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The American Kinesiology Association has constructed an undergraduate core for degree programs that reside in kinesiology-based academic units. Since many Physical Education Teacher Education programs are housed in such units, there is a need to prioritize the areas of the undergraduate core, particularly the place of the scientific dimensions of physical activity and the practice of physical activity, in Physical Education Teacher Education curricula. Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s philosophy of the lived body is employed to (a) challenge the predominant inclusion of the scientific dimensions of physical activity in teacher preparation curricula and (b) suggest that preservice physical education teachers need “lived body knowledge” of the subject matter to teach physical education. Lived body knowledge is skillful and meaningful engagement in dance, exercise, games, play, and/or sport. It is then argued that the practice of physical activity deserves a significant presence in Physical Education Teacher Education curricula.  相似文献   

本文采用文献资料法、访谈研究法,比较分析法.主要对全国高等体育院校体育艺术表演专业的开展与吉林体育学院的现状进行调查与分析,找出高等体育院校体育艺术表演专业发展的方向和优势所在,分析吉林体育学院专业设置的现状和有利条件,提出在吉林体育学院开设体育艺术表演专业的可行性。经过科学的调查及分析,我院有必要也有能力增设体育艺术表演专业,希望本文能够对我院申办体育艺术表演专业和吉林省体育事业的发展提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

采用文献资料调查、问卷调查等研究方法,对商洛市基层中学体育教学的基础设施、体育教师的基本情况、教学文件现状以及有关方面进行调查、分析.针对问题提出建立保障体系,加强体育文化、观念的形成,依靠经济的发展来带动体育的发展等建议.  相似文献   

The International Charter for Physical Education, Physical Activity, and Sport clearly states that vested agencies must participate in creating a strategic vision and identify policy options and priorities that enable the fundamental right for all people to participate in meaningful physical activity across their life course. Physical literacy is a rapidly evolving concept being used in policy making, but it has been limited by pre-existing and sometimes biased interpretations of the construct. The aim of this article is to present a new model of physical literacy policy considerations for key decision makers in the fields of public health, recreation, sport, and education. Internationally debated definitions of physical literacy and the wider construct of literacy were reviewed in order to establish common pillars of physical literacy in an applicable policy model. This model strives to be consistent with international understandings of what “physical literacy” is, and how it can be used to achieve established and developing public health, recreation, sport, and educative goals.  相似文献   

普通高校体育课分级教学是对传统的以行政班为单位进行体育教学的改革,将体育运动技能水平相当的学生划分在同一班级,有利于教师因材施教。实践证明改革充分挖掘了学生的潜能,激发了学生学习体育的自主性和主体性,提高了教学效率,并增强了学生的体育意识,但同时也存在一些问题。因此,采取一定的有效措施,使这一分级教学真正达到教与学相长的目的,对新世纪我国普通高校体育教学改革具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

在知识经济时代,高校体育教学加强改革、实施素质教育十分必要.体育课程是在身体活动过程中将身心和谐发展、思想品德、文化科学、生活与体育技能教育有机结合的教育过程,是实施素质教育、培养人才全面发展的重要途径,提高体育教师队伍的整体素质,优化高校体育教学模式是实施素质教育的主渠道,切实采取实际措施加强实践十分必要.  相似文献   

以整体观、科学现的思想探索体育新课程标准教学过程的设计,使体育教学真正成为一门具有创造性、规范性、艺术性的学科是当前教学改革和创新重要内容。文章用逻辑思维法理性分析了体育“新课标”教学设计的特点、指导思想、基本方法和基本要求。提出了执行新课程标准的体育教学过程设计应该以整体化的思想。“工程设计”式的思雏去考虑教学综合效果。同时把教学思想作为课程设计的核心,教学方法作为课程设计的重点的观点。  相似文献   

Considerable literature has been written over the last decade which indicates that the National Curriculum for Physical Education in England and Wales is being delivered ineffectively in primary schools. This paper discusses the key issues currently faced within primary PE and identifies why within Physical Education, primary matters appear to be of secondary importance, despite research indicating that such a stage of schooling holds the key to lifelong physical activity and proficiency in more complex activities such as sport. It is argued that to create a more successful model of PE and sport within the UK there needs to be a shifting of priorities and resources into the primary sector and the creation of a ‘bottom-up’ model, rather than continue to pursue policies that are ‘top-down’ in nature.  相似文献   

重庆市地方普通高校体育系发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用献资料、专家访谈和调查等方法进行研究,结果表明:重庆市地方高校体育系在师资队伍建设、专业结构调整、教学设施建设以及高校体育产业化等方面面临诸多困难和问题。建议:强化定位;大力改善师资结构,提高师资水平;在发展中处理好规模、结构、质量、效益之间的关系;搞好体育基础设施建设;积极稳妥地推进高校体育产业化。  相似文献   

