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This article arises from course design and curriculum development work carried out by the authors with respect to a novel engineering degree course, the Master of Engineering in Electronic Systems Engineering, at Kingston Polytechnic. This degree has been validated by the Council for National Academic Awards and commenced at Kingston in October 1984. This four and a half year course is innovative in that contains a significant business/management component as an integral part of the curriculm.

The background for engineers¶ education in the United Kingdom is out‐lined, and a somewhat polemical view of their education for the future is advanced. The authors believe that if engineers are to manage technological innovation, they must first of all become managers in business firms. They must be taught from the start to think of themselves as business professionals with others, and they must be taught to think as corporate technologists rather than as engineering technicians.

The structure of the course is outlined and the learning objectives of the subjects comprising the business/management component are given. The authors hope that the ideas presented in this article will contribute towards other educational initiatives to change engineers' attitudes and develop their expertise as managers of technological innovation in business firms.  相似文献   


Institutions of higher education are becoming increasingly dependent on external seminars to corporate employees as a means of meeting a growing number of business needs. As the variety of seminars expands, questions concerning the optimal seminar format must be addressed. The current, empirical study investigates seminar format preferences based on survey respondents' managerial level. Input is analyzed from three levels of manager: executives, mid-level managers, and supervisors. The results of the study indicate that there are certain strong preferences which managers at all levels share in regard to seminar format. In addition, several significant differences exist between the preferences of managers at the three organizational levels. Recommendations are given as to how universities can best develop and market seminars to the business public.  相似文献   


As part of an ongoing market research function, the administration at a private university's business school implemented a project to better understand the composition of its master's students. This research was an extension of a similar study conducted for the school's doctoral programs. Like the earlier study on doctoral students, a behavioral approach that employed a theoretical model of the decision process leading to enrollment was applied to master's students. This enrollment process model was utilized to guide the implementation of a survey that sampled the school's current students. Application of this model to questionnaire development procedures is also presented. Based on the information collected, the decision process leading to enrollment in the master's business programs was characterized. Quadrant analysis was applied to selected data derived from the enrollment process model in order to develop a two dimensional profile of students. In practice, this depiction provided insight to student perception of ideal versus actual program characteristics. The usefulness and applicability of the enrollment process model in achieving enrollment management objectives is also discussed.  相似文献   


Most British universities now have equal opportunities policies but the extent to which these policies have brought about real change in university departments is not clear. Management theory suggests that when trying to implement change in an organisation it is important to understand that organisation's culture. Opportunity 2000, a business initiative to try to increase the number of women (especially managers) in the British workforce stresses the importance of cultural change. However, there has been little attempt to 'measure' culture in relation to gender in university departments. This article explores the findings from an attempt to use Johnson & Scholes's cultural web to 'measure' the culture in a business studies department in an 'old' British university  相似文献   


In recent years the Further Education sector has been bombarded with initiatives and interventions aimed at improving the quality of the service. These include national and sector developmental initiatives, such as Investors in People and the Inclusive Learning Quality Initiative, and internal and external accountability interventions, such as self-assessment and inspection. However, there has been little attempt at evaluating their effectiveness. This article summarises the findings of recent research into their effectiveness. It is based on the results of a survey to gain senior college managers perceptions of the effect of the above initiatives and interventions on their colleges' development and analysis of other data, such as inspection grades and retention and achievement statistics. The results of the survey show that senior managers in incorporated colleges believe that: (i) self-assessment makes a major contribution to improving the quality of college provision for students and a range of management practices, especially evaluation; (ii) Investors in People makes a very strong contribution to improving arrangements for induction and support for staff; (iii) taken together self-assessment and Investors in People can be seen as contributing to the improvements in the quality of most college activities; (iv) the inspection process does not in itself act as a major driver for improvement but has contributed to improving teaching and learning styles and aspects of college management, including more effective use of student data in evaluating provision; (v) the Inclusive Learning Quality Initiative has yet to make a significant impact on the quality of any aspect of college work but is expected to improve student learning offered and attainment in due course. The analysis of the additional data reveals that: (i) there is a positive correlation between student achievement and the average curriculum grade in colleges inspected during the second cycle; (ii) there is only a limited relationship between a college's Investors in People status and its core business (as represented by student achievement and the quality of the curriculum); (iii) there is a positive correlation between a college's Investors in People status and the Quality Assurance grade awarded to colleges inspected during the second cycle; (iv) managers from colleges involved in stage 1 of the Inclusive Learning Quality Initiative ratethe initiative's contribution to developing individualised learning more positively than managers from other colleges.  相似文献   


