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At the Medical College of Wisconsin, a procedure was developed to allow computerized grading and grade reporting of laboratory practical examinations in the Clinical Human Anatomy course. At the start of the course, first year medical students were given four Lists of Structures. On these lists, numbered items were arranged alphabetically; the items were anatomical structures that could be tagged on a given lab practical examination. Each lab exam featured an anatomy laboratory component and a computer laboratory component. For the anatomy lab component, students moved from one question station to another at timed intervals and identified tagged anatomical structures. As students identified a tagged structure, they referred to a copy of the list (provided with their answer sheet) and wrote the number corresponding to the structure on their answer sheet. Immediately after the anatomy lab component, students were escorted to a computer instruction laboratory where they typed their answer numbers into a secured testing component of a learning management system that recorded their answers for automatic grading. After a brief review of examination scores and item analysis by faculty, exam scores were reported to students electronically. Adding this brief computer component to each lab exam greatly reduced faculty grading time, reduced grading errors and provided faster performance feedback for students without changing overall student performance. Anat Sci Ed 1:220–223, 2008. © 2008 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

A simple modification to the method of answering and scoring multiple choice tests allows students to indicate their estimates of the probability of the correctness of the multiple choice options for each question, without affecting the validity of the assessment. A study was conducted using a test that investigated common misconceptions in mechanics. The study showed that for assessment purposes this method gives results that are very similar to results obtained by students who answer in the traditional manner. Year 12 Physics students (N=85) were randomly allocated to two treatment groups: one received a standard format multiple choice test, the other a test format allowing students to select more than one response in a multiple choice test, and to distribute their marks among their chosen optionsl An analysis of the students' uncertainties is used to argue that not only can students appeal to different conceptions in different contexts, but that they can also hold conflicting conceptions with respect to a single context.  相似文献   

从积极心理学的角度解读学校教育的缺失   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
励骅  李欣 《高教发展与评估》2011,27(1):83-88,120
积极心理学作为一种新兴起的心理学思潮,为学校教育研究提供了一个新的视角,其所倡导的积极理念为学校教育价值抉择提供了新的解读:教育制度不公平导致学生成功希望的缺失;教育目标的偏离导致学生积极品质的缺失;机械的教育方式导致学生在学习中内心积极体验的缺失;受逼的学习状态导致学生自主决定感的缺失。  相似文献   

在国内外众多针对具体学科、具体年级自主学习实验的基础上,提出促进学生自主学习的教学指导流程。即,有利于学生自主学习的教学指导程序应是:呈现学习目标,激发学习动机,引导学生自学,自学检查,小组讨论,教师对疑难问题重点讲解,练习巩固,课堂小结等。本文认为,自主学习的教学指导流程适用的年级、学科比较广泛,能够起到"普遍参照"作用,具有一定实用和推广价值。  相似文献   

This study pioneers a Rasch scoring approach and compares it to a conventional summative approach for measuring longitudinal gains in student learning. In this methodological note, our proposed methodology is demonstrated using an example of rating scales in a student survey as part of a higher education outcome assessment. Such assessments have become increasingly important worldwide for purposes of institutional accreditation and accountability to stakeholders. Data were collected from a longitudinal study by tracking self-reported learning outcomes of individual students in the same cohort who completed the student learning experience questionnaire (SLEQ) in their first and final years. Rasch model was employed for item calibration and latent trait estimation, together with a scaling procedure of concurrent calibration incorporating a randomly equivalent group design and a single group design to measure the gains in self-reported learning outcomes as yielded by repeated measures. The extent to which Rasch scoring compared to the conventional summative scoring method in its sensitivity to change was quantified by a statistical index namely relative performance (RP). Findings indicated greater ability to capture learning outcomes gains from Rasch scoring over the conventional summative scoring method, with RP values ranging from 3 to 17% in the cognitive, social, and value domains of the SLEQ. The Rasch scoring approach and the scaling procedure presented in the study can be readily generalised to studies using rating scales to measure change in student learning in the higher education context. The methodological innovations and contributions of this study are discussed.  相似文献   

