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在化学教育中引入邮票,发展学生“智”的同时,还可以通过研究邮票设计中文化内涵与审美价值,挖掘并品味邮票中所要传达的文化韵味与艺术价值,发展学生的“情”。文章分析了邮票与化学相结合的合理性与可行性,并对化学主题邮票进行了分类。在此基础上,从哲学思想教育、美学思想教育、学科思想教育、品质道德教育等角度分别举例阐述了邮票在化学教育中的应用。  相似文献   

赏识教育就是指在教学教育活动中,教师善于捕捉、挖掘每一个学生的闪光点加以不断地赞扬、鼓励,使学生经常保持一种奋发向上的精神状态,使学生建立自信心、激发学生潜能。使学生乐学、好学,使我们的教育教学收到意想不到的效果。  相似文献   

<正>习近平总书记在学校思想政治理论课教师座谈会上强调,我们的课堂教学要坚持显性教育和隐性教育相统一,挖掘其他课程和教学方式中蕴含的思想政治教育资源。基于此,要通过充分挖掘教材显性文本背后的隐性教育信息,在尊重学生已有经验的基础上,引导学生发自内心地认同所学,以内化于心、外化于  相似文献   

后进生作为教育教学过程中较为特殊的群体,如何在实际的教育教学过程中采取相应的措施激发学生的学习积极性,并充分挖掘其潜能,受到了越来越多教育者的关注,尤其是在素质教育实施及新课标改革不断深化的今天。基于此,对后进生教育的特点进行分析,并对如何提升后进生学习积极性及其潜能挖掘进行了探讨。  相似文献   

该文提出一种基于决策树的分类挖掘技术,在论述分类挖掘的基础上分析决策树分类挖掘系统的建立思想、步骤及算法,并把该系统应用到优化学生资源管理的实验中,实验结果证明了该方法的可行性。  相似文献   

教育社会学对教育不平等的研究忽视了对学校教育过程的挖掘。实际上,学校在教育的社会阶层再生产中扮演着重要的角色。学校不断地在学生中间制造等级分层,并且通过一系列策略强化学生对学校内部不平等的认受;来自不同家庭背景的学生对学校的等级策略有着不同的适应性;学校通过公开的分类,以隐蔽的手段将学生的家庭资本与学业前途对应了起来。通过对学校教育过程的深入分析,有助于我们发现教育过程阶层再生产的隐秘。  相似文献   

随着西部大开发战略的实施,西部地区的经济得到了发展,对科技和教育的需求也越来越迫切,在基础教育和高中教育阶段开展素质教育也逐渐成为教育的主要课题。在此过程中,现代教育技术的广泛应用为高中阶段推进素质教育创造了便利条件,比如对学生综合知识的建构、学生课外文化和科技活动的开展、电子教学资源的利用、教育研究和管理的协助等。但在教育实践过程中,现代教育技术的效用并没有得到充分发挥,因此我们有必要继续研究发展策略,挖掘其对教育实践的效用,推进素质教育,提升学生综合素质,促进学校全面发展。  相似文献   

分类是指把问题按一定的标准或原则分成若干类,继而逐类讨论研究,解决问题。学生在日常生活中具有一定的分类知识储备,如人群的分类、种族的分类等。基于学生这一认知基础,我们要让学生将生活中的分类迁移到数学中来,在教学中进行分类思想的渗透,挖掘教材提供的机会,把握渗透的契机。  相似文献   

在初中英语的学习中,培养学生的学习兴趣是教育工作的重点和难点。在教学过程中,需要教师具有创新思路,进一步构想如何去挖掘学生的英语学习兴趣,提升学生学习英语的积极性,形成充满活力的课堂,实现教学效率的提升。本文主要介绍了保持英语兴趣的必要性,并进一步分析了初中英语的教学过程中培养学生学习兴趣的策略。  相似文献   

研究背景 近年来,通过分类教学策略来解决教学过程中存在的个性差异问题引起了教育界的广泛重视。分类教学的本质特点是承认学生的个体差异,并在此基础上从不同学生的实际情况出发,进行有目的的教学。众多研究发现,学习优势教育是一种有效的分类教学方式。  相似文献   

Jo Tait 《Open Learning》2013,28(1):97-109
Open and distance learning provide particular (and sometimes overlapping) contexts for discussions of student retention. This paper argues that the environment for learning created by distance learning tutors is a key factor in student retention, whether retention is taken to refer to student completion of a single course or student persistence through a programme of study. Discussion of tutors' roles in retaining students is stimulated by the recent symposium on student retention and draws on a new analysis of three linked empirical inquiries located within the UK Open University. A fruitful integration of questionnaire surveys, project evaluation and practitioner action inquiries suggest that, where questions of retention focus on the student and their learning experience, tutors' facilitative roles are complex and valuable. Institutional policies and course design practices need to support tutors in their retention roles by using and sharing appropriate pedagogies, systems, student information and integrated professional development opportunities.  相似文献   


Student attrition remains a persistent problem within the Australian higher education sector. Contributing factors include financial, reputational and quality issues, which can pose significant risks for a university’s sustainability. Institutional culture is fundamental to decisions student make about withdrawing or remaining in higher education. Therefore, student retention requires a sustained, deeply embedded commitment from all parts of the institution, placing student experience at the forefront of all activities in the student lifecycle. Applying a lifecycle approach to the way in which institutions think about student retention benefits students by providing comprehensive and consistent support. Given that less is known about how professional staff contribute to student academic learning journeys as part of whole of institution responses to student retention, this paper focusses on the contributions that professional staff make within the student lifecycle and how they can most readily map their contributions to student retention and success.  相似文献   

