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日本企业在创新国际化上表现出与欧美企业不同的特色,本文对日本国际化大公司的专利进行分析从而观察其是否遵循异质互补的国际共识。研究选取五个日本国际化大公司和两个美国参照公司的专利作为讨论重点,并配合对全部电学领域专利的分析,考察日本企业的创新特征。本文的分析得出虽然日本企业在创新国际化上有明显的创新向心化倾向,但对资源寻求和能力互补战略的运用并不落后于美国的国际化大公司。本文的研究对于中国企业的启示是不应只看到日本企业在创新国际化中落后的一面,更应注重从其变化的趋势中思考企业创新战略。  相似文献   

阮梅花  孙继林 《现代情报》2010,30(10):52-57,60
本文构建了集成创新的过程模式,并以这个模式为基础,提出专利情报在各个阶段的应用措施,具体包括:分析技术发展趋势确保企业选择了正确的创新方向,达到战略集成;建立相关专利数据库、分析专利引文,促进企业知识集成;分析专利技术领域,并查阅、参考相关的专利说明书中的产品规格和技术标准,提高企业技术集成;通过专利分析识别竞争对手、了解竞争对手的技术构成及其实力,辅助企业制定创新产品的商业化策略;通过专利分析寻找合适的合作伙伴、发现重要客户或供应商,加强组织间的交流与合作,实现组织集成。专利情报不仅可以为企业提供重要的技术信息,而且还能提供法律和经济方面的信息,是企业集成创新的利器。  相似文献   

企业创新网络的自组织演化模型   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
 基于企业在创新合作活动中的理性决策行为,建立创新网络动态演化模型。运用复杂网络研究中的数值仿真方法,研究创新网络的动态演化规律、企业间的知识溢出与网络结构的关系。研究放宽了创新网络博弈论文献对网络结构的不合理假定,同时又赋予网络演化一定的经济含义。研究发现:创新网络可自组织演化至稳定状态;知识溢出效率的提高可增进行业的收益水平,并激励企业积极地参与创新合作,但过高的效率值会加剧企业间收益分配的不平等;知识溢出效率不影响企业合作规模的分布;稳定状态下的创新网络为小世界网络,具有高的聚集系数和短的平均路径长度,但其并非利用效率最高的网络安排。  相似文献   

裴瑱彭飞  杨国豪 《科研管理》2021,42(12):185-194
   种植历史影响了区域文化,区域文化的不同影响了群体信任进而影响协作创新。文章基于 “南稻北麦”理论解释文化差异,使用 2007—2014年间16 795个中国上市公司专利数据,实证检验了区域文化差异对企业协作创新的影响。实证结果表明:水稻文化形成的群体信任对企业创新有很大帮助,但是相对于发明专利和实用新型专利,这种正面效应更主要体现在外形设计专利上,尤其是对长期的累积有效专利和民营上市公司的创新具有更显著的促进作用。小麦文化形成的一般性信任对于国有上市公司的实用新型专利更有促进作用,并且政府对创新的支持有更强的累积效应;各省份政府R&D资助对于发明专利的贡献要依次高于实用新型专利和外观设计专利,对于国有企业创新的贡献要高于民营企业。各种检验均表明本文结论具有稳健性。因此,政府应不断加强文化建设,积极传承文化,鼓励协作创新,重视文化因素在企业创新中的作用;坚持加大对创新、对R&D的投入,完善科技投入的稳定增长机制。在关系国家创新能力的发明创造方面,还需要中央政府和地方政府合力重点支持大型国有企业,增强国企及其经营者的危机感和使命感,激发其创新精神。  相似文献   

论企业竞争力与企业专利战略   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
肖洪 《情报科学》2004,22(8):951-954
本文在企业竞争力和企业专利战略两个重要问题的结合点上展开论述,以提高企业竞争力为出发点,分别讨论了企业专利战略中的法律战略、技术战略、信息战略.  相似文献   

