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采用实验法,探索运动员在趋避动机冲突情境中发球决策的非理性。被试为高校高水平排球运动员,通过掷硬币游戏法将被试分成赢钱组和输钱组,让被试在获益和损失两种实验情境中完成发球得失率决策任务。结果表明:运动员不以发球直接得失率为标尺,而以发球直接得失分为标尺决定发球方式,产生发球比率效应,表现出发球决策的非理性;运动员在发球获益比在发球损失的情境中,更倾向采取风险寻求决策,运动员在赛场上失分感受比得分更强烈;先前发球失误的运动员比成功的运动员发球动机更具有攻击性,运动员的情绪状态影响发球趋避动机强度。  相似文献   

从认知心理学的视角,借助认知心理学的理论和实验方法,递进性地探讨了排球运动员发球动机冲突的认知加工问题.主要涉及发球动机冲突对发球攻击性的影响.实验结果表明:(1)趋大于避的发球动机有利于提高发球的攻击性;(2)高水平运动员采用趋大于避的发球动机比低水平运动员更有利于提高发球绩效;(3)运动动机冲突的决策过程有时是自动的、非理性的加工过程.  相似文献   

本文通过对1994年世界杯足球大赛比赛中所罚点球成功率极高,而延长期踢平后点球决胜负所罚点球成功率较低现象的比较、分析,说明在罚点球时不论是罚球队员、守门员,都应增强自信心,开动脑筋,以“谋”取胜,以“快”、以“准”取胜。  相似文献   

心理因素是影响罚点球成功率的主要因素之一,加强心理训练是提高罚点球准确性的有效手段.  相似文献   

王涛 《山东体育科技》2000,22(2):4-6,101
运动动机冲突是运动员在运动中产生动作迟缓反应和降低动作目标的矛盾心理现象。文章就运动动机冲突的产生及其积极作用和消极作用进行了阐述,提出解决运动动机冲突的主要方法。  相似文献   

论运动动机冲突及其对动作反应的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运动动机冲突是运动员在运动中产生动作迟缓反应和降低动作目标的矛盾心理现象。合理解决运动动机冲突,有利于运动员运动成绩的提高。  相似文献   

现代足球比赛中,罚点球的情况时常出现。当两支球队水平接近,实力相当时,罚点球命中率的高低往往对比赛的胜负起着关键作用。大多数教练员在日常训练中只注意抓罚点球的技术训练,而忽略了罚点球时队员的心理调节训练,从而导致了临场比赛时,罚点球队  相似文献   

目的:探究人口统计学变量(性别、年龄和学历等)在球队微博关注动机与微博互动行为关系中的调节作用。方法:以使用与满足理论为理论框架,采用SmartPLS统计软件对247名关注球队微博账号的球迷样本进行结构方程模型路径分析和多群组比较分析(MGA)。结果:构建了信息、技术知识与娱乐、球队支持、消磨时间4个球队微博关注动机;技术知识与娱乐动机、球队支持动机正向显著影响互动行为;互动行为正向显著影响球迷忠诚;18~22周岁与23~30周岁球迷在技术知识与娱乐动机对互动行为的影响强度上存在显著差异;18~22周岁与31~40周岁球迷在球队支持动机对互动行为的影响强度上存在显著差异;高中及以下与研究生及以上球迷在技术知识与娱乐动机对互动行为的影响强度上存在显著差异。建议:微博内容推送与设计可以更加偏向技术、娱乐和球队支持元素,例如增加球员的技术教学文字与视频、设计更具娱乐价值的微博内容、提供线上球迷见面会;鉴于不同年龄和学历人群在球队微博关注动机与微博互动行为关系中的调节作用,实施针对不同群体的差异化营销策略。  相似文献   

孙晓强 《体育科学》2006,26(7):55-59
在中国背景下对Alexandris和Tsorbatzoudis(2002)的研究结论进行验证,支持了他们的部分结论。Alexandris和Tsorbatzoudis的研究认为,只有内部约束与内在动机有显著的关系;外在动机与约束因素之间没有显著的关系;内在动机与体育参与频率之间是显著的正向关系。但研究发现,内在动机同时还受到结构约束的影响;内在和结构性约束都有可能影响到外在动机;内在动机与体育参与频率之间并没有显著的关系存在。  相似文献   

