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【考点透视】1.表转折或对比的并列连词有but(但是,可是),while(而,却),yet(可是)等。注意:but不与although连用,但yet可与although连用。2.表选择的并列连词有or(或者,还是,否则),oth-erwise(要不然)等。3.表联合的并列连词有and,when(=and just atthis time就在这时)等。4.表因果的并列连词有for(因为),so(因此)等。注意:so不与because连用。5.其它平行或对称结构有not...but...,either...or...,neither...nor...,not only...but also...,would rather...than...(宁愿……不愿……),rather than(而不),as well as(既……也……)等。【考查…  相似文献   

等立连词(语法学家对此有不同见解, 还有人称之为边际并列连词或准并列连词)意为:“除…之外(也),和”;“既……又……”;“和……一样……”等。用以连接名词、形容词或其它词语。是各类考试中考查的重点和热点。如:John plays football,__,if not betterthan.David.  相似文献   

Than主要用作连词,有时也可用作介词。 一、用作连词: Than最基本的用法是用作从属连词,引出个比较状语从句,用于对两者进行比较,它的一般用法及注意事项如下: 1)than引出的一完整的状语从句。 The sea is deeper than the mountains are high. 海的深度超过山的高度。 I stayed there longer than I planned. 我在那儿呆得时间比我原来打算的长。 2)有时than之后,主谓语可以倒置。 Most people know(than)electricity standingstill is no more useful than is a stationary beltbetween a steam enginc and a machine to be driven 大多数人认为,电停滞不动,并不比架设在蒸气机和要被驱动的机器之间的固定皮带有用。 3)than 常引出一个省略的状语从句,有时than后甚至只剩一个词,但此时不可把than误认为是介词,把省略了的从句误认为是介词短语。 He said he was much better than befere. 他说他比以前好多了。  相似文献   

英语中的连词有很多,常见的有并列连词:and, but,so,or,unless等。从属连词after,as,before, when,while,because,than,till,although,though, since,whether,so that,as soon,as,as long as,in order that,as,although,等。但是还有一些连词非常特殊,需要大家注意,现在让我们认识一下这些连词 (一)immediately,instantly,directly等副词可活  相似文献   

中考英语对不定代词的考查主要集中在neither,either,other,another,(a)few,(a)little等词上。通过一些试题来考查考生是否掌握了这些词的意义和用法。笔者以近两年全国部分地区中考英语试题为例,对不定代词的常见考查热点作一分析,供同学们学习时参考。下面划横线的备选项为正确答案。一、neither用作代词时,意为“两者都不(没有)”,可以与介词of引起的短语连用,后面接复数名词或复数人称代词,谓语动词用单数形式。neither也可用作连词,常与nor连用,构成并列连词“neither...nor”,意为“既不……也不……”,可以连接两个并列成分或并列分…  相似文献   

一、数量词的正确用法量词是表示人、事物或动作的单位的词(词组),有些量词(词组)可以表示确定的数量,如a cup of tea,two pieces of bread,a bar of soup等;有些量词(词  相似文献   

综合练习 A1 完形填空(10分)Men first measured time (1) using a stick in the ground.The length of the (2) shadow would (3) what time of day itwas.(4),the Egyptians used a pillar,(5) as a gnomon,andthen developed a simple sundial,(6) consisted of a stone with apointer on it.The stone was placed in an east-west direction,and the shadow of the pointer showed the time.About 300 BC,a Babylonian (7) Berosus invented a semi-circular sundial,(8) he marked twelve hours.The Babyloni-am,like the Egyptians,divided daylight (9) twelve parts andnight into twelve.This meant that an hour would have differ-ent lengths (10) different times of the year.A daytime hourmight be longer or shorter than a nighttime one.These hoursare known as 'temporary hours'.(1)A.with B.byC.through D.in  相似文献   

Traditional ways of English learning such as memorizing a certain couple of words and reciting from the word list seem much easier than developing a useful vocabulary for L2 learners. However, learners...  相似文献   

U nit2 7L ing Feng's diary一、语法项目英语中的并列句是由并列连词 and、but、or等连接起来的两个或两个以上的简单句。其结构为“简单句 并列连词 简单句”。在并列句中 ,各分句虽然在形式上是平等的 ,但不同的并列连词表示不同的关系。1.表示并列关系常用连词 and、so。例 :My mother bought me a new coat,and Iliked it very much.妈妈给我买了一件新衣服 ,我非常喜欢。This is our first lesson,so I don't know allyour names.这是咱们的第一堂课 ,因而我还不知道你们所有人的名字。2 .表示选择关系常用连词 or。例 :L et's …  相似文献   

