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交际外语教学法(CLT)是指发展语言学习者在情境中交流交际使用目标语言的能力的课堂教学法。任务型教学法(TBLT)伴随CLT的发展而兴起,在世界范围内的英语教学领域掀起了一场革命。然而,国内外教学界却一直对CLT和TBLT的标准定义,尤其对于CLT与TBLT在中国英语课堂的应用的必要性与适用性存在争议。鉴于此,就CLT与TBLT在中国英语课堂的发展进行综述讨论,以期能够把二者的教学理念与中国英语课堂情境有效结合起来,使得中国学生更好地在课堂上掌握英语语言知识。  相似文献   

采用分层抽样的方法,通过对爱课程网中国大学视频公开课中的“精彩评论”进行内容分析发现:在线学习者来源广泛,他们对讲课教师、课程内容、学习帮助等评价较高,且期望能够持续共享这些优质学习资源.不过中国大学视频公开课目前也还存在着开放性程度不够、师生网上交互较少、与国外高校公开课差距较大、课程学习资源还很缺乏等不足之处.因此,中国大学应在新技术媒体革新背景下,努力探索教学范式的转型,以满足广大社会学习者的终身学习需求.  相似文献   

Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) is beyond doubt the most advanced language teaching approach in the new era. Yet, it was treated coldly in China at the outset. After over two decades of reform and trial, Chinese educators become aware that CLT does not clash but complement with Chinese traditional teaching methods if used selectively and flexibly. To stimulate further research on adapting CLT appropriately to Chinese EFL classroom, the author hereby shares with all the measures she has taken to meet the challenges in teaching speaking with CLT.  相似文献   

张硕 《教育技术导刊》2020,19(5):260-263
碎片化学习时代对学习资源提出了更高要求,教学微视频逐渐成为传播知识的重要载体,而传统教学微视频难以满足学习者需求。为丰富教学微视频设计思路,更好地满足碎片化学习需求,设计了学习者喜闻乐见的教学微视频。从传播学“使用与满足”理论角度出发,对这一理论及教学微视频资源的发展与内涵进行详细解读,强调以学习者为中心进行教学微视频设计。针对学习者各方面的学习需求提出教学微视频设计新要素,即满足学习者的审美体验、情感需求和环境监测需求,为教学微视频设计提供一定参考,以期在传播学相关理论指导下提高教学微视频质量及其应用价值,进而提高教学效果。  相似文献   

Cognitive load theory (CLT) can explain the challenges faced by student teachers. This study, guided by the CLT, included 26 pre-service teachers. Participants completed a cognitive load self-report questionnaire and were interviewed at two points during their student teaching. Results revealed that student teachers decreased mental effort related to monitoring their students’ level of attention, meeting needs of diverse learners, and managing internal and external distractions. Qualitative analysis revealed: (1) student teachers became aware of limited cognitive resources; (2) lesson planning imposes cognitive load during student teaching; and (3) cognitive overload limits the ability to make modifications during teaching.  相似文献   

Business English is a specialized area that is largely attributed to non-native English learners who eager to enhance their chances of doing business with companies from English speaking countries. Learning business English has seen exponential growth in recent years and many universities or colleges in China have offered courses related to meet specific needs of the learners. Meanwhile, they make full use of underlying methodology and activities of the business English discipline to help inspire and remain learners’ interest. Self-empowerment originated from management is introduced to business English learning stages and then proved an effective device in learning practice.  相似文献   

本文针对交际法在中国所产生的效果不甚理想这一事实,通过对BANA和TESEP背景下的英语教学特点和BANA背景与我国的社会文化背景、教学文化背景以及语言文化背景进行分析比较,借用Prabhu的最佳教学法观点和Cook对交际法的批判观点,多角度地对交际法进行分析,指出交际法在很大程度上不适宜我国的社会文化背景、教育文化背景和语言文化背景。对交际法的推广应建立在理解的基础之上,切忌盲从。文章还指出要对我国的教育文化背景进行改造,要创造条件,扬交际法所长,以实现对学习者交际能力的培养。  相似文献   

Cognitive load theory (CLT) is aimed at developing training material that efficiently makes use of the available cognitive processing capacity and stimulates the learner's ability to use acquired knowledge and skills in new situations. It is claimed that CLT-based training formats meet the cognitive abilities of elderly learners particularly well. That is, cognitive aging brings about several declines of working memory, which impede the acquisition of complex cognitive skills. By making an optimal use of the ‘remaining’ cognitive resources, learning can be enhanced. For that purpose, CLT provides a promising range of training formats that have proven their effectiveness relative to conventional formats in young adults. This article presents an experimental study (N=54) aimed at the efficiency of worked examples as a substitute for conventional practice problems in training both elderly and young adults. According to CLT, studying worked examples is a more efficient means of training complex skills than solving conventional problems. As predicted, the results show that — with respect to the elderly — the efficiency of studying worked examples is higher than the efficiency of solving conventional problems in that less training time and cognitive load leads to a comparable level of performance.  相似文献   

韩颖 《海外英语》2012,(17):97-99
Games are an indispensible part of Communicative Language Teaching(CLT).They not only reduce EFL learners’ stress and increase their learning motivation,but also improve their communication competence and promote fluency.It is advocated that games should be implemented by EFL teachers in CLT,meanwhile paying attention to the communicative characteristics of games in the application and design of games.  相似文献   

