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Arguments regarding the relationship between media discourse and public opinion have raged for decades, if not centuries. COmparing media coverage of biotechnology between 1992 and 2001 in two national newspapers with national survey data collected in early 2003, an argument is made that a general one-dimensional media effect is not occurring within the US public regarding media discourse. Given the multivalent characteristics of the media and the interpretive filters used by audiences - including ignoring information - even strong slants by the presumed opinion-leading press (the New York Times and the Washington Post) do not predict public opinion on a nascent issue such as biotechnology. While some observations show these mirrors to be ephemeral.  相似文献   

Whenever a new, potentially controversial technology enters public awareness, stakeholders suggest that education and public engagement are needed to ensure public support. Both theoretical and empirical analyses suggest, however, that more information and more deliberation per se will not make people more supportive. Rather, taking into account the functions of public sense-making processes, attitude polarisation is to be expected. In a real-world experiment, this study on synthetic biology investigated the effect of information uptake and deliberation on opinion certainty and opinion valence in natural groups. The results suggest (a) that biotechnology represents an important anchor for sense-making processes of synthetic biology, (b) that real-world information uptake and deliberation make people feel more certain about their opinions, and (c) that group attitudes are likely to polarise over the course of deliberation if the issue is important to the groups.  相似文献   

网络舆论对国家安全影响问题探析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
随着网络技术应用的普及和发展,舆论的传播方式和传播速度都发生了根本性的变化,网络舆论对人类的生存方式和社会状态产生了全方位的影响。从非传统安全观的视角看,由于网络舆论传播的普遍性、跨国性、复杂性、不可控性等特点,网络舆论已成为影响国家安全新问题。本文论证了网络舆论对社会的影响,研究了网络舆论对我国国家安全的冲击,提出了针对网络舆论的高度重视、疏导结合、有效管理的政策建议。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2004,33(6-7):921-938
Recent policies to promote biotechnology are motors of broader R&D reform in Germany and Japan. The idiosyncrasies of biotechnology commercialization could not be readily accommodated by these countries’ traditional technology policies, thus prompting reforms in institutions governing the commercialization of basic scientific research. These reforms provide a novel perspective on the nature of innovation in biotechnology; while previous research has underlined factors such as the national science base, industry–university links, entrepreneurship and venture capital, the German and Japanese cases highlight the importance of other mediating variables such as the level of public governance within national research institutions, the autonomy of the university/research sector, and the historical role of the public sector generally.  相似文献   

张思龙  王兰成 《现代情报》2018,38(4):106-111
为应对当前网络舆情的新挑战和舆情分析的精准性要求,需要从大数据的角度研究舆情处理新模式,从知识工程的角度挖掘舆情知识体系。借鉴知识技术和大数据技术在舆情领域的最新研究成果,设计了基于知识和数据双轮驱动的网络舆情分析模型,讨论了模型设计和关键技术。最后以"南海问题"主题舆情为案例,对模型在实际舆论工作中的效用进行了验证,结果显示该模型能够较好地对特定主题舆情进行深度分析和挖掘。  相似文献   

全媒体时代我国食品安全网络舆情构成要素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林萍  黄卫东  洪小娟 《现代情报》2013,33(11):12-16
食品安全事件是涉及民生的敏感事件,食品安全舆情是公众在媒介信息技术高度发达的风险社会中不安全感的集体释放,是公众对政府完善食品安全治理的需求和对舆论正确引导的强烈呼声。本文在借鉴网络舆情概念和特征的基础上,结合食品安全问题事件的特殊性,分析食品安全网络舆情的构成要素以及各构成要素的特点,建立包括主体、客体、载体、时空因素和舆情本体特征的较为完整的食品安全网络舆情构成体系,以期为食品安全预警机制建立提供参考。  相似文献   

This essay analyzes how academic institutions, government agencies, and the nascent biotech industry contested the legal ownership of recombinant DNA technology in the name of the public interest. It reconstructs the way a small but influential group of government officials and university research administrators introduced a new framework for the commercialization of academic research in the context of a national debate over scientific research's contributions to American economic prosperity and public health. They claimed that private ownership of inventions arising from public support would provide a powerful means to liberate biomedical discoveries for public benefit. This articulation of the causal link between private ownership and the public interest, it is argued, justified a new set of expectations about the use of research results arising from government or public support, in which commercialization became a new public obligation for academic researchers. By highlighting the broader economic and legal shifts that prompted the reconfiguration of the ownership of public knowledge in late twentieth-century American capitalism, the essay examines the threads of policy-informed legal ideas that came together to affirm private ownership of biomedical knowledge as germane to the public interest in the coming of age of biotechnology and genetic medicine.  相似文献   

