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英国大学特许状及其治理意义   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
英国的老大学中绝大多数是经由皇家特许设立的,特许状对特许大学的治理结构产生了深刻的影响.皇家特许状不仅确立了英国特许大学的独立法人地位,还对大学的自治产生了重要影响,同时特许状基本确立了特许大学内部治理机构之间的权力制衡关系,规约了大学内外部的法律制度环境.  相似文献   

中世纪英国的军役制度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了发动对外征服战争或保卫在欧陆的领地,中世纪英国战争频仍。但是英国没有常备军,国王采用多种方法征调军队,包括传统的封建骑士军役、外国雇佣兵和货币采邑军役、民军以及契约军役等军役制度,这些对后来英国的军役制度产生了深远影响。  相似文献   

小月 《英语沙龙》2007,(4):55-55
自中世纪后,英国人便以特许书,即“公开信”的方式宣布官方授予的特权。因此,当英国政府宣称对北美有管辖权时,它就颁发特许证将土地授予殖民团和殖民者个人。但是,在美洲的务实殖民者首先将土地本身称为patent。  相似文献   

英国是地方自治之家,与英国的其他制度一样,它的地方自治制度可以追溯到中世纪。从地方政府的管理机制与地方社会的治理两个方面进行研究,有助于理清英国地方自治制度的发展历史。  相似文献   

庄园是英国封建社会制度下的基层生产和管理单位。一个典型的封建庄园体现了英国封建制度的主要方面,可谓中世纪英国社会的浓缩体。中世纪英国社会经济的一切重大变迁几乎无一不在其组成细胞的庄园打下烙印。而庄园制度的瓦解是中世纪后期英国乡村社会经济史上最重大的事件之一,它改变了英国乡村社会的特点,导致了英国整个社会结构的重组,是资本主义在英国得以发  相似文献   

宪政制度是在私有财产的基础上形成的,因此土地法的历史演进,不仅反映了自身的发展变化,也能从中把握宪政共和在英国孕育成长的过程。封建地产制度直接塑造了英国的议会制度并且保留了地方自治的传统。中世纪晚期的产权革命又将资产阶级推上了历史舞台,最终促成了宪政共和制度在英国的形成。  相似文献   

自中世纪以来,英国在财产继承上长期实行长子继承制,这种继承制历经几个世纪在英国社会最终确立。这一继承制度的确立和推广,确保大地产长盛不衰,并在英国社会转型之际,释放出资本主义生产的有利条件,推动了英国社会经济变革的进程。同时,受这种继承制度的影响,英国社会形成了限制王权的二元政治结构,并在此基础上,实现了英国政治制度的变革。  相似文献   

一、从历史上和制度上看高等教育 1.高等教育制度的建立和发展阶段高等教育作为一种教育制度的出现,可以追溯到欧洲中世纪发明的大学制度。最早的中世纪大学产生于十二世纪的意大利、法国和英国,如意大利的波洛尼亚大学、法国的巴黎大学和英国的牛津大学。这种大学是一种行会组织。拉丁文叫作“University”,  相似文献   

中世纪英国罗拉德派运动上承14世纪威克利夫宗教改革,下启16世纪亨利八世宗教改革,不仅在英国史上,甚至在欧洲史上都曾产生过深远的影响  相似文献   

英国资产阶级革命与资本主义制度的确立,宣示欧洲中世纪的漫漫长夜已经结束,资本主义新时代的曙光已经显现。英国资产阶级革命的进程及其结果,资本主义的经济、政治制度在英国的确立,都是基于英国国情的发展结果,是英国人在当时历史条件下的正确选择,是英国历史与世界巨变的必然产物。一英国是地处西欧的岛国。在中世纪,君主制、议会制已经成为这个封建国家的传统,而且以封建法律文件来限制王权也有“大宪章”(NagnaCarta)为先例。都蜂王朝(1485-1603年)统治时期,英国处于急剧的变革中,社会经济结构和阶级…  相似文献   

马克思主义垄断理论与西方经济学垄断理论的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马克思主义垄断理论和西方经济学垄断理论是两种不同的垄断理论,尽管二者有相似之处,但在研究目的、垄断内涵、垄断的形成、垄断与竞争的关系、垄断的社会经济效应等方面都存在本质差异。通过比较,可以发现马克思主义垄断理论的科学性以及西方经济学垄断理论的合理性和不足之处。马克思主义垄断理论是指导我国反垄断实践的基础理论。  相似文献   

The Education Reform Act of 1988 directly challenges nad seeks to displace the received assumptions of British education as they have grown up since 1945. (Kogan, 1989, p. 141)  相似文献   

杨军 《天中学刊》2007,22(6):117-121
1807年,英国议会通过禁止奴隶贸易的法令,延续数百年的罪恶买卖在英国被宣布为非法,延续数十年的英国废奴运动取得阶段性成果。1833年,英国正式废除奴隶制。对英国的废奴运动及其成功的原因,在不同的时期,学术界有着从不同角度出发的各种解释,如从道义上、经济上、文化上等。当前,人们更倾向于某种复杂的、多种因素共存的理论路径。  相似文献   

我国反行政垄断方面的法律还不够完善。历史和现实的因素,尤其是我国经济处于转轨期这一特点,决定了行政性垄断应纳入我国反垄断法的规制范围。在未来的反垄断法典中,应包含反行政垄断之内容,应将行政垄断列入司法审查的范畴,建立严格的行政性垄断法律责任制度,设立高度权威性和独立性的具有准司法机构性质的反垄断主管机构。  相似文献   

