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The understanding of concepts in social science was investigated by interviewing students studying two foundation courses in Social Science at the Open University. The investigation was carried out using the research paradigm of phenomenography (Marton, 1981) where the content of learning is seen as a quality rather than as a quantity. There were two aims of the research.
  1. To discover the different understandings that students hold of particular important concepts in Social Science.
  2. To use the method as a method of formative evaluation to influence the production of new course materials.
This paper concentrates on describing the results in terms of two evaluation strategies: Formative evaluation, where the students' understandings of the concept before the course were used to influence the teaching strategy of the remade course. Summative evaluation, where the students' answers before and after the course were compared to evaluate their learning on the course.  相似文献   

Mathematics, seen as a model of pure science, often conveys the image of a science constructing itself in quite poor technological environments; it nevertheless develops by elaborating (and by exploiting) powerful material and symbolic tools. Actually mathematics teaching is closer to this image of mathematics than to mathematical practice: its goal seems to transmit a form of culture rather than efficient computation tools and theoretical means of their control (Kahane, 2002). This situation is viable if the tools can be held at distance, outside the classroom; it is no longer viable when computation tools (essentially calculators) are imported by students themselves inside the classroom and integrated into their mathematical practice. Thus established conflict between the social legitimacy of these tools and their school illegitimacy (Chevallard, 1992) deeply destabilises mathematics teaching itself. We present here a general framework to think about the integration of the tools in the teaching and learning of mathematics. More precisely, we propose:
  1. A theoretical approach, which allows us to understand the influence of tools on human activity and in particular on professional and school education processes;
  2. An analysis of computerized learning environments, which shows the importance of students' control of their own activity;
  3. Some elements that help to think about the temporal and spatial organization of study in such environments and to guide students' activity;
  4. A reflection about the conception of pedagogical resources, which is all the more necessary if one wants to facilitate an evolution of teachers' practices.

Strategies implemented by 12–13 year olds to solve electricity problems are examined. Three factors account for observed strategies:
  1. type of problem representation, itself dependent on the knowledge base;
  2. cognitive personality dimensions;
  3. form of problem statement.
Individual interviews were conducted. Each problem statement contained a perceptual ‘trap’ designed to induce contradictory responses. Strategies were coded for accuracy, latency, justification and control. Five types of problem solving strategies were observed:
  1. a strategy based on misconceptions such as the vanishing current model;
  2. a similar strategy but greater verbalization of doubt;
  3. rush to use formulas;
  4. sequential analysis of circuit;
  5. application of principles learned in class.
Analysis shows that the target problems fell into two classes: problems that triggered automatic (canonical or calculatory) responses, and problems which were much more disruptive. The latter differentiated students who could handle contradictions and control their responses. Mention is also made of difficulties caused by the signified/signifier relationship.  相似文献   

This article examines factors affecting the development and implementation of Education Policy with special reference to the 1981 Education Act for England and Wales. Research is reported about professional practice and administrative behaviour in special education assessment. Six professional and administrative factors are identified which may affect the implementation of the new special education legislation:
  1. The nature of the professional domain of special education assessment;
  2. The emergence of competing definitions of special educational need and good practice;
  3. The concern for professional and administrative accountability;
  4. The concern for the rights of users of special education provision;
  5. The politicisation of special education through the development of interest groups;
  6. The market relations between supply and demand in special education provision.

Asian students in increasing numbers have over the postwar period decided to go overseas for tertiary education, and an increasing proportion of those overseas students have selected the United States as their place of study. Eight elements of the changing context of Asian-American relations are identified which influence the Asian preference for American higher education:
  1. The improving Asian-American political links
  2. The increased volume of Asian-American economic exchange
  3. The sharp increase in Asian immigration to the United States
  4. The increasing similarity in the structure and content of Asian and American educational systems
  5. The absorptive capacity of American higher education
  6. The quality of American higher education
  7. The complementarity of Asian demand and American supply
  8. The opportunities provided in American higher education to cover educational costs through part-time work

Guidance and counselling services, which were introduced to Nigeria in 1959, have recently undergone rapid growth. While the approaches of the formalized guidance services have been largely Western, traditional means of approaching an individual's problems have always existed within Nigerian communities. This article identifies areas of traditional counselling that might be used alongside those of the Western system. The special areas examined were those of mural guidance, vocational counselling, marriage counselling and emotional counselling. Findings include the following:
  1. Every adult in the society who possesses relevant experience in any problem area is capable of playing the role of a counsellor at least for that particular problem.
  2. An individual who is considered in need of guidance is invited into counselling.
  3. The early knowledge that work is essential for every adult provides individuals with appropriate skills of choosing satisfying vocations.
  4. Individuals proposing marriage undergo counselling.
  5. Divination offers a reassuring approach to counselling situation.

