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Although John Dewey has had the most profound effect on education, less is known about the philosophy of education of the original founder of pragmatism, Charles Peirce Using Peirce’s theory of formal rhetoric, I try to show that Peirce’s philosophy of education, when fully understood, is aligned with Dewey’s pedagogy of experiential learning, and can provide a justification for the promotion of active learning in the classroom. Peirce’s rhetoric, as one part of his logical or semiotic theory, argues that reasoning alone is not sufficient to gain knowledge, but that it must be embedded within a community of inquiry, of a certain sort. Applying this to the classroom, I argue that we, as teachers, should endeavor to create the features of a proper community of inquiry in the classroom, one that emphasizes engagement of the students in doing research rather than passively receiving information about its results.  相似文献   


There are various programmes currently advocated for ways in which children might encounter philosophy as an explicit part of their education. An analysis of these reveals the ways in which they are predicated on views of what constitutes philosophy. In the sense in which they are inquiry based, purport to encourage the pursuit of puzzlement and contribute towards creating democratic citizens, these programmes either implicitly rest on the work of John Dewey or explicitly use his work as the main warrant for their approach. This article explores what might count as educational in the practice of children ‘doing’ philosophy, by reconsidering Dewey’s notion of ‘experience’. The educational desire to generate inquiry, thought and democracy is not lost, but a view that philosophy takes its impetus from wonder is introduced to help re-evaluate what might count as educational experience in a Deweyan sense.  相似文献   

杜威教育哲学输入和影响中国的过程,就其本质而言是中国化的过程。文化自由主义者对杜威教育哲学不遗余力的宣传,以及它内含的科学与民主精神,是其能够顺利中国化的前提。反思性、整合性和多样中的一致性是杜威教育哲学在中国化过程中表现出来的特征。这种中国化实质上是一种外在的、形式上的中国化。  相似文献   

“儿童中心论”是杜威教育思想的重要内容,由于历史的原因,建国后我国对杜威的教育理论一直持否定的态度,不少人斥责他过于强调儿童的兴趣和需要,放纵了学生的自由,降低了教师威信、否定社会的作用。实际上,杜威强调儿童是教育活动的出发点,强调教育要尊重儿童的天性,促进儿童发展,同时杜威反对二元对立的思维方式。所以应从教育、社会、儿童的基本关系来理解杜威的“儿童中心论”。  相似文献   

In this global village, it is relevant to look at two educational visionaries from two continents, John Dewey and Rabindranath Tagore. Dewey observed that the modern individual was depersonalized by the industrial and commercial culture. He, thus, envisioned a new individual who would find fulfillment in maximum individuality within maximum community, which was embodied in his democratic concept and educational philosophy. Tagore's educational vision was based on India's traditional philosophy of harmony and fullness. It focused on self‐realization within the context of international education. This article compares the educational visions of Dewey and Tagore and demonstrates that Tagore's international educational perspective adds to Dewey's concepts of social individual and democracy and that their perspectives have implications for contemporary education.  相似文献   

18世纪末,从哲学视角出发,康德以深刻的哲学思辨为"教育学"这门学科赢得了三尺讲坛。高瞻哲学俯瞰教育,康德不仅仅成了一位举世瞩目的哲学家,也成了一位影响深远的教育思想家。20世纪初,扎根教育面朝哲学,杜威成为进步主义教育的奠基人,也成为美国本土哲学——实用主义哲学的创始人。文章试图从教育视角、教育理想、教育起源、教育本质、教育目的、教育阶段以及道德教育等方面来解读康德和杜威的教育思想。深入分析这两种截然不同的理论——从哲学到教育、从教育到哲学,有助于我们全面地理解康德和杜威教育思想,有助于我们透过种种现象看清教育前进的方向,更有助于我们重新审视教育的过去、现在及未来。  相似文献   

杜威是哲学家,亦是教育哲学家,本身也是教师,是有高度理论思维能力和表达能力的教师。杜威的教育理论是对其教育教学实践切身体悟的结晶,可以说是其个人教育哲学的表达。既有高度的教育理论素养又有教育实践智慧和教育理想追求是杜威对好教师形象的表达。从教育理论素养上讲,好教师应形成个人的教育哲学;从教育实践智慧上讲,好教师应能激发和维持学生的理智兴趣;从教育理想追求上讲,好教师应努力培养有价值的社会成员。  相似文献   

