year: 1) modelling sessions whereby they collaboratively solved a mathematical modelling task; 2) observing primary school students/learners solve the same problems; and 3) sessions discussing traditional and problem-centred teaching and learning. It was found that modelling tasks provided reflective platforms and a window to teacher resources, orientations and goals. It is recommended that further research into mathematics teacher reflection be conducted where teachers specifically implement modelling in their own classrooms.  相似文献   

Pre-service teacher education is a spatialised enterprise. It operates across a number of spaces that may or may not be linked ideologically and/or physically. These spaces can include daily practices, locations, infrastructure, relationships and representations of power and ideology. The interrelationships between and within these (sometimes competing) spaces for pre-service teachers will influence their identities as teachers and learners across time and space. Pre-service teachers are expected to make the connections between these often-contradictory spaces with little or no guidance on how to negotiate such complex relationships. These are difficult spaces, yet the slippages and gaps between these spaces offer generative possibilities. This paper explores these spaces of possibility for pre-service teacher education, and uses the spatial theories of Lefebvre and Foucault to argue that critical reflective practice can be used to create Soja’s ‘thirdspace’ for reconstructing future practice.  相似文献   

教学反思是教师在教育过程中将自我与教育活动作为意思对象,不断进行主动地思考、评价、探究、调控改进的过程.在《幼儿“社会性情感”发展及其教育》专题的教学过程中,导师与学员集体展开讨论,对幼儿社会情感与行为在终生发展中所处的地位有了全新的认识,对儿童阶段为什么将德育放在首位有了新的理解.通过讨论得出的规律性结论,学员反映在实际的保育活动中会自觉的贯彻,提高了教育的成就感.  相似文献   

所有人类行为都具有伦理含义,而且在所有时代与地点,都会提出有关道德行为与道德原则的问题,并尝试解答它们。对道德进行系统反思的伦理理论,可以为实施道德教育的"思想道德教育与法律基础"课教学提供理论基础。如何将伦理理论对道德的理性反思融入到"思想道德教育与法律基础"课的教学中成为摆在每一位任课教师面前的一个迫切需要解决的现实问题。  相似文献   

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