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Exercise in the heat poses a formidable challenge to the body's ability to control its internal environment due to the high rates of metabolic heat production and heat gain by physical transfer from the environment. In an attempt to restrict the rise in core temperature, an increased rate of sweat secretion onto the skin is invoked. This may limit the rise in core temperature, and can prolong the time before a limiting temperature is attained, but it does so at the cost of a loss of body water and electrolytes. The effects of the diminished blood volume are offset to some extent by cardiovascular adaptations, including an increased heart rate and an increased peripheral resistance, but these are insufficient to maintain functional capacity when blood volume is reduced. Prior dehydration will impair performance in both prolonged exercise and short-term high-intensity exercise. Athletes living and training in the heat may experience chronic hypohydration due to inadequate replacement of fluid losses. The negative consequences of exercise in the heat are attenuated to some extent by a period of adaptation, and by the ingestion of water or other appropriate fluids. Optimum fluid replacement strategies will depend on the exercise task, the environmental conditions and the individual physiological characteristics of the athlete. Manipulation of pre-exercise body temperature can also influence exercise performance and may be a strategy that can be used by athletes competing in stressful environments.  相似文献   

For a person undertaking regular exercise, any fluid deficit that is incurred during one exercise session can potentially compromise the next exercise session if adequate fluid replacement does not occur. Fluid replacement after exercise can, therefore, frequently be thought of as hydration before the next exercise bout. The importance of ensuring euhydration before exercise and the potential benefits of temporary hyperhydration with sodium salts or glycerol solutions are also important issues. Post-exercise restoration of fluid balance after sweat-induced dehydration avoids the detrimental effects of a body water deficit on physiological function and subsequent exercise performance. For effective restoration of fluid balance, the consumption of a volume of fluid in excess of the sweat loss and replacement of electrolyte, particularly sodium, losses are essential. Intravenous fluid replacement after exercise has been investigated to a lesser extent and its role for fluid replacement in the dehydrated but otherwise well athlete remains equivocal.  相似文献   

For a person undertaking regular exercise, any fluid deficit that is incurred during one exercise session can potentially compromise the next exercise session if adequate fluid replacement does not occur. Fluid replacement after exercise can, therefore, frequently be thought of as hydration before the next exercise bout. The importance of ensuring euhydration before exercise and the potential benefits of temporary hyperhydration with sodium salts or glycerol solutions are also important issues. Post-exercise restoration of fluid balance after sweat-induced dehydration avoids the detrimental effects of a body water deficit on physiological function and subsequent exercise performance. For effective restoration of fluid balance, the consumption of a volume of fluid in excess of the sweat loss and replacement of electrolyte, particularly sodium, losses are essential. Intravenous fluid replacement after exercise has been investigated to a lesser extent and its role for fluid replacement in the dehydrated but otherwise well athlete remains equivocal.  相似文献   

目的:研究高温高湿环境下运动时补液对有氧耐力的影响。方法:随机选取吉林体育学院运动训练专业学生30名,年龄、身高、体重、肺活量、VO2max等指标均无差异,分为常温常湿组、高温高湿组、高温高湿补液组,测试实验过程中的心率(HR)、肌氧含量的变化、运动持续的时间以及恢复时间。结果:对高温高湿环境下运动进行补液干预,发现与高温高湿组相比,补液组体温、HR相对较低,肌氧饱和度下降幅度小,运动持续时间延长、恢复时间缩短。补液可以提高高温高湿环境下有氧运动的能力。  相似文献   

运动时体液平衡与心血管适应的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
脱水的出现不仅降低体温调节能力和运动能力,而且影响正常的心血管功能,通常这种影响随着脱水程度的变化而变化。当机体在运动中逐步脱水时,环境温度是影响心血管功能变化的一个重要因素。但是,当机体处于一个体液平衡的状态下,这种影响的显著性就消失了。运动时补液可以防止和纠正脱水,维持和改善运动时的心血管功能。补液的影响直接与补液量、补液时间和补液饮料的成分相关。  相似文献   