企业面临着动态的竞争环境,信息技术的快速发展、技术交叉与渗透加强、技术贸易政策的变化都影响着企业的专利战略和竞争行为.在动态环境下,企业可以针对特定技术/项目、特定竞争对手,以专利为核心,分别进行点、线、面、立体式的跟踪监测与分析,从而为企业专利战略分析及整体战略服务.  相似文献   

全球技术竞争已经从单体技术竞争转变为共性技术竞争、从企业核心技术竞争转变为行业共性技术竞争;"平台性"和"创新繁殖性"作为共性技术的核心特征,对共性技术的溢出和扩散提出了特别的要求。针对现有"共性技术"研究往往向前看,而将"共性技术溢出"视为自然而然的不足,本文以373家战略性新兴企业为研究样本,考察企业的专利合作网络特征对其共性技术溢出的影响,结果发现:企业专利合作网络规模与共性技术溢出间呈倒U型关系;企业专利合作网络相对中心度对共性技术溢出有显著的正向影响;技术专有性在专利合作网络规模-共性技术溢出、以及专利合作网络相对中心度-共性技术溢出间均存在负向调节效应。本文的研究推动了对专利合作网络与共性技术溢出绩效间关系的认识,也对企业构建恰当的专利合作网络与技术专有性、从而推动共性技术研发及溢出提供了启示和建议。  相似文献   

庄越  于蓉 《科学学研究》2013,31(11):1736-1743
 合作创新项目因其跨组织合作的特征,面临较大的关系风险。本文通过对关系风险认知、项目风险治理的理论回顾,提出了基于项目团队合作范式、风险治理结构,以及团队创新行为三要素的合作创新项目关系风险治理模型;基于来自国有控股高技术企业、跨国合资公司及高等学校为主导的三个合作创新项目团队的跨案例分析,证实了关系风险从感知、评估到控制的治理,对应三要素嵌入到合作团队创新管理中的过程,揭示了其中存在的内在关联;研究发现,基于三个合作创新团队合作方式、制度背景与文化氛围的差异,对关系风险治理的效果也产生较大的影响,进而揭示了关系风险治理中,项目团队嵌入管理的具体策略与现实路径。  相似文献   

随着科技全球化的深入发展,创新合作已经成为国内外研究的前沿和热点议题。本文以包括中国在内的世界40个主要国家2011-2015年的专利国际合作数据为分析对象,运用社会网络分析方法,分析中国在国际创新合作网络中的地位和角色。研究结果表明:中国在国际创新合作网络中的地位稳步提升,已经居于网络的核心地位,并且处于结构洞的位置,但在信息资源的获取和创新合作的开展方面仍然会受到来自美国、德国等发达国家的限制;在全球范围内,中国与欧美日创新合作的联系程度要明显高于其他国家或地区,说明“欧美日”三角框架是中国全球创新合作的重要组成部分,中国在全球创新资源的布局也偏向于这三个区域。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]在国际科技创新合作的大背景下,构建一种基于专利引用耦合2-模网分析的情报学方法,用于揭示国家间的创新合作机会。[方法/过程]用专利引用耦合关系映射创新主体对特定技术对象的“共同关注”机制,基于“共同关注”所蕴涵的潜在技术关联,揭示未来的创新合作机会。具体步骤:构建两国间的专利引用耦合2-模网;多重计量中心性、结构洞、关联强度等指标,综合定位两国共同关注的特定领域节点;以特定领域节点为“技术桥接”,在技术价值链上揭示两国间可能存在的创新合作机会。[结果/结论]基于专利引用耦合2-模网分析的国家间创新合作机会揭示方法,经中—波两国间的案例实证为有效。[局限]计量指标阈值设置的合理性、实验样本的广泛性、验证方法的有效性还有待进一步提高。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(7):104556
Firms use a variety of practices to disclose the knowledge generated by their R&D activities, including, but not limited to, publishing findings in scientific journals, patenting new technologies, and contributing to developing standards. While the individual effects of engaging in the listed practices on firm innovation are well-understood, the existing literature has not considered their interrelation. Therefore, our study examines if the three practices are complements, substitutes, or unrelated in terms of firms’ performance with product innovations new to the market. Our analysis builds on a sample of innovation-active firms from the German Community Innovation Survey, which includes information on the development of standards, enhanced with information on firms' engagement in patenting and publishing. We find that 26% of innovation-active firms engage in at least one of the three practices, and 22% of engaging firms combine them. Using supermodularity tests, we show that publishing and patenting as well as patenting and developing standards are substitutes. Publishing and developing standards are not significantly linked. Based on our findings, we derive implications for innovation management and policy.  相似文献   

