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文章对上海市实验学校初中起始年级学生课前预习情况进行了调查分析。调查结果显示该校中一年级所有学生都进行课前预习,大多数学生有课前预习的习惯。本调查建议学生每天预习花费的时间应适度,预习科目可按学习科目难度、重要程度等来确定,结果显示优秀学生一般较早开始对学习科目进行预习,这对学生的学业指导有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

预习,是一种良好的学习习惯,它是学生主动学习、积极思考的过程。现今,每位教师都要求学生课前预习,而不注重课前预习的指导以及预习效果的检测,预习流于形式。课前预习的误区越来越大,学生不能掌握有效的预习方法,教师在预习指导上不够重视,已经成为一个普遍现象。本文将从预习的重要地位出发,通过详细阐述预习中出现的缺陷,正确认识现今的预习现状,特别是课前预习的情况,从而帮助学生掌握自主预习的策略。教师还需通过个别抽查、课堂检查等方法,保证预习效果的有效性。  相似文献   

预习从时间和内容上说大致分为课前预习、阶段预习、学期预习三类。文章所说的预习是指课前预习,并对新课程下数学教学是否需要预习进行探讨。  相似文献   

谈及预习,对于语文学科而言,其重要性要大于其他学科。对于某些自然科学课程,如物理、化学,它们的很多规律、现象是要学生通过实验获知的,如果通过课前预习可以获知这些规律的话,那么新课学习中的实验探究就失去了价值和意义。而对于语文学科而言,学生凭借原有的语言文字功底,是可以通过预习获得良好的提升和拓展效果的。本文结合学生预习的实例,谈谈语文学习中课前预习的重要性和必要性。  相似文献   

优秀学生的学习方法有许多相似之处,常见的有: 一、坚持课前预习从预习的时间和内容上看,预习大致分为课前预习、阶段预习和学期预习三种。这三种预习是有内在联系的,学期预习做得充分,阶段预习就可以少花时间或不进行;阶段预习如果进行了,那么不一定再做课前预习了。但对大多数学生来说,课前  相似文献   

在新教材使用中 ,我实验了“自读质疑式”阅读教学 ,我觉得这个方法对培养学生勤查、勤问、勤思 ,促进学生发展行之有效。“自读质疑式”阅读教学分课前预习 ,预习情况展示 ,围绕课时目标自读、质疑、讨论、检测与迁移训练四个步骤。一、落实课前预习 ,培养学生独立学习能力为了不使课前预习流于形式 ,将课前预习落到实处 ,我的作业原则是布置预习就不留其他书面作业 ,让学生有充足的时间搞预习 ,明确要求学生预习作业不得轻视。并设计统一要求 :开学初每人准备一本读书笔记本 ,对每课预习内容做记录。统一的预习步骤是 :1自读全篇课文 ,勾…  相似文献   

朱琼 《生活教育》2014,(2):48-49
课前预习作为一个教学环节,不同的数学老师对此有着不同的看法。有人认为数学课的课前预习对于提高教学效果是有利的,而有些老师认为数学课的教学没有必有进行课前预习。其实,课前预习的利与弊不应该是取决于"预习"这个学习环节的本身,而应该取决于预习作业本身的内容。好的预习作业应该是对课堂教学效果起到积极作用的。本文将对预习作业的内容进行探究。  相似文献   

韩彩华 《学周刊C版》2019,(23):103-103
课前预习是课程学习的最初阶段,对于课程学习起着重要的作用。教师要重视学生的课前预习环节,重视对学生课前预习的组织与引导。明确预习任务,确保预习质量。初步感知文本,存留相应疑问,为学生带着问题思考进入合作探究学习环节做好充分准备。精心组织与引导学生进行课前预习,教给预习方法,引导个性体会,预习成果反馈,奠定学习基础。  相似文献   

<正>不少同学认为思想品德课内容枯燥,学起来没有兴趣。其实,任何一门学科都有其自身的特点,有其独特的学习方法和技巧,只要掌握了一定的方法和技巧,你就会学有所乐,学有所成。一、掌握科学的学习方法1.课前预习,有的放矢。预习是无师自通的桥梁,就形式而言,预习可以分为课前预习和阶段性预习、粗预习和精预习等。其中最重要的就是课前预习,搞好课前预习要求做到:  相似文献   