The development of fatigue during exercise and the subsequent onset of exhaustion occur earlier in the heat than in cooler environments. The underlying mechanisms responsible for the premature development of fatigue in the heat have yet to be clearly identified. However, the proposed mechanisms include metabolic, cardiovascular and central nervous system perturbations, together with an elevated core temperature. Fluid ingestion is one of three strategies that have been shown to be successful in enhancing the performance of endurance exercise in the heat, with the other interventions being precooling and acclimatization. However, like the development of fatigue in the heat, the mechanisms by which fluid ingestion allows for improved exercise performance remain unclear. We propose that fluid ingestion enhances exercise performance in the heat by increasing the heat storage capacity of the body. We suggest that the thermoregulatory, metabolic and cardiovascular alterations that occur as a result of this increased heat storage capacity contribute to performance enhancement when fluid is ingested during exercise heat stress.  相似文献   

The development of fatigue during exercise and the subsequent onset of exhaustion occur earlier in the heat than in cooler environments. The underlying mechanisms responsible for the premature development of fatigue in the heat have yet to be clearly identified. However, the proposed mechanisms include metabolic, cardiovascular and central nervous system perturbations, together with an elevated core temperature. Fluid ingestion is one of three strategies that have been shown to be successful in enhancing the performance of endurance exercise in the heat, with the other interventions being precooling and acclimatization. However, like the development of fatigue in the heat, the mechanisms by which fluid ingestion allows for improved exercise performance remain unclear. We propose that fluid ingestion enhances exercise performance in the heat by increasing the heat storage capacity of the body. We suggest that the thermoregulatory, metabolic and cardiovascular alterations that occur as a result of this increased heat storage capacity contribute to performance enhancement when fluid is ingested during exercise heat stress.  相似文献   

观察大鼠在热环境中进行力竭游泳运动后24h恢复期下丘脑细胞外液单胺类神经递质含量的动态变化,分析其变化特点与相互关系,为探索热环境下运动性中枢疲劳的产生和恢复机制提供实验依据。方法:将32只SD雄性大鼠随机分成常温安静组、常温力竭组、高温安静组、高温力竭组,采集运动后4h、5h、6h、8h及24h微透析样品,并采用毛细管电泳-激光诱导荧光法检测单胺类神经递质含量。结论:热环境下大鼠力竭运动恢复期下丘脑细胞外液5-羟色胺(5-HT)含量与常温力竭运动相比升高更加显著,介导核心温度的升高;而多巴胺(DA)和去甲肾上腺素(NE)含量的降低,导致机体对热的耐受性降低;高5-HT浓度、高核心温度和机体低热耐受性的共同作用,加快中枢疲劳的发生,降低机体运动能力。  相似文献   

A high ambient temperature reduces the capacity to perform prolonged exercise. Total carbohydrate oxidation is less, and thus glycogen depletion is not limiting. Fluid ingestion in the heat should, therefore, focus on maintenance of hydration status rather than on substrate provision. Six healthy males cycled to exhaustion at 60% of maximum oxygen consumption (VO 2max ) with no drink, ingestion of a 15% carbohydrate-electrolyte drink (1.45 - 0.29 litres) or ingestion of a 2% carbohydrate-electrolyte drink (3.12 - 0.47 litres). The ambient temperature was 30.2 - 0.6°C (mean - s ), with a relative humidity of 71 - 1% and an air speed of approximately 0.7 m.s -1 on all trials. Weighted mean skin temperature, rectal temperature and heart rate were recorded and venous samples drawn for determination of plasma volume changes, blood metabolites, serum electrolytes and osmolality. Expired gas was collected to estimate rates of fuel oxidation. Exercise capacity was significantly ( P ? 0.05) different in all trials. The median (range) time to exhaustion was 70.9 min (39.4-97.4 min) in the no-drink trial, 84.0 min (62.7-145 min) in the 15% carbohydrate trial and 118 min (82.6-168 min) in the 2% carbohydrate trial. The 15% carbohydrate drink resulted in significantly ( P ? 0.05) elevated blood glucose and total carbohydrate oxidation compared with the no-drink trial. The 2% carbohydrate drink restored plasma volume to pre-exercise values by the end of exercise. No differences were observed in other thermoregulatory or cardiorespiratory responses between trials. These results suggest that fluid replacement with a large volume of a dilute carbohydrate drink is beneficial during exercise in the heat, but the precise mechanisms for the improved exercise capacity are unclear.  相似文献   

