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The 34th meeting of the Council of Europe Committee for Higher Education and Research was held in Strasbourg from 3 to 5 November 1976.

The main points raised in discussions were as follows:

  • the current situation and trends in tertiary education;

  • the recognition of degrees and diplomas;

  • the future existence of the Committee for Higher Education and Research;

  • the current situation and trends in university research;

  • the teaching of human rights;

  • mobility of higher education staff and students;

  • the future programme of the Committee.

The information presented below concentrates on some of the above points.  相似文献   

The 34th meeting of the Council of Europe Committee for Higher Education and Research was held in Strasbourg from 3 to 5 November 1976.

The main points raised in discussions were as follows:

  • the current situation and trends in tertiary education;

  • the recognition of degrees and diplomas;

  • the future existence of the Committee for Higher Education and Research;

  • the current situation and trends in university research;

  • the teaching of human rights;

  • mobility of higher education staff and students;

  • the future programme of the Committee.

The information presented below concentrates on some of the above points.  相似文献   


In order for group analysis to be successful and to achieve the atmosphere which allows student cooperation to flourish, it is essential that adequate physical and financial resources are provided. These can be summarized as follows:
  • (i)Adequate budget to allow for expenditure on models, visual materials, acquisition of background information, etc.

  • (ii)Secretarial staff for typing and administration

  • (iii)Laboratory technicians

  • (iv)Visual aid staff

  • (v)All resources available to the industrialist viz: information library, telephone, typing, stationery, workspace, storage, etc.

  • (vi)The active cooperation of academic and technical staff

  • (vii)Flexibility in timetabling and room allocations

  • (viii)Seminar members who will command the respect of the students and will readily adapt to role playing where necessary

  • (ix)Studio masters who are totally committed to the group analysis method of teaching and are, therefore, willing to allot substantial proportions of their time to student consultation

  • (x)A cooperative administrative staff.

It is not difficult to provide such resources to make a new experience for a considerable number of college administrators and teachers alike.  相似文献   

The present tension in Italy's universities is attributable mainly to the following factors:
  • the higher education system was changed during the 1960s to cater for the masses rather than just the élite, without there being any corresponding expansion of academic facilities, teaching staff and social services;

  • changes in educational policies led to strains in the student‐professor relationship, and ‐ a sharp rise in youth unemployment has lowered student expectations and bred resentment among higher education graduates.

Below we present information analysing this situation, with special regard to the position of students, and including proposals for changes which would improve the condition of higher education in Italy.  相似文献   

Eighty‐seven high school students participated in the study in one of four conditions:
  1. 1. Visual Organiser/Cooperative Learning

  2. 2. Cooperative Learning only

  3. 3. Visual Organiser only

  4. 4. Teacher‐Directed

Students were taught how to use mole maps to assist them in solving single‐quantity and multiple‐quantity mole problems. A mole problem involves converting quantities of chemicals to moles, a unit of measurement used in Chemistry. Students took tests immediately after instruction and then took mid‐term examinations that included mole problems. Repeated measures analyses with post‐instruction test scores and the mid‐term scores for single and multiple‐quantity mole problems showed that student performance was significantly better immediately after instruction for both kinds of problems. Students who used visual organisers and cooperative learning outperformed students who experienced teacher‐directed instruction on single‐quantity mole problems and also on the immediate post‐instruction test of multiple‐quantity mole problems. Cooperative learning resulted in less decay in performance over time.  相似文献   

The information below gives the basic elements of the policy memorandum entitled “Higher Education in the Future: possible development in the long‐term and initiatives in the coming years” which was submitted to the Second Chamber for discussion, and which includes proposals for basic changes in the future higher education system of the Netherlands, such as:
  • creation of one system of higher education with no distinction between university and higher vocational training;

  • introduction of as large a range of courses as possible;

  • inclusion of student research only where the study programme requires it;

  • introduction of a more general type of higher education in addition, to courses providing students with specific professional qualifications.


This paper reports a surrey of public sector law lecturers' methods of assessment of their undergraduate students, and their attitudes towards these processes. The survey was conducted by postal questionnaire to all public sector law teachers. The findings indicate that:
  • Law lecturers are unclear about course objectives. Moreover, where course objectives are specified they tend not to be explicitly related to criteria for student assessment.

  • Methods used for assessment often do not match specified course objectives.

  • Law lecturers tend to be ‘conservative’ markers who use a narrow range of marks clustered round relatively low average points.