Enhancing the early student experience   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper is concerned with identifying how the early student experience can be enhanced in order to improve levels of student retention and achievement. The early student experience is the focus of this project as the literature has consistently declared the first year to be the most critical in shaping persistence decisions. Programme managers of courses with high and low retention rates have been interviewed to identify activities that appear to be associated with good retention rates. The results show that there are similarities in the way programmes with high retention are run, with these features not being prevalent on programmes with low retention. Recommendations of activities that appear likely to enhance the early student experience are provided.  相似文献   

Orientation and retention programs are common in institutions of higher education. The potential association between orientation programs and student retention, particularly within the community college sector, has long been neglected. This study presents an institutional view of a potential associative relationship between an orientation course and student retention measures. A chi-square analysis revealed a significant association among orientation program, student completion of degree, student retention, and student enrollment and persistence.  相似文献   

Although it is commonly believed that college counseling positively affects student retention and further, that there are convincing data and evidence to support such a belief, an extensive literature search found no objective evidence at all on the relationship of a counseling center's conventional one-to-one counseling and therapy activities with short-term student retention. Two program evaluations which attempt to relate one-to-one individual counseling and psychotherapy to student retention rates at an urban regional state university are discussed. Changes in attendance rates, such as dropping out or retuning between quarters are the criteria used to evaluate program effects for both studies. The first study searched for discernible statistically significant effects. Three-quarters of comparisons of upperclassmen found conceivable retention advantages of students receiving counseling center services over a base-rate group. Yet the freshmen results suggest that counseling may be associates with student attrition, not retention. The second study investigated the relationship between retention and possibly relevant presenting problems and demographic variables of students undergoing individual counseling. No attendance differences among counseled students were found due to age, gender, or presenting problem. Following a discussion of the results, suggentions for future research are presented. A longitudinal, quasi-experimental controlled study of the impact counseling on student retention is clearly needed.  相似文献   

This qualitative study compared faculty and student perceptions regarding factors that affect student retention in online courses in an attempt to more effectively address the problem of attrition. A grounded study method was used to interview students taking online courses, analyze their responses related to the critical factors that affect student retention, and compare them with those given by expert online faculty documented by Gaytan (2013). Among the various findings, two are considered critical: online students would like to receive more instruction from their professors and more comprehensive feedback that would allow them to engage in corrective behaviors to improve performance. Comparing faculty and student responses related to the factors that affect student retention could give online program administrators and faculty advisors a better understanding of these critical factors to be able to respond to the student retention challenge more effectively.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a role for institutional research in changing institutional attitudes about the priority placed on student retention efforts. Problems associated with changing perspectives are described using Kuber-Ross's work On Death and Dying. Potential barriers associated with changing the status of student retention efforts within the institution are identified relative to her stages of grief-denial, hostility, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Tactics useful in addressing and moving through each stage are described. Results from several studies on student retention provide information that has been used to promote and change attitudes toward student retention efforts at all levels at Virginia Tech.  相似文献   


This study expanded on previous models that looked primarily at student and support factors related to student retention and examined other stakeholder group functions not previously reviewed in relation to student retention. The research question assumed that greater faculty participation in campus decision-making and faculty satisfaction would have been associated with a higher campus student retention rate. The non-experimental retrospective design examined the unanalyzed 2007 community college (CC) Changing Academic Profession (CAP) survey in relation to campus retention rates. The CAP captured faculty perceptions of whether faculty or non-faculty entities were the primary influence on decisions regarding academic matters, as well as a rating of faculty satisfaction. Analysis indicated that CC faculty rated their participation in campus decision-making versus non-faculty entities similarly to the ratings of faculty who had completed the CAP at four-year institutions. When compared with the 2007 retention rate per campus, only faculty job satisfaction was statistically significantly positively associated with student retention. Recommendations for future research include continuing to look at retention as an outcome of a multi-factorial model involving all campus stakeholders, and more research with retention as the outcome.  相似文献   

This study uses multilayer minimum spanning tree analysis to develop a model for student retention from a complex system perspective, using data obtained from first-year engineering students at a large well-regarded institution in the European Union. The results show that the elements of the system of student retention are related to one another through a network of links and that some of these links were found to be strongly persistent across different scales (group sizes). The links were also seen to group together in different clusters of strongly related elements. Links between elements across a wide range of these clusters would have system-wide influence. It was found that there were no elements that are both persistent and have system-wide effects. This complex system view of student retention explains why actions to enhance student retention aimed at single elements in the system have had such limited impact. This study therefore points to the need for a more system-wide approach to enhancing student retention.  相似文献   

To improve student retention in distance education, Simpson suggested in 2003 that institutions analyse their own retention characteristics and ‘spot the leaks.’ In 2008 the Centre for Distance Learning at Laidlaw College, New Zealand, employed two part‐time academic support coordinators in an effort to improve student retention and success. This study compares the retention statistics for first‐time student outcomes across two semesters, one without and one with specific course retention interventions. Results are benchmarked across national data. Interviews with students who were retained revealed that students frequently attribute their success to their own efforts. Student support services in distance education might therefore be perceived by its beneficiaries as a ‘hygiene’ factor (Herzberg, 1968, 2008) in that their presence is not generally appreciated by students. However, their absence is noticed. The similarity of this finding with Shin’s institutional transactional presence (2002, 2003) is also explored.  相似文献   

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