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Using longitudinal data, this article examines mobility and wage equilibration patterns for instructional personnel for kindergarten through the twelfth grade. The study concludes that (1) contrary to popular belief, educators are at least as responsive as other workers to interoccupational wage differences in deciding to change occupations; (2) educators paid above (below) the wage they could expect in the economy at large experience less (greater) than average wage growth; (3) educators are responsive to wage differentials within teaching in deciding to change districts but not as strongly responsive as to wage differentials between teaching and other occupations; and (4) educators paid above (below) the average wage for educators with similar qualifications experience less (greater) than average wage growth from one school year to the next.“Frustrated teachers stew over working conditions, but most don't quit.”  相似文献   

我国国有部门和非国有部门间工资差异既表现在均值水平上,还表现在不同收入层上,并且收入层越高工资差异越大;受教育水平和个人特征等变量确实能解释工资差异中一部分,但仍有相当大部分工资差异无法解释.造成该部分无法解释的原因是不同部门工资决定机制的差异。同时,不同地区不同收入层的国有部门和非国有部门间工资差异十分显著,女性的部门工资差异显著大于男性,高收入层的男性部门工资差异为负。  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore the connection between education and wage inequality in Spain for the period 1994–2001. Drawing on quantile regression, we describe the conditional wage distribution of different populations groups. We find that higher education is associated with higher wage dispersion. A contribution of the paper is that we explicitly take into account the fact that workers who are and workers who are not in jobs commensurate with their qualifications have a different distribution of earnings. We differentiate between three different types of educational mismatch: ‘over-qualification’, ‘incorrect qualification’, and ‘strong mismatch’. We find that while over-qualification and incorrect qualification are not associated with lower wages, strong mismatch carries a pay penalty that ranges from 13% to 27%. Thus, by driving a wedge between matched and mismatched workers, the incidence of strong mismatch contributes to enlarge wage differences within education groups. We find that over the recent years, the proportion of strongly mismatched workers rose markedly in Spain, contributing toward further within-groups dispersion.  相似文献   

In this analysis of workers’ education in Nigeria, set against the broad definitions of the broad meaning of workers’ education, education as against training, and other fundamental issues, an important point should be noted. It is that the ‘worker’ in Nigeria is defined by law. This definition excludes, for example, those who are not on a monthly or annual wage. Thus those unskilled people hired on a temporary basis are not, legally, ‘workers’.  相似文献   

The present study examined the role of female/male wage differentials in a model of job satisfaction. Female/male wage differentials were initially derived in a manner designed to eliminate much of past discriminatory practices. Subsequently, wage differentials were incorporated in a causal model to predict multiple aspects of academic job satisfaction for female faculty. It was hypothesized that the magnitude of the gender-based wage differential not only affected global job satisfaction but also intentions to remain in the academy, perceived stress level, perceptions of collegiality, and perception of the institution among female faculty. The findings indicated that as gender-based wage differentials increased, global job satisfaction of female faculty decreased. This significant effect was manifested predominantly through faculty perceptions of the institution.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relation between overeducation and enterprise-related schooling. If overeducation and enterprise-related schooling are substitutes the social costs of Overeducation are less. We find that correctly allocated workers have the highest probability of participation in enterprise-related schooling, while undereducated workers have the lowest probability of participation. There is no evidence of overeducation and enterprise-related schooling being either substitutes or complements. If we do not correct for self-selection, the average return on a year of education for correctly allocated workers is higher than the average rate of return to education for under- and overeducated workers. If we correct for self-selection in the participation in enterprise-related schooling the rate of return to education increases. The rates of return to under- and overeducation increase as well. If we correct for self-selection the rate of return to a year of undereducation becomes higher than the rate of return to a year of actual education. For undereducated workers the wage gain of participation in enterprise-related schooling is higher than for a correctly allocated worker. A year of Overeducation decreases the wage gain of participation in enterprise-related schooling for participants.  相似文献   

