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冷战爆发后,杜鲁门政府积极寻求除战争以外的一切手段来与苏联对抗,心理战成为了杜鲁门政府热衷的一种手段。为了在国家政策的框架内策划制定、协调和评估美国对外心理战计划和项目,杜鲁门政府于1951年创建了心理战略委员会。心理战略委员会先后提出了冷战形势下国家对外心理战的理念和设想,制定了美国对外心理战总体计划,策划了针对苏东国家、西欧国家、中东国家、东南亚国家的一系列心理战计划和项目。但是,由于参与心理战略委员会的各部门代表之间的权力纷争,使得心理战略委员会精心策划制定的心理战计划和项目无法得到有效的实施,导致美国在心理冷战战场上处于不利的局面。该委员会最终被艾森豪威尔政府用行动协调委员会所取代。  相似文献   

长期以来,美国一直引领全球教育改革的潮流。2018年12月,特朗普政府公布了《制定成功路线:美国STEM教育战略》。该战略从愿景、目标、路径等方面规划了未来五年美国STEM教育的发展蓝图,对美国未来的STEM教育发展与人才培养具有战略指导作用。基于此,文章首先梳理了该战略提出的背景,随后从发展目标与实施路径两个角度对该战略进行了重点解读,最后从顶层设计、参与主体、教育实践、效果评估等方面探讨了该战略对我国STEM教育的启示,以期推动我国STEM教育的发展,为课程改革和人才培养提供参考。  相似文献   

"十万强计划"由美国总统奥巴马于2009年11月提出,目标是通过4年时间向中国派遣10万名留学生。为了解美国学生来华参加各类教育活动的实际情况,同时考察美国高等教育机构对学生参加出国教育活动的统计能力,美国国际教育协会(IIE)于2013年1月发布了题为《美国学生赴华:实现"十万强计划"的目标——对美国学生赴华参与出国教育活动的初步研究》的报告。该报告还调查了美国教育机构对未来几年赴华学生数量发展趋势的预期,因此,其研究结果可以作为衡量"十万强计划"未来进展的基准线。本刊编辑部特约首都师范大学文学院孙端对该研究的主要内容进行了编译,以了解美国学生赴华留学现状与前景。  相似文献   

2003年3月开始的美伊战争被视为美国落实其"先发制人"军事安全战略的具体行动。"先发制人"战略的出台有9·11的心理冲击背景和新保守主义政策渊源,其目标在于打通欧亚大陆通道。该战略对战后国际关系将产生深远的影响。  相似文献   

"十万强计划"由美国总统奥巴马于2009年11月提出,目标是通过4年时间向中国派遣10万名留学生。本刊编辑部特约首都师范大学文学院孙端对由美国国际教育协会(IIE)于2013年1月发布的"十万强计划"研究报告的主要内容进行了编译,并于2013年第9期(总第321期)刊载了《实现"十万强计划"的目标——对美国学生赴华参与教育活动的研究(上)》,本期刊载该报告(下)。  相似文献   

第四点计划是杜鲁门政府提出的、对第三世界国家进行开发援助的政策,属于美国在第三世界冷战战略的重要组成部分。其目的是通过美国提供的经济、技术援助,帮助稳定非共产党政权,遏制共产主义的渗透;并确保这些国家以“民主方式”实现经济发展和社会进步;同时,为美国国内生产力拓展海外市场和原料供应,确保美国经济安全。  相似文献   

佟才录 《课外阅读》2012,(21):40-41
丹麦政府计划在首都哥本哈根的郊外建造一座大型的生活垃圾焚烧发电厂,以处理哥本哈根日益增多的城市生活垃圾。垃圾焚烧发电厂的选址引起了周围居民的强烈不满,他们组织起来到政府大厦前示威游行,以阻止政府在他们的居民区附近建造垃圾焚烧发电厂。事情陷入僵局,建造工程被迫停顿下来,政府派出工作人员对抗议民众"晓之以理,动之以情"。虽然抗议民众都认同垃圾焚烧发电厂存在的必要性,但由于心理上对垃圾焚烧发电厂的厌恶和畏惧,他  相似文献   

二战结束后,在旅大地区形成了苏联支持的共产党和美国支持的国民党"三国四方"的势力,在这种形势下,苏联为阻止国民政府和美国势力的渗入,双方展开了一系列的较量。  相似文献   

冷战初期,杜鲁门政府将隐蔽心理战视为遏制苏联共产主义扩张的重要手段之一,先后出台了NSC4/A、NSC10/2、NSC59/1、NSC10/5等文件,确立了国家对外隐蔽心理战略的基本框架.艾森豪威尔执政后,又出台了NSC5412/1和NSC5412/2号系列文件,扩大了国家对外隐蔽心理战略的范围,强调了对外隐蔽心理战在实现国家对外政策目标中的重要性,从而进一步完善了国家对外隐蔽心理战略.由近年解密的美国政府文件材料可管窥冷战初期美国对外隐蔽心理战略的形成与发展,考察美国对外隐蔽心理战实施过程和效果,揭示美国对外隐蔽心理战的阴险性和破坏性.  相似文献   

黄牧航 《中学历史教学》2013,(12):72-72,F0003
1796年,督政府决定,首先要对奥国实施有力的打击,并把奥国的首都维也纳作为攻占的目标。这时,拿破仑根据自己对形势的分析,推出了一个从法国南部进攻北部意大利的作战计划。督政府采纳了这个计划,同意把一部分兵力投入到意大利北部战场,  相似文献   

