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教学计划是人才培养目标、培养规格以及培养过程和方式的总体设计.高职教育教学计划的制定,首先应明确人才培养的目标定位,树立正确的课程设置观念,明确教学计划的制定规范,同时推行“学分制“,为教学计划的有效实施提供保证,实行必修课、选修课、实践课三结合.  相似文献   

从学生入学动机着手,分析学生不同的需求,进一步探讨“人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点”法学本科的培养目标、教学计划、课程设置、教学内容的开放性,来满足不同学生的需要。  相似文献   

从学生入学动机着手,分析学生不同的需求,进一步探讨“人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点”法学本科的培养目标、教学计划、课程设置、教学内容的开放性,来满足不同学生的需要。  相似文献   

基于地方师范院校生物科学专业高素质复合型人才培养目标,探讨实验课程和理论课程的设置以及实验室开放的类型和实验室开放应解决的问题,提出加强讲课训练,提高学生讲课技能;加强说课训练,提高学生说课技能;建立更加合理、科学的课程体系;加强实验改革力度,开展实验室开放性教学;强化本科毕业论文审核工作,全面提高学生综合素质等措施,实现地方师范院校生物科学专业人才素质人才培养目标。  相似文献   

招生、教学、就业是人才培养过程中三个相互影响、相互制约的关键性环节,我校毕业生就业情况令人喜忧参半。影响毕业生就业质量的教学因素有:专业设置缺乏职业定向性;课程设置缺乏针对性;教学方法缺乏创新性;教师缺少"双师型"。要解决这些问题,必须从源头上提高人才培养质量,提高毕业生就业竞争力,调整优化专业结构;改革课程与教学模式;改革课程内容;改革教学方法;加强教师队伍建设;加强创业教育。  相似文献   

教学计划是指导教学工作的重要文件。构成教学计划的基本要素一般有:招生对象与学习年限;包括德智体美劳诸方面发展在内的总括性培养目标;课程设置及其在各年级的教学顺序;各门课程的教学时数;课程的基本内容和要求概述;学年、学期、学周主要教学活动编排等等。教学计划这个在教育实践中产生的管理工具,在学校教学和教育工作中占有重要的地位,具有重要的作用。其重要性主要表现在:首先,教育计划预先规划了专门人才应具有的思想道德素质和知识能力结构,规划了达到这些目标的主要实施步骤,因而它是学校培养专门人才的模式,是实现…  相似文献   

香港岭南大学致力于培养"全人",人才培养目标明确且关注人的可持续发展需求;课程设置和人才培养目标高度适切,各类课程的分工和目的明确;全方位实施博雅教育,以保证达成人才培养目标。其对内地教学型本科院校探讨人才培养模式改革,有较大的启发意义:一是人才培养目标中要重视健全人格及人的可持续发展素质的培养;二是加强课程的内涵建设,提高课程设置与人才培养目标的适切性;三是更新课程观念,改善课程实施。  相似文献   

一、实行学分制的框架建构学分制是随着社会和教育事业的发展而产生的一种教学管理制度。我校在试行学分制时 ,注意根据学校的实际 ,形成自己的思路。我们在人才培养规格上 ,注意淡化同一性 ;在课程教学要求上 ,注重体现差异性 ;在实施教学管理上 ,不仅着眼终结管理 ,而且重视过程管理。我校学分制的基本操作框架是 :1.制定各专业学分制实施性教学计划我校各专业根据上级主管部门指导性教学计划要求和实行学分制管理需要 ,制定学分制实施性教学计划 ,将课程分为必修课、分选课和自选课三类课型。必修课是从事专业大类工作的基础课程。各专…  相似文献   