通过问卷调查,运用动机理论,对大学生从事体育舞蹈活动的动机进行分析研究,发现大学生参加体育舞蹈活动的目的不仅指向跳舞这一活动本身,他们的动机是广泛、复杂的。既有直接动机(强身健体),又有间接动机(加强交往);既有缺乏情动机(丰富文化生活),又有丰富情动机(获得满足),是多种动机的综合体。  相似文献   

目的:研究守门员基于先验信息下的知觉预测能力,探索当守门员处于射门方向(实际方向)与对手点球偏好(概率方向)一致或不一致的情境下,对表现有效性和加工效率的影响。方法:通过网络平台招募专业足球守门员(专业组)和业余足球守门员(业余组)各16名,共计32名被试。使用E-prime 3.0进行守门员点球方向判断实验,记录被试知觉预测的正确率和反应时。结果:基于先验信息进行知觉预测时,专业组守门员的知觉预测正确率显著高于业余组守门员。不同组别的反应时具有显著性差异,具体表现为在偏好一致(或不一致)的情况下,专业组的反应时都高于业余组。不同偏好条件下的正确率具有显著性差异,其中专业组被试在偏好不同的情况下具有显著性差异,业余组则无显著性差异。结论:与业余守门员相比,专业守门员在基于先验信息进行知觉预测时能更加准确地预判罚点球运动员的射门方向,即在知觉预测上存在专家优势。  相似文献   

The goalkeeper’s difficulty in the soccer penalty kick originates from the extreme spatiotemporal constraints of the situation. The present review claims that the current understanding is biased toward attributing a goalkeeper’s success in saving a penalty kick to perceptual–cognitive skill. To investigate the goalkeeper’s skill, researchers have often adopted video tasks. In doing so, they studied perceptual skill in isolation from action. We use affordance-based control theory to propose an alternative understanding and research methodology. We argue that goalkeepers in the penalty kick situation should regulate their actions in ways that sustain the perception of stoppability. To capture this, we outline the building blocks for a required lateral velocity model, in which the goalkeepers’ required actions are scaled to their maximum capabilities. In doing so, we provide new directions for research.  相似文献   

The penalty shoot-out is used to break tied games in the knock-out stages of soccer competition. The shoot-out, which consists of an alternating series of penalty kicks, is won by the team with the highest goal tally after n kicks per team (n = 5). In the event of a tie after five penalty kicks each, the shoot-out progresses to 'sudden death' by increasing n in iterative fashion (i.e. n = n + 1) until one team obtains a higher goal tally than the other after an equal number of kicks per team. The team to strike first is determined at the end of extra time by the toss of a coin. As each on-field player can be awarded only a single penalty kick, the line-up order in which the penalty kicks are taken allows for the possibility of tactical influence on the final outcome. Consequently, we report a probability analysis of the penalty shoot-out in soccer from which we identify the following pre- and post-game strategies. The best five ranked penalty takers from the on-field players should be assigned to the first five penalty kicks in their reverse order of ability. That is, the fifth best penalty taker should take the first penalty kick, the fourth best penalty taker should take the second penalty kick, and so on. In the event of sudden death, the next highest ranked on-field player should be assigned to the next penalty kick until the shoot-out ends. For this tactic to be successful, players should be ranked a priori on their penalty-taking ability. Similarly, goalkeepers should be ranked a priori on their penalty-stopping ability. These findings indicate that the tactical substitution of on-field players for higher ranked penalty takers, including higher ranked penalty stoppers (i.e. goalkeepers), with a view to an impending penalty shoot-out should be given due consideration. These results are of practical importance in that they are shown to maximize the likelihood of winning the penalty shoot-out under certain initial conditions.  相似文献   

