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采用献资料对定向运动比赛的场地、地图、路线、器材的准备,临赛前的点标、出发区和终点区的安排设计,以及比赛中的各项工作进行探讨,旨在提高对定向运动竞赛的认识,推动定向运动的广泛开展。  相似文献   

定向运动中路线选择的正确与否,直接影响到运动员的比赛成绩。在选择路线时要确立正确的战略思想,采取灵活机动的战术,才能赢得比赛。  相似文献   

赵百东 《体育师友》2012,35(5):67-68
定向运功起源于瑞典,是指利用地图和指北(南)针,依据组织者预先设计在地图上的目标和次序,选择路线,在最短时间内完成目标任务的体育运动。这是一项集智慧与运动能力于一身的体育运动,因其趣味性强、挑战性高等特点,在世界各地广泛开展。就我国中学生定向运动比赛来说,一般以公园定向(短距离赛、标准距离赛、接力赛)、百米定向赛为主,距离在5000米左右,对一个学校的初学者来说,可参考以下五个环节进行训练比赛。  相似文献   

对2007年全国学生定向越野精英赛暨浙江省大运会定向赛短距离赛的分段成绩数据进行量化比较,并正确理解各分段路线设计意图,反映其占主导因素的定向技术,得出造成浙江优秀定向运动员与全国精英运动员分段成绩显著性差异的原因是该分段占主导因素的定向技术两者之间有差距.以此为浙江省定向运动的竞技水平提高提供参考.  相似文献   

2005年11月5日上午阳光明媚,51名来自世界各地的定向运动高手会聚浙江省金华市八咏公园,参加2005年世界公园定向运动精英巡回赛中国金华站的角逐。整个公园内设置了22个控制点,运动员需凭个人定向技术、地图阅读能力、指南针运用及自己思考判断,在陌生的公园中,寻找赛委会预先放置的各控制点……1995年成立于瑞典的PWT国际公园定向组织,是国际定向联合会认可的组织机构,专业从事公园定向运动推广,已在世界16个国家进行了60场以上的大型公园定向赛事。该组织所举办的PWT精英巡回赛开始于1996年,每年在世界各地举办6-10场赛事,吸引世界排名…  相似文献   

定向运动员空间认知特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用了认知心理学关于空间表象的原理探讨了定向运动员在比赛过程中空间认知的特征。通过分析了解到空间认知对于定向运动员在获取地理空间环境信息、认识地图、选择路线等方面发挥着重要的作用,可以为我们的定向运动训练、比赛提供理论依据。  相似文献   

文章运用文献资料法和实例分析法等研究方法,系统阐述了在安全教育背景下如何培养和提高高校定向运动参与者对地图的快速识别能力,以及怎样在比赛中正确、合理选择比赛行进路线进行探讨,在此基础上提出相应的建议,为高校定向运动参与者提供理论参考。  相似文献   

1月7日夜,正值2005年中国学生定向协会年会暨中国首届学生定向论坛在深圳召开期间,由中国学生定向协会主办、深圳市华瑞健定向拓展文化推广部及深圳大学定向越野俱乐部承办的深圳市夜间定向赛在深圳大学校园举行。参加会议的领导、嘉宾和会议代表100多人兴致勃勃地参加了比赛。本次比赛采用了夜间徒步定向积分赛形式进行,赛员必须自行设计路线和取胜战术,在规定的时间内,尽可能多地找到检查点得分。这种比赛形式有别于传统的个人赛,是一种适合于定向教学的比赛。比赛地点设在深圳大学校园举行,让更多领导和教师亲身体会到了如何在校园开展定…  相似文献   

从目前我国定向运动发展状况来看。一些经济发达地区如上海市、广州市、深圳市、香港特别行政区等,定向运动开展得非常频繁和普及。除了比较正规的比赛外,诸如家庭定向、公园定向等活动,吸引了广大市民的踊跃参与。定向运动能培养人独立思考、独立解决问题的能力和在体力与智力受到压力下做出迅速反应、果断决定的能力。是集健身、情趣、知识、竞技和国防教育为一体的新兴体育项目,深受学生喜爱,是素质教育的有效形式。作为体育教师,有必要加深对这一门体育项目的认识。  相似文献   

定向越野是在一张详细精确的地图和指北针的帮助下,以最短的时间,按顺序到访地图上所标示路线的各个点标,是以有氧代谢为主的混合供能运动。不同的奔跑形式对定向越野比赛成绩影响各有不同,本文根据定向越野跑的特点,对节奏跑在定向越野比赛中的应用优势及其训练进行分析探讨。  相似文献   