Conducting scientific inquiry is expected to help students make informed decisions; however, how exactly it can help is rarely explained in science education standards. According to classroom studies, inquiry that students conduct in science classes seems to have little effect on their decision-making. Predetermined values play a large role in students’ decision-making, but students do not explore these values or evaluate whether they are appropriate to the particular issue they are deciding, and they often ignore relevant scientific information. We explore how to connect inquiry and values, and how this connection can contribute to informed decision-making based on John Dewey’s philosophy. Dewey argues that scientific inquiry should include value judgments and that conducting inquiry can improve the ability to make good value judgments. Value judgment is essential to informed, rational decision-making, and Dewey’s ideas can explain how conducting inquiry can contribute to make an informed decision through value judgment. According to Dewey, each value judgment during inquiry is a practical judgment guiding action, and students can improve their value judgments by evaluating their actions during scientific inquiry. Thus, we suggest that students need an opportunity to explore values through scientific inquiry and that practicing value judgment will help informed decision-makings.  相似文献   

When Dewey scholars and educational theorists appeal to the value of educative growth, what exactly do they mean? Is an individual's growth contingent on receiving a formal education? Is growth too abstract a goal for educators to pursue? Richard Rorty contended that the request for a “criterion of growth” is a mistake made by John Dewey's “conservative critics,” for it unnecessarily restricts the future “down to the size of the present.” Nonetheless, educational practitioners inspired by Dewey's educational writings may ask Dewey scholars and educational theorists, “How do I facilitate growth in my classroom?” Here Shane Ralston asserts, in spite of Rorty's argument, that searching for a more concrete standard of Deweyan growth is perfectly legitimate. In this essay, Ralston reviews four recent books on Dewey's educational philosophy—Naoko Saito's The Gleam of Light: Moral Perfectionism and Education in Dewey and Emerson, Stephen Fishman and Lucille McCarthy's John Dewey and the Philosophy and Practice of Hope, and James Scott Johnston's Inquiry and Education: John Dewey and the Quest for Democracy and Deweyan Inquiry: From Educational Theory to Practice—and through his analysis identifies some possible ways for Dewey‐inspired educators to make growth a more practical pedagogical ideal.  相似文献   

赵鑫 《成人教育》2014,34(9):33-35
杜威的教育哲学思想中包含着丰富的终身学习理论,其教育本质、教育目标、教育方法和教育内容与终身学习思想联系密切。基于对杜威教育哲学思想的内涵的探讨,揭示其对终身学习的启示。  相似文献   

文章从杜威实用主义生存哲学的内在逻辑着手,解析“从做中学”思想提出的生存论、经验方法及探求逻辑的理论根源,认为它不是一种教育理论,而是一种探求学习理论。正是基于实用主义生存论哲学和“从做中学”的学习观,杜威提出了著名的“教育就是生长、就是生活、就是经验的改造或改组”的教育思想,在人类教育思想史上占有独特的地位。  相似文献   

美国著名实用主义哲学家、教育家杜威并没有在他的有生之年明确地提出过环境教育的口号和理念,但是在他的教育著作中我们很容易发现与环境教育密切相关的思想。尤其在《地理和历史的重要意义》一文中,杜威深刻地阐释了地理和历史学科对于学生成长的重大意义,集中论述了自然环境和社会环境对学生了解世界、体验世界所发挥的重要作用。这样的理论对于环境教育来说是具有前瞻性的。研究杜威关于环境教育的思想有助于促进对杜威教育思想的深层探究,这对中国的环境教育发展具有理论指导意义。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to make a case for The Rebel as an important educational text. Discussing The Rebel in this way for the first time, the goal is to try and demonstrate that the work could have a unique contribution; in particular there might be a number of similarities between Camus and educational thinkers relating to the goals, pedagogy and the meaning of education. The Rebel has been noted as Camus’s most underexplored text so by investigating these synergies for the first time, this article aims to demonstrate another dimension to The Rebel and potential relevance for educational theory and practice.  相似文献   


This paper attempts to reintegrate the concept of plasticity into educational philosophy. Although John Dewey used the concept in Democracy and Education (1916) it has not generated much of a critical or practical legacy in educational thought. French philosopher, Catherine Malabou, is the first to think plasticity rigorously and seriously in a contemporary philosophical context and this paper outlines her thinking on it as well as considering its applicability to education. My argument is that her definition not only successfully reintroduces the concept in a way which is generative for contemporary educational philosophy and practice but that it also significantly extends the remit of educational plasticity as previously conceived by Dewey. This paper will examine the concept of educational plasticity as providing an opportunity as well as ‘the feeling of a new responsibility’ towards the plastic subject in philosophical approaches to education.  相似文献   