The present study explored two distinct methods of calculating a precise measure of gender-based wage differentials among male and female faculty. The first estimation considered wage differences using a formula based on human capital, while the second method included a compensation for past discriminatory practices. Each of the two formulas was used to derive a precise indication of wage differences for each female respondent in a nationally represented database. Both measures of wage differentials were used in multiple regression equations to predict three specific aspects of affective outcomes. Findings suggested that only differences in human capital should be considered in predicting job satisfaction and intent to remain in academe. However, a formula that included a compensation for past discriminations was more appropriate in predicting job-related stress. Differences in explained variance magnified the importance of choosing an appropriate calculation method.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the dynamics of rate of returns for postgraduate education and the determinants of wage premiums for postgraduate labor, especially for the impact of higher education expansions, in terms of quantity and quality, since the late 1990s in Taiwan. Utilizing quasi-panel data over the 1990–2004 period and employing the double fixed effect model, the empirical results first confirm the existence of wage premiums for workers with postgraduate degrees. However, the analysis on the dynamics of wage premiums finds that it ranged from only 1.40 to 11.67% and decreased sharply in 2004, indicating that the pecuniary reward for postgraduate qualification seems not to be as high as expected. Along with the rapid expansion of higher education, the concern about its negative impact on rate of returns to education is witnessed in this study. The sharp increase in the supply of postgraduate labors appears to have a negative impact on an individual’s wage premium. Similarly, a decline in the postgraduate labor quality along with higher education expansion has contributed to a negative wage effect.  相似文献   

This article tries to explain the wage differentials across industries and firms by the human capital theory, the compensating wage differential theory or other reasons and also the empirical evidences.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONWehavenoticedthewagedifferentialsacrossindustriesandfirmsintheworld ,andalwaysex plainthisbythehumancapitaltheoryandthecompensatingwagedifferentialsbecauseintheperfectcompetitivelabourmarketwhereworkersacceptjobscanexpecttoreceivecompensat…  相似文献   

保护劳动者权益是现代社会劳动立法所共同遵守的基本精神。各项劳动权利是劳动者劳动力所有权的展开和具体化。劳动权利的实现,首先取决于劳动者对劳动权利的确认。任何一种权利,如果其权利主体不能确认,也就不可能有效地行使它和保证它的实现。我国私营经济中的劳动者是雇佣劳动者,又是国家的主人,他们的劳动权利的保障,要真正体现出国家主人的地位,应当更加彰显社会公平和正义。  相似文献   

美国教师绩效工资制度的分析与反思   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
推行绩效工资是美国近来教师教育改革一系列重要举措中的重要组成部分,它旨在通过工资和奖励制度的改革,形成与美国近年来注重质量和效率优先的教育改革政策相匹配的扶优罚劣的教学激励机制。这既是美国基础教育和教师教育改革的深化,同时也是教师管理机制的一次大胆变革。本文旨在先通过案例的分析,寻找绩效工资争议的核心问题,然后通过对于教师工资本身的特殊性,美国教师工资制度的发展和教师绩效工资制度本身,来谈下我对教师绩效工资制度的看法。  相似文献   

This paper examines experiences with ‘skills development’ in South Africa to contribute to broader debates about ‘skills’ and the relationships between vocational education and development. Numerous policy interventions and the creation of new institutions and systems for skills development in South Africa are widely seen as having failed to lead to an increase in numbers of skilled workers. I analyze some of the underlying reasons for this by considering South African policies and systems in the light of research in developed countries. The dominant view in South African media and policy circles is that a skills shortage, coupled with an inflexible labour market, are the leading causes of unemployment. This has led to a policy preoccupation with skills as part of a ‘self-help’ agenda, alongside policies such as wage subsidies and a reduction of protective legislation for young workers, instead of collective responsibility for social welfare. Skills policies have also been part of a policy paradigm which emphasized state regulation through qualification and quality assurance reform, with very little emphasis on building provision systems and on curriculum development. The South African experience exemplifies how difficult it is to develop robust and coherent skills development in the context of inadequate social security, high levels of job insecurity, and high levels of inequalities. It also demonstrates some of the weaknesses of so-called ‘market-led’ vocational education.  相似文献   