The Vuelta Ciclista a España, whose 75th anniversary will be celebrated in 2010, is one of the three big stage races in the world, alongside the Tour de France and the Giro d'Italia. It is arguably a major yearly sporting event with a wide popular appeal and media coverage, not only at a national level but also increasingly at a global one. Yet, unlike the Tour and the Giro, it remains unexplored from a socio-scientific perspective. This article aims, therefore, at breaking some new ground while analysing the socio-political dimension of this long-lasting, successful sporting event's first instalment in 1935, putting it against the backdrop of the turbulent Second Republic and the path leading to the Civil War. The media-confected nature of the Vuelta is highlighted, which brings it close to its fellow races of the Big Three Tours (also set up and managed by daily newspapers), but a major difference is pointed out: the first Vuelta's predominant political-ideological rationale, its overwhelming propagandistic aim put to the service of Spanish reactionary forces, compared to the mainly commercial purposes of the first Tour's and Giro's marketing-driven organizers.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the effects of the age and sex of the competitor on orienteering speed during competitive events. The results of the fastest three male and fastest three female competitors in each 5-year age band (21-79 years), from four national orienteering events, were analysed. The data for age and orienteering speed were log-transformed and regression analyses were conducted to determine the relationships between age and sex and orienteering speed. For comparison, data for the fastest Great Britain finisher in the 10,000-m track and 10-km cross-country events for age groups 40-69 years at the World Masters Championships were also analysed. The results showed that, before the age of 40 years, there was no substantial slowing in orienteering speed for males (0.5-4.2% per decade) but a moderate decline (4.7-10.0% per decade) for females. After the age of 45 years, the orienteering speed of males and females slowed by 13 - 2% and 16 - 4% per decade (mean - s ), respectively, until around the age of 69, after which the deterioration was accentuated. The orienteering speed of the females was 81 - 4, 74 - 6 and 69 - 7% that of the males at ages 21, 45 and 65 years, respectively. The magnitudes of the age-related slowing of orienteering speed and of the difference in orienteering speed between males and females aged 45 years and over were greater than those reported for the other endurance running events. This may reflect the physical demands of running in orienteering terrain, tactical and cognitive aspects of the sport, or sociocultural aspects of the participating population.  相似文献   

Differences between the sexes and age-related changes in orienteering speed   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this study was to assess the effects of the age and sex of the competitor on orienteering speed during competitive events. The results of the fastest three male and fastest three female competitors in each 5-year age band (21-79 years), from four national orienteering events, were analysed. The data for age and orienteering speed were log-transformed and regression analyses were conducted to determine the relationships between age and sex and orienteering speed. For comparison, data for the fastest Great Britain finisher in the 10,000-m track and 10-km cross-country events for age groups 40-69 years at the World Masters Championships were also analysed. The results showed that, before the age of 40 years, there was no substantial slowing in orienteering speed for males (0.5-4.2% per decade) but a moderate decline (4.7-10.0% per decade) for females. After the age of 45 years, the orienteering speed of males and females slowed by 13+/-2% and 16+/-4% per decade (mean +/- s), respectively, until around the age of 69, after which the deterioration was accentuated. The orienteering speed of the females was 81+/-4, 74+/-6 and 69+/-7% that of the males at ages 21, 45 and 65 years, respectively. The magnitudes of the age-related slowing of orienteering speed and of the difference in orienteering speed between males and females aged 45 years and over were greater than those reported for the other endurance running events. This may reflect the physical demands of running in orienteering terrain, tactical and cognitive aspects of the sport, or sociocultural aspects of the participating population.  相似文献   


Road cycling ranks among the most intense endurance exercises. Previous studies and mathematical models describing road cycling have not analysed performances per se. We describe the evolution of road cycling performance over the past 116 years. We studied the top ten cyclists' mean speeds in eight famous classic races and three European Grand Tours, using a previously published multi-exponential model that highlights the different progression periods of an event during the century. In addition, we measured an indicator of difficulty for the Tour de France by calculating the climbing index (i.e. the total altitude climbed over total distance). The eleven races' mean speed increased progressively from 23.13 km · h?1 in 1892 to 41.19 ± 2.03 km · h?1 in 2008. Road cycling development, like other quantifiable disciplines, fits a piecewise progression pattern that follows three periods: before, between, and after the two World Wars. However, a fourth period begins after 1993, providing a speed progression of 6.38% from the third one. The Tour de France's climbing index also provided insight into a recent paradoxical relationship with speeds: when the climbing index increased, the winner's speed also increased. Our results show a major improvement (6.38%) in road cycling performance in the last 20 years and question the role of extra-physiological parameters in this recent progression.  相似文献   