Dopamine (DA) has been widely investigated for its potential role in determining exercise performance. It was originally thought that DA's ergogenic effect was by mediating psychological responses. Recently, some studies have also suggested that DA may regulate physiological responses, such as thermoregulation. Hyperthermia has been demonstrated as an important limiting factor during endurance exercise. DA is prominent in the thermoregulatory centre, and changes in DA concentration have been shown to affect core temperature regulation during exercise. Some studies have proposed that DA or DA/noradrenaline (NA) reuptake inhibitors can improve exercise performance, despite hyperthermia during exercise in the heat. DA/NA reuptake inhibitors also increase catecholamine release in the thermoregulatory centre. Intracerebroventricularly injected DA has been shown to improve exercise performance through inhibiting hyperthermia-induced fatigue, even at normal ambient temperatures. Further, caffeine has been reported to increase DA release in the thermoregulatory centre and improves endurance exercise performance despite increased core body temperature. Taken together, DA has been shown to have ergogenic effects and increase heat storage and hyperthermia tolerance. The mechanisms underlying these effects seem to involve limiting/overriding the inhibitory signals from the central nervous system that result in cessation of exercise due to hyperthermia.  相似文献   

A high ambient temperature reduces the capacity to perform prolonged exercise. Total carbohydrate oxidation is less, and thus glycogen depletion is not limiting. Fluid ingestion in the heat should, therefore, focus on maintenance of hydration status rather than on substrate provision. Six healthy males cycled to exhaustion at 60% of maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max) with no drink, ingestion of a 15% carbohydrate-electrolyte drink (1.45+/-0.29 litres) or ingestion of a 2% carbohydrate-electrolyte drink (3.12+/-0.47 litres). The ambient temperature was 30.2+/-0.6 degrees C (mean +/- s), with a relative humidity of 71+/-1% and an air speed of approximately 0.7 m x s(-1) on all trials. Weighted mean skin temperature, rectal temperature and heart rate were recorded and venous samples drawn for determination of plasma volume changes, blood metabolites, serum electrolytes and osmolality. Expired gas was collected to estimate rates of fuel oxidation. Exercise capacity was significantly (P < 0.05) different in all trials. The median (range) time to exhaustion was 70.9 min (39.4-97.4 min) in the no-drink trial, 84.0 min (62.7-145 min) in the 15% carbohydrate trial and 118 min (82.6-168 min) in the 2% carbohydrate trial. The 15% carbohydrate drink resulted in significantly (P < 0.05) elevated blood glucose and total carbohydrate oxidation compared with the no-drink trial. The 2% carbohydrate drink restored plasma volume to pre-exercise values by the end of exercise. No differences were observed in other thermoregulatory or cardiorespiratory responses between trials. These results suggest that fluid replacement with a large volume of a dilute carbohydrate drink is beneficial during exercise in the heat, but the precise mechanisms for the improved exercise capacity are unclear.  相似文献   

体育场馆作为体育教学的主要场所,其热环境直接影响到运动人体的舒适健康和运动效果。为了获得运动人体热舒适,需维持人体与环境热交换之间产热和散热的动态传热平衡。夏季舒适的体育场馆热环境通常要消耗大量的空调能耗制冷,由此可见,体育场馆具有巨大的节能潜力。以1200名在西安某高校体育场馆内进行羽毛球活动的大学生为研究对象,监测大学生经过羽毛球训练后的生理参数以及对热舒适、疲劳感觉的评价,利用SPSS 23.0和ORIGIN进行数据统计分析,采用描述性统计、多元回归、方差分析等统计方法分析客观和主观数据之间的相互关系,建立不同环境温度工况对运动人体热舒适的定量影响关系。研究结果表明,环境温度对学生的舒适感受、疲劳感觉认知以及生理参数存在交互作用,形成热感觉满意率、疲劳感觉满意率与环境温度之间的定量影响关系。同时,以运动人体平均皮肤温度、血压、心率三类评价因子表征生理参数,进而反映体育场馆环境温度对其的显著性差异。通过兼顾运动人体热舒适和疲劳感觉满意率的综合影响,提出舒适的环境温度参数推荐范围,较国家标准中的室内空调环境温度的低限制值提高了2℃,有效降低了体育建筑夏季空调系统能耗。  相似文献   