岗效工资制和激励计件工资制是两种能够激励员工的企业工资分配办法。岗效工资制由岗位工资、年功工资和效益工资三个工资单元组成 ,适用于科室人员。激励计件工资制适用于生产工人。这二种具有激励性的工资分配办法可以调动企业科室人员和生产工人的工作积极性 ,促进企业经济的发展。  相似文献   

This paper examines the determination of wage rates for health professionals using three well known, and commonly used, econometric techniques: ordinary least squares, instrumental variables, and Heckman’s method. The data come from a graduate survey and the analysis focuses on a regional labor market, due to nationwide information on salaries is absent in Spain. After estimating different wage equations, the results suggest that OLS estimates are preferable. The findings show an important wage premium for medical doctors relative to nurses, but also a wage advantage for workers who are civil servants and a gender wage-gap that favors men. Although the expansion of higher education in Spain has reduced social inequalities in access, the main policy implication from this paper is that social class differences can still persist at the degree level—in the choice of degree—if students of higher socioeconomic status get a place at university in a degree of higher earnings, a fact that is corroborated in this study.  相似文献   

This paper uses panel data and econometric methods to estimate the incidence and the dynamic properties of overskilling among employed individuals. The paper begins by asking whether there is extensive overskilling in the labour market, and whether overskilling differs by education pathway. The answer to both questions is yes. The paper continues by asking whether overskilling is a self-perpetuating labour market state (state dependence), and whether state dependence differs by education pathway. Overskilled workers with a higher degree show the highest state dependence, while workers with vocational education show none. Workers with no post-school qualifications are somewhere between these two groups. The finding that higher degree graduates suffer the greatest overskilling state dependence, combined with the well-established finding that they also suffer the highest overskilling wage penalty, suggests that the cost of mismatch among this grouping are greater relative to vocationally qualified workers.  相似文献   

劳动力素质差,使得贵州农村劳动力的就业竞争力弱,择业范围窄,限制了劳动报酬的增加,成为制约贵州农村富余劳动力转移的一个重要因素。加大政府投入,创新职业教育模式,加强对农村劳动力转移培训工作,努力提高人力资本素质,特别是农村新增劳动力的素质,是实现农民转变为产业工人、现代市民的关键:  相似文献   

Wage differential studies examining legally protected groups typically focus on gender or racial differences. Legislation also fully protects individuals with learning disabilities (LD). This article is the first to decompose wage differentials between adults with and without LD. An original data set of college graduates with documented LD was constructed, and these individuals were compared to a control group from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY). Our results show that much of the observed lower wages for individuals with LD is due to differences in productivity characteristics. However, there is an unexplained portion of the wage gap that could possibly be considered wage discrimination against individuals with LD. This possibility seems smaller due to the fact that the subsample of the employers who knew of the employee's learning disabilities did not appear to pay significantly lower wages to these individuals. Alternative hypotheses are discussed, as are sample-specific issues.  相似文献   

Studies examining the wage effect of overeducation have generated very consistent results. Their findings suggest that, for workers with similar educational attainment, workers who are overeducated for the job suffer from significant wage penalties. However, most studies use cross-sectional data, implicitly assuming that workers are randomly assigned to being overeducated. Using data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics for the period 1979–2005, this study conducts a panel analysis to account for time-constant individual characteristics. It uses a numerical approach to provide the wage effects in the presence of non-classical measurement error in the educational mismatch variables. The results provide evidence that overeducated status does not cause lower earnings. Instead, the significant wage differential found in previous studies is simply a result of ignoring the non-random assignment of workers to jobs.  相似文献   

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