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采用文献资料法对日本残疾人体育指导的历史发展背景进行了梳理,在对日本残疾人体育指导者培训现状深入了解的基础上,详细分析了日本残疾人体育指导者培养体制、资格认定及课程培训体系。同时结合中国残疾人体育指导员培养现状进行对比分析,提出了残疾人调查细化、常规化;加强残疾人体育指导员培训;强化部门联系;构建残疾人体育指导员培训课程体系;开发建设残疾人体育场所等思路。  相似文献   

日本残疾人体育活动动向初探   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
运用文献综述研究法,对日本残疾人的现状、残疾人的需求、残疾人体育的历史沿革以及残疾人体育振兴方面的课题及存在的问题进行了考察和分析.提出无论是身体健康者还是残疾者均要进行思想意识变革,推动残疾人自身积极参与、主办残疾人体育,形成彼此相互扶助的良好局面.  相似文献   

我国残疾人体育发展研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
残疾人体育是社会和谐的直观体现,发展残疾人体育事业是构建和谐社会的需要.和谐发展的残疾人体育应是残疾人竞技体育、群众体育与学校体育三者和谐稳定,全面开展,相辅相成.目前,我国残疾人竞技体育优先、快速发展,群众体育与学校体育发展相对滞后.因此,保持残疾人竞技体育适度发展,加强群众体育与学校体育建设,将残疾人体育逐步融入中国体育的大环境,是中国残疾人体育可持续发展的战略需要,也是构建和谐社会的需要.  相似文献   

新中国成立后,特别是改革开放以来,我国的残疾人事业得到了飞速发展。随着我国经济的发展,作为残疾人事业的一个重要组成部分的残疾人体育得到了空前、迅速的发展,并逐渐走向了规模化、制度化的快速发展阶段。了解残疾人体育与残疾人事业的互动对于促进社会的和谐、稳定与进步以及推动残疾人体育的发展具有积极的意义。采用文献资料调研,回顾了我国残疾人事业与残疾人体育发展的历史,从社会学角度出发,以批判理论作为指导,引入残疾人观这一文化观念来分析残疾人事业与残疾人体育的相互作用机制以及残疾人观对促进残疾人事业与残疾人体育发展的重要作用。  相似文献   

为探索数字技术在残疾人体育中的应用,推动残疾人体育向“科技体育”的方向发展.本文运用文献资料等研究方法,对数字技术在残疾人体育中的应用进行分析,研究认为:数字技术与体育的融合发展是当代体育科技化的必然趋势,将数字技术应用于残疾人体育可以丰富残疾人体育类型、展现残疾人体育精神以及实现对残疾人体育的科学管理.因此,建议在我国残疾人体育中广泛运用数字技术,为切实保障残疾人的体育权利、提高残疾人的生活幸福感提供参考.  相似文献   

采用实地调研法和文献资料法等,对我国残疾人体育运动的现状进行深入分析,发现我国残疾人体育发展存在的问题:残疾人群众体育发展滞后;残疾人竞技体育发展存在缺陷;残疾人体育的教育科研投入不足.针对我国残疾人体育存在的问题提出应积极营造有利于残疾人体育运动开展的社会大环境;多渠道筹集资金促进残疾人体育运动发展;提高残疾人体育的教育和科研水平等可行性对策,从而促进我国残疾人体育运动可持续性发展.  相似文献   

在诠释残疾人体育、残疾人康复体育等概念的基础上,解读全民健身国家战略和残疾人康复体育的内涵,阐述残疾人康复体育与全民健身国家战略之间的关系,探讨全民健身国家战略背景下残疾人康复体育发展思路及其实施路径。分析认为,只有不断创新残疾人体育服务模式,合理配置资源,提供科学技术服务,促进残疾人健身体育、康复体育、竞技体育的均衡发展,才能充分保障残疾人平等享有基本公共体育服务均等化成果。  相似文献   

