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4 studies investigate how differential input affects preschoolers' abilities to learn novel color words. 3-, 4-, and 5-year-old children saw objects in novel shapes and colors and heard a novel color label for the object. Labels were presented through ostensive definition (e.g., "See, it's mauve"), corrective linguistic contrast (e.g., "See, it's not purple; it's mauve"), or an inclusion statement (e.g., "See, it's mauve; it's a kind of purple"). 4- and 5-year-old children interpreted the novel word as a shape term when ostensive information was provided but as a color term when additional information, either contrastive or inclusive, specified a relation between the novel term and a known label for that color. Furthermore, children who consistently interpreted the novel word as a color word tended to treat the novel and known labels as mutually exclusive color terms if they heard contrastive information, whereas they tended to treat the words as hierarchically related if they heard inclusion information. 3-year-olds generally did not make use of either type of information in determining the semantic domain of the novel word or the relation between terms.  相似文献   

We tested the theoretically driven hypotheses that children’s orthographic and semantic learning are associated with their word reading and reading comprehension skills, even when orthographic and semantic knowledge are taken into account. A sample of 139 English-speaking Grade 3 children completed a learning task in which they read stories about new inventions. Then they were tested on their learning of the spelling and meaning of the inventions (i.e., orthographic and semantic learning, respectively). Word reading and reading comprehension were assessed with standardised tasks, and orthographic and semantic knowledge were assessed with choice tasks targeting the spelling and meaning of existing words. The results of our structural equation modeling indicated that orthographic learning predicted word reading directly and reading comprehension indirectly via word reading. We also found that semantic learning predicted reading comprehension directly. These findings support integration of the self-teaching hypothesis and the lexical quality hypothesis.  相似文献   

新词语是在一定时期内产生,并在现代汉语词汇中获得较稳定地位的一些词语。作为新词语重要组成部分的颜色词,由于在言语交际和文学写作中发挥着重要作用,所以具有现实的研究意义。可以从四个方面来分析说明这些颜色词:第一,新词语中颜色词的意义来源,它们与其他新词语的意义来源基本一致,主要有四个来源。第二,颜色词的语法特点,分别是:音节结构、构词方式和词性。第三,颜色词的语义特征,在不同的词语中,同一颜色语素所显示的义项有同有异。第四,颜色词的象征、联想义。  相似文献   

Many children experience great difficulty in learning their first color word. In contrast, once children have learned 1 color word, they learn additional color words more easily. This striking fact raises the question of whether children who do not know color words have conceptual color categories capable of supporting inferences about word meaning. In 3 experiments 2-year-olds were provided with tasks that required them to base inferences on color or to map things onto color. Half the children comprehended at least 1 color word, and the remaining children comprehended none. In all experiments, the children in both groups succeeded on the color tasks. It was argued that children who do not know color words have the conceptual foundation necessary to base inferences on color but have specific constraints against basing inferences about word meaning on color.  相似文献   

汉语众多流行热词并不都是新造词语,而是固有词语经过词义演变而来。汉语固有词语在网络语用环境中发生变异,产生同原来固有词义相区别的理性义和色彩义。热词"土豪"经历网络用语的浪潮洗涤,在理性义和色彩义两方面发生改变,如今得到超强流行,是社会现实、人们心理与语言运行机制三大因素共同作用的结果。"土豪"等流行热词词语生命力如何,这需要未来语用的验证。  相似文献   

词义随着社会的发展变化而变化。词义扩大是词义变化中最普遍的一种情况。“崽”是长沙方言重要亲属称谓语之一,相当于普通话里的“儿子”。在我国社会快速发展的过程中,长沙方言“崽”词义发生了明显变化,不单指称儿子,也可以指称女儿。本文对长沙方言亲属称谓词“崽”词义扩大现象进行了分析,并进一步调查和分析了长沙方言其他亲属称谓词的...  相似文献   