文章采用三种方法对学生英语口语的纠正反馈在CLT课堂的重要性进行了实证研究。先通过访谈、问卷调查了教师和学生对纠正反馈的态度和偏好,再运用听课记录分析了教师对学生错误纠正的频率,以及纠正反馈所产生的作用。调查结果发现,大部分老师和学生对纠正反馈持肯定态度,交际互动中老师对学生口语错误的纠正反馈能较大程度上引起学生对正确语言的理解并对错误做出一定量的修正。据此,本研究认为,在CLT课堂中,适当的纠正反馈是重要的,必不可少的,对学生的英语学习有很大的促进作用。  相似文献   

少数民族学生的学业成就相对落后是世界各国普遍存在的问题,对此英国政府和教育界积极应对。英国从1998年起,实行少数民族学业成就拨款计划(Ethnic Minority Achieve-ment Grant,简称EMAG),以鼓励地方教育局和学校重视与满足双语学习者及少数民族学生的特殊需要,使少数民族学生的学业成就稳步提高。我国在这方面可以借鉴,应重视少数民族学生的学业成就,给予相对落后者及时、有效的援助,以实现更加全面、更为充分的教育公平。  相似文献   

A key objective of inclusive education is to provide learners with special educational needs with an environment that fosters a sense of belonging. They lose the sense of belonging when they feel being separated from the rest of society. Segregation is, however, a logically necessary method and means of the pursuit of inclusion. The focus of this study was to uncover the experiences and views of Chinese stakeholders regarding the possible conflict between expansion of special education (i.e., segregation, exclusion) and promotion of inclusive education (i.e., inclusion, mainstreaming). We conducted in-depth interviews with nine academics, administrators, and practitioners to better understand the possible impact of inclusive education on regular education. The main finding is that special education can be provided in four forms which the participants argued is an advantage to meet the needs of all learners. They argued that giving home education for learners with high severity, attending special education schools and mainstreaming schools are rehabilitation methods to prepare learners for full integration should they prove successful. The study contributes to a broader understanding of how special education is provided in China and its potential effects on regular education (e.g., challenges in teacher preparation, lack of resources).  相似文献   

对云南电大远程学习者在参加远程教育学习前后的学习心理、学习行为、学习满意度及其学习需求调查结果表明,远程教育的大多数学习者感到满意,有较大的收获,但也存在对远程教育认识不足,学习能力参差不齐,难以与教师和同学展开充分交互,未能获得充分的学习支持服务等许多困难。因此,加强对学习者的教育培训,建立高效完善的学习支持服务系统,满足学习者需求,提高学习满意度是中国远程教育发展中面临的一项十分紧迫的任务。  相似文献   

This study is a life history account of Bev, a special educational needs co‐ordinator who works in a primary school in England. The research examines how, within Bev's experiences, the discourses of integration and inclusion have affected learners with special educational needs. Additionally, the study examines the impact of the ‘performativity’ agenda on a mainstream school with a high proportion of learners with special educational needs. The account illustrates how, in Bev's experiences, inclusion operates within a powerful othering framework which marginalises children with special educational needs and their teachers. Additionally, the account raises questions about the risks of choosing to work in schools with high proportions of children with special educational needs within a discourse of performativity. It raises questions about whether the inclusion agenda has resulted in limited forms of inclusion and whether it was easier to meet children's holistic needs under the integration agenda.  相似文献   

语音教学该教什么、如何教一直是困扰大学英语教学研究者和实践者的问题。大学英语教学不应该推卸语音教学的责任而回避语音教学。针对目前大学生语音基础薄弱、水平参差不齐的现状,大学英语语音教学更要有选择性和目的性,应将培养可理解性输入作为多数人的语音目标。  相似文献   

本文从现代语言学理论发展的角度,结合语言与文化的关系,就现代外语教学理论和语言教学中存在的核心问题提出见解.交际语言教学揭示了语言教学的本质,但并未解决所有的问题.交际过程因为"文化休克"现象而中断,因此交际教学中应注入文化内容.跨文化交际学提供了相应方法.  相似文献   

在二语习得研究领域,交际教学法被很多学者证明可以有效提高英语学习者的口语水平。近年来,语块研究受到广泛关注,语块教学法也因此备受瞩目。以非英语专业本科生为研究对象,进行为期16周的结合语块的交际教学实验,重点考察结合语块的交际教学法是否对学习者口语的流利度和准确度有更积极的影响,结果显示,在交互环境下进行语决教学可以使学生的口语表现(流利度和准确度)有明显提高。  相似文献   

罗杨  李秀梅 《宜春学院学报》2012,(7):137-140,158
认知负荷理论依据工作记忆容量的有限性和认知资源总量的恒定性,指出合理分配认知资源是有效学习的关键。在分级教学模式中,以认知负荷理论为指导的多媒体教学设计在了解学习者认知水平的基础上充分发挥多媒体的优势,设法克服工作记忆的有限性,提高学习者迁移知识和解决问题的能力。  相似文献   

学习型词典是针对外语学习的需要而编纂的,其微观结构中蕴含着外语学习所必需的各类信息,如语法信息等,对于外语学习起着重要的指导作用。本文从学习型词典中语法信息的内容和表现载体两方面进行分类讨论,发现五大学习型词典在语法信息表现载体上的异同点,并在比较分析的基础上指出对今后我国学习型词典编纂的启示。  相似文献   


Educational reform movements are transforming the shape of schools. Classroom populations are becoming more diverse as the number of students with disparate learning needs increases. Revised standards and performance expectations in the area of social studies are requiring teachers to make major shifts in teaching practices and strategies. Differentiation of instruction is necessary to meet the varied learning needs of diverse learners in social studies classes, especially gifted students. Curriculum compacting provides time for enrichment and/or acceleration for gifted learners. Conceptual thematic units, questioning strategies, interest development centers, independent study programs, and mentor‐ships are enrichment opportunities which can be implemented in regular education social studies classes to meet the learning needs of gifted students.  相似文献   

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