高中物理教师普遍不重视课前预习,严重影响到课堂教学的效果。课前预习可以使学生建立对基础知识的初步认识,提升课堂学习的效果。高中物理教师可以通过投放有效的预习资源、训练有用的预习技能、渗入适当的预习指导、收集精准的预习信息等预习干预策略帮助学生进行高效的课前预习。  相似文献   

提高远程开放教育质量,学习支持服务是重要的因素。探讨人才培养模式改革试点中建立,完善,推进,支持,健全学习支持服务系统的若干问题,加强教学与助学的媒体建设,加快开放教育手段现代化进程,以进一步在理论与实践上加强对这一问题的研究。  相似文献   

在疫情防控的关键时期,规模化在线学习是落实“停课不停学”的重要方式。与以往的在线学习相比,规模化在线学习在学习场所、学习任务、学习同伴、思维方式、评价方式等多个方面发生了转变。它是教育信息化实践的一次特殊尝试,同时,其也在重塑在线学习的价值,形成了一种全新的学习生态。为了了解我国规模化在线学习的现状、准备度等情况,运用问卷调查法,对全国3148名学生进行调查研究,调查结果显示:一是在线学习满意度较低,感知教师支持较高,在线学习准备度一般。其中,在线交互效能感最高,计算机自我效能感准备不足;二是人口学因素对规模化在线学习准备度有不同程度的影响,年级、所在区域、每天在线学习时长所带来的差异影响显著;三是在线学习态度、教师支持、计算机自我效能感、自我导向学习、学习动机、学习控制力、在线交互效能感等,正向影响学生的在线学习满意度。因此,要提高规模化在线学习效果,可以从提升师生信息素养、加强培养自主学习能力、改善家校互动模式、增强教师支持、关注农村和留守儿童的在线学习等方面着手。在后疫情时期,还应进一步思考“教师如何迎接在线学习”“学生如何学习”“如何设计在线课程和实现优质教育资源共享”“在线学习如何与线下学习有机融合”等问题。  相似文献   

Compared with research on the role of student engagement with expert representations in learning science, investigation of the use and theoretical justification of student-generated representations to learn science is less common. In this paper, we present a framework that aims to integrate three perspectives to explain how and why representational construction supports learning in science. The first or semiotic perspective focuses on student use of particular features of symbolic and material tools to make meanings in science. The second or epistemic perspective focuses on how this representational construction relates to the broader picture of knowledge-building practices of inquiry in this disciplinary field, and the third or epistemological perspective focuses on how and what students can know through engaging in the challenge of representing causal accounts through these semiotic tools. We argue that each perspective entails productive constraints on students’ meaning-making as they construct and interpret their own representations. Our framework seeks to take into account the interplay of diverse cultural and cognitive resources students use in these meaning-making processes. We outline the basis for this framework before illustrating its explanatory value through a sequence of lessons on the topic of evaporation.  相似文献   

This paper uses measurements of learning inequality to explore whether learning interventions that are aimed at improving means also reduce inequality, and if so, under what conditions. There is abundant evidence that learning levels are generally low in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC), but there is less knowledge about how learning achievement is distributed within these contexts, and especially about how these distributions change as mean levels increase. We use child-level data on foundational literacy outcomes to quantitatively explore whether and how learning inequality using metrics borrowed from the economics and inequality literature can help us understand the impact of learning interventions. The paper deepens recent work in several ways. First, it extends the analysis to six LMIC, displaying which measures are computable and coherent across contexts and baseline levels. This extension can add valuable information to program evaluation, without being redundant with other metrics. Second, we show the large extent to which the disaggregation of inequality of foundational skills between- and within-schools and grades varies by context and language. Third, we present initial empirical evidence that, at least in the contexts of analysis of foundational interventions, improving average performance can reduce inequality as well, across all levels of socioeconomic status (SES). The data show that at baseline, the groups with the highest internal inequality tend to be the groups with lowest SES and lowest reading scores, as inequality among the poor themselves is higher than among their wealthier counterparts. Regardless of which SES groups benefit more in terms of a change in mean levels of reading, there is still a considerable reduction in inequality by baseline achievement as means increase. These results have policy implications in terms of targeting of interventions: much can be achieved in terms of simultaneously improving averages and increasing equality. This seems particularly true when the initial learning levels are as low as they currently are the developing world.  相似文献   