A long stream of academic literature has established that public funding towards research and development matters for economic growth because it relates to increases in innovation, productivity and the like. The impact of public funding on the creation of new firms has received less attention in this literature despite theoretical constructs that support such association. In the present paper we study whether indeed there is a relationship between public research funds and local firm births in the context of the U.S. biotechnology industry. In doing so, we introduce a number of changes that strengthen the robustness of our findings when compared with existing literature. These changes include a direct measure of research expenditures and a considerably lengthier longitudinal dataset which allows us to capture a structural relationship and not a chance event. We empirically demonstrate that increases in the level of research funding from the National Institutes of Health towards biotechnology associate with increases in the number of biotechnology firm births at the Metropolitan Statistical Area level. Further, we reveal that public funds towards established firms associate with local firm births considerably more strongly when compared with funds towards universities and research institutes/hospitals. We conclude the paper with academic and policy implications of the present work that highlight the complexity of factors that underlie the creation of local firms in high technology industries.  相似文献   

近几年,突发事件的重大网络舆情数量激增,网络舆情安全监管和预警形势日益严峻,引起国家的高度重视。本文通过分析政府应对突发事件网络舆情的优势和劣势、机会和威胁等因素,构建了SWOT策略矩阵,确定了政府的长期策略及近期策略,尤其是应对突发事件时的“先声夺人”和“亡羊补牢”策略,为政府实现对突发事件网络舆情管理提供决策参考。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the use of metaphors in creating public representations of biotechnology in the United Kingdom's leading quality press. Metaphors referring to biotechnology and its applications have been analyzed in press articles covering the period 1973-1996. The paper describes how metaphors can be used to popularize complex technical information while at the same time providing a highly charged message about the technology itself. The analysis draws conclusions about the content and general direction of the debate on biotechnology during the past three decades.  相似文献   

Despite considerable research in advanced countries on public perceptions of and attitudes to modern biotechnology, limited effort has been geared towards developing a structural model of public attitudes to modern biotechnology. The purpose of this paper is to identify the relevant factors influencing public attitudes towards genetically modified (GM) soybean, and to analyze the relationship between all the attitudinal factors. A survey was carried out on 1,017 respondents from various stakeholder groups in the Klang Valley region. Results of the survey have confirmed that attitudes towards complex issues such as biotechnology should be seen as a multifaceted process. The most important factors predicting support for GM soybean are the specific application-linked perceptions about the benefits, acceptance of risk and moral concern while risk and familiarity are significant predictors of benefit and risk acceptance. Attitudes towards GM soybean are also predicted by several general classes of attitude.  相似文献   

周汉杰  王刚 《情报科学》2021,39(12):118-125
【 目的/意义】通过构建区块链社交网络舆情风险管理纾解对策,对于创造良好网络环境,提升网络舆情治理 效能以及应对网络风险复杂局面提供可行性方案。【方法/过程】本研究立足区块链理念与技术,分析社交网络舆情 风险管理概念框架,指明社交网络舆情风险现存问题,进一步探究区块链技术下社交网络舆情治理与纾解机理,建 立社交网络舆情管理系统模型,并从技术推进、多方协作、媒体引导等层面探究防控社交网络舆情风险的密钥。【结 果/结论】区块链技术对社交网络舆情风险治理、提高舆情信息传播质量具有积极作用,为营造健康、安全共享等网 络社交生态系统提供诸多可能性。【创新/局限】本文构建的区块链社交网络舆情管理模型是一个初步的设想,没有 考虑信息存储的上限,下一步研究工作是提升区块链社交网络舆情管理系统的兼容性和数据采集的标准化,为区 块链社交网络舆情管控提供参考。  相似文献   

以网络舆情传播的基本规律为基础,基于新闻报道研究突发事件网络舆情的扩散规律,建立突发事件网络新闻舆情演进规律的Gompertz曲线模型,通过确定舆情扩散过程中的3个时间特征点和4个发展时段进行分析研究,以具体事件为例确定不同时段的应对对策,进而为相关部门实现对突发事件网络新闻舆情管理提供决策参考。  相似文献   