The study reports the analysis of a mother/child interaction sequence. Its focus is on the mother's teaching strategies. The child was presented with two tasks. The first task was new and not previously experienced by the child; the second task was one that had been experienced. The mother's teaching of the tasks was videotaped and analysed. The material was analysed according to ‘on task’ behaviours. The results indicated that:

  1. (a) both the mother and child were able to maintain a continuous communication sequence;

  2. (b) the mother structured both tasks, but structured the new task more, and allowed some flexibility in the old task;

  3. (c) the language used by the mother was ‘restricted';

  4. (d) in responding to her child's behaviour, the mother made more use of verbal cues and used fewer non‐verbal cues



Implementation of educational integration policy in Israel creates heterogeneous student compositions in the schools. Principals and teachers who, as a result, confront instructional difficulties, and who are ambiguous about this policy and its expected efficacy, press to counter‐balance this heterogeneity by resegregating students within the school in ability‐based classes. In this paper we deal with three inter‐related topics:
  1. the degree of learning segregation within integrated junior high schools in Israel;

  2. several factors which may explain the degree of learning segregation; (3) the effect of learning segregation on academic outcomes: achievement (in reading and science) and subsequent school career (student placement in high school track).

In doing so, we clarify an aspect of the school principal's role and his or her indirect effect on students learning. Principals have a decisive power in the organization of learning frameworks (class structure, ability grouping etc.) within the school. Their ideas and convictions about the efficacy of integration affect the actual practices of class organization in the school. This, in turn, has an effect on learning processes within the class and evetually on students’ academic outcomes, especially on those from the weaker group.  相似文献   


The early history of factory inspection in this country shows that:
  • (1) voluntary submission to inspection could not be counted on;

  • (2) local forms of inspection were completely ineffective;

  • (3) a strong central government inspectorate was much more effective but made mistakes in its formative years;

  • (4) the absence of any tradition of schooling and all that went with it added to the great educational responsibilities imposed upon the factory inspector;

  • (5) some influence may be traced in negative and positive ways upon Her Majesty's inspectors of schools.


As college students enter engineering, they face challenges when they navigate across various transitions. These challenges impact whether a student can successfully adapt to the rigorous curricular requirements of an engineering degree and to the norms and expectations that are particular to engineering. This article focuses on the transitions between disciplinary literacies, primarily addressing how ideas are communicated and which types of semiotic representations are valued, required, and ignored by the different cultures that come into play both prior and during a student’s engineering education. Specifically, it addresses navigation:
  • Across secondary to postsecondary institutional expectations, contrasting common curricular experiences of secondary students and postsecondary curricular expectations.

  • Between and within disciplines (including mathematics and science), which often have different ways of communicating and representing a single concept, especially in theoretical applications and practical calculations.

  • From the traditional pedagogies of classrooms to the different methods and expectations of laboratory settings (for example, collaborative engagement in planning, experimentation, an understanding of experimental error, and an understanding of how all three are communicated and represented).


Metacognition is considered by most educationists as an element necessary for many cognitive tasks. In problem solving, it has been said that possessing knowledge alone is insufficient and problem solvers need to exhibit high level cognitive skills like “self-regulation skills” (also known as metacognitive strategies) for successful problem solving.

A study on students' metacognitive strategies was carried out with over a thousand secondary and pre-university students from 12 schools. A questionnaire adapted from Biggs (1987) was administered to students at various levels (Secondary 2, Secondary 4, Pre-University 1), from different academic tracks (General, Science, Arts) and academic streams (Special, Express, and Normal). They were required to self-report on their metacognitive beliefs; their use of metacognitive strategies in mental tasks involving memory, problem solving and comprehension; and their attitudes towards the learning of various academic subjects. 20 items from the questionnaire which were related to problem solving were categorized into four stages, namely, orientation, organisation, execution and verification and data from these items were analysed.

Some findings that emerged were:

  • (a) Normal stream students exhibited a lower usage of metacognitive strategies as compared to students from the Express and Special streams.

  • (b) Metacognitive strategies used by Normal stream students tended to be of the “surface” type.

  • (c) There was no significant difference in the frequency of usage of metacognitive strategies between students from different academic tracks.

  • (d) During the problem solving process, students spent most time on evaluation of answers rather than on monitoring their understanding.

  • (e) Students from different levels (Secondary 2, Secondary 4 and Pre-University) exhibited similar frequency of usage of metacognitive strategies in problem solving.

  • The implications of these findings on future research and development projects as well as the teaching of metacognitive strategies are discussed in the paper.


>Higher education in Malta is in the process of substantial reform which, among other things, includes:
  • transfer of a number of degrees and courses from the Old to the New University and as well as the creation of new courses and degrees in the New University;

  • changes in the administrative structures of higher education institutions (Old and New University)

  • introduction of a worker‐student scheme for university entry;

  • changes in the distribution of authority on higher education.