In this study, we assessed initial hydration status (stadium arrival urine specific gravity), fluid balance (pre- and post-game nude body weight, fluid intake, urine collection), and core temperature changes (pre-game, half-time, post-game) during a professional soccer game. We monitored 17 male players (including goalkeepers) between arrival at the stadium and the end of the game (3 h), playing at 34.9°C and 35.4% relative humidity, for an average wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT) heat stress index of 31.9°C. Data are reported as mean±standard deviation (range). Initial urine specific gravity was 1.018±0.008 (1.003–1.036); seven players showed urine specific gravity ≥ 1.020. Over the 3 h, body mass loss was 2.58±0.88 kg (1.08–4.17 kg), a dehydration of 3.38±1.11% body mass (1.68–5.34% body mass). Sweat loss was 4448±1216 ml (2950–6224 ml) versus a fluid intake of 1948±954 ml (655–4288 ml). Despite methodological problems with many players, core temperatures ≥ 39.0°C were registered in four players by half-time, and in nine players by the end of the game. Many of these players incurred significant dehydration during the game, compounded by initial hypohydration; thermoregulation may have been impaired to an extent we were unable to measure accurately. We suggest some new recommendations for soccer players training and competing in the heat to help them avoid substantial dehydration.  相似文献   

The thermoregulatory responses of upper-body trained athletes were examined at rest, during prolonged arm crank exercise and recovery in cool (21.5 +/- 0.9 degrees C, 43.9 +/- 10.1% relative humidity; mean +/- s) and warm (31.5 +/- 0.6 degrees C, 48.9 +/- 8.4% relative humidity) conditions. Aural temperature increased from rest by 0.7 +/- 0.7 degrees C (P< 0.05) during exercise in cool conditions and by 1.6 +/- 0.7 degrees C during exercise in warm conditions (P< 0.05). During exercise in cool conditions, calf skin temperature decreased (1.5 +/- 1.3 degrees C), whereas an increase was observed during exercise in warm conditions (3.0 +/- 1.7 degrees C). Lower-body skin temperatures tended to increase by greater amounts than upper-body skin temperatures during exercise in warm conditions. No differences were observed in blood lactate, heart rate or respiratory exchange ratio responses between conditions. Perceived exertion at 45 min of exercise was greater than that reported at 5 min of exercise during the cool trial (P< 0.05), whereas during exercise in the warm trial the rating of perceived exertion increased from initial values by 30 min (P < 0.05). Heat storage, body mass losses and fluid consumption were greater during exercise in warm conditions (7.06 +/- 2.25 J x g(-1) x degrees C(-1), 1.3 +/- 0.5 kg and 1,038 +/- 356 ml, respectively) than in cool conditions (1.35 +/- 0.23 J x g(-1) x degrees C(-1), 0.8 +/- 0.2 kg and 530 +/- 284 ml, respectively; P < 0.05). The results of this study indicate that the increasing thermal strain with constant thermal stress in warm conditions is due to heat storage within the lower body. These results may aid in understanding thermoregulatory control mechanisms of populations with a thermoregulatory dysfunction, such as those with spinal cord injuries.  相似文献   

Rapid and complete restoration of fluid balance after exercise is an important part of the recovery process, especially in hot, humid conditions, when sweat losses may be high. Rehydration after exercise can only be achieved if the electrolytes lost in sweat, as well as the lost water, are replaced. However, the amount of electrolytes lost in sweat is highly variable between individuals and although the optimum drink may be achieved by matching drink electrolyte intake with sweat electrolyte loss, this is virtually impossible in sport settings. The composition of sweat varies considerably not only between individuals, but also with time during exercise and it is further influenced by the state of acclimatization. A moderate excess of salt intake would appear to be beneficial as far as hydration status is concerned, without any detrimental effects on health, provided that fluid intake is in excess of sweat loss and that renal function is not impaired. To achieve effective rehydration following exercise in the heat, the rehydration beverage should contain moderately high levels of sodium (at least 50 mmol l -1 ), and possibly also some potassium. The addition of substrate is not necessary for rehydration, although a small amount of carbohydrate (< 2%) may improve the rate of intestinal uptake of sodium and water. The volume of beverage consumed should be greater than the volume of sweat lost to provide for the ongoing obligatory urine losses. Therefore, the palatability of the beverage is important. Many individuals may lose substantial amounts of sweat and will therefore have to consume large amounts of replacement fluids and this is more likely to be achieved if the taste is perceived as being pleasant. Water alone is adequate for rehydration purposes when solid food is consumed, as this replaces the electrolytes lost in sweat. However, there are many situations where intake of solid food is not possible or is deliberately avoided and, in these instances, the inclusion of electrolytes in rehydration beverages is essential. Where a second exercise bout has to be performed, replacement of sweat losses is an essential part of the recovery process. Exercise performance will be impaired if complete rehydration is not achieved.  相似文献   