Data analysis requires subtle probability reasoning to answer questions like What is the chance of event A occurring, given that event B was observed? This generic question arises in discussions of many intriguing scientific questions such as What is the probability that an adolescent weighs between 120 and 140 pounds given that they are of average height? and What is the probability of (monetary) inflation exceeding 4% and housing price index below 110? To address such problems, learning some applied, theoretical or cross‐disciplinary probability concepts is necessary. Teaching such courses can be improved by utilizing modern information technology resources. Students' understanding of multivariate distributions, conditional probabilities, correlation and causation can be significantly strengthened by employing interactive web‐based science educational resources. Independent of the type of a probability course (e.g. majors, minors or service probability course, rigorous measure‐theoretic, applied or statistics course) student motivation, learning experiences and knowledge retention may be enhanced by blending modern technological tools within the classical conceptual pedagogical models. We have designed, implemented and disseminated a portable open‐source web‐application for teaching multivariate distributions, marginal, joint and conditional probabilities using the special case of bivariate Normal distribution. A real adolescent height and weight dataset is used to demonstrate the classroom utilization of the new web‐application to address problems of parameter estimation, univariate and multivariate inference.  相似文献   

This article presents a novel experimental methodology in which groups of students were offered the option to choose between two equivalent scoring rules to assess a multiple‐choice test. The effect of choosing the scoring rule on marks is tested. Two major contributions arise from this research. First, it contributes to the literature on the value of choice. Second, it also contributes to the literature on the educational measurement of knowledge. The results suggest that choice could positively affect students' scores. However, students need to learn to choose the assessment method. Moreover, women seem to obtain greater benefits from the option of choosing the scoring rule.  相似文献   

Readers' Letters     
The use of Internet tools in economic pedagogy is growing. This paper attempts to investigate the impact of Internet tools, as a supplement to traditional teaching methods, on teaching and learning and attempts to answer the question why there are gaps between potential and reality of using Internet tools in economics education, based on our experience of integrating e‐learning into courses at Lancaster University. Responses to student questionnaires suggest that the practical features of e‐learning which are most successful at enhancing the learning experience are: the noticeboard, discussion space, multiple‐choice questions and freedom of expression anonymously. Moreover, the degree of the impact of these e‐learning features is affected by network access, residence off campus and student gender. In spite of the enormous potential of the Internet tools in higher education, it is found that much of it is not fully realized due to the problems encountered by lecturers/tutors and students and technical difficulties. It is important to note the many challenges associated with e‐learning which are yet to be debated and resolved.  相似文献   


Personalized learning refers to a collection of practices designed to place student interests and needs at the heart of schooling. Schools that implement personalized learning need leaders that support educators and students in redesigning the core practices of teaching and learning in K-12 schools. To answer the question of how leaders support this redesign, we use distributed leadership theory to focus on the macrotasks and microtasks that leaders enact to create the conditions for personalized learning practices. Drawing on a five-year, qualitative study of 11 personalized learning programs in the Midwest, we identify three macrotasks supporting personalized learning: reorganizing learning environments to support student voice and choice, assembling idiosyncratic technology ecosystems to distribute teaching and learning tasks, and redesigning instructional time to prioritize student’s interests, agency, and learning relationships. After we describe a number of microtasks associated with each macrotask, we discuss how a consideration of these kinds of leadership tasks can open the contemporary discussion of personalized learning from a narrow focus on learning technologies to an expansive vision of student-centered school reform.  相似文献   

University students use social media tools not only to connect with friends socially but also to collaborate with classmates. Many universities have embraced academically-focused social media platforms such as social question answering (SQA) applications to make student interactions easier. This study addresses how students in a face-to-face biology class use an SQA called Piazza. This SQA enables students to communicate asynchronously about course content in short question and answer exchanges. Although most students participate as anonymous observers, this study suggests that Piazza enables student interactivity, content creation and the formation of a knowledge community. (Keywords: collaborative learning, social question answering application, social cognitive theory, community of practice)  相似文献   

We conducted correlational and performance discrepancy analyses on exam and achievement data taken from students in three psychology courses. Across courses, the same findings emerged. First, only a small fraction of students consistently performed more strongly on one type of assessment (e.g., multiple‐choice) than on another (e.g., short answer). Second, students’ multiple‐choice performance, above and beyond their short answer performance, accounted for variation in students’ standing on achievement measures unrelated to psychology (including high school class standing, American College Test score, and college grade point average). In contrast, students’ short answer performance, above and beyond their multiple‐choice performance, did not account for variation in students’ standing on those achievement measures. Our findings support the continued use of multiple‐choice items to assess student learning.  相似文献   