On winning the penalty shoot-out in soccer   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The penalty shoot-out is used to break tied games in the knock-out stages of soccer competition. The shoot-out, which consists of an alternating series of penalty kicks, is won by the team with the highest goal tally after n kicks per team (n = 5). In the event of a tie after five penalty kicks each, the shoot-out progresses to 'sudden death' by increasing n in iterative fashion (i.e. n = n + 1) until one team obtains a higher goal tally than the other after an equal number of kicks per team. The team to strike first is determined at the end of extra time by the toss of a coin. As each on-field player can be awarded only a single penalty kick, the line-up order in which the penalty kicks are taken allows for the possibility of tactical influence on the final outcome. Consequently, we report a probability analysis of the penalty shoot-out in soccer from which we identify the following pre- and post-game strategies. The best five ranked penalty takers from the on-field players should be assigned to the first five penalty kicks in their reverse order of ability. That is, the fifth best penalty taker should take the first penalty kick, the fourth best penalty taker should take the second penalty kick, and so on. In the event of sudden death, the next highest ranked on-field player should be assigned to the next penalty kick until the shoot-out ends. For this tactic to be successful, players should be ranked a priori on their penalty-taking ability. Similarly, goalkeepers should be ranked a priori on their penalty-stopping ability. These findings indicate that the tactical substitution of on-field players for higher ranked penalty takers, including higher ranked penalty stoppers (i.e. goalkeepers), with a view to an impending penalty shoot-out should be given due consideration. These results are of practical importance in that they are shown to maximize the likelihood of winning the penalty shoot-out under certain initial conditions.  相似文献   

论奥运会的产业关联效应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从产业经济学、管理学等角度,对奥运会产业关联的特点、产业关联的方式和奥运产业关联测量方法进行了初步的分析。结果显示,奥运会可以通过后向关联、前向关联以及间接关联等方式各自带动至少三个产业部门以上的发展。说明奥运会与其他产业部门间的联系非常紧密,产业关联效应较强,对今后定量和定性地考察我国体育竞赛表演业的关联效应,确立体育竞赛表演业的产业地位和作用有一定的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

本文运用力学原理分析了艺术体操中转动圈和地上倒回滚圈的运动性质和成因,为艺术体操的教学和训练提供某些理论依据。  相似文献   

通过对男子短跑运动员100m途中跑垂直缓冲时段运动学参数的灰色关联度分析,得出以下结论:下肢的关节点的夹角及上臂摆幅与跑速高度相关,各环节角度变化将影响短跑运动员跑进时的前蹬阻力及后蹬腿的蹬地方向,进而影响后蹬腿对地做功的有效功率。由此可见,增加短跑运动员途中跑垂直缓冲时段髋关节、膝关节及上臂前摆幅将有助于提高短跑的跑速。  相似文献   

Penalty takers in association football adopt either a keeper-independent or a keeper-dependent strategy, with the benefits of the keeper-independent strategy presumed to be greater. Yet, despite its relevance for research and practitioners, thus far no method for identifying penalty kick strategies has been available. To develop a validated and reliable method, Experiment 1 assessed characteristics that observers should use to distinguish the two strategies. We asked participants to rate 12 characteristics of pre-recorded clips of kicks of penalty takers that used either a keeper-independent or keeper-dependent strategy. A logistic regression model identified three variables (attention to the goalkeeper, run-up fluency and kicking technique) that in combination predicted kick strategy in 92% of the penalties. We used the model in Experiment 2 to analyse prevalence and efficacy of both the strategies for penalty kicks in penalty shoot-outs during FIFA World Cups (1986–2010) and UEFA Football Championships (1984–2012). The keeper-independent strategy was used much more frequently (i.e., 78–86%) than the keeper-dependent strategy, but successes did not differ. Penalty takers should use both the strategies to be less predictable. Goalkeepers can use the developed model to improve their chances to succeed by adjusting their behaviour to penalty takers’ preferred penalty kick strategy.  相似文献   

目的对赵帅在2019年世界跆拳道锦标赛中技战术运用情况进行统计分析,为其日常训练比赛提出科学合理的建议。方法通过文献资料法、录像观察法、数理统计法等研究方法对赵帅技术特征进行分析总结。结果与结论赵帅在比2019年世锦赛中使用率最高的是2分的横踢与推踢技术,3分和4分的旋转技术的使用率偏低但成功率较高;赵帅前腿技术的运用率虽然较高,但得分率不如后腿技术;新规则驱使赵帅旋转技术的使用率提高,但其关键局的犯规次数逐渐增多。  相似文献   

中国与欧洲高水平足球裁判员犯规判罚现状的对比分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过中国与欧洲高水平足球裁判员对规则第十二章队员犯规判罚情况,任意球的判准率、有利条款运用的成功率,红黄牌的使用等方面的分析,揭示了中外裁判员在判罚的总体水平上仍然存在着差距  相似文献   

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