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The use of radio for educational purposes in high schools expanded considerably between 1920 and 1970. Education scholars generally qualify radio for schools as a failure. This conclusion is based on the accessibility of radio sets in schools, the interest of teachers in radio for schools, and the budgets allocated for the purchase of radio sets. A wider investigation shows that educational radio resulted from collaboration among school personnel, radio broadcasters and the political authorities. We agree with communication scholars that using a means of communication for educational purposes involves many spheres of society. An examination of the origins, development and decline of radio broadcasting for schools also reveals that this was a technical substitution phenomenon; one means of communication was replaced by another. The use of radio in schools gradually declined, following the introduction of television in schools during the 1960s. Taking all these aspects into account, our study identifies the social mechanisms whereby radio was used for teaching in high schools. This clearly illustrates on a more general level the change in use of audiovisual tools in schools. The Montreal Catholic School Board (CECM) — the largest French‐language school board in Canada — is an institution of particular interest for the study of radio broadcasting for schools. Because of it size, the CECM had sufficient resources and personnel to be a pioneer in education. From 1931, CECM personnel went on the air on CKAC radio to popularize instruction in music, literature and language. Members of Montreal's educational community, parents and students alike, and listeners interested in learning, began to view radio as a means of conveying knowledge. In 1936, Société Radio‐Canada (SRC), the French‐language section of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, appeared on the Quebec radio scene, and educational radio gradually became more clearly defined. The programs that were aired, of which the best known was Radio‐Collège, gave the green light to educational radio in francophone Quebec. Before emulating SRC initiatives, the CECM used radio as a tool for social communication. In the early 1950s, the school board used radio mainly as a forum for explaining educational issues to the public; for example, teachers' salary negotiations. From autumn 1950, the CECM School and Family Committee aired a series of ten programs about the role of the school in society. Post‐war Montreal society was in a state of flux. Urbanisation and the emergence of mass communication and consumption were transforming the entire social structure. The francophone elite was starting to question traditional values taught by the Church, and religious practice was declining. Reacting to these new realities, the CECM appealed to parents for their help to ensure that together, family and school would succeed in the task of educating children. The board also used CKAC to discuss the shortage of schools. When parents demanded schools for their children, speakers from the School and Family Committee explained how the problem would be solved. As these examples show, Montreal schools initially made use of radio for social communication.

In 1954, following the third congress on the French language in Canada (Troisième congrès de la langue française au Canada), the CECM devised a wide‐ranging campaign to improve the spoken language of students. This was the beginning of educational radio. With the help of executives at CKAC radio, the board created school broadcasting designed to improve everyday language in students from grades 1 to 12. After the first series of programs proved a success, the board repeated the project the following year, broadcasting twice as many lessons. The glory years of Améliorons notre langue parlée would follow, with the series airing continuously from 1954 to 1963. As a result of this enduring venture, the government extended teaching by radio to other school boards across the province of Quebec. This marked the institutionalization of school radio broadcasting. Transistor radios, the democratisation of high school teaching and active pedagogy were all elements that boosted the use of radio in schools. Radio was now present in every classroom, but television was also being introduced. Radio had earned pride of place but was gradually superseded by television. The range of academic subjects widened, and the numbers of hours set aside for television broadcasting increased. Meanwhile, the use of school radio broadcasts gradually diminished. We therefore attribute the decline in radio broadcasting for schools to the emergence of television for schools, in other words, a phenomenon of technical substitution.

Finally, our research shows that the contribution by social agents incidental to schools and the influence of various factors external to schools are of major importance in explaining the mechanisms whereby educational radio became part of school life. It shows that radio changed in status from a public communication tool in the 1930s, to a pedagogic tool supporting the teaching of French twenty years later. Our study also shows that radio for schools was created not only by school‐related actors and institutions but also by the mass media and government. Far from being a failure, as education scholars maintain, educational radio was a success, but was replaced by television in the late 1960s.  相似文献   

It is natural that researchers should take it for granted that evaluation and research are highly necessary activities for organisations using or designing educational television and radio. There are many producers and managers though who are by no means convinced of the value or practicality of systematic and objective evaluation and research, so it may be worthwhile briefly looking at why such activities are necessary. Perhaps more worrying for those who advocate the cause of evaluation and research is the singular lack of success it has had so far in bringing about a continuing and lasting improvement in the way television and radio are used in education. To advocate the need for increasing research at a time of economic crisis may seem to many organisations like throwing a drowning man both ends of a rope. It may then be worth looking at why evaluation and research have had such little impact, and what might be done to improve their effectiveness and usefulness.  相似文献   