Word-learning skills of 19 deaf/hard-of-hearing preschoolers were assessed by observing their ability to learn new words in two contexts. The first context required the use of a novel mapping strategy (i.e., making the inference that a novel word refers to a novel object) to learn the new words. The second context assessed the ability to learn new words after minimal exposure when reference was explicitly established. The children displayed three levels of word-learning skills. Eleven children learned words in both contexts. Five were able to learn new words rapidly only when reference was explicitly established. Two children did not learn new words rapidly in either context. The latter seven children were followed longitudinally. All children eventually acquired the ability to learn new words in both contexts. The deaf children's word-learning abilities were related to the size of their vocabularies. The present study suggests that word-learning strategies are acquired even when children are severely delayed in their language development and they learn language in an atypical environment.  相似文献   

在系统功能语言学的评价理论框架下,态度系统与人际意义的表达和阐释是密不可分的,评价在人际意义扩展模式中更注重的是语义的东西,但语义的理解又离不开词汇资源,评价研究中的态度系统正是关注一些表达评价的词语。本文以英国著名小说家爱德华.摩根.福斯特的小说《印度之行》为语料,通过评价理论的态度系统解读小说篇章,说明篇章理解需要依靠词汇语境资源,并得出词汇作为衔接手段对小说语篇连贯的表达既是语言层面的也是心理层面的,从而进一步揭示态度系统对小说篇章理解的有效性和意义。  相似文献   

词的形象色彩是由词的外在形式传达出来的,关于词的指称对象的形象信息,这种形象信息是固定的,全社会共通的,与形象色彩易混的事物有两类:一是与之同属色彩义的感情色彩和语体色彩,二是一些指称有形事物但无形象色彩的词所唤起的形象联想,前与形象色彩的区别在于:1.传达出的语义信息的类型不同;2.来源不同,后与形象色彩的区别在于:1.词形中是否带有表示形象的部分;2.所唤起的关于词的指称对象形象的联想是否是全民族共通的,有形象色彩的词在外的主要特点:有形象色彩的词在词形上至少有一部分是用来表示形象的,有形象色彩的词所唤起的关于词的指称对象形象的联想是全民族共通的,有形象色彩的词具有从形象上对指称对象定位,使词义具体化,使语言表达生动化,形象化等形象色彩的功能。  相似文献   

The effect of phonology and semantics on word learning in 5- and 6-year-old children was explored. In Experiment 1, children learned to read words varying in spelling-sound consistency and imageability. Consistency affected performance on early trials, whereas imageability affected performance on later trials. Individual differences among children in phonemic awareness on the trained words were related to learning, and knowledge of a word's meaning predicted how well it was learned. In Experiment 2, phonological and semantic knowledge of nonwords was manipulated prior to word learning. Familiarization with a word's pronunciation facilitated word learning, but there was no additional benefit from being taught to associate a meaning with a nonword.



This paper presents an overview of evidence from psychological research, which enables us to understand the processes involved in word reading, how children develop word reading skills and how to teach them to read words successfully. Psychological models of reading in alphabetic orthographies propose two routes to word reading: an indirect route requiring mapping of letters and sounds using phonological processes and a direct route, mapping visual identities of words onto meaning using visual processes and memory. The dual route paves the way to an understanding of what children need to achieve to be able to read words. Evidence about how people read words successfully has led to the development of effective teaching programmes and of tests to identify deficits when word reading does not develop optimally.  相似文献   

"白"、"灰"、"绿"、"橙"等颜色词在新闻媒体中屡获新义,颜色词语义由潜性形式转变为显性形式。颜色词新义的开发利用,有助于准确描述客观世界,增强语言表达效果,并补充到现行词汇系统中来。  相似文献   

凡语义相通(或相同),声音相近(或相通转)的字称为同源字。"言"、"告"、"舌"这三个字从音、形、义三个角度进行考证,可得出同源的结论:它们均来源于古代的"铎"形。  相似文献   