王月华 《体育世界》2010,(2):115-116
残疾人事业在党和政府的关心重视下,随着社会的进步与发展,正向着积极的方向发展。由于我国残疾人口基数庞大及残疾人自身条件的限制,残疾人所带来的社会压力巨大。通过分析发现残疾人体育对于促进残疾人就业大有裨益,本文从残疾人体育的功能出发,分析残疾人体育与残疾人就业的结合,指出残疾人体育对残疾人就业的促进作用,并提出相关建议,以期为残疾人体育和残疾人就业有所助益。  相似文献   

本文采用文献资料等研究方法,介绍了香港残疾人体育组织机构,并对香港残疾人竞技体育发展现状进行分析.探究出香港残疾人竞技体育快速发展的因素:政府多处基金资助残疾人体育事业,完善的场地器材设施,不断研讨改进技术、完善训练手法等.香港残疾人竞技体育发展展望包括:政府要加强对残疾人竞技体育的重视、拓宽融资渠道和加强横向交流、切实做好致力于残疾人竞技体育发展的专业人才引进与保障,以期为残疾人竞技体育的发展提供参考.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法和逻辑分析方法,从制度、经济、社会文化、残疾人人力资源和特殊教育五个方面论述了浙江省残疾人体育支持系统,分析了浙江省残疾人体育制约因素,认为:残疾人基层体育组织建设滞后,体育与经济发展不协调,城乡发展不平衡,社会体育指导员和特教学校师资专业化水平低,残疾人自身健身观念落后等因素制约了浙江省残疾人体育的发展。针对制约因素,并提出了发展浙江省残疾人体育的对策。  相似文献   

The Paralympic Games are the pinnacle of sport for many athletes with a disability. The overall purpose of this paper is to highlight the role that the field of sports biomechanics specifically (and sports science in general) may play in improving performance in various summer Paralympic sports through research and consultancy. To achieve this broad aim, this review provides some history and background on the Summer Paralympic Games, discusses the eligibility and classification rules, describes the potential for the constraints-led approach of dynamical systems theory to inform practice and research in this area, and reviews selected studies examining the biomechanics of the primary forms of Paralympic locomotion. Some recommendations on how sports biomechanics can help facilitate improvements in Paralympic athletic performance through applied research and consultancy are provided, along with commentary on what may be some of the most important issues addressing Paralympic sport.  相似文献   

The Paralympic Games are the pinnacle of sport for many athletes with a disability. The overall purpose of this paper is to highlight the role that the field of sports biomechanics specifically (and sports science in general) may play in improving performance in various summer Paralympic sports through research and consultancy. To achieve this broad aim, this review provides some history and background on the Summer Paralympic Games, discusses the eligibility and classification rules, describes the potential for the constraints-led approach of dynamical systems theory to inform practice and research in this area, and reviews selected studies examining the biomechanics of the primary forms of Paralympic locomotion. Some recommendations on how sports biomechanics can help facilitate improvements in Paralympic athletic performance through applied research and consultancy are provided, along with commentary on what may be some of the most important issues addressing Paralympic sport.  相似文献   


In this paper, we highlight the need to explore the excessive significance given to the Paralympic Games as a vehicle for the encouragement of participation of people with a disability within sport. The media spectacle around the games that the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) has worked tirelessly to develop has become, for policy-makers and the public alike, a sufficient outlet for disability sport provision. The honourable goals of the IPC articulated through the ethos of Paralympism have been assumed to be valid for all people with a disability, yet in terms of widening participation, their utility is limited. This paper first illuminates the relationship between the International Olympic Committee and the IPC before we turn our attention to the ethos of Paralympism. Highlighting the necessity for ‘sport for all’, we use a human rights lens, aided by a capabilities approach to facilitate better ways to educate the public about the need for equality of access to sporting participation opportunities.  相似文献   