行政垄断作为一种经济现象,在我国有着一定的滋生土壤。我国反行政垄断方面的法律还不够完善。行政性垄断应纳入反垄断法。在未来的反垄断法典中,应包含反行政垄断之内容,建立严格的行政性垄断法律责任制度,设立高度权威性和独立性的具有准司法机构性质的反垄断主管机构。  相似文献   


Framed as being in response to terrorist attacks and concerns about religious bias in some English schools, ‘British Values’ (BV) curriculum policy forms part of the British Government’s Counter-Terrorism and Security Act, 2015. This includes a Duty on teachers in England to actively promote British Values to deter students from radicalisation. This paper, first, traces the history of Britishness in the curriculum to reveal a prevalence of nationalistic, colonial values. Next, an ensemble of recent policies and speeches focusing on British Values is analysed, using a psycho-political approach informed by anti-colonial scholarship. Finally, we interrogate two key critiques of the British Values curriculum discourse: the universality of British Values globally, and concerns over the securitisation of education. Findings indicate that the constitution of white British supremacist subjectivities operate through curriculum as a defence mechanism against perceived threats to white privilege, by normalising a racialised state-controlled social order. The focus is on ‘British’ values, but the analytic framework and findings have wider global significance.  相似文献   

The introduction of the 1988 Education Reform Act in Britain marks the beginning of the most substantial changes to the system of State education since the 1944 Education Act. Many have argued that the rationale for these changes rests on the introduction of the principles of ‘market forces’ and represents an attempt to create an internal and external educational market. Already some research has begun to examine the ideology behind some of the measures introduced by the Act such as the National Curriculum and the likely effects of the testing and assessment which accompanies it on issues of ‘race’, gender and class. However, as yet, little work has focused on another measure introduced by the Act which threatens ‘equal opportunities’, that is local management of schools (LMS). It is my argument that central to all these measures is an ideology that sees education as performing a certain function, State schools as certain types of institutions and teachers and pupils as certain types of people. Indeed, just as it is often argued that the National Curriculum rests on an assumption of a specific type of educational knowledge and a certain type of educational practice, so it is my contention that local management assumes a specific model of pupil, school, governor, teacher and parent. Both the ideology behind the 1988 Education Reform Act and the measures flowing from it seek to create a market in education. It is this tenet in the recent reforms which theatens the continuance of ‘equal opportunities’. The creation of this educational market aims to replace the notions of quality of opportunity which in one form or another have represented the British post‐war educational consensus with the rhetoric of choice, standards and differentiation which have been the hallmark of British domestic social policy since 1979.  相似文献   

This paper offers an overview of the 20th century historiography of the 1902 Education Act. The Act and its educational consequences have been systematically reflected upon by historians of education in every decade since the 1950s. Eaglesham's ground-breaking and detailed study of the Act roughly marked its half-centenary. In the mid-1970s, its three-quarters centenary was marked by an important debate within the annual conference proceedings of the British History of Education Society, between Simon and Cruickshank. In the 1980s, the work of Reeder pushed this debate forward and later in the 1990s, Daglish offered new insights into the political background of the period. This article is concerned with how the story of the 1902 Education Act has been told by historians of education, how this story differs, and whether, in the light of more recent research, any new versions of the story might contribute a further dimension to our historical understanding.  相似文献   


This article approaches debates about how the history of the post-1945 English welfare state might be written. It argues that professionals’ interventions on immigrant children can serve as a prism for understanding the crafting of the modern English welfare state. In this sense the article engages with the narrative concerning the resilience of a post-war British history that sees 1945 as a moment of profound rupture symbolised by the demise of Empire, the development of a universal welfare state, and the coming of mass immigration that brought with it social problems whose management presaged a distinctive British multiculturalism. Due to its influential impact on the development of immigrant education policies in England and because of its extensive education archive the article uses the Birmingham Local Education Authority (LEA) as an empirical and historical case. The significant British Nationality Act of 1948 and the Immigration Act of 1971 serve as demarcations of the period treated. The article concludes that the immigrant child and the child’s background were consistently presented as educational problems and as the cause of both poor academic attainment and a more intangible unwillingness to assimilate. In this lens the crafting of the post-war English welfare state was a continuation of an imperial project shoring up imperial boundaries within as the former colonised appeared on English soil.  相似文献   

浙江烟草专卖打假工作多年来一直名列国内前茅,归功于我们对形势的研究分析,对方法的总结提炼,形成了有浙江特色的专卖打假工作机制。随着互联网的快速发展,网上假烟非法交易猖獗,浙烟专卖于无声处听惊雷,网上打假再亮剑,查处涉烟违法犯罪案件数量和质量均领先于其他各省市(区)。互联网违法涉烟案件因其特殊性,存在着信息捕捉难、调查取证难、证据梳理难、案犯抓捕难、管辖认定难等现实困难,当前,如何有效查处互联网涉烟案件已成为烟草专卖管理的重要课题。浙江省充分利用淘宝、支付宝在本省的管辖权优势,积极建立健全互联网涉烟案件查办机制,有效探索互联网涉烟案件查办方法和技巧,共破获互联网涉烟案件五十余起。现以浙江省查办的互联网涉烟案件实例为立足点,从办案特点、技巧、机制等角度,探讨有效查处互联网涉烟案件的答案。  相似文献   

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