Within the field of formative research, there is debate as to whether researchers should collaborate with producers or serve as independent evaluators. The Children's Television Workshop (CTW) produces educational programs through a collaborative process of development that has come to be known as the “CTW Model”. Under the CTW Model, producers, content specialists, and researchers work together throughout the life of a project, from its initial conceptualization through its final production. This paper illustrates the value of the CTW Model via an in‐depth case study of the development and production of a single repeated format within Square One TV, an educational television series about mathematics. In particular, we focus on the multifaceted role played by formative research at all stages of production.  相似文献   

As children spend greater amounts of time watching television, there is the increasing likelihood that what they see and hear will factor prominently into their educational experiences. Indeed, in many countries, it has been demonstrated that children spend more time in front of the television than they do in a formal classroom. In terms of exposure time alone, there is a potential for television to serve as an informal educational tool. A variety of studies have demonstrated not only the potential for television to teach its young viewers, but the reality that children are learning a host of lessons through this constant exposure. While most previous studies have looked at the learning of content from television exposure, the present research considers the learning of structure, and specifically learning about the nature of problem resolutions. This paper reports evidence that among heavier viewers, there is the perception that problems in real life are resolved in a manner consistent with the way television depicts them: problem resolutions are certain, and they are achieved quickly. Observational learning theory is proposed as a possible explanation for these findings.  相似文献   

美国奥巴马政府于2012年2月13日发布了2013年财政预算。新一年的教育预算中有127亿美元用于特殊教育,占总教育经费预算的18.2%,着重改善残疾儿童的教育和早期干预结果。2013年财政预算通过新增一系列特殊教育经费投入,确保0-21岁的残疾儿童少年群体接受教育,实现教育公平。本文通过对美国自2008年到2013年预算中特殊教育经费投入数据的梳理,重点比较2012年和2013年预算中特殊教育经费的投入与使用情况,分析美国特殊教育经费投入现状,为我国特殊教育经费投入与使用提出建议。  相似文献   

新形势下地市级电大教师面临的新要求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为地市级电大教育工作者特别是教师,怎样在学习领会、贯彻落实全教会和《教育规划纲要》基本精神的新形势下,倾心效力电大事业的科学发展。基本要求有六:教育思想须端正;教育观念须更新;教育本领须增强;教学内容须精选;教学方法须改革;教学效益须提升。  相似文献   

Conclusions Color television is so new that there is little concrete information on the subject. However, it seems logical to doubt that color will provide any general increased effectiveness to educational TV. In some areas, such as art and medicine, the impact may be great; but for the greater proportion of educational subjects, it will not contribute a great deal. In view of this, together with the present high cost of color TV, it would seem foolish for educational TV to delay development because color television is coming. The transition to color can always be made after the piomeering is done, when costs have gone down, when color receiver circulation is large enough to make color worth while, and when the numerous problems of color programming and production have been solved. What effect will color TV have upon educational TV programs? How expensive will color TV be for educational use? How will educational TV stations use color TV? What competition will commercial color TV offer to educational black and white TV stations? These questions are answered and an overview of the implications of color for educational TV is presented. E. G. Sherburne, Jr., was formerly Television Coordinator at the U. S. Navy Special Devices Center, Port Washington, Long Island, New York.  相似文献   

县级电大是电大教育系统最基层的组织,也是电大系统中最薄弱的环节。加强县级电大教育机构的建设,既是电大教育自身发展的需要,也是建设社会新农村的迫切要求。从调查的情况来看,县级电大建立的现状印证了加强县级电大建设的可行性、必要性、实效性和紧迫性。  相似文献   

在现代传媒飞速发展的今天,广播电视播音主持工作越来越受到大众的青睐和关注。广播电视节目有声语言是自然美、形象美、音乐美、个性美的高度融合,具有独特的艺术魅力。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine what distance education-related skills and knowledge television production specialists had to learn in order to perform their jobs. The purposive sample for this study consisted of 12 full-time television production specialists who develop live, interactive, video-based educational programs at American universities. However, prior to employment at their respective universities, these television production specialists had no experience or educational background in the field of distance education. Qualitative methods were used to collect data. The analysis gave rise to the finding that television production specialists had to learn skills in two major areas—technical skills and personal/interpersonal skills—and knowledge of instructional design methods.  相似文献   

随着国家文化体制改革的逐步深入,在媒介经营越来越市场化的今天,数量众多的地市级广电媒体面临着产业发展上的外忧内困。要解决发展问题,一方面要在内容生产上凸显个性,牢牢吸引目标受众,以此获得更多的广告收益;另一方面,则要想方设法压缩成本,走跨地域合作之路,同时积极应对网络等新媒体的挑战,以求占得先机。  相似文献   

In the last decade television has become increasingly important as a medium through which a great variety of material is transmitted to a very large number of people. When it is considered that television can match the action to the word, and can create an almost endless variety of animated, electronic, humanized or fantasized presentations of print and pictorial stimuli, the special role of eye movement research in the medium may be seen. Since 1970 the continuing development of eye movement technology had led to wide‐ranging use of systems designed to examine children's performance of tasks in which there is a major component, dependent on visual scanning; that is, of examining a stimulus, either static or dynamic, and extracting information from it through the use of the eyes.