The acquisition of knowledge, the development of the individual's knowledge bases, does not occur in a vacuum. The social context, both social structure (the perceived regularities in the social network) and social knowledge, appears to be related to the individual's acquisition of knowledge. In this article, the relationship between the social world and individual knowledge acquisition is explored. A general theory is postulated and then formulated as a model. The basic theory is predicated on the assumption that social interaction is the driving force behind knowledge acquisition. A selection of results pertaining to social learning will be presented. These include, but are not limited to the following:
  • ? Social structure affects knowledge acquisition; e.g., individuals in tightly knit social groups develop similar cognitive structures, but not necessarily similar evaluations of those structures.
  • ? Social knowledge evolves slowly and relative to shared experience.
  • ? Individual knowledge acquisition is limited; e.g., individuals and groups talk past each other because of the lack of critical paths in their respective knowledge bases.

A survey commissioned by the French Ministry of Education on mastery of the French language by the end of the elementary grades (11–12 years) was conducted on a sample of 4585 students. The data was used to compare the results obtained on tests of written French designed to measure level of acquisition with ministerial guideline objectives. Three types of analysis were performed, to attempt to define:
  1. a pattern of results between grammatical exercises
  2. a pattern of results between exercises about use of the French language in context
  3. the relationships between grammatical acquisitions and use of language in context.
Two issues arise from this analysis: first, the problem of the relationships between the way the elementary school student analyses language through intuitive understanding of meaning vs rules of formal analysis; and second, the problem of transfer mechanisms which allow information learned in one language situation to be applied to new situations.  相似文献   

Is it possible to specify teaching situations and to control their effects on students' learning? This general question is essential regarding the scientific character of research on mathematics education. It especially concerns the teacher's role in the class: can she ensure sufficient fidelity to a predefined scenario? This question is of special importance in the case of an experimental scenario the design of which is the result of a collaboration between a researcher and a teacher. This is considered here in the context of two case-studies. These case-studies exhibit two types of factors which tend to hamper fidelity in reproducing a given scenario:
  • - first, constraints on the teacher resulting from the didactical system: time constraints, success of the teaching process;
  • - second, teachers' conceptions about mathematics and learning. These results are considered with reference to prior research on didactical transposition and teacher's beliefs.
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    《Assessing Writing》1998,5(1):123-150
    Two studies tested factors influencing ratings of argumentative essays in order to develop a scheme for assessing essays written by middle school students. Study CLAIM-CLARITY assessed the effect of:
    • 1.(a) claim clarity,
    • 2.(b) reason strength,
    • 3.(c) strength of rebuttals to counterarguments,
    • 4.(d) the rater's personal values, and
    • 5.(e) the rater's topic knowledge.
    These factors explained a third of the variance in holistic scores. There was a significant interaction between raters' topic knowledge and the validity of evidential statements. Raters' values were not significant with respect to the range of topics included in this study. Study DEVELOPMENT assessed the effect of:
    • 1.(a) development,
    • 2.(b) voice, and
    • 3.(c) conventions.
    The factors explained 63 percent of the variance in holistic ratings. This result was attributed to an assessment scheme that fostered integrated rather than isolated consideration of argument elements.  相似文献   

    Two basic points are made in this article:
  • -We must make a choice whether we ‘isolate’ people from or ‘include’ people in our communities. Including people is the only viable option.
  • -The key to ‘including’ people is with the very people we most often label as ‘the problems’. These ‘problem people’ can help generate answers when we learn how to listen, and when we offer genuine learning opportunities and valid partnerships with those who have been ‘missed’ and discarded.
  • Examples from various Frontier College programs illustrate these points and elaborate the central philosophy of the College (Student Centred Individualized Learning — SCIL), which is based on the beliefs that:
  • -All are welcome
  • -All belong
  • -All can learn
  • -All have contributions to make
  • The programmes are focused on ‘literacy’, which is a great deal more than reading and writing — it is about what kind of society we want. Literacy is a tool for ‘inclusion’ in communities. It is hard work, and includes love and tears, grief and joy, families and friends. It is based on the Right to Learn, and builds dignity, self esteem and choices.  相似文献   

    The ILO's World Employment Programme, launched officially in 1969, constitutes the major contribution of the International Labour Organisation to the Second Development Decade in the area of employment objectives and policies. The general aim of the World Employment Programme (WEP) is to provide concrete and specific guidelines to policy-makers and planners on policies and measures which enable them to choose those development strategies which have a greater weight attached to productive employment creation, and to assist in their implementation. The following activities have recently been undertaken to give practical effect to the World Employment Programme. First, so-called comprehensive employment strategy missions have been sent to Colombia, Ceylon, Iran and Kenya (ILO, 1970, 1971, 1972a, 1972b). In the light of a definition and diagnosis of the employment problem in these countries, these missions have proposed a long-term strategy based on fundamental changes in key areas of development policy, including education and training. They have also drawn up an immediate programme of action to face the most urgent problems. Second, regional teams have been established in Latin America and Asia, and several subregional teams are in the process of being constituted in Africa. Set up with a view to making a comprehensive investigation of employment problems in the countries of the region and assisting them in formulating employment policies and programmes, they are keeping under review the progress and obstacles encountered and identifying needs for further direct assistance. Third, a major research programme has been launched. The principal elements of the WEP's research programme are the following major projects which are currently being carried out or are about to start:
    1. population and employment;
    2. technology and employment;
    3. income distribution and employment;
    4. education and employment;
    5. international trade and employment;
    6. urban employment problems; and
    7. feasibility of emergency employment schemes.
    This article gives a brief account of the insights already gained and the work under way in the area of education and employment.  相似文献   

