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针对目前普遍使用的三种高等师范院校儿童文学教材,探讨了有关儿童文学的定义与文学体裁的分类问题,试图通过探讨引起社会对儿童文学学科建设的广泛关注,并进一步完善儿童文学教材的编撰。  相似文献   

亲子关系对独生子女成长的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
独生子女家庭的亲子关系具有如下特点:亲子互动频繁,亲子关系伙伴化;父母对子女的高期望值;偏重子代。而这样的亲子关系对独生子女的学业成绩,性格特征,社会交往能力等多方面都产生了不可忽视的影响。  相似文献   

监护权的撤销、监护权的变更都将影响未成年子女的个人权益。非婚生子女的监护权问题更是一个突出的社会问题。因此,监护权的撤销、变更应综合地考虑多方面的因素,譬如物质生活与精神状况。目前,我国婚姻家庭立法对监护权撤销、非婚生子女监护等规定还远未完善,难以应对当前我国离婚率不断攀升的社会形势。因此,宜借鉴国外成功的立法经验,以积极的态度去完善子女监护的立法,最终确立监护领域的"子女最大利益"原则。  相似文献   

翟晓云 《培训与研究》2008,25(8):119-121
幼儿读物是幼儿认识世界的重要媒介之一,幼儿读物对幼儿的发展有着不可替代的影响作用。笔者通过访谈、观察呼和浩特、乌兰察布市的一些图书市场,以及对幼儿家长的调查问卷,发现当前幼儿读物存在以下问题:幼儿读物的种类多但质量参差不齐;主题过于单一而缺乏创意;内容繁杂而良莠不齐;题材多外国经典而少本土原创;形式多样但安排不当;多媒体电子读物对幼儿图书阅读形成一定的冲击。  相似文献   

‘Securing the rights articulated in the Convention is an effective approach to improving the quality of early experiences.’ 1 1 Early Childhood Rights Indicators, A guide for Monitoring the Convention on the Rights of the Child, http://earlylearning.ubc.ca/media/uploads/documents/internationalresearchbriefjan2012.pdf , p2
This article analyses early childhood education and care and child rights in early childhood and their relationship in the European Union. Both are primarily national competencies. The EU has limited access and tools to influence policies and practices, while there are many ways in which indirect interventions are not only possible, but greatly used, often in areas that do not seem to be closely related to the issues discussed here. Yet there is a strong desire and interest of the different EU institutions to encourage and support Member States to implement both ECEC targets and child rights. In this article, we show that, while ECEC has become an essential part of different policies at EU level, there have been efforts to implement and mainstream child rights, with special attention paid to specific dimensions in relation to early childhood policies and practices, but a child rights based approach is missing.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the topic of child protection in Irish primary schools, and reports on a recently completed survey of newly qualified teachers’ knowledge of and familiarity with their school's child protection policies and procedures. The study was undertaken by means of a questionnaire survey, and conducted with 103 teachers from different schools. The child protection roles and responsibilities of schools are clearly spelt out in national guidelines. However, the findings from this research indicate that compliance with the requirement to inform new staff about the guidelines and ensure that they have read them is weak. This is evidenced by the data concerning the teachers’ reported knowledge of, and familiarity with, their school's child protection policies. Half of the respondents did not know if their school had a child protection policy or not. Of those who were aware of their school's child protection policy, only just over half had read it. Well under half of the respondents knew if there was a Designated Liaison Person (DLP) with responsibility for child protection in their school. Furthermore, nearly two-thirds of respondents reported uncertainty or lack of confidence in being able to identify suspected child abuse. The paper draws on international research on child protection in education to provide the context for a discussion on the factors that influence schools’ motivation and willingness to collaborate as key protectors of children's safety and welfare, and makes recommendations for policy makers, school managers and frontline staff.  相似文献   

中国的宗法体制强调男权的权威性,对中国的女性和儿童产生了极大的负面影响。五四运动后,随着社会革命和思想革命的爆发,很多女作家响应时代和社会的要求,将目光投向与她们有着相似命运的儿童身上,尊重儿童,否定传统宗法制度。另一方面面对复杂的社会,儿童天真、善良、纯洁的本性更显得弥足珍贵,作家们也试图在儿童身上寻找自己精神的寄托。  相似文献   