论文基于2014年“一带一路”倡议实施,以我国2011—2017年进行对外直接投资的上市企业为样本,采用双重差分模型检验“一带一路”倡议对企业创新效率的影响及其动态演变过程,并基于风险容忍的视角分析具体作用机制。研究结果表明,“一带一路”倡议的实施短期来看显著提高了企业的创新投入;长期来看也显著提升了企业的创新产出和创新效率。在进一步分析该影响的动态演变过程后,研究发现,自2014年以来“一带一路”倡议对企业创新投入、创新产出和创新效率的边际动态影响整体呈逐年递增趋势。在控制行业因素和企业个体固定效应的影响后,结论保持不变。最后,论文基于风险容忍的视角,将东道国和企业因素纳入“一带一路”倡议影响企业创新效率的分析框架中。研究发现不同的宗教文化影响了东道国风险容忍度,伊斯兰宗教文化更加偏好金融风险规避,其风险容忍度较低,对“一带一路”倡议的作用产生显著差异;而多元化的经营战略决策提高了企业风险容忍度,更有利于发挥“一带一路”倡议的促进作用。本文不仅肯定了“一带一路”倡议实施对企业创新效率的促进作用,还拓展了“一带一路”倡议与企业创新的相关研究,对参与“一带一路”建设的企业如何以经济合作促进创新发展、进一步加快建设创新型国家具有重要的理论意义和实践借鉴。  相似文献   

基于浙江省数百家高科技企业的创新管理数据,本研究发现领导者创新意识确立、创新文化建设、创新制度完善、研发机构设立、研发经费投入以及产学研项目合作是企业推进创新工作的主要方式。实证检验结果显示创新软环境对于企业技术进步、效益提升和创新能力均有显著的积极影响,研发机构建设对企业技术进步和效益提升均有显著贡献,研发资金投入则对企业技术进步有显著正向影响。当企业面临激烈的市场竞争时,创新软环境对企业创新能力提升有更为积极的促进作用,同时产学研合作对于企业效益提升与创新能力表现出显著的正向影响。本研究进一步调查分析影响企业技术创新绩效的主要因素以及目前企业所面临的最大的困难,更为全面的展示当下我国高科技企业的创新与发展现状。  相似文献   

Marcus Wagner   《Research Policy》2007,36(10):1587-1602
This paper analyses empirically the relationship between environmental innovations, environmental management and patenting. In particular it tests a number of propositions on how environmental management systems and the interaction with environmentally more or less concerned stakeholders are associated with the probability of firms to pursue innovation in general (measured as patenting behaviour) and specifically environmental innovation (measured based on firm self-assessment and through patent data). In applying a negative binomial as well as binary discrete choice models the relationship is studied using data on German manufacturing firms. As a novel and important insight, the study finds that environmental innovation can be meaningfully identified using patent data and that environmental innovation defined this way is less ubiquitous than self-reported environmental innovation. It also reveals that the implementation level of environmental management systems has a positive effect exclusively on environmental process innovation, whereas it is negatively associated with the level of a firms’ general patenting activities. For environmental product innovation and patented environmental innovations a positive relationship with environmentally concerned and a negative link with environmentally neutral stakeholders is found.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2019,48(7):1798-1808
Much has been said about the role that technological networking activities play on the innovative performance of firms, but little is known about how the regional context influences the efficiency of such networking activities. In this paper we hypothesize that the transformation of firms’ networking activities into innovation may vary depending on the regional environment in which the firm is located. For Spanish manufactures in the period 2000-12 and through the use of a multilevel framework, we obtain that after controlling for the firm’s characteristics, the regional context has not only a direct effect on firms’ innovation performance, but it also conditions the returns to firms’ networking activities, although differently in the case of cooperation and outsourcing. Cooperating in innovation activities is more beneficial for those firms located in a knowledge intensive region, whereas R&D outsourcing seems to be more profitable for firms in regions with a low knowledge pool.  相似文献   