文章从生态体育的视角,提出定向运动的涵义。以文献资料法、访谈法为基本研究方法,基于当前定向运动的教学现状,以生态体育资源、绿色科技、定向运动教学的人文环境及定向运动的社会化等角度进行了革新性教学探究。为促进定向运动的教育教学提供可行性借鉴。  相似文献   

Orienteering is a sport in which it is common for most participants to be aged over 40 years, but research into the demands of the sport has focused almost exclusively on elite participants aged 21-35 years. The aim of the present study was to examine the heart rate responses of older male orienteers. Thirty-nine competitive male orienteers were divided into three groups: group 1 (international competitive standard, n = 11, age 21-67 years), group 2 (national competitive standard, n = 15, age 24-66 years) and group 3 (club competitive standard, n = 13, age 23-60 years). Each participant had his heart rate monitored during two orienteering races of contrasting technical difficulty. The results were analysed using analysis of covariance, with age as a covariate, and Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients to determine whether age was related to the observed heart rate responses. The groups did not differ in their peak (175 +/- 12 beats x min(-1), P = 0.643) or mean (159 +/- 13 beats x min(-1), P = 0.171) heart rates during the races. There was a decline of 6 beats x min(-1) x decade(-1) (P = 0.001) for peak heart rate and 5 beats x min(-1) x decade(-1) (P < 0.001) for mean heart rate. Mean heart rates were 86 +/- 6% of the participants' maximal heart rates and were not associated with age. The orienteers in group 1 displayed a lower (P < 0.005) within-race standard deviation in heart rate (6 +/- 2 beats x min(-1)) than those in groups 2 and 3 (10 +/- 3 and 10 +/- 4 beats x min(-1), respectively). In conclusion, the mean heart rates indicated that all three groups of orienteers ran at a relative high intensity and the international competitive standard orienteers displayed a less variable heart rate, which may have been related to fewer instances of slowing down to relocate and being able to navigate while running at relatively high speeds.  相似文献   

Expertise in sport can appear so extraordinary that it is difficult to imagine how “normal” individuals may achieve it. However, in this review, we show that experts in the sport of orienteering, which requires on-foot navigation using map and compass through wild terrain, can make the difficult look easy because they have developed a cognitive advantage. Specifically, they have acquired knowledge of cognitive and behavioural strategies that allow them to circumvent natural limitations on attention. Cognitive strategies include avoiding peaks of demand on attention by distributing the processing of map information over time and reducing the need to attend to the map by simplifying the navigation required to complete a race. Behavioural strategies include reducing the visual search required of the map by physically arranging and rearranging the map display during races. It is concluded that expertise in orienteering can be partly attributed to the circumvention of natural limitations on attention achieved via the employment of acquired cognitive and behavioural strategies. Thus, superior performance in sport may not be the possession of only a privileged few; it may be available to all aspiring athletes.  相似文献   

论高校体育教学中开设定向运动的必要性和可行性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
运用文献资料法、比较研究法、逻辑分析法等方法,阐述了定向运动的基本特点,分析了制约开展定向运动教学的主要因素,为进一步在高校中开展定向运动教学提出对策,旨为在各院校开展定向运动项目教学提供参考。  相似文献   

定向运动是近年来在高校中得到大力推广的新兴体育项目之一,具有较高的教育与锻炼价值,深受大学生的喜爱。为促进这一新兴体育项目在河南高校中的开展与普及,通过文献资料、问卷调查、专家访谈、数理统计等方法对河南30所普通高校开设定向运动课程的现状进行分析,发现河南高校开展定向运动课的现状不容乐观,针对这一现状提出了有利于高校开展定向运动课的发展对策,为河南高校定向运动课程的发展提供理论参考。  相似文献   

根据河南省普通高校定向运动的开展并不理想的现状,本文分析了河南省普通高校开展定向运动的制约因素,并对河南省普通高校开展定向运动的可行性进行了探讨,旨在为河南省普通高校定向运动的开展提供参考。  相似文献   

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