    In teaching, representations are used as ways to illustrate the concepts underlying a specific topic. For example, use symbols (e.g., 1?+?2?=?3) to express the concept of addition. To compare students’ abilities to interpret different representations in mathematics, the symbolic representation (SR) test and the pictorial representation (PR) test were designed, and then administered to 681 sixth graders in Taipei, Taiwan. This study adopts two different modeling perspectives, the testlet perspective and the multi-ability perspective, to analyze this SR and PR test data in the context of item response theory. The main results show that:
    1. Students scored on average significantly higher on the SR test than the PR test.
    2. The effects of the item stem testlets could be large, but they are statistically non-significant; however, the influence of the number of items in the testlet should also be considered.
    3. The nature of the option representations, SR and PR, represents two different mathematics abilities.
    4. The main factor that influences students’ item responses is students’ abilities to interpret SR and PR, and the testlet effects generated from the shared item stem can be ignored.
    5. Regarding the parameter estimates of the best-fitting model: (a) the person ability variance estimates show that the ability distributions on the SR and PR dimension may not be the same, (b) the correlation estimate between the SR and PR dimension indicates that these two abilities are moderately correlated, and (c) the item difficulty estimates for different models are similar.
    Suggestions for teaching practice and future studies are provided in the Conclusion.  相似文献   

    The report is a translation of part of a Swedish paper entitled “On Students' Achievement in Mathematics after Finishing Comprehensive School”. The intention of the investigation was to

  • - diagnose the retention of some basic skills in some topics in algebra and geometry,
  • - reveal difficult steps in the learning processes in these topics.
  • Starting with a complicated question, e.g. the equation \(\frac{{3x - 2}}{2} = \frac{x}{3}\) a sequence consisting of 5–15 problems were constructed. Each new problem followed by the preceding one by taking away one or two details. \(\begin{gathered} 3(3x - 2) = 2x \\ {\text{ 9}}x - 6 = 2x \\ {\text{ 7}}x - 6 = 0 \\ {\text{ 7}}x = 6 \\ \end{gathered} \) is an example of a sequence belonging to the equation above. From about 10 complicated problems (“top-items”) and their sequences, in all 130 items, 10 sub-tests were put together in such a way that the pupils who took the test were not aware of the sequences but found no connection between the problems. Many surprising results were found, e.g., that the students scored higher on 14/(x+2)=2 than on 4/x=3, that the difficulty in finding the area of a triangle depended on the position of the triangle and that the problems “Simplify a/a 2, a2/a, a/a” were of quite unequal difficulty. A discussion about the students' thinking in patterns and mechanically learning ends the report.  相似文献   

    This is a report on three working groups of the IRTAC European Consultation ‘Career Guidance in Further, Higher and Continuing Education’, University of London, December 16–20, 1983. The three working groups focused their discussion on the following themes:
  • - The expectations of those contemplating further and/or higher education.
  • - The selection and training of the career guidance team.
  • - The design, implementation and evaluation of career guidance programmes.
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    This survey presents the essentials of a study concerning problem solving ability in children aged 12–13. It forms part of a large project concerning the impact of calculators and computers in school mathematics and the consequences for certain basic abilities. The contents of the survey are in brief:
  • ? definition of problem solving ability;
  • ? test construction;
  • ? interviews;
  • ? supplementary investigations.
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    This study reviews the literature on academic environments with particular reference to the academic department which is seen as the most important factor in the teaching and learning environment. Departmental environment characteristics as identified by faculty and by students are described. For students the most important are:-
  • Student-Faculty Relationships;
  • Interest and Engagement in Teaching; and
  • Satisfaction with Instruction.
  • Differences between teaching and between learning environments are explained, especially differences between social science and natural science departments. These differences reflect the interaction between discipline, personal styles of faculty and students, and faculty-student relationships. Student academic satisfaction seems to be heavily dependent upon the relationships between students and faculty. Student achievement in relation to students' perception of the academic department seems to be dependent on the degree of their adaptation to the department. The studies reviewed clearly show that there are differences between departments. They also show that these differences may be explained not only by differences with regard to the characteristics of the academic discipline concerned, but also by differences concerning student-faculty relationships, faculty interest in students and teaching and the interaction between these factors. Teacher and student satisfaction and student achievement are affected by these variables.  相似文献   

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