《碧岩录》是研究近代汉语特别是唐宋时期词汇的珍贵材料,尤其是复音词,具有很高的研究价值。通过对《碧岩录》中的联合式复音词进行考察,主要从语义、词性、词序三个方面对联合式复音词的结构特点和发展情况进行描写和分析。通过研究发现:《碧岩录》中的联合式复音词内部结构与前期相比有了很大发展;存在众多的同素异序词;产生了一批新词新义;有些复音词传至现代汉语,词义、词性、词形方面有了一些变化。  相似文献   

方金华 《台州学院学报》2012,34(1):15-17,27
汉语的词义是成系统的,词义在演变中,其语义场内部要素也发生了相应动态的调整,这在一定程度上显示了词义的系统性。先秦时人们睡眠或直体横陈,睡在床上;或趴在几上睡。由于几这种卧具在后代消失,睡眠语义场在睡眠方式上不再强调卧具的对立,只保留睡眠状态上的内部对立。这揭示了汉语词义系统在发展中为了维护平衡而采取内部调整的语言现象。  相似文献   

具有丰富文化内涵的颜色词不仅反映着颜色的物理属性,也折射着社会属性和时代特征.因此颜色词具有多义现象,这表现在颜色词不仅仅用来描写事物的颜色,还可以描写人的品格、心绪、健康状况,甚至在政治、经济等领域被使用.颜色词的多义现象给外语学习带来了一定的难度.认知语言学的原型范畴理论及隐喻、转喻模式较好地解释了语言中的多义现象...  相似文献   

运用调查研究法、个案纵向观察法、数理统计法对两名1~3岁说汉语儿童的方位词习得及使用情况进行研究分析,并从认知语言学意象图式的角度来探讨儿童早期方位词的习得过程,结果显示:儿童方位词的习得遵循一定顺序;"上"类及"里"类方位词的习得要早于"下"类及"外"类方位词,且出现的频率明显高于其他方位词.笔者认为,儿童方位词的习得受到儿童早期认知能力、方位词的语义理解难度、语言输入频度等因素的影响.  相似文献   

语义成分分析是把一个词的意义分解为许多语义特征,这些语义特征可以帮助我们比较完整地了解词义,以及词与词之间的关系。在简述语义成分分析理论的基础上,着重阐述了语义成分分析理论在大学英语词汇教学中的运用,帮助大学生更好地理解单词的含义及语义关系。  相似文献   

In this article, we examine the construction of word meaning by students during collaborative activities in a multicultural classroom at a Dutch primary school. The analysis is based on recordings of student talk in small groups of four or five students during mathematics lessons. Difficulties with specific terms and expressions frequently arose during group work. Students could easily ask each other about the meaning of difficult words as a part of the collaborative activities they were accustomed to. In the groups with both Dutch and minority children, the minority students addressed their Dutch classmates as language experts. Conversations about language difficulties also occurred in the groups with only minority students. The conversations about word meaning revealed four patterns: (1) ignoring a question about the meaning of a word, (2) showing the meaning using gestures, (3) explaining, or (4) discussing word meaning. In none of the cases were the language problems solved by referring to the everyday meaning of the word. Instead, the conversations focussed directly on the specialised meaning which the word had in the context of the mathematics lesson. This means that the children used the mathematical discourse as a mediational tool for constructing a mathematical meaning of the words.  相似文献   

采用掩蔽启动范式,通过记录14名被试在字义判断任务中行为反应和事件相关电位(ERPs),探究汉字的字音和字义激活的时间进程。结果发现:(1)高频字在反应时比低频字要快;(2)高频字音相关字和字义相关字所诱发的P200波幅比无关控制字大;(3)无论高频字还是低频字,字音相关字和字义相关字所诱发的N400波幅都比无关控制字小。结果表明:在汉字识别中,字频会影响汉字的字音和字义的激活,即高频字音信息不迟于字义信息的激活,低频字音信息和字义信息是同时被激活;相比而言,高频字音信息要早于低频字激活。  相似文献   

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