Game-based learning environments hold significant promise for facilitating learning experiences that are both effective and engaging. To support individualised learning and support proactive scaffolding when students are struggling, game-based learning environments should be able to accurately predict student knowledge at early points in students' gameplay. Student knowledge is traditionally assessed prior to and after each student interacts with the learning environment with conventional methods, such as multiple choice content knowledge assessments. While previous student modelling approaches have leveraged machine learning to automatically infer students' knowledge, there is limited work that incorporates the fine-grained content from each question in these types of tests into student models that predict student performance at early junctures in gameplay episodes. This work investigates a predictive student modelling approach that leverages the natural language text of the post-gameplay content knowledge questions and the text of the possible answer choices for early prediction of fine-grained individual student performance in game-based learning environments. With data from a study involving 66 undergraduate students from a large public university interacting with a game-based learning environment for microbiology, Crystal Island , we investigate the accuracy and early prediction capacity of student models that use a combination of gameplay features extracted from student log files as well as distributed representations of post-test content assessment questions. The results demonstrate that by incorporating knowledge about assessment questions, early prediction models are able to outperform competing baselines that only use student game trace data with no question-related information. Furthermore, this approach achieves high generalisation, including predicting the performance of students on unseen questions.

Practitioner notes

What is already known about this topic
  • A distinctive characteristic of game-based learning environments is their capacity to enable fine-grained student assessment.
  • Adaptive game-based learning environments offer individualisation based on specific student needs and should be able to assess student competencies using early prediction models of those competencies.
  • Word embedding approaches from the field of natural language processing show great promise in the ability to encode semantic information that can be leveraged by predictive student models.
What this paper adds
  • Investigates word embeddings of assessment question content for reliable early prediction of student performance.
  • Demonstrates the efficacy of distributed word embeddings of assessment questions when used by early prediction models compared to models that use either no assessment information or discrete representations of the questions.
  • Demonstrates the efficacy and generalisability of word embeddings of assessment questions for predicting the performance of both new students on existing questions and existing students on new questions.
Implications for practice and/or policy
  • Word embeddings of assessment questions can enhance early prediction models of student knowledge, which can drive adaptive feedback to students who interact with game-based learning environments.
  • Practitioners should determine if new assessment questions will be developed for their game-based learning environment, and if so, consider using our student modelling framework that incorporates early prediction models pretrained with existing student responses to previous assessment questions and is generalisable to the new assessment questions by leveraging distributed word embedding techniques.
  • Researchers should consider the most appropriate way to encode the assessment questions in ways that early prediction models are able to infer relationships between the questions and gameplay behaviour to make accurate predictions of student competencies.

This paper describes the multiple choice item development assignment (MCIDA) that was developed to support both content and higher level learning. The MCIDA involves students in higher level learning by requiring them to develop multiple choice items, write justifications for both correct and incorrect answer options and determine the highest cognitive level that the item is testing. The article discusses the benefits and limitations of the scheme and presents data on the largely positive student reactions to the scheme. The development of the MCIDA also serves as an example for how traditional summatively oriented assessment procedures can be developed into tools that directly support student learning.  相似文献   

With the pre-service student portfolio process and product well in hand in a paper-based format, in the Bachelor of Education (Primary) (B.Ed. Primary) at University of Western Sydney (UWS), new horizons have presented themselves. These new possibilities are facilitated but not driven by developments in Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The impetus for this study comes from the changing context in which the students will work and from the rapidly evolving mediums of communication employed by the society these future teachers will serve. With new technologies being developed the use of digital portfolios could give an extra dimension to student learning as well as giving choice and variety to the reporting and presenting of that learning. This paper aims to report on the process of the development of digital portfolios as an alternative method of reporting and presenting student learning, as opposed to the current paper-based portfolios used in Pre-service Teacher Education at UWS. A study of the processes employed by nine students who elected to develop their portfolios digitally was carried out over a three-semester period. This resulted in a procedure that assisted students in using ICT to showcase their learning. The advantages and limitations of the use of such technology and the results of this process during its initial implementation are discussed.  相似文献   

This study identified and quantified chemistry conceptions students use when solving chemical equilibrium problems requiring application of Le Chatelier's principle, and explored the feasibility of designing a paper and pencil test to accomplish these purposes. A 10‐item pencil and paper, two‐tier diagnostic instrument, the Test to Identify Student Conceptualizations (TISC), was developed and administered to 95 second‐semester university general chemistry students after they received regular course instruction concerning equilibrium in homogeneous aqueous, heterogeneous aqueous, and homogeneous gaseous systems. To validate TISC, nine students from a stratified random sample were selected for interviews incorporating comparable chemistry problems. The probability that TISC correctly identified an answer given by a student in the interview was p = .64, whereas the probability that TISC correctly identified a reason given by a student in the interview was p = .49. Eleven prevalent incorrect student conceptions about chemical equilibrium were identified by TISC. Students consistently selected correct answers more frequently (53% of the time) than they provided correct reasons (33% of the time). The level of association between student answers and their respective reasons on each TISC item was quantified using conditional probabilities calculated from logistic regression coefficients. The Kuder‐Richardson 20 reliability for TISC was .79. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 37: 160–176, 2000  相似文献   

