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正当我死时,葬我,在长江与黄河之间枕我的头颅,白发盖着黑土在中国,最美最母亲的国度我便坦然睡去……余光中:《当我死时》"西湖的美是永恒的"余光中先生和杭州渊源颇深。他对西湖情有独钟,多次来到杭州,还跟妻子一起来"寻根"。2011年春,他在杭州接受了浙江大学传媒与国际文化学院客座教授的聘书,从此成为了一位"浙大人"。次年金秋,他在夫人的陪同下来杭州,参加了2012西湖国际诗会。诗友们  相似文献   

正20岁帅哥主厨爱上杭州姑娘,从新加坡追到杭州。准备一直在杭州,还是说有其他计划?梁隆基对这个问题有点不理解:"为什么要走?我太太在杭州啊,我当然也在这里了。"之前去杭州西子湖四季酒店的中餐厅时,就有人告诉我,隔壁做西餐的WL Bistro西湖餐厅有一位新加坡来的大厨,还专门推出了新加坡菜单,而且"是个帅哥哦"。我立刻拿出小本子,决意与帅哥好好聊  相似文献   

孙钥 《文化交流》2012,(12):56-58
2010年底,一场"元代杭州研究论坛"让大家看到了一个"失落在历史烟云中的繁华富丽天堂"。元代杭州,是当时世界上规模最大和最富庶的大都市之一。2012年夏秋之际,我在杭州文史研究会牵头召开的杭州凤凰寺藏阿拉伯文和波斯文古碑释读评审会上了解到一个新情况:由世界顶尖专家初步转译释读出的铭文显示,早在700年前,杭州已是一座具有高度国际化的大都市。可是,为什么这批阿拉伯文和波斯文墓碑会出现在杭州?  相似文献   

祝金生 《文化交流》2008,(10):26-29
1992年8月的一天,我走进乌鲁木齐东郊的一座幽静大院子,拜访了西部民歌之父王洛宾。他听说我从浙江来,忙说"我和浙江是有缘分的"。他告诉我,他曾祖父是浙江人,在绍兴卖茶叶蛋的。他还说他22岁毕业于北京师大音乐系,第二年游过杭州,西湖美丽的山水使他陶醉。岁月已流逝大半个世纪,然而谈起西湖,他依然陶醉在记忆中,喃喃道:"杭州是天堂,西湖太美了,勾人魂魄的!"  相似文献   

正前几天,去了趟傅伯星先生家,主要为了送一张摄影师肖全给他拍的照片。去年夏天,肖全来杭州拍200个杭州人,特意跑到了傅伯星家,“我请他转身坐在自己的画作面前,他的身体一半在南宋,一半在杂乱的书桌前,盯着我的镜头抿嘴一笑。南宋的遗风就在眼前。”肖全当时这样说。重画南宋西湖三十景一些老杭州应该知道傅伯星的名字。上世纪80年代,傅伯星还在《浙江  相似文献   

正很多年前备战高考的时候,有很长一段时间,我都在杭州图书馆自学。直到现在我都还记得,图书馆阅览室正面墙上的壁画里,绘有十一只半仙鹤。于我而言,那时候在图书馆美妙极了,简直是在天堂——人少、安静、与世隔绝,虽然走出图书馆大门,就是杭州闹市中心浣纱路。多年以后,当我听到博尔赫斯那句著名的诗"我,总是在想象着天堂/是一座图书馆的模样",就不禁回想起那段岁  相似文献   

杨小亥 《文化交流》2013,(12):28-31
10月20日,深秋的湖边,迟桂花飘散着最后的香气。在庭院深深的杭州名人纪念馆里,我倾听了一次独特的讲座。  相似文献   

作为一个外国留学生,我选择在杭州学习的主要原因,是因为它曾经是中国的故都之一,又是一个风景优美的城市,古代有许多诗人用诗词赞美杭州,我被诗句所描写的杭州深深吸引着。原以为到了杭州就可以看到南宋皇宫和众多的遗迹,但当我来到杭州欣赏了美丽的西湖风光之后,却没有找到像北京、西安、南京那样保存较多的历史遗迹,我感到非常惋惜。于是我选修了南宋京城杭州遗迹考察这门课。虽然考察这个题目有很多困难,最明显的是时代距离。历史上南宋时代的皇城已不复存在了,我们只能想象它以前的模  相似文献   