自20世纪60年代以来,美国托幼机构教育质量研究在民众追求教育的公平、效果和效率的动力推动下,从对一般性的"托幼机构教育是否利于儿童发展"问题的分析,逐渐深入、具体为对"怎样的托幼机构教育更有利于儿童发展"和"如何提供高质量的托幼机构教育"等问题的探究;研究范式从条件-结果模式逐渐转向生态模式,研究设计从考察短期效果的简单横断研究转向分析长期效果的复杂的长期追踪研究.  相似文献   

受西方儿童观的影响,儿童文学观的价值取向也经历了一个从忽视儿童到发现儿童的过程,在儿童被“发现”之后,又经历了从成人“俯视”儿童、成人单向传递转变为成人与儿童平等对话交流、儿童自主建构的阶段。因此,当前我国儿童文学教育也应有新的定位和策略:儿童文学教学既要彰显其文学性,也要突出其儿童性;合理选择学习内容;确立双向建构的教学策略。  相似文献   

鲁迅的作品有着浓厚的“小儿崇拜”倾向,深刻地揭露和强烈地谴责了戕害小儿天性的父权父道和师者至尊的封建思想。他倡导“幼者本位;”,呼吁“救救孩子”,积极寻求“完全解放了我们的孩子”的有效路径。  相似文献   

培养幼儿学会交流和合作,不仅能够让幼儿对自己的探索过程进行回顾和反思,及时将自己的新发现与老师、同伴分享,而且对幼儿自身社会性的发展也有着不可低估的作用。  相似文献   

随着课程改革的不断深入,教育评价的发展性功能日渐凸显,本文着重从评价取向、评价情境、评价方法、评价手段、评价主体等方面阐述发展性幼儿评价的实践轨迹和经验,并对之进行反思。  相似文献   

秦汉时期初生婴儿的死亡率比较高,基于神秘主义信仰的民间礼俗,也导致“生子不举”和弃婴现象的频繁发生。从《日书》一类数术文献遗存中看到的对子女健康前景的关心,也反映了儿童健康问题是当时突出的社会问题。当时的法律对残疾婴儿的生存权不予保护,体现了社会生命意识的觉醒尚在初步,但是同时也说明社会更为关注人口质量问题。“小儿医”的进步,也是中国传统医学迈上新的阶梯的学术迹象之一。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to analyse the contents of one of the leading newspapers of Singapore in an effort to identify the public image of the children of the nation. Newspaper clippings of news/articles, pictures/photographs and advertisements featuring children below 15 years of age were collected over a one-week period and the content analysed in an attempt to find out the extent to which children in Singapore are visible and how they are portrayed in the media. While it is impossible to generalise the findings due to the small scale of this research, the findings show that the visibility of children in the media is low compared to their total presence in the population. Another interesting finding is that while the children in this study were portrayed as passive, vulnerable or a potential victim, the rights of the child were rarely mentioned.  相似文献   

儿童游戏的开展应顺从儿童天性:1.幼儿园场地建设不必追求现代化,游戏场地的自然化吻合儿童天性;2.给儿童提供更多户外活动时间.自然环境下的游戏和活动更能促进儿童智慧和个性发展;3.亲近大自然不仅不会伤害到儿童,反而会保护儿童身心安全并促成其健康成长。  相似文献   

在幼儿园开展幼儿文学欣赏活动,目的是培养孩子们审美的眼睛、审美的耳朵和审美的心灵,实质上是一种审美教育。正确的做法是结合幼儿身心发展的规律,从幼儿及幼儿文学的特殊性出发,遵循文学欣赏的规律,从审美的角度来进行:1.体现文学审美的整体性和形象性;2.注重文学欣赏的情感交流;3.培养幼儿的审美兴趣。  相似文献   

世界《儿童权利宣言》颁布至今已经整整50年了。我国作为世界《儿童权利公约》的缔约国,迄今为止在儿童权利的法律保护领域已取得了重大的成果与进展。本文既对中华人民共和国成立以后,在立法领域就儿童教育权的保障问题通过历史回顾、现状分析及未来展望等几个方面进行深入的剖析,并就存在的问题提出若干建议与对策。  相似文献   

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