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晶界在影响SrTiO3晶体电学性质方面起着重要作用.为了理解晶界结构与电子结构的关系,建立了3个晶界模型和SrTiO3原胞,应用Material Studio的CASTEP模块对它们的能带结构和态密度进行了模拟运算,分析了晶界的存在和晶粒取向度的不同对Ti和O原子的电子结构的影响.结果显示,晶界处会形成明显的缺陷态,而晶粒取向度与晶界角度的不同与缺陷态的性质没有直接的关系.这些发现对了解陶瓷中的晶界电子结构具有积极的意义.  相似文献   

汉语存在句拥有"A+B+C"类、"A+C"类、"B+C"类和唯"C"类四种主要类型。《唐诗三百首》中的存在句覆盖了汉语存在句的各种主要类型及其下层类型,反映唐诗语言与汉语一般用语之间的密切关系。《唐诗三百首》存在句约有144例,其中含有"A"段的存在句——前两式存在句之和约有109例,占全部存在句的76%,与唐代以前相比,使用频率有明显的提升,反映了汉语存在句发展的一种趋势。句法构成方面,与此前相比,《唐诗三百首》存在句A段中方位名词短语的使用率有了提高,而B、C两段变化不大。  相似文献   

To prepare emergency response organisations for collaborative work in unpredictable and dynamic situations, various types of exercises are widely used. Still, our knowledge of collaboration exercises with emergency response students is limited. This study aimed to contribute to this field by exploring boundaries that emerged between collaborating organisations in exercise activities and how these boundaries could be understood for learning. Drawing on the Akkerman and Bakker framework of boundaries as learning mechanisms, this study explored an exercise, including full-scale scenarios and seminars with students from the police, ambulance and rescue services education in Sweden. Thematic analysis of interviews and observations illustrated boundaries that emerged regarding vocabulary, prioritisation, roles, knowledge gaps and overlapping responsibilities across organisations. Rather than dissolving boundaries, this article suggests that boundaries can be utilised in exercises to support the students to contextualise their knowledge in relation to the demands of collaborative work. The concepts boundary work and boundary awareness were suggested to capture more generally the dynamics of learning in exercise contexts.  相似文献   

厘清权力关系、廓清权力边界是管办评有效分离的核心要义。学者们已经关注到“权力边界的模糊、不清晰”所造成的“错位、越位、缺位”等教育治理困境,并从不同角度为厘清权力边界做出了卓有成效的努力。从不完全契约理论出发进行权力厘定,发现管办评三方的确定性权力边界可以厘清,但剩余权力的边界却是无法廓清的;因剩余权力的存在而导致的边界模糊地带始终存在,且无法消除;只有通过剩余权力的规制才能有效突围因剩余权力边界模糊带来的治理困境。基于此提出了“规制剩余权力与厘清确定性权力边界”并重的观点,以及两手共同协力才能破解教育治理困境的政策建议。  相似文献   

Slums account for around a third of the population of Dhaka, Bangladesh, and are thought to be growing rapidly. But there is little in the research literature about education of children who live in slums and it is doubtful whether they are covered in official statistics such as those on enrolment rates. This paper addresses this gap with information from a 2008 survey of around 1600 slum households. Most had incomes of less than US$1 per day per person, and faced problems including flooding, poor housing, and risk of eviction. A wide range of school types provided education to children from the study areas, but this varied a lot between different slums.  相似文献   

以边界理论的视角研究通识教育,可还原出一个清晰的通识教育样态,能够更为明确地指导通识教育实践,并有效提升通识教育在大学教育中的独立地位。根据通识教育的理论与实践,可抽象出知识边界、价值边界、国家边界、学校边界等四种边界类型。通识教育边界的维持,应做到明晰通识教育与专业教育的辩证关系,依据大学实际情况开展通识教育实践,以及把握通识教育内涵的时代转变。  相似文献   

通过分子动力学模型,数值模拟了二维系统中颗粒物质的堆集过程以及系统的覆盖率.考虑了边界为正方形和圆形两种不同情况,我们发现都出现多晶结构,与系统边界无关.在系统趋于饱和状态的情况下,系统粒子数越多,覆盖率越大.在粒子数相同的条件下,正方形边界的覆盖率要比圆形边界的覆盖率大.  相似文献   

实在本体论推重逻辑思维,直觉则与生存本体论相联系。只有从实在本体论跳开,立于生存本体论视域,才能解除“计算性的思维”对人的感性生命和审美直觉的遮蔽。审美直觉所形成的心物相通,可引导我们达到感性生存本身和生命自由意识的深处。文学艺术审美是感性直觉和理性直觉的相互渗透和结合。文学艺术语言是产生于直觉或被直觉所激活的。  相似文献   