  培养目标是课程开设的出发点,往往与社会需要紧密相连。探讨课程设置必须首先明确人才培养目标的定位,有明确的培养目标,才一可能进一步确定和优化课程设置体系。各高等院校体育教育专业的课程设置都是依据国家在不同时段颁布的教学计划或课程方案。改革开放后1980年、1986年、1991年分别制定修订了三次教学计划,1997年在此基础上原国家教委颁布了全国普通高等学校体育教育本科专业课程方案。1997一22年间各高等院校体育教育专业在教育思想与教育观念、人才培养模式、课程设置等方面取得了一系列改革成果。在此基础上,黄汉升等学者以全国61所普通高校本科体育教育专业现行实施的教学计划为基点,以调查问卷和专家访谈所收集到的信息为论证基础,并借鉴国外高等教育改革成功的经验,拟定了新的课程方,即23年颁发的全国普通高等学校体育教育专业本科专业课程方案(以下简称课程方案),目前各校的课程设置均以此为准,它将体育教育专业的培养目标定位为:本专业培养面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来,适应我国社会主义现代化建设和基础教育改革与发展的实际需要,德、智、体、美全面发展,专业基础宽厚,具有现代教育观念、良好的科学素养和职业道德以及具有创新精神和实践能力,能从事学校体育与健康的教学、训练、竞赛工作,并能从事学校体育科学研究工作、学校体育管理工作及社会体育指导等工作的多能一专体育教育专业复合型人才。  相似文献   

教育部1999年颁布的《普通高等学校本科专业分布目录》表明我国普通高校中设置法学专业的有192所,其中高等工科院校达到70所,占设置法学专业普通高校总数的37%左右。高等工科院校法学专业办学就总体而言起步较晚、办学条件相对不足、专业方向趋同、课程设置随意性强。法学专业课程设置是否科学、规范、有特色直接关系到法学专业人才培养目标能否实现乃至高等法学教育改革的深化和素质教育的实施,具有十分重要的现实意义。一、高等工科院校法学专业培养目标培养目标是教学计划的灵魂,是教育教学活动的出发点和归宿,决定着课程设置和课程体系…  相似文献   

在开放教育的实践中,不可避免地受到重理论轻实践的传统观念的影响,加之部分专业的教学计划和课程设置不合理,某些课程实践环节偏少,学校教学经费紧张,实践教学设施不能满足教学要求,不少教师缺乏实际操作和技术应用能力,在教学中,难以将理论与生产实例结合起来,不少学员往往只注重理论考试能否过关,而漠视课程实践环节的学习和训练,因此容易使师生形成重理论轻实践、重结果轻过程的思想。针对存在问题,我们注意突出网络环境、自主互动、合作探究、定期指导、有效控制、阶段评估等要点,在实践教学的各个环节进行了按重点分层次的改革,初步构建了系统性的实践教学框架,基本保证了目前实践教学的顺利开展。  相似文献   

This study employed a qualitative research design to investigate informal learning among practicing instructional designers. Prior research has examined how instructional designers spend their time, make decisions, use theory, solve problems, and so on, but no published research has explored the nature and role of informal learning in instructional design work. Based on intensive interviews of practitioners in the field, this study produced eight themes organized according to two metathemes: (a) the nature of informal learning in instructional design practice and (b) instructional design as informal learning. Specific themes concerned what instructional designers learn through informal practical experience, how they learn it, and the meaning of this kind of learning for various aspects of their work. Overall, these results suggest that informal learning is a vital part of instructional design practice and that design itself can be thought of as a specialized type of informal learning. Other conclusions regarding informal learning in design are discussed and future directions for research are offered.  相似文献   

The way we define learning and what we believe about the way learning occurs has important implications for situations in which we want to facilitate changes in what people know and/ or do. Learning theories provide instructional designers with verified instructional strategies and techniques for facilitating learning as well as a foundation for intelligent strategy selection. Yet many designers are operating under the constraints of a limited theoretical background. This paper is an attempt to familiarize designers with three relevant positions on learning (behavioral, cognitive, and constructivist) which provide structured foundations for planning and conducting instructional design activities. Each learning perspective is discussed in terms of its specific interpretation of the learning process and the resulting implications for instructional designers and educational practitioners. The information presented here provides the reader with a comparison of these three different viewpoints and illustrates how these differences might be translated into practical applications in instructional situations.  相似文献   