How much paper do you use every year? In 1900 the world‘s use of paper was about one kilogram for each person in a year. Now some countries use as much as 50 kilograms of paper for each person in a year. The amount of paper a country uses shows how advanced the country is, people say. Some countries like the United States, England and Sweden certainlv use more oaoer than other countries.  相似文献   

Rhyme is one of the characteristics of English poetry,though some English poems areunrhymed. Rhyme may be used in English prose too, but much less frequently than inpoetry. The word rhymetmans "(of words or lines of poetry)to end with the same sound (asanother word, or as each other)including a vowel" (Longman Dictioary). So the followingare rhymed pairs:  相似文献   

近年来,在全国各地区的中考英语试卷中,对连词的考查是热点之一。本文拟对2005年全国部分地区中考英语试卷对连词的考查要点作一归纳和简析,供同学们学习时参考。[焦点一]考查并列连词的基本用法[要点归纳]1)表示联合关系的并列连词有and(和、并且),not only...but al-so...(不但……而且……)等;2)表示转折关系的并列连词有but(但是),how ever(然而),yet(但是),w hile(而、然而)等;注意:汉语中的“虽然……但是……”在英语中不能译为though/although...but...,但可译为though/although...yet...。3)表示选择意义的并列连词有or(或者),eith…  相似文献   

Giant pandas may not be in as much danger of extinction as feared with a new British-Chinese study finding there could be twice as many living in the wild as previously thought, scientists said on June 19. "This finding indicates that the species may have a significantly better chance of long-term viability (生存能力) than recently anticipated, and that this beautiful animal may have a brighter future," the scientists said in a statement. Until now scientists thought there were about 1,590 giant pandas living in reserves in the mountains of China. But scientists from Britain's Cardiff University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences now think there could be as many as 3,000 there after a survey using a new method to profile DNA from panda faces revealed  相似文献   

The largest animal ever to live on the earth is the blue whale(蓝鲸)It weighs about 80 tons--more than 24 elephants. It is more than 30 metres long. A newborn baby whale weighs as much as a big elephant.  相似文献   

Set as the primary and ultimate goal of language teaching process by MacIntyre et al.(1998),willingness to communicate in second language(L2 WTC) has been put much attention in L2 acquisition field.This study examined quantitatively the willingness to communicate in English as a foreign language(EFL WTC) in Tibetan context with a questionnaire.Tibetan college students’ EFL WTC was found significantly lower than Han students.No significant difference was found between Tibetan male and female students in their EFL WTC.Causes were explored andsome pedagogical suggestions were made in this study.  相似文献   

我们知道,英语中可将数词和不定冠词直接置于可数名词前表示数量,比如:a car(一辆车),two tables.(两个桌子),threebooks(三本书)。但是在表示可数名词的集合体概念时,前面就需要用量词(union words),例如:a pack of wolves(一群狼),a bevy ofbeautiful ladies(一群美女)和a pack of hounds(一群猎狗)。这些量词相当于汉语中的集体量词。它们可以归纳成三部分:  相似文献   

一、不可数名词 【考点】不可数名词只有单数形式,不用a,an或数词直接修饰,可用some,any,(a)little,(how)much,a lot of等修饰。可以表达为:数词+量词(当数词大于一时,量词用复数)+of+不可数名词。例如:  相似文献   

众所周知,英语中从属连词 than 常用于两者比较,引出比较状语从句,意为“比…(更)”。如:She works harder than I(me).He is taller than any otherstudent in our class.但除此而无外,than 还可表示含蓄否定,即在 than…结构中没有否定词却有否定含义。这类结构有时使句子更具修辞色彩。现将由than 构成的含蓄否定表达法分述如下:  相似文献   

连词是英语中的重要词类,因词义丰富、逻辑严密、功能众多而成为中考英语的重要考点之一,其热点考查内容如下:一、考查并列连词的判断【考点说明】表示同等概念的连词有and(和;而且),not only...but also...(不但……而且……),on(the)one hand...on the otherhand(一方面,另一方面)等;表示选择关系的连词有or(或者;否则),either...or...(或者……或者……),neither...nor...(既不……也不……)等;表示转折关系的连词有but(但是),however(然而),yet(然而),while(而、却);表因果关系的连词有so(所以),for(因为)等。【考点题例】1.—H ow abo…  相似文献   

英语中“许多”的表达法有许多,如many,a greatgood many,quite a few,a(large) number of,large numbers of,most,many a,more than one,much,quite a little,a great deal of,a large amount of,a large quantity of和large quantities of.其中有的只能修饰可数名词,有的只能修饰不可数名词,有的既可修饰可数名词,又可能修饰不可数名词.  相似文献   

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