The plague narrates the stories of a group of men whose lives interconnect around the experience of exile during the event of a plague. This article selects and summarizes themes from each of their stories. The purpose of these selections is to present an interpretation of Camus’ narratives that can be juxtaposed to an analysis, overleaf, of the educational nature of narratives, and in particular of the event of the tragedy. This article then maps out the narrative of the town and of seven men. It may be read alone as a reading of Camus’ novel with rich, yet unmapped, contributions to thinking about education, or it may be read concurrently with its analytical partner through which the meaning of Camus’ work is traced onto a contemporary tragedy and a city’s educational responses.  相似文献   


This study focuses on the phenomenon of private supplementary tutoring, otherwise known as ‘shadow education’, which has proliferated around the world. By casting the spotlight on one particular shadow education institution (SEI) in Singapore and viewing it through the lens of Dewey’s educational philosophy, the study aimed to illuminate the inner workings of a SEI to shed light on its ability to thrive in a competitive educational landscape. Data were drawn from lesson observations, interviews with various stakeholders and the SEI website. Viewed through Dewey’s philosophical thinking about the connections between the child and curriculum and school and society, the data shows an institution outwardly guided by a progressivist mission to develop learners as a whole, providing opportunities for broadening their minds and preparing them for their future workplace. However, evidence also suggests that there is a fundamental focus on high-stakes examination preparation in its pedagogic practices and curricular content. This tension reflects the wider socio-economic culture in Singapore that is entrenched within a utilitarian and pragmatic paradigm while aspiring towards more humanistic and holistic educational goals.  相似文献   

教育改革怎么改?杜威的教育改革思想对今天乃至未来的我国教育改革有重要意义,应引起我们足够的重视。该思想主要包括:教育改革应超越"主义",从"教育"本身出发;应辩证思考,摒弃"非此即彼"的思维方式;应科学谋划,统筹考虑;应建立联合体,让多方民主参与。  相似文献   

This essay examines how John Dewey’s child-centered educational philosophy was adopted and adapted in the early twentieth century in China to create a Chinese children’s literature. Chinese intellectuals applied Dewey’s educational philosophy, which values children’s interests and needs, to formulate a new concept of modern childhood that influenced emerging Chinese children’s literature. Underlying the apparently faithful borrowing of Dewey’s theory, though, is a fundamental contradiction between Dewey and his Chinese counterparts in terms of the nature of children. While Dewey was rejecting the notion that human beings possess innate characteristics, Chinese intellectuals were attempting to do the opposite, namely they were endeavoring to make “children” an essentialist category. By emphasizing this intersection of both foreign and indigenous influences in modern Chinese children’s literature, this essay also suggests that Chinese children’s literature is a hybrid product.  相似文献   

This is the third of four essays discussing John Dewey's short essay, ‘Education as engineering’, placing the essay into its historical context while also hinting at contemporary connections. This essay aims to show that one must not take the term ‘engineering’ in a narrow, technical sense. Dewey was concerned with how the beliefs and values of unreflective, customary thinking about education not only controls and limits and serious educational reform, but also the patterns of educational research carryied out. Because all inquiry is theory and value‐laden, ‘objectivity’ in educational research depends on acknowledging the beliefs and values that are assumed in inquiry.  相似文献   


In Chapter VIII of Democracy and Education, Dewey objects to all three of the following propositions: (1) education serves predefined aims; (2) Education serves aims that are external to the process of education; and (3) Education serves aims that are imposed by authority. From the vantage point of policy-makers and authors of curriculum guides, these three propositions seem plausible, even self-evident. In this paper, I set forth a critical interpretation and evaluation of Dewey’s objections to them and argue that he saw the aims of education from another point of view, that of a learner. From a learner’s point of view, propositions 2 and 3 are only half-true because external aims that are not shared by the students cannot successfully guide educative activities. As regards proposition 1, Dewey’s philosophy does not accommodate the birds-eye view required to make it literally true. As learners, we cannot have an external view of our entire progress. Some of our aims are, therefore, not predefined but discovered on the way. Dewey’s stance on the role of aims in education is worth serious consideration, because the view of curriculum development and school administration that these three propositions engender is as deeply problematic today as it was when Dewey wrote against them a century ago.  相似文献   

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