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Classical unequal erasure protection schemes split data to be protected into classes which are encoded independently. The unequal protection scheme presented in this paper is based on an erasure code which encodes all the data together according to the existing dependencies. A simple algorithm generates dynamically the generator matrix of the erasure code according to the packets streams structure, i.e., the dependencies between the packets, and the rate of the code. This proposed erasure code was applied to a packetized MPEG4 stream transmitted over a packet erasure channel and compared with other classical protection schemes in terms of PSNR and MOS. It is shown that the proposed code allows keeping a high video quality-level in a larger packet loss rate range than the other protection schemes.  相似文献   

Using the 159 counties of Georgia as statistical units Osborne has presented data indicating (a) a positive relationship between percentage of non‐Whites and per pupil expenditures; (b) a negative relationship between per pupil expenditures and mean achievement and intelligence scores; and (c) a negative relationship between percentage of non‐Whites and mean intelligence and achievement scores. Osborne has interpreted these findings as indicating that the attempt to raise the achievement levels of previously deprived groups has been a failure, and has used this interpretation as a basis for a more general negative conclusion concerning the effectiveness of compensatory efforts. The present analysis indicates, however, that neither of these conclusions follows from his data. The evidence suggests rather that Osborne's negative correlations reflect in large measure long‐range effects of earlier conditions.  相似文献   

This article investigates to what extent scholarships are unequally distributed among students in Germany and how these inequalities can be explained. Following sociological theory, the article argues that elites seek qualitative ways of distinguishing themselves in a mass higher education system. Using student surveys, we demonstrate that class effects cannot merely be explained with reference to class differences in academic achievement but that higher classes have better access to scholarships independent of earlier school performance. Class differences were particularly persistent when the intermediate classes were compared with higher classes with more education. These findings illustrate that social classes have different strategies when it comes to participating in higher education and suggest that information about and access to scholarships is important in gaining a class advantage.  相似文献   

The study uses ethnographic research from four classes in secondary school as well as from two groups in upper secondary school, to examine everyday racism as an element of the daily institutional lives of students and teachers. The study is based on long-term participant observation and 89 interviews. These were all audio-recorded and transcribed. In Sweden the education of ethnic groups is couched in a discourse of integration and inclusion. However, the research presented shows that the aims of integration and inclusion were not achieved. Unequal and discriminatory educational experiences operated through two related actions: by private everyday racism and through public racism denial.  相似文献   

As we all know,men in North America are not expected to show their emotions openly. Well,even on Father's Day(the 3rd Sunday in June),very few grown-up sons ever say to their fathers,“I love you,Dad.”Why not“Dad”?What do American children call their fathers?First of all,it's different in many different parts of North Amer-ica. For example,my father came from Easten Canada from a British-Canadian family. He never wanted us to call him“Father.”To him,it sounded too unfrie…  相似文献   

众所周知,英语是世界上同义词最丰富的语言之一。在英语学习中,正确地理解同义词,熟练地掌握同义词,对英语学习都大有好处。通过数十年的教学实践,我们感到,对在掌握了三千左右单词的英语学习者来说,常常会遇到相当数量的英语同义词、接踵而来的就是辩异问题,而且,这一问题会随着英语学习的进展而不断增加。因此我们将在此文中对 avenue,boulevard......等同义词做简要解释,希望对英语学习者能有所帮助。  相似文献   

放学了,皮塔亚从幼儿园里出来,兴冲冲地往家里跑去。他一口气跑到自己家楼下,小妹妹芬尔娅正在楼梯口等着他。“我学会数数啦!”皮塔亚兴奋地对妹妹说,“今天在幼儿园,老师教我们数数了,看我数数  相似文献   

门|||||| 厂一一一一—一一一一一一 One,two,three、four, Mary at the cotta沙*door, Five,six,seven,eight, Eatingcherties off aPlate.One,Two,Three,Four@刘世一  相似文献   

become,grow,go,turn,get这几个词作系动词时都可以表示“变得”、“变成”的意思,后接名词或形容词作表语。1.become是最常用的词,强调状态的变化,表示从一种状态向另一种状态的变化,而且该过程已经完成。该词比较正式,多用于书面语中。例如:Mikebecomesill.迈克生病了。Wheniceisheated,itmeltsandbecomeswater.摇冰受热,融化成水。2.grow指逐渐地转化,强调渐变的过程。例如:Itisgrowingcold.天气渐渐变冷了。3.go表示进入某种状态,较多的是表示向坏的方面转变,并且这种变化通常是永久性或难以扭转的。例如:Ringhimupifanythinggoeswron…  相似文献   

在富尔达略显悠闲的步调一过去,接下来便是几天紧凑的行程,几个美丽的国家. 不同于富尔达小城市的魅力,莱茵河畔的科隆总是有一种神秘古典的气息.当科隆大教堂映入你的眼帘,别的建筑物顿失光彩.这座德国的地标式古建筑是世界四大宗教建筑之一,在你一览它的真容后,只剩下无尽的感叹与震撼.那些精美的雕塑,那些独具风格的神像,那些古老永恒的门梁,让人不得不感叹它的雕梁画栋,不得不感叹设计师与建造者的伟大.慢慢步入,教堂的内部很黑,但虔诚的人们捧着的蜡烛与那巨大秀美的琉璃窗相映成趣.人们的祈祷下,整个神秘又伟大的故事也向我们慢慢展开.  相似文献   

动词bring,take,carry,get,lift都有“携带、运送”之意,但它们的用法各异。一、bring意为“拿来”“带来”,是指把某物或某人从别处带到说话者所在的地方来,其动作是由远及近。例:  相似文献   

在中学英语教学中,till,until,by,before,t0,up to,down to 等表示时间的词语,学生掌握起来较为困难,经常导致错句、病句。对此,本文愿做一番比较并就教于方家。till 和 until1、till 和 until 内涵基本上相同。till 和 until 的选择主要是以惯用和平衡为准。till  相似文献   

“飞轮海”是华氏温度计FAHRENHEIT英文的中译名,也就是代表由四位彷佛春、夏、秋及冬四季的大男生组成的。辰亦儒代表WARM,汪东城代表HOT,吴尊则是代表辰亦儒、汪东城、炎亚纶的《终极一班》收视斐然,吴尊与林依晨的《东方朱丽叶》也开播在即,四人与Ella一起主演的《偷偷爱着你》更是在大家的期待中……  相似文献   

行走课堂,挖掘,运用,相机渗透"数形结合思想方法",学生可借图促思,据图说理,既丰富了数学学习的方法和思维体验,又为学生理解、解决问题提供形象、直观的途径。  相似文献   

_0.__0._.为E一为E 哈哈举办新年联欢会,要通知小老鼠参加,你看应该怎么走才能找到小老鼠? 一 /填一填 新春快乐!请你在每个圆里都添上字,使每条线上的圆内都有这4个字。 填成语 把后面的格子填上字,使它各自成为一句成语。 左边5条船中,只有一条船停泊在海面上,请你找出来好吗  相似文献   

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