This paper reports the Italian data on the bystanders' project. In the last decade, several studies have been conducted on the prevalence and nature of bullying among primary and secondary students as well as on individual and social risk factors, illustrating that bullying in the Italian context is a widespread phenomenon. No research has been conducted, so far, on the 'bystander' behaviours of those students who see other peers being bullied or bullying others in school either physically, verbally or through sexual coercion (i.e. touching girls). The study was conducted with 594 students (51.9% boys and 48.1% girls), aged 12–16 years old, with a mean age of 13.1 (SD=0.87). They were recruited from six different middle schools, two in each of three different sites in Italy: Northern Italy (Vercelli), Central Italy (Rome) and Southern Italy (Catania). Results showed that though the most likely reaction is supporting the victim by trying to discourage the bully, gender differences emerged, with girls more likely than boys to support the victim and boys more likely to encourage the bully or simply ignore. Differences resembling the same pattern emerged also with regard to own involvement as a bully or a victim. Findings are discussed by looking at possible applications for intervention.  相似文献   

20世纪 2 0年代 ,法西斯的鼻祖墨索里尼攫取了意大利王国的最高统治权 ,他的上台既是意大利特殊历史条件下矛盾冲突的产物 ,又与法西斯党的煽动宣传、王国政府的软弱无力以及一些政客、封建势力、垄断资产阶级的支持有着密切关系 ,是多种因素相互影响、相互作用的结果。  相似文献   

Italy was among the promoters of the Bologna Process and the early adopters of the reform. If one looks at its impact on the formal structure of curricula and study programmes, the reform undertaken under the Bologna banner seems to have been one of the major educational reforms ever achieved in Italy. This article describes how the Bologna Process has unfolded in Italy, looking at the reasons why a reform that for long eluded Italian policymakers and higher education managers finally succeeded. The theme is approached from the point of view of the contemporary theories of institutional change, looking at the actors and interactions that made this reform possible despite strong opposition. In fact, it was a series of contingent events that weakened the balance of powers governing Italian HE, thus making institutional change possible.  相似文献   


The aim of the article is to investigate the profile of comparative education in Italy, highlighting those elements that have characterised its development in relation to the cultural and political features of the country. This approach inevitably involves the comparison of Italy's specific particularities to those of other countries in the north and the south of Europe, in order to understand whether there are certain features that may place Italian comparative education within the wider framework of the Mediterranean area. What is involved in making a comparative analysis of the profile of a discipline and, more particularly, of comparative education in Italy, concentrating principally on the geopolitical context of its development? What is it that typifies the feature or features that make Italian comparative education quintessentially Italian? What are the main sources of comparative education in Italy, and what are the disciplines with which it continues to interact today? The article argues that in the wider framework of Western comparative education, Italy's voice, rooted in a plural tradition and open to new developments, is an original and important contribution for thinking critically this field of study.  相似文献   

Italy’s poor performance in various indicators of educational achievement, such as the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), has featured strongly in analyses of Italian education policy, and its progress towards the Lisbon objectives has been slow. With weak outcomes often linked to a highly stratified system of upper secondary schooling, combining high levels of track differentiation with a comparatively young track selection age, Italy’s education system has been characterised as antiquated and rigid. Yet the evidence that poor educational outcomes are differentially distributed between different Italian regions suggests that the ‘tracked system’ itself, which does not vary among regions, may not fully explain the Italian indicators. This article examines recent policy responses to these weak educational outcomes and, drawing on a range of data which take account of the links between social selection, regional inequality and levels of family cultural capital, investigates whether the concept of cultural capital might provide a more nuanced and theoretically powerful explanation of differences in educational outcomes in Italy.  相似文献   

The paper presents an analysis of the trends in and links between policies, practices and foreign student enrolment in Italian universities. While the number of foreign students has increased in Italy over the post-war period, the trend and composition of the flow have been affected by changes in government policies and institutional practices regarding foreign students as well as developments in countries sending large numbers of foreign students to Italy. Greek students continue to account for a large proportion of the foreign student population in Italy, but there has been a marked trend toward a reduction in the share of students from developing countries. Over time, foreign student enrolments have become more evenly distributed among faculties and institutions and by gender. Preliminary analyses of degree completion suggest that foreign students progress in their studies at rates slightly lower than Italian students.  相似文献   

中世纪晚期意大利城镇社会存在着严重的贫困流浪现象。在宗教与世俗观念双重力量的推动下,意大利教俗力量共同致力于社会济贫事业。通过为城市贫民修建医院、收容院以及廉租房等,意大利城镇社会较为有效地缓解了城市贫民的住房问题,从而为社会经济的长足发展创造了良好的外部环境。  相似文献   

从意大利大学教师任用制度的特点出发,阐述该国大学教师任用制度的历次改革,并对意大利大学教师的任用制度及其改革中的经验和存在的问题进行述评,以期为我国大学教师职务聘任制度改革提供借鉴。  相似文献   

蒂尔索以唐璜传说为题材创作的剧本《塞维亚的荡子》一经问世,很快便从西班牙流传到了意大利,并在意大利戏剧界引起了强烈反响。多种不同的改编本相继出现,其中包括希科尼尼的《石像的宾客》和吉利贝托失传的同名剧本。这一时期在意大利十分流行的即兴喜剧也对唐璜题材表现出了极大兴趣,据此改编的戏剧甚至成为了许多即兴喜剧剧团演出的保留剧目。唐璜传说在意大利的“成功”,一方面归团于文艺复兴运动的影响,另一方面应归园于传说所包含的“奇妙”因素适应了这一时期意大利观众欣赏趣味的需要。  相似文献   

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