This paper is unique in that it demonstrates how a national education department used action research to stimulate the use of the case method of teaching in business schools and other departments in universities in China. It illustrates how four different players; a teacher, her students, a government department in charge of setting education policy and selected faculty in Chinese universities were involved in the research. The research suggests that, contrary to widely held beliefs, given a well-trained and motivated Chinese instructor and careful course design Chinese students will readily accept the case method of teaching. Methods used in influencing potential adopters of the case method are discussed. Current faculty and institutional related barriers to the introduction of the case method are noted along with a proposal to institute the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning as a potential solution. The paper also illustrates how videotapes of classroom processes can be used in multiple ways within an action research project.  相似文献   


In a development of the case study method, a business course has been taught as a series of engineering business cases, with elements of realism engendered by the use of senior engineering managers as moderators of the case discussion. By this means, consideration of the various facets of the cases may proceed in an environment where comment and criticism derive from a lifetime of real experience. It has been found that crucial elements in the successful development of this course have been the identification of a suitable cadre of moderators, their briefing in the organization and evaluation of the case study presentation and discussion, and the assurance that their experience was shared around the group.

Un cours, constitué d'une serie de cas vécus de gestion d'enterprises à caractere technique est enseign eacute; et etudié par des groupes constitués jusqu' à 12étudients. L'element de realism est apporté par des directeurs de divisions techniques intervenant comme modérateurs dans la discussion du dossier. Ainsi, l'étude sefait dans un environnement ou les commentaries et les critiques proviennet d'une longue experience, et non pas simplement de théories en ce moment à la mode. On a trouve que leséléments vitaux dans le succes de ce cours ontété un choix méticuleux des intervenants, leur préparation a l'organisation et l' évaluation de la presentation et de la discussion du dossier, et l'assurance que leur experience soit partag ée au sein du groupe.  相似文献   


Although the literature is replete with claims of the benefits of case-based instruction, few researchers have examined how individual students respond to and approach learning from this instructional method. In this paper we paint a picture of the contrasting experiences of two students enrolled in a case-based biochemistry laboratory course. These experiences are highlighted to support and extend knowledge gained from the first author's study of the responses and approaches of a freshman class of veterinary students recently introduced to case-based instruction. In the primary study, nine students were interviewed three times during the semester to explore their initial and changing responses and approaches to the case method. Using a constant comparative analysis method, three common themes were identified. In this paper we illustrate these themes by contrasting two students' responses and approaches to the same casebased course.  相似文献   


The purpose of this research was to explore the relative effectiveness of intensive reading interventions for struggling high school readers. A yearlong randomized control study was conducted to estimate causal effects, as measured by the criterion-referenced state assessment test, for 1,265 ninth-grade students in 89 classes across 7 high schools in a large school district. Students in the high risk group and the moderate risk group were randomly assigned to one of four intensive reading interventions (three new interventions and a “business as usual” control condition.) Results indicated that for all four interventions, gains made by students in the high risk group exceeded the benchmark for expected annual growth. For the moderate risk group, random effects mixed modeling showed that reliable differences were observed in the state outcome gain scores between two of the intensive interventions and the “business as usual” control condition (Glass's adjusted Δ = .27, .30).  相似文献   


Writing a thesis can be characterized as the ultimate self-regulated learning task. Consequently, it is often a source of great anxiety for may students of higher education. Therefore, identifying the correlates of students' attitude to writing a thesis is essential if students are to be guided successfully through this process. In this paper some correlates of students' attitude to writing a thesis are identified and a general hierarchical path model is proposed in which action-control belief variables are seen as having both direct and indirect effects on students' attitude to writing a thesis. Using a sample of 90 undergraduate and graduate students, a modified version of the proposed model in which action-control belief variables had only an indirect effect on students' attitude to writing a thesis mediated through two academic orientation variables was found to fit the data best. This final model accounted for a large proportion of the repeatable variance in the two academic orientation variables and in students' attitude to writing a thesis. Issues related to identifying students in need of extra help are discussed briefly.  相似文献   


This article aims to explore the relationship between gender and 'race' when teaching a course on 'race', class and gender to women's studies students at a university. It will explore how the racial background and gender of the lecturer may affect the relationship she has with the students and how they see her role as a teacher of 'race' and gender. It will examine how teaching can be and is related to our personal subjective experiences such as our gender, 'race', class, sexuality and age. Whilst most students welcomed the opportunity to discuss issues around 'race' and racism, for some (mostly Black and Asian students) this was often seen as a painful experience based on past experiences. For others (mostly white women) the opportunity to discuss and hear about the experiences of Black and Asian women was something they valued. The article goes on to argue that teaching students about sensitive subjects such as 'race' can be affected not only by the personal experiences of the lecturer, but also by their racial identity and their gender. Indeed, such identities can also affect how students feel about such subjects and how they, in turn, experience their learning.  相似文献   