Fluid and fuel intake during exercise   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
The amounts of water, carbohydrate and salt that athletes are advised to ingest during exercise are based upon their effectiveness in attenuating both fatigue as well as illness due to hyperthermia, dehydration or hyperhydration. When possible, fluid should be ingested at rates that most closely match sweating rate. When that is not possible or practical or sufficiently ergogenic, some athletes might tolerate body water losses amounting to 2% of body weight without significant risk to physical well-being or performance when the environment is cold (e.g. 5-10 degrees C) or temperate (e.g. 21-22 degrees C). However, when exercising in a hot environment ( > 30 degrees C), dehydration by 2% of body weight impairs absolute power production and predisposes individuals to heat injury. Fluid should not be ingested at rates in excess of sweating rate and thus body water and weight should not increase during exercise. Fatigue can be reduced by adding carbohydrate to the fluids consumed so that 30-60 g of rapidly absorbed carbohydrate are ingested throughout each hour of an athletic event. Furthermore, sodium should be included in fluids consumed during exercise lasting longer than 2 h or by individuals during any event that stimulates heavy sodium loss (more than 3-4 g of sodium). Athletes do not benefit by ingesting glycerol, amino acids or alleged precursors of neurotransmitter. Ingestion of other substances during exercise, with the possible exception of caffeine, is discouraged. Athletes will benefit the most by tailoring their individual needs for water, carbohydrate and salt to the specific challenges of their sport, especially considering the environment's impact on sweating and heat stress.  相似文献   

The diverse nature of the athletic events, together with the varied training programmes and individuality of athletes taking part, inevitably means that fluid needs are highly variable--between athletes, perhaps between training and competition, and with differing environmental conditions and degree of training and heat acclimatization. There are limited data from athletics on all aspects of fluid balance, but wherever possible we have focused on this information to draw conclusions. When appropriate, euhydration will best be ensured by consuming 6-8 ml . kg body mass(-1) of a sodium-containing fluid, or sodium-free fluid together with food, about 2 h before exercise. The individual sweat responses are so variable that athletes should assess their own individual sweat losses to determine if these are likely to be a cause for concern. The volume of drink that is consumed should never be so much that an athlete gains mass over an event, unless perhaps there is evidence that they began in a hypohydrated state. This may be a particular concern in the field events and multi-event disciplines when competition can be spread over a number of hours and when there are significant rest periods between activities.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of a warm environment on thermoregulation and energy expenditure during sub-maximal prolonged exercise in humans. Six healthy male subjects cycled for 120?min at an intensity of 60% maximal oxygen uptake (Vo2max) at three environmental temperatures (10°C, CT; 20°C, MT; and 30°C, WT). Although oxygen uptake at WT showed a significantly lower value compared to those at MT and CT, no significant differences of respiratory exchange ratio were observed among the three environmental trials. A remarkable decrease in total energy expenditure during the 120-min exercise at WT was observed in comparison with those at MT and CT (p<0.05). Changes in rectal temperature, mean skin temperature, and mean body temperature at WT were significantly higher than those at both MT and CT. Although increases in mean body temperature from rest every five minutes during exercise were not different among three environmental temperatures, mean energy expenditures every five minutes at WT were lower compared with those at MT and CT (p<0.05). These results suggest that the increase in energy expenditure for physical exertion is substantially reduced during prolonged sub-maximal exercise in a warm environment. This acute alteration in the energy metabolism may contribute to inhibition of excess heat production and enable prolonged exercise in a warm environment.  相似文献   

丙酮酸和二羟丙酮都是糖代谢过程中的三碳化合物。长期丙酮酸和二羟丙酮补充可以降低体脂和延缓体重获得,这种变化可能与体脂消耗和热量损失上升有关。丙酮酸和二羟丙酮补充也可以改善胰岛素敏感性和降低高胆固醇膳食所致的血浆胆固醇水平。另外,长期丙酮酸和二羟丙酮补充还可以提高有氧耐力成绩,其机制可能与血糖利用率增加因而节省肌糖元有关。长期补充丙酮酸和二羟丙酮可有利于疾病预防和提高运动成绩。  相似文献   

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