研究企业“走出去”寻求更高技术对生产率提升具有重要意义。基于对外直接投资(OFDI)技术寻求动机视角采用中国OFDI企业数据对此实证研究。结果表明:(1)OFDI技术寻求动机越强跨国企业生产率越高,即向技术创新水平越高的国家投资越能够提高企业生产率。(2)OFDI技术寻求动机对企业生产率的影响不仅具有企业异质性而且在东道国与地区异质性上也存在差异。由此,本文认为向技术创新水平越高的国家投资寻求更高技术可成为提升企业生产率的重要途径;同时,企业实施“走出去”寻求技术应考虑异质性影响,做到分类实施。  相似文献   

This paper extends the line of research attempting to link innovation to economic growth by addressing some unexplored questions. Using global patent data, this paper empirically investigates the importance of both the quantity and quality of innovation on economic growth, controlling for past measures of inventive inputs. Moreover, our research examines how innovation inputs can be translated into per capita growth under the various economic structures and stages of economic development. Based on a sample of 58 countries for the period 1980–2003, our empirical results indicate that countries hosting firms with higher quality patents also have higher economic growth. Furthermore, we have some evidence that those countries that increase the level of patenting also witness a concomitant increase in economic growth.  相似文献   

赵剑波  杨震宁  王以华 《科研管理》2012,33(2):11-17,78
本文主要研究在强调企业"自主创新"的政策环境下,政府的作用对于集群内部企业的创新行为有什么重要的影响,并分析和比较不同的企业规模以及不同性质集群内部的企业的创新绩效。本文调研了国内不同区域的企业集群,并对回收的量表采用回归分析,分析的结果显示集群内部规模较小的企业比大规模企业有较高的创新水平;软件工业园性质的企业集群比其他性质的集群创新水平要高;政府的直接帮助政策并不能够提高集群内部企业的创新水平,而政府对于集群内部竞争环境的创造和维护、以及增加集群地域吸引力和加强信息服务的一些政府措施,则有利于提高集群内部企业的技术和创新能力。  相似文献   

This study explores competitors’ engagement in innovation communities. Some view working with competitors as a risky endeavour, some see it as potentially beneficial and others take it as something in-between. We address this issue by posing two questions: (1) why do rival firms cooperate, compete or ‘coopete’ (a syncretic approach); and (2) how do rival firms engage in these activities? To achieve this, we first review the relevant literature to construct conceptual arguments, and then investigate three innovation communities in the UK. The findings concern the importance of common and conflicting interests as fundamental drivers of a firm’s cooperative and competitive stance in an innovation community. While a ‘win–win’ strategy has been over-emphasised, data reveal that the fear of ‘lose–lose’ is vital to drive firm cooperation. Finally, our study suggests that rival relationships link to a strategic incentive alignment between common and conflicting interests; that is, rivals cooperate when common interests are higher, and compete on other occasions. Data seem to suggest that in a conflicting situation firms often maximise their private benefits at the expense of common interests. Data also suggest that this alignment varies in different innovation stages and in both an inter-organisational and an intra-organisational setting. This paper contributes to the existing work on the competitive/relational strategy of firms in the innovation space.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(1):104654
We examine the effect of social policies on corporate innovation using India's mandatory Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) regulation. This regulation mandates firms with pre-tax profits above a certain threshold to spend 2 % of the profits on CSR. We demonstrate a significant bunching of companies just below the profit threshold post-regulation compared to the pre-regulation period. Firms close to the profit threshold manipulate their earnings to avoid compliance by increasing their R&D expenses. We show that, on average, firms that increase R&D expenses to avoid the regulation apply for one more patent and announce two new products. The increase in R&D expenses and patenting is concentrated in firms with a prior history of innovation. Our results suggest that social policies can generate indirect incentives for innovation.  相似文献   

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