The paper describes a biology tutoring system with adaptive question selection. Questions were selected for presentation to the student based on their utilities, which were estimated from the chance that the student’s competence would increase if the questions were asked. Competence was represented by the probability of mastery of a set of biology knowledge components. Tasks were represented and selected based on which knowledge components they addressed. Unlike earlier work, where the knowledge components and their relationships to the questions were defined by domain experts, this project demonstrated that the knowledge components, questions and their relationships could all be generated from a semantic network. An experiment found that students using our adaptive question selection had reliably larger learning gains than students who received questions in a mal-adaptive order.  相似文献   

Conventionally, quantitative surveys are used for student evaluations in higher education, but the validity of this practice has been questioned. In the present study, we investigated a qualitative method for evaluating a bachelor’s programme. Forty-one first-year students and twenty-eight third-year students on a bachelor’s programme in Public Administration were asked to answer a single question in relation to their programme: ‘What could have been done in order to support your learning?’ The students provided rich responses of a depth and breadth not attainable through conventional surveys, making this method worthwhile for educational development at the programme level. The responses focused on students’ own learning rather than on judgement of teacher performance. The results indicate that the students underwent a transition from the first to third year, suggesting a shift in needs. For example, first-year students asked for direct interaction, whereas third-year students asked for feedback on accomplishments. Practical applications are discussed.  相似文献   

Several parts of the STEP Writing Test, Level 1, were administered to 14 different groups of from 19 to 52 high school students. In the testing situations, scores were computed using the following scoring functions: (a) probability assigned to the correct answer, (b) the logarithmic function, (c) the spherical function, (d) the Euclidean function, and (e) inferred choice. Reliabilities of the scores obtained by means of each scoring function were computed. Comparisons between the reliabilities showed that the simplest and most intuitive function, the probability assigned to the correct answer, produced the highest reliability in comparison with any of the other functions. The data suggest that in the absence of information about the scoring system, subjects assign their confidence in multiple-choice responses on the basis of the intuitively simplest payoff model, and that reliability decreases as scoring functions generate item scores which are progressively discrepant from scores generated by the simplest model.  相似文献   

Uncertainty and engagement with learning games   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Uncertainty may be an important component of the motivation provided by learning games, especially when associated with gaming rather than learning. Three studies are reported that explore the influence of gaming uncertainty on engagement with computer-based learning games. In the first study, children (10–11 years) played a simple maths quiz. Participants chose their preferred reward for a correct answer prior to seeing each question. They could either receive a single point or toss an animated coin to receive 2 points for heads or none for tails. A preference for the uncertain option was revealed and this increased during the quiz. The second study explored the discourse around learning when pairs of participants (13–14 years) competed against the computer in a science quiz. Progress depended on the acquisition of facts but also on the outcomes of throwing dice. Discourse was characterised by a close intermingling of learning and gaming talk without salient problematic constructions regarding fairness when losing points due to gaming uncertainty. A final experiment explored whether, in this type of game, the uncertainty provided by the gaming component could influence players’ affective response to the learning component. Electrodermal activity (EDA) of 16 adults was measured while they played the quiz with and without the element of chance provided by the dice. Results showed EDA when answering questions was increased by inclusion of gaming uncertainty. Findings are discussed in terms of the potential benefits of combining gaming uncertainty with learning and directions for further research in this area are outlined.  相似文献   

There is a growing interest in using classroom response systems or clickers in science classrooms at both the university and K-12 levels. Typically, when instructors use this technology, students are asked to answer and discuss clicker questions with their peers. The existing literature on using clickers at the K-12 level has largely focused on the efficacy of clicker implementation, with few studies investigating collaboration and discourse among students. To expand on this work, we investigated the question: Does clicker use promote productive peer discussion among middle school science students? Specifically, we collected data from middle school students in a physical science course. Students were asked to answer a clicker question individually, discuss the question with their peers, answer the same question again, and then subsequently answer a new matched-pair question individually. We audio recorded the peer conversations to characterize the nature of the student discourse. To analyze these conversations, we used a grounded analysis approach and drew on literature about collaborative knowledge co-construction. The analysis of the conversations revealed that middle school students talked about science content and collaboratively discussed ideas. Furthermore, the majority of conversations, both ones that positively and negatively impacted student performance, contained evidence of collaborative knowledge co-construction.  相似文献   

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