Universities in Australia, like those in many Western countries, currently are being pushed to find for themselves an increasing share of their own budgets and to consider themselves as service providers to students, their ‘customers’. These students, having paid fees, may well expect to get what they have paid for and, in current labour market conditions, that may amount to a degree rather than an education. That is, universities are now under‐funded and, frequently, far from being seen as educational institutions, are seen as businesses whose role is to provide adequate service at optimum price. By and large, educational development staff do not teach students so they do not contribute directly to the income of the enterprise. The position of such staff and the units in which they are located is thus increasingly coming under threat as ‘economies’ are sought by academic ‘managers’. One poignantly pointed issue, then, is the extent to which educational developers might appropriately change the style and substance of their activities to assist in the evolution of universities to embrace and perhaps to thrive in the new environment. Would this amount to collusion or to co‐operation? Developers have, in the past, often attempted to develop themselves by embracing the model of reflective practice and implementing it both while carrying out their work (a kind of action learning) and at conferences and in journals and books of various kinds. However developers, and their clients (actual and potential), are under increasing pressure and for many survival, not thriving, may be the main issue. The issue for developers may well be the identity of their clients ‐ the university; its management; its teaching staff; its students (the university's supposed ‘customers'). In this paper I focus on the ethical dilemmas which may arise when educational developers try to develop themselves to serve various possible clients.  相似文献   


A computer based simulation model that traces the recreational use patterns within park and wilderness areas has been employed as a teaching tool in a recreation management course at the University of Vermont. Use of the Wilderness Travel Simulation Model in the classroom reduces the complexity of the system under study, allows students to act as managers (devising and testing their own management strategies), and increases the students' exposure to the characteristics of an actual park or wilderness area. The value of the model as a teaching tool was supported by the students' high degree of interest and enthusiasm in the class.  相似文献   


As it did with the diffusion of the quality revolution in the 1970s, business education in the 1990s is lagging behind business practice in embracing the environmental revolution as a competitive reality. To accelerate support for environmental protection, business schools should reshape the prevalently anti-enviromental attitudes of present and future managers by demonstrating through outcome-oriented instruction how “green” can be profitable, particularly in the international arena. In this article, a southeastern university program of envirotech student internships in Latin America is described.  相似文献   


This article examines the case for the sandwich degree as the flagship for undergraduate business education in the UK and uses a range of available, but limited, evidence to show that the history of the practical implementation of the concept is such as to undermine its credibility. The theoretical benefits of the sandwich year are not delivered in practice, especially for students. The costs to students and to the public purse appear to outweigh the alleged benefits. The article uses existing published sources to cast doubt on the wisdom of pursuing the sandwich concept but concludes that available evidence is sketchy and inconclusive. Further research is planned at Bolton Business School to identify the impact of the business studies graduate on the labour market and alternative models for the development of business and personal competencies.  相似文献   


This article examines the case for the sandwich degree as the flagship for undergraduate business education in the UK and uses a range of available evidence to show that the history of the practical implementation of the concept is such as to undermine its credibility. The theoretical benefits of the sandwich year are not delivered in practice, especially for students. The costs to students and to the public purse appear to outweigh the alleged benefits. The article uses existing published sources to cast doubt on the wisdom of pursuing the sandwich concept but concludes that available evidence is sketchy and inconclusive and that further research is planned at Bolton Business School to identify the impact of the business studies graduate on the labour market and alternative models for the development of business and personal competences.  相似文献   


As the USA ages rapidly, greater attention is being paid to keeping older adults healthier and living independently as long as possible. Long-term care is growing increasingly cost-prohibitive and is not seen as a necessary service for all older adults. For those older adults who need supports and assistance to live in their own homes, home-based case management programs provide an array of services. However, case management organizations are under-resourced and struggle to meet the complex needs of the aging population. As a result, caseload sizes for case managers have grown exponentially and directly impact the quality of services provided. This study reports on a collaborative endeavor between a government agency, service provider organizations, case managers, and a gerontologocal researcher in New York City to highlight the challenges faced by case management agencies and develop a scientific process for calculating adequate caseload sizes. Implications for social service agencies and public policies are illustrated.  相似文献   


Problem‐posing teaching using multicultural children's literature nourishes an integrated literacy curriculum that supports young children's meaningful learning. This method encourages integrated learning that is both developmentally and culturally meaningful through interacting with story, reading literature, and participating in related learning activities. The problem‐posing method was developed by Paulo Freire [Education for Critical Consciousness, Seabury, New York] and critical pedagogists. The method leads students of any age, experience or ability level to base new learning on personal experience in a way that encourages critical reflection. This method has not been widely used with younger learners, but lends itself well to integrated early childhood literacy development.

This article shows selected qualitative data samples from case studies of early childhood teacher education students as they experience the method in a literacy course and as they use the method with young children. A critical analysis of the students’ work draws out key points regarding literacy development in a rapidly changing world. The teacher education students’ work provides an arena for developing the theory further as they implement theoretically‐based pedagogy with young learners. Data reveal issues regarding critical literacies and postmodern approaches to early childhood education.  相似文献   

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