栗子 《文化交流》2016,(6):34-36
正"美丽的杭州是我家,杭州杭州我爱她……"一首悦耳动听的儿歌,七只风格迥异的彩色小鸡,融入了城市符号的卡通片,近日来风靡了整个杭城。这部60秒钟的短片正是杭州市公布的G20动漫宣传片,它以"展现杭州特色,传递峰会喜讯"为初衷,讲述了彩虹小鸡引导外国友人游玩杭州的故事。  相似文献   

正这是我第一次到杭州,虽然以前也曾听到和读到过很多关于杭州的故事。和我所期望的一样,这里的人们热情好客。我以《中国与俄罗斯》杂志主编的身份,受邀参加了首届浙江省国际友城媒体合作传播论坛。我们的杂志创刊至今已经整整10年了。当然,在这些年里,我不止一次到中国各省游览、拜访。可是,这是我第一次到杭州,虽然以前也曾听到和读到过很多关于杭州的故事。  相似文献   

Kreimer  Pablo  Lugones  Manuel 《Minerva》2003,41(1):47-69
The first Latin American molecularbiology laboratory came onto the scientificscene in Argentina in early 1957, only to bedismantled in 1962, following a ministerialchange. This paper explores the social,political, institutional, and cognitiveinteractions present in this short experience,and assesses their importance in understandingthe development of a new scientific field in a`peripheral context'.  相似文献   

Cultivation of taste and bounded rationality: Some computer simulations   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
One can approach the economics of the arts, as any field of applied economics, in either of two ways. First, one can treat economic theory and econometric technique as subjects settled by specialists in those fields, to be used in the ec onomics of the arts as they are given, very much as if one were studying the demand for maize. Alternatively, one can treat the economics of the arts as a field which may need and suggest its own developments in theory and technique, suitable to its spec ial problems and processes, from which general economic theory and econometric theory might in principle learn something. Perhaps this latter view is implausible, given the high state of development of economic theory and econometrics in the modern liter ature. Yet many of the advances embodied in these fields have come from particular areas of application-and the economics of maize has been a particularly fertile field.I am indebted to participants in the Seventh International Conference on Cultural Economics, Fort Worth, Texas, October 1992; to p articipants in the Seminar on the Economics of the Arts, Venice, Italy, December 1992; to participants in the conference of the Pennsylvania Economists' Association, Wiles-Barre, PA, June, 1993; to participants in the second conference on Simulating Soci eties, Siena, Italy, July 1993; to participants in the conference of the Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics, Rensselaerville, NY, August 1993; and to participants in the Third Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Economics and Manage ment, Portland, OR, August 1993, for useful comments on topics related to the research reported in this paper. Errors and omissions are, of course, attributable to the author.  相似文献   


This study illustrates the narrative construction of diasporic refugee identities in times of sociopolitical tensions. Specifically, this paper is concerned with how Iraqi refugees living in the United States constituted their identities through narrating in times of the War in Iraq. Gergen's social constructionist approach towards narrating and current theorizing in diaspora studies build the theoretical bases for the analysis. Narratives were collected through participant observations, interviews, and group discussion in the Pacific Northwest of the United States before, during, and after combat operations in Iraq were declared to be over by President Bush. The paper answers three questions. First, which events triggered the construction of Iraqi refugee identities in the United States? Second, what is the role of narrating in constituting Iraqi identities? Third, do the Iraqi narrators construct diasporic imaginations and if so, how? The findings show that the narrative construction of being Iraqi and a refugee was a relational achievement and situated response. The respondents constructed imaginations of transnational communities that included Iraqis in Iraq, Iraqis in refugee camps, and Iraqis in the United States. By integrating their emerging political voices in the United States with their political resistor identities in Iraq, the narrators made salient transnational links between being Iraqi, a displaced person, and a member of U.S. society, disrupted political discourses about Iraqis in the United States, and affirmed moral values.  相似文献   

The growth of employment in audiovisual andperforming arts activities during a ten year period(1981–1992) in France and in Great Britain was theresult of a double tendency: An increasing number ofindividuals with cultural occupations working incultural industries and structural changes in thelabour market (more flexible workforce, increasingfragmentation of work opportunities). Qualitativedifferences emerged between both countries, leading totwo different forms of flexibility. Full timeemployment decreased in France, while it increased inGreat Britain with, during the same period, aconsiderable growth of self-employment.This paper explores different hypotheses forexplaining such a divergence. It concedes that thestrategies of organisations, and especially the risingnumber of adhocracies (according to Mintzberg'stypology) rather the choices of workers trying tooptimise their earnings were responsible. Publicpolicies played also a central role. In Great Britainthe Enterprise Allowance Scheme, and in France, thespecific Social Security benefit for artistscontributed to the increase in self employment in thefirst case, and in temporary employment in the othercase.  相似文献   