刘继  武梦娇 《情报杂志》2021,(3):187-192,103
[目的/意义]重大突发事件对提高国家社会治理能力提出了新的要求,提升网络舆情态势评估能力成为创新社会治理的重要内容。[方法/过程]该文从网络舆情事件特征、关注度、传播扩散度及网民观点倾向等方面构建网络舆情态势评估指标,利用贝叶斯网络构建网络舆情态势评估模型,以“新冠肺炎疫情”事件为例,对网络舆情态势进行评估分析。[结果/结论]通过对网络舆情事件的测试,本文提出的方法具有较好的舆情态势评估效能,对“新冠肺炎疫情”相关网络舆情治理提出了建议。  相似文献   

随着Web2.0的迅猛发展和广泛运用,虚拟社会越来越呈现出小世界网络的特性,英国伦敦骚乱以及刚刚爆发的俄罗斯游行事件,煽动者均借助社交网站进行舆论散播.网络舆论愈发成为影响国家利益、事关国家安全的重要因素,若不对网络舆论给予及时关注和正确引导将对经济和社会造成不可估量的影响和损失.因此,如何进行网络舆论引导是新时期对完善和创新社会管理中创新管理理念、方法和手段提出的新挑战.本文的网络舆论引导研究试图回答两个问题:(1)是否需要引导?(2)如何加以引导?为此,首先提出网络舆论事件是否需要引导的3种研判方法,若加以引导,则进一步利用社会网络分析方法对舆论领袖及潜在关键人物进行探测和挖掘,给出引导策略,为创新社会管理中的网络舆论引导提供科学和定量的研究基础.  相似文献   

李艳微  包磊 《情报科学》2022,40(11):40-48
【目的/意义】立足于融媒体技术视角,分析中国话语舆情传播的生成机理和引导机制,推动国内舆情场做 好舆情引导,国际舆情场讲好中国故事。【方法/过程】首先,综述中国话语舆情传播的场域理论基础,从社会心理场 域和生态场域分析场域理论与中国话语舆情传播的关联性。其次,阐述中国话语舆情传播生成机理,为构建中国 话语舆情传播引导机制提供支持。最后,以生成机理为切入点构建中国话语舆情传播的安全引导机制,依据引导 机制范畴提出相应的安全引导机制。【结果/结论】针对中国话语舆情传播生成因素、特征分析和演化过程,具体提 出风险预判机制、舆情化解机制和安全监督机制。【创新/局限】本文以融媒体技术为视角,全方位揭示中国话语舆 情传播的安全引导机制,创新性地将网络安全建设和中国强国建设深度融合。由于本文未进行中国话语舆情传播 的量化研究,故存在一定的局限性,有待进一步充实和研究。  相似文献   

NBIC聚合科技,是以纳米科技、生物医学技术、信息技术和认知科学四大科学技术聚合而成的全新科技领域。四大科学技术的交叉融合,顺应了科技与人类融合发展的趋势,体现出一种先进的大一统科技发展观。作为新世纪科技的最前沿,NBIC聚合科技将在扩展人类认知能力、提高健康体能、维护国家安全等方面发挥巨大的功用。十年间,世界许多国家都高度重视发展NBIC聚合科技,形成了许多研究成果。这些经验对中国树立大一统科技发展观、政府主导多学科聚合发展、关注科技发展负效应等具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

网络舆情文献聚类分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络舆情的研究对维护当前的社会稳定、保证经济正常发展有着重要的作用。由于网络舆情研究的文献众多,理清其脉络、了解研究的热点和重点是网络舆情研究的基础。对中国知网中核心期刊内与网络舆情相关的论文进行了统计及聚类分析,将网络舆情的研究方向大致分类,并总结出统计规律,为今后的研究提供指引。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(1):104646
While technology transfer at universities has received considerable attention in the innovation and entrepreneurship literature, we know much less about technology transfer at national/federal labs and (non-university) public research institutes. In this article and the related special section, we aim to fill this void. We provide a rationale for our special section on technology transfer from national/federal labs and public research institutes, summarize the papers in the special section, highlight research questions, theories, data and methods, key findings and conclusions. We conclude by outlining a research agenda for multi-level research on agents, institutions, and regions to improve our understanding of the managerial and public policy implications of technology transfer from these institutions.  相似文献   

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