Relatively little work has been carried out upon the effect of educational environment upon the sporting involvement of children with disabilities. This paper is concerned with the educational experiences of a group of athletes who competed in the Sydney 2000 Paralympic Games. It highlights the major influence that the impact of the educational experiences of a child with a disability can have upon many areas of the child's life. Not only do the experiences of physical education within school have a long‐term effect upon the participation, or otherwise, of individuals with disabilities in sport in later life, but they could also possibly affect the competitive strength of future Great Britain teams in the field of disability sport.  相似文献   

通过文献资料、系统分析、经验预测法等方法,以2008年第13届残奥会所设的20大项472小项目为基准,分析参赛国在世界残疾人体育大赛(第10—12届残奥会、2006年或2007年各单项世界锦标赛)中的竞争实力,对2008年北京残奥会各项目进行竞争实力预测。  相似文献   

Organisational stressors have been found to be prevalent and problematic for sport performers, with research identifying demographic differences in the stressors encountered. Nevertheless, extant sport psychology research on the topic of stress has generally focused on able-bodied athletes; whilst that which has been conducted on performers with a disability has typically recruited relatively small samples to explore a narrow selection of organisational stressors, or examined other components of the stress process. The purpose of the present study was to explore the various organisational stressors that athletes with a disability encounter. The sample comprised 18 elite athletes with a disability (10 male, 8 female) who had a classified disability and experience of competing at a major championships in their sport (e.g., Paralympic Games, World Championships). Participants took part in a semi-structured interview which was analysed by drawing from grounded theory procedures. A total of 316 organisational stressors were identified, which were abstracted into 31 concepts and four, previously conceptualised, exploratory schemes: leadership and personnel issues, cultural and team issues, logistical and environmental issues, and performance and personal issues. This study not only provides the first illustration of the prevalence of organisational stressors for athletes with a disability, but also significantly points to salient similarities and distinct differences between the stress experiences of performers with and without a disability.  相似文献   

The vision of the International Paralympic Committee(IPC) is "To Enable Paralympic Athletes to Achieve Sport-ing Excellence and Inspire and Excite the World" .This ambi-tious vision remains the keystone to the success of the Para-lympic Games and IPC sanc…  相似文献   

马丽君  骆秉全 《体育学刊》2006,13(2):128-131
对同一个国家,尤其同一个城市举办奥运会和残疾人奥运会两大赛事期间的工作转换问题进行了研究。研究认为:1)奥运会组委会应高度重视奥运会向残疾人奥运会的转换工作;2)残疾人奥运会具有其特殊性;3)残疾人奥运会规模的不断发展扩大为奥运会与残疾人奥运会之间工作顺利转换带来了巨大挑战;4)奥运会与残疾人奥运会之间的工作转换应遵守相应的规则;5)奥运会与残疾人奥运会之间的工作转换应突出无障碍设施和人文关怀。  相似文献   

采用文献分析、数理统计、专家访谈等方法,对近三届残奥会奖牌分布情况进行分析梳理。结果表明:我国残疾人竞技体育男女比例趋于"阴阳平衡",部分优势项目继续保持领先地位,潜优势项目有较大进步,集体项目仍是"短板",残疾人竞技体育地区发展不平衡。针对存在问题,提出我国残疾人竞技体育可持续发展应优化和完善举国体制、建立科学合理的训练体制、发达地区尝试部分残奥项目职业化、倡导竞技体育初步实现"残健融合"等对策建议。  相似文献   

奥运TOP 计划与中国企业介入策略   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
实践证明,中国残疾人举重队在雅典残奥会上获得5金4银6铜的优异成绩昭示了准备雅典残奥会的训练是成功的,技术是规范的、标准的、世界一流的。雅典残奥会举重比赛任务圆满完成,再次验证了中国残联实施科技攻关工作的重要意义,从此也开创了残疾人举重项目教练员、科技人员、运动员三位一体密切融合、衔接贯通、互为依托的科学化训练系统工程先河,将会为准备2008年残奥会提供极其有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

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