Financial imagination plays a fundamental, yet ambivalent role in the establishment of hierarchies within and between business schools, and in business life at large. This study examines this process in the ‘middle tier’ of business education: that is, in the social space in which students and instructors understand themselves to occupy a ‘mid-range’ position within an order of excellence and success. Largely articulated through business school rankings, this order strongly relies on the centrality of the financial curriculum, proficiency in which is understood as both a proxy for smartness and a sign of moneymaking capacity. In the ‘middle tier’, this order manifests in the form of an anxiety: an order that, though legitimate, is thought not to be attained, or hardly attainable. The study draws from ethnographic investigation in a ‘middle tier’ business school with attention to how finance is made sense of in relation to an alternative curriculum, and in connection with the aim of ‘making it to the top’. A comparison with a ‘top tier’ business school allows furthering understanding of how the order of business schools relies on the anxiety of finance in order to reproduce an acquiescence to dominant financial imagination.  相似文献   

盈盈活水话文明—访萧山中国水利博物馆   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国水利博物馆位于杭州市萧山区新围镇顺坝旧围垦区. 一个国字头的博物馆为何会落户这里,有何内在背景?记者专门做了探访.萧山在钱塘江入海口杭州湾的上游,是宁绍平原的尾声,却也是浙东运河的发端,有史记载,春秋越国以来水利发达,科技与文化积淀深厚,建馆此地自然而然.这诚如全国政协文史和学习委员会原副主任、浙江省政协原主席刘枫的题词所言:“传承水利文明,推动水利和社会发展.”  相似文献   

高原 《文化交流》2009,(8):70-74
甘肃祁连山下山丹大马营草原上,有一个奇特的大家庭,全家20多口人,来自3个民族,有5个姓氏。他们原本出身极其贫寒,又遭遇接连不断的人生灾难,于是同病相怜,走到一起,并把心中固有的善和深深的爱,毫不保留地奉献给了这个新组合的家庭,写下了一个人间少有的美丽故事。  相似文献   

The paper introduces a concept of a ‘negotiated space’ to describe university researchers’ attempts to balance pragmatically, continually and dynamically over time, their own agency and autonomy in the selection of research topics and pursuit of scientific research to filter out the explicit steering and tacit signals of external research funding agencies and university strategies and policies. We develop this concept to explore the degree of autonomy researchers in fact have in this process and draw on semi-structured interview material with research group leaders in Finland and the UK, in the former in seven research fields, in the latter in two fields. First, the analysis reveals that topic selection is strongly filtered by the intra-scientific factors. In topic selection researchers have more leeway, a broader negotiated space than in research content, that is, in the ways in which they pursue their research, which are more affected by funding opportunities and other contextual matters. Second, the ways which affect researchers’ agency include individual- and more aggregate-level acts and factors: at the individual level, researchers resort to different strategies to create a negotiated space, but at the more aggregate level field-specific factors play a role. In fields with multiple funding opportunities, which we call ‘shopping mall’ fields, researchers can have a broader negotiated space than in fields where funding is more based on ‘lottery’. In the latter, the researchers’ negotiated space is narrow and contingent on the outcome of the funders’ decisions.  相似文献   


This article investigates how cultural businesses may facilitate contentious political activity in authoritarian contexts. Existing research in Western liberal democracies has shown the widespread political activism of actors in the cultural and creative industries. Whether such activism exists in authoritarian society, how it may differ in character and form, and what implications this will have for our understanding of relations between business, politics, and culture in authoritarian countries remain to be addressed. Drawing on data collected from 55 ‘independent bookshops’ in China, I illustrate how these organisations perform ‘cultural politics,’ a type of political participation in which actors employ mainly symbolic means to express social and political concerns. The organisations’ economic relations and conditions facilitate their efforts to create spaces in which contentious questions can be raised, sensitive topics explored, and alternative ideas expressed, despite the Chinese state’s political regulation of the cultural sphere. The finding of the economic embeddedness of cultural politics sheds new light on our understanding of the political economy of cultural businesses in contemporary China.  相似文献   

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