当前多数高职院校对应用文教学并不重视,学生学习应用文写作课程也缺乏兴趣。但只要我们充分发挥应用写作这门工具学科的优势,主动服务于专业培养目标,就能增强应用文教学与其他学科的集合力与学校整个教育工作的凝聚力,就能使其受到应有的重视。这就要求应用文教学必须实行开放式的整体优化,才能显示出它的实际价值。应用文教学的整体优化应以教学设计为核心,确定整合要素,对整个教学过程进行科学的规划,制定科学的课程目标,选择适宜的教学内容,采用恰当的教学方法,并科学地加以评价。  相似文献   

Videotape and participant observation were used to document an American high school teacher workgroup's experience with collaborative teacher inquiry and to monitor changes in practice through two cycles of instructional planning, classroom implementation, and reflective analysis. Detectable changes in practice were observed, including a substantial improvement for two of the four teachers in fidelity of implementation of an instructional innovation. Results support claim that meaningful instructional changes are more likely when teachers work in job-alike teams, are led by trained leaders, use inquiry-focused protocols, and have stable settings in which to engage in the continuous improvement of instruction.  相似文献   

Responsibility for instruction should pass from academic content experts to experts in the technology of instruction. This implies substantial changes in organizational structure, especially in higher education. The instructional process is very complex, requiring organizational arrangements permitting growth by the accretion of diverse expertise. Traditional education has assumed that the essence of instruction is in its content. Though important, content can no longer be regarded as the most critical dimension. Concern with accountability forces attention on the process; the technology becomes critical. Diverse expertise could be applied usefully to problems of instruction if arrangements can be changed to allow more such specialists to participate. They are needed for planning facilities, designing practical and experimental learning stations, providing arrangements for monitoring instructional operations, and introducing instructional content relevant to man/machine/environment interfaces.  相似文献   

In this experimental study, 135 preservice teachers developed an instructional plan for a case study within the Multiple Intelligent Mentors Instructing Collaboratively (MIMIC) computer-based environment. Three-dimensional, animated pedagogical agents, representing constructivist and instructivist approaches to instructional planning, served as instructional mentors within the environment and were available to provide advisements. The research design consisted of two factors, (a) instructivist agent (present, absent) and (b) constructivist agent (present, absent), with two primary groups of dependent measures, (a) metacognitive awareness, and (b) attitude. Regarding metacognitive awareness, when the constructivist agent was present, participants tended to report a change in their perspective of instructional planning, reflected less on their thinking, and developed instructional plans rated as more constructivist in underlying pedagogy. Regarding attitude, when the instructivist agent was present, participants reported a more negative disposition regarding instructional planning. Results are discussed in terms of the impact on teaching instructional planning to preservice teachers.  相似文献   

Knowledge management tools for instructional design   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Advances in computer technology typically find their way into education after a short generation of success in other settings. This is an elaboration of one such technology—knowledge management systems (KMS)—and its application to instructional design. An examination of the development of KMS from information systems. computer-supported collaborative work environments and object-oriented systems, leads to a discussion of reusability. The focus is on the use of KMS by instructional designers. A conceptual framework for distributed instructional design is provided along with examples of support tools. These tools and the associated design framework are in use, and anecdotal evidence of effects and impact is provided. As such tools become more widely used to support the planning, implementation and management of instructional systems and learning environments, it is reasonable to expect the nature of instructional design practice to change.  相似文献   

IBSTPI教师能力标准与我国中小学教师专业标准研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
IBSTPL教师能力标准,从专业基础、计划与准备、教学方法与策略、评估与评价、教学管理等5个方面具体描述了教师专业发展的能力。以国际视野来审视和借鉴该标准。同时立足于我国教师教育的实践,着重从教师职业道德与教师教学能力两个方面来建构我国中小学教师专业标准,并关注城乡教师专业标准的差异性。  相似文献   

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