基础化学实验的准备工作是化学教学的重要组成部分,完善的实验准备是实验成功的基础,是提高实验教学质量的重要环节。结合工作实践,对如何做好实验准备工作进行探讨。  相似文献   

邓捷 《三明学院学报》2004,21(3):127-132
在信息化社会中,如何利用好网络资源是我们在教学中应该探索的问题。在我校大型的网上教学支撑平台还没建成时,尝试我校音乐欣赏教学的课程整合,用层层推进的办法来建设网络辅助教学系统。此种做法比较适用于当前我校以课堂讲授为主、课后通过网络辅助复习的音乐欣赏教学。笔者对学校音乐欣赏教学资源的建设进行一些探索,同时也为今后建设教学资源库准备一些教学资源。  相似文献   

以协同学习为基础的学习技术系统,是一种能够适应当前网络时代社会结构和技术要求、满足社会变革和学习创新需要的新框架。基于试验研究和量化统计,分析了协同学习技术系统情境中的学习效果。结果表明,协同学习技术系统能够支持学习者之间或学习者与辅导者之间形成良好的交互,实现有较高程度的共享;并且支持培养学习者良好的团队合作精神,提高学习者的群体思维操作能力和多场协同学习的意识。  相似文献   

This special issue was designed to promote an integration of mobile and psychological theories of learning by inviting empirical research that draws upon both theoretical approaches to guide investigation into learning involving mobile devices. Five empirical articles illustrated how mobile devices afford resources to learners and how new channels of data afford researchers new insight into learning processes. Authors of two invited commentaries note the challenges involved in researching mobile learning, which unfolds across multiple contexts and can involve novel tools, multiple learners, and instructors and experts. These authors propose a taxonomy that can organize research that investigates interactions amongst learners, instructors, experts, and tools across one or more physical contexts, as well as a research agenda that would empirically test and refine assumptions made by mobile learning theorists. In this commentary, the editorial team proposes that mobile and psychological theories may be improved through convergence. Theories of mobile learning can be advanced by adopting practices previously employed to refine psychological theories of learning, whereas conducting research using mobile devices (and the data they provide) can further refine psychological theories of learning. We illustrate these positions with examples, and consider how instruction must be designed and how learners must be prepared in order to benefit from learning using mobile technology.  相似文献   

Tools for automatic grading programming assignments, also known as Online Judges, have been widely used to support computer science (CS) courses. Nevertheless, few studies have used these tools to acquire and analyse interaction data to better understand the students’ performance and behaviours, often due to data availability or inadequate granularity. To address this problem, we propose an Online Judge called CodeBench, which allows for fine-grained data collection of student interactions, at the level of, eg, keystrokes, number of submissions, and grades. We deployed CodeBench for 3 years (2016–18) and collected data from 2058 students from 16 introductory computer science (CS1) courses, on which we have carried out fine-grained learning analytics, towards early detection of effective/ineffective behaviours regarding learning CS concepts. Results extract clear behavioural classes of CS1 students, significantly differentiated both semantically and statistically, enabling us to better explain how student behaviours during programming have influenced learning outcomes. Finally, we also identify behaviours that can guide novice students to improve their learning performance, which can be used for interventions. We believe this work is a step forward towards enhancing Online Judges and helping teachers and students improve their CS1 teaching/learning practices.  相似文献   

The present paper thoroughly examines how one can effectively bridge in-school and out-of-school learning. The first part discusses the difficulty in defining out-of-school learning. It proposes to distinguish three types of learning: formal, informal, and non-formal. The second part raises the question of whether out-of-school learning should be dealt with in the in-school system, in view of the fact that we experience informal learning anyway as well as considering the disadvantages and difficulties teachers are confronted with when planning and carrying out scientific fieldtrips. The voices of the teachers, the students, and the non-formal institution staff are heard to provide insights into the problem. The third part discusses the cognitive and affective aspects of non-formal learning. The fourth part presents some models explaining scientific fieldtrip learning and based on those models, suggests a novel explanation. The fifth part offers some recommendations of how to bridge in and out-of-school learning. The paper closes with some practical ideas as to how one can bring the theory described in the paper into practice. It is hoped that this paper will provide educators with an insight so that they will be able to fully exploit the great potential that scientific field trips may offer. This paper appears as a chapter in: Eshach, H. (2006). Science Literacy in Primary Schools and Pre-Schools, Netherlands: Springer.  相似文献   

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