The introduction of the reform is regulated by the Education (Amendment) Act, 1978. Outlined below are the main elements of this reform as they are introduced in the Act, with a special emphasis on the new “worker‐student scheme for university admission”  相似文献   


  • A.Drawbacks to attending evening classes

  • (i) In the group of students investigated the main drawback to attending evening classes was item 3 (the rush to get to classes from work).

  • (ii) The main difference among the students was in the importance attached to item 9 (domestic commitments), married students finding it as important as item 3.

  • (iii) Choices made by students in different courses were fairly homogeneous, apart from the domestic courses. This seems to indicate that the factors making for wastage are not functions of the courses taken, so much as of age, sex, marital status, etc.

  • B. Incentives to attending evening classes

  • (i) The main incentive was item 1 (it will be useful in getting a better job).

  • (ii) Items 2 (it will help in getting promotion in my present job) and 3 (it will be of general educational value) were ranked next in importance to item 1.

  • (iii) Responses to the preferred items 1, 2, and 3 were relatively homogeneous when the data were arranged to isolate sex difference, marital status, and age.

  • (iv) All courses except the domestic ones made similar choices in this question.

The great importance of item 3 in question 13 (the rush to get to classes from work) as a disincentive in the group investigated (and in the try-out group) and in the research of Smith and Wilkins, suggest that local arrangements between employers and colleges to give more time between work and classes would attack one of the most accessible, and at the same time most important, causes of wastage.  相似文献   

The Annual Conference of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) entitled “The Changing Conditions within the Universities” was held from 1 to 4 November 1976 in Regina.

The meeting mainly concentrated on the following issues:

  • participation of the AUCC in public policy on higher education and research

  • problems facing the research community in Canada

  • the status of women in universities

An important part of the conference was cax'ried out in the form of workshops which had the following themes:

  • the problems of ahanging growth rates

  • the nature and level of university research

  • international aspects of university operations

  • graduate education

  • the future of the community of scholars

  • the evaluation of performance in the university

  • continuing education

The below article is based on papers presented at the meeting devoted to the international aspects of university operations in Canada.

The traditional role of universities throughout the world has always been to:

  • safeguard and preserve knowledge

  • impart and disseminate knowledge

  • expand the frontiers of knowledge

To this list was recently added a fourth dimension, which, implicitely, has always existed, namely:

  • to contribute to the cultural, social and economic development of society


This study investigated the relationship of personality, ability and school achievement. The findings here were that:
  1. intelligence is the major determinant of school achievement;

  2. bright children tend to come from smaller families than dull children;

  3. relatively unstable children have a better level of school achievement than stable children;

  4. extraversion‐introversion had no effect on school achievement.


In October 1974 a committee was appointed by the Finnish Ministry of Education, with the assignment of studying the necessity, prerequisites, and principles relating to a more balanced regional expansion of the higher education system in Finland.

The committee has recently presented its findings, which concentrate on the following issues:

  • the distribution of higher education places between the regions of Finland;

  • the regional effects of a unit of higher education;

  • the regional distribution of the higher education system and the administrative decisions concerning regional development;

  • principles informing the regional expansion of the higher education system;

  • resources for the regional expansion of the higher education system.

The below information gives the main elements of the committee's report.  相似文献   

In this critically reflective piece, I describe the design of a foundations of education course and my first year teaching experience. I discuss thematic statements of issues that emerged as I came to construct the meaning of my experience and evolving ideas about teaching for public service professions. These included that:
  • Questioning is not ‘normal’ for everyone;

  • The experience of classroom safety may be different for student participants than for teacher participants;

  • Reflection is a situated responsibility; and

  • Assessment and authority interact within the context of learning in a formal classroom.

Discussing these issues helped me in framing teaching for public service as itself a transcendent public act, one that crosses boundaries of time and space and that requires embodied, rather than idealistic, understandings of qualifying to teach.  相似文献   

This paper reports a survey of higher education teachers' reactions to taking part in a project which involved them in being video‐recorded while lecturing. The nature of their reactions has importance in the context of using television to enable teachers in higher education to lecture more effectively.

Material is included on teachers' anticipations prior to being video‐recorded, and on their reactions after the session, which include their comments on personal presentation, on the anxiety of the experience and on their teaching.

The findings indicate that:

  1. first reactions to viewing the playback often include comment upon aspects of personal presentation (appearance, voice)

  2. relatively little comment is made about their teaching as such'(teachers may need a ‘language’ for describing and evaluating their teaching)

  3. steps need to be taken by staff developers to act supportively to reduce anxieties

  4. the recordings were thought by participating teachers to represent typical samples of their teaching.

Some 471 students of the teachers involved in the project completed a brief questionnaire and the largest single response supports the teachers' view that the recording was typical.  相似文献   

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