K-12阶段的学校体育是美国国民体育的基石,它主要在美国健康、体育、休闲与舞蹈协会和国家竞技与体育协会这两个专业机构的引领下获得发展。20世纪50年代以来,美国K-12阶段学校体育的发展时有起伏,并呈现出"钟摆式"的运动轨迹。其发展过程对于推动中国学校体育事业的发展有一定启示。  相似文献   

Physical education programs in colleges/universities have been called on to provide students with opportunities to develop an appreciation for, and increase participation in, lifetime physical activity. Higher Education Physical Activity Programs (HEPAPs) have evolved over the past 100 years in response to changing societal and institutional expectations. The purpose of this article is to celebrate the long history of HEPAPs and recommend innovative strategies for program development that will maintain their position as a valued aspect of campus life. After tracing the historical roots and trends of HEPAPs, the authors suggest (a) adopting a public health perspective, (b) applying theoretical models as a framework for program development, (c) focusing on meaningful learner engagement, and (d) employing learner-centered instructional approaches. Within these overall themes, specific recommendations for program improvement are provided, including the use of alternative content areas, model-based instruction, universal design, instructional technology, and professional development for faculty/staff.  相似文献   

This paper considers the ways in which the interactive whiteboard may support and enhance pedagogic practice through whole‐class teaching within literacy and numeracy. Data collected from observations of whole‐class lessons, alongside individual interviews and focus group discussions with class teachers and Initial Teacher Education students, has provided opportunities to consider the potential of such technology to facilitate a more creative approach to whole‐class teaching. The data suggests that, in the first instance, the special features of information and communications technology such as interactivity, ‘provisionality,’ speed, capacity and range enhance the delivery and pace of the session. This research seems to indicate that it is the skill and the professional knowledge of the teacher who mediates the interaction, and facilitates the development of pupils' creative responses at the interface of technology, which is critical to the enhancement of the whole‐class teaching and learning processes.  相似文献   

潘临东 《成才之路》2020,(8):136-137
高中生学习压力比较大,要有充沛的精力学习,就要有良好的身体素质。体育教师要应用阳光体育理念,提高学生思想认识,激发学生锻炼兴趣;全面解读课程标准,合理选择课堂教学内容;结合多媒体手段教学,丰富课堂教学,提高体育教学质量,增强学生体质,为学生快乐学习和健康成长提供保障。  相似文献   

杨政 《成才之路》2020,(6):14-15
在素质教育背景下,大学体育进行教学改革有着非常积极的意义。文章针对素质教育下大学体育的教学要求及发展问题进行分析,并探讨素质教育下大学体育教学改革的优化策略,为相关的教育人员提供一些参考,共同促进大学体育教学改革的有效落实。  相似文献   

The following is a one-act play containing a dialogue between two physical education and sport science professors (Metzler, 1994) as they travel back from the 1995 NAPEHE Conference, “Beyond Scholarship Reconsidered: The Mosaic of Scholarship in Physical Education.” The play's dialogue is drawn from three major sources: the authors' biographies, their personal opinions regarding Scholarship Reconsidered, and the published professional literature in physical education and the sport sciences. The characters represent two cohorts in faculty: those who are early in their careers and those who have canied out the first half of their careers under the current model of scholarship in higher education.  相似文献   

学生体质健康问题是目前高校体育教学最为关注的问题之一,从某种意义上来讲,体质健康水平是反映学校体育教学水平的重要评价指标,所以对于主管单位和体育教学部门而言,对学生体质健康问题的探讨一直都没有停止过.笔者就二者的关联性谈谈自己的看法.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to review the literature about young people’s meaningful experiences in physical education and youth sport. We reviewed 50 empirical peer-reviewed articles published in English since 1987. Five themes were identified as central influences to young people’s meaningful experiences in physical education and sport: social interaction, fun, challenge, motor competence, and personally relevant learning. These themes provide future direction for the design and implementation of meaningful physical education and youth sport experiences. We also highlight the need for the development of pedagogies that facilitate and promote meaningful engagement in physical education and youth sport settings.  相似文献   

体育学科是一门交叉学科,对我院体育教师的管理,需要从专业需求、质量要求和数量控制三方面采取有效措施,才能使我院体育教学和所培养出来的学生能更好地适应目前和未来教育发展的需要。  相似文献   

当前大学体育教学模式及其发展方向分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
樊勇 《中国科教创新导刊》2009,(28):219-219,221
当前大学体育教学正在进行着深刻的变革,对大学体育教学模式的改革是一个极为重要的课题。文章对当前大学体育教学模式进行了深入的分析,提出了大学体育教学改革的几点方向,以期对高校体育教学改革所有帮助。  相似文献   

从理论与实践两个层面研究出以“一套制度、三个关联监控网络体系、四条监控途径体系、五块保障”四大部分组成的高职体育教学质量监控体系,旨在提高高职体育教学质量的监控力度,以期有效地提高体育教学质量。  相似文献   

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