The findings of this research imply that the actual performance of a skill, and the continued learning of it are closely related to production variables in the programme itself. In other words the creator of the particular television presentation is in a position to directly and quite precisely modify the looking behaviour of the viewer by variously adapting specific elements and techniques of production. Furthermore, the correlates of these adaptations appear to be related to cognitive learning and attentional characteristics within the viewer. Such evidence presents a promise, a problem, and a responsibility to the researcher, the educator and the producer  相似文献   

广播电视大学经过20多年的发展,已成为我国高等教育的重要组成部分。进入新时期,在电大办学系统中处于基础地位的市(地)级电大既面临难得的发展机遇,又面临着强动的竞争和挑战。市(地)级电大唯有解决定位问题、体制问题、质量问题,坚持开放办学主体地位、投身社区教育、拓展非学历教育市场、开展远程教育公共服务才能更好地实现可持续发展。  相似文献   

本文回顾并分析了广播电视教育手段以及计算机网络和多媒体技术在电大英语专业教学中的应用,强调应该以整体教育技术观来认识和实践教育技术在教学中的应用。文章指出,随着网络资源的日益丰富和规范,计算机网络和多媒体技术将更加深入而广泛地应用于英语教学,但是相当长阶段内,在农村、边远和民族地区广播电视教学手段仍然大有用武之地。  相似文献   

进行高等教育成本的核算是顺应时代发展的需要,本文针对广播电视大学的办学特点,探索对电大教育进行成本核算的程序、方法,旨在科学核算教育成本,加强成本控制,提高办学效益。  相似文献   

论广播电视节目交易法律制度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对我国现有广播电视节目特殊性分析的基础上,提出现阶段从节目交易标准、交易场所的设定、交易中避免不正当竞争等方面加以完善,建立以政府主导,市场需求为辅的广播电视节目交易制度。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine how television‐production specialists, who had no previous experience or educational background in the field of distance education, learned the distance education‐related skills and obtained the knowledge necessary to perform their jobs. The purposive sample for this study comprised 12 full‐time television production specialists who were employed for at least one year at universities across the United States to produce live, interactive, video‐based educational programs, but who, prior to employment at their respective universities, had no experience or educational background in the field of distance education. Qualitative methods, including semi‐structured interviews, observation, and concept maps, were used to collect data. This study found that television production specialists used both incidental and informal learning strategies to learn the necessary skills and knowledge they needed to perform their jobs. Participants learned predominantly by three means: assessing previously held assumptions and beliefs; learning by doing through a trial‐and‐error‐type format; and watching other's videoconference programs. Participants also experienced a ‘mindset change’, brought about by such factors as identifying audience and subject‐matter specialists’ needs, in how they viewed their own performance.  相似文献   

Much of previous media research suggests that there are no significant differences between the teaching effectiveness of different media. As a distance teaching institution, however, the Open University is highly dependent on media to perform functions which in a more conventional context would be handled by live, face-to-face, tuition. Consequently, the University has a keen interest in exploiting the special properties of different media to the full, and in developing students' skills to handle different media. The new technology foundation course, T101 'Living with Technology', attempts both of these aims with some success. The main conclusions drawn from a study of the way audio-visual media are used in the course are that the characteristics of television, radio and audio-cassettes do lend themselves to particular teaching functions but that, in a distance teaching context, a factor of overriding importance is the extent to which any educational medium is accessible and controllable by the learner. The findings also suggest that students can be helped to learn more effectively from audio-visual media, providing a carefully structured approach is taken to the gradual development of learning skills, and the various media are well integrated with each other.  相似文献   

在河南省中原崛起的过程中,河南广播电视媒体举起了"中原文化"的大旗,将其作为地方媒体的立足点和创新特色,既有利于河南省的形象传播,也有利于河南广播电视媒体在激烈的竞争中脱颖而出。因此,河南广播电视媒体在未来的发展中更要注意依托卫星频道和历史资源,打造文化特色栏目,来扩大媒体影响;同时进行产业开发,扩大经济效益。  相似文献   

广播电视节目的多样性、时效性和灵活性,在各家广播电视台都得到高度重视,电视转播车是满足要求的一种很好方式。3年前巢湖电视台购建了8讯道电视转播车,并设计了航空箱形式,最大限度提高转播车内的设备利用率。  相似文献   

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