This article will consider the formative effect of boundaries between activities in directing and deflecting the attention of actors who are seeking to develop innovatory practice at these boundaries. Specific attention will be directed to practices of communication at these boundaries and also to the way in which these boundaries shape the practices of communication themselves. The concept of boundary strength will be developed and discussed. Its utility will be illustrated through reference to an investigation of the consequences of 3 very different examples of attempts at boundary crossing as Local Authorities in England attempt to develop integrated Children's Services from traditional collections of single service agencies (e.g., Education, Health, Social Services). The data will be drawn from a 4 year study of professional learning in and for interagency working directed by the authors and funded within the UK Economic and Social Research Council's Teaching and Learning Research Programme.  相似文献   

以Z大学为例,利用专家评分法对其利益相关者进行界定并筛选出其利益要求及实现方式,设计了利益相关者的利益要求及实现方式调查问卷表并实施调查。结果证实了不同类型利益相关者对Z大学有不同的利益要求,并且对各种利益要求的重视程度存在差异;同时,不同类型利益相关者对Z大学有不同的利益要求实现方式,并且对各种利益要求实现方式的重视程度存在差异。大学应采取适当的利益相关者管理策略,实现大学与利益相关者的利益最大化目标。  相似文献   

State-specific licensing policies and pension plans create mobility costs for educators who cross state lines. We empirically test whether these costs affect production in schools – a hypothesis that follows directly from economic theory on labor frictions – using geocoded data on school locations and state boundaries. We find that achievement is lower in mathematics, and to a lesser extent in reading, at schools that are more exposed to state boundaries. A detailed investigation of the selection of schools into boundary regions yields no indication of systematic differences between boundary and non-boundary schools along other measured dimensions. Moreover, we show that cross-district labor frictions do not explain state boundary effects. Our findings are consistent with the hypothesis that mobility frictions in educator labor markets near state boundaries lower student achievement.  相似文献   

This article discusses the ideal and practice of collaboration in a collaborative action research project in which university researchers work together with staff from the field of primary education. A qualitative case study was conducted using the theory of boundary crossing to make sense of the ways collaboration took place within the project team. The main theme, also a major dilemma in the project, referred to the transition from a democratic towards a more directive approach within the project design after the first year. The members of the project team took shifting and ambivalent positions within the project as they were trying to cross boundaries between the different goals of the project. Also, boundary objects on different levels contributed to the collaboration. We conclude that clear boundaries between groups or a strong shared identity, as proposed by an insider–outsider model of action research and the notion of first-order democracy, are not helpful in complex collaborative action research projects. Instead, we need the development of second-order democracy means in order to cross boundaries and sustain a critical dialogue about differences.  相似文献   

Continuing education, broadly defined to include both vocational and non-vocational kinds of provision, is having an increasing impact within higher education. Its further expansion is now part of government strategy. This expansion will not be achieved without difficulties, and it poses considerable and varied challenges to those who work in higher education. In this paper, we focus on the effects that continuing education is having on established boundaries within higher education — boundaries between different sectors and types of provision, between different subjects and ways of teaching, and between higher education staff and their different skills. As the provision of continuing education increases, existing boundaries will change, become more permeable or be broken down altogether while new divisions and distinctions are created and built up.  相似文献   

In this article we conceptualise the challenges of communication between a mortgage company and its customers in terms of crossing boundaries between communities. Through an ethnographic study we first address the question: what are the challenges of communication between sales agents and customers of a mortgage company around mathematical artefacts? Insight into these challenges formed the basis for an intervention in which we designed technology-enhanced boundary objects (TEBOs) that were reconfigurations of problematic symbolic artefacts. Secondly, we ask what the sales agents learned from the intervention. The data suggest that the intervention with the TEBOs helped employees to develop a better understanding of the mathematics behind the mortgages they sold, and to improve communication with their customers.  相似文献   

本研究采用巴雷特(Jim Barrett)的职业调查测验量表,对青海民族地区的618名高中生进行了职业兴趣问卷测查。结果显示:(1)民族地区高中生的职业兴趣特征倾向依次是:实验型→文字型→组织型→艺术型→商业型→社会型→自然型;(2)民族高中和普通高中同一年级的学生、同一学校不同性别的学生、同一民族而不同学校的藏族学生,均在职业兴趣类型上具有显著性差异,但差异性程度不同。文章还分析了民族地区高中生的职业兴趣类型差异及其成因。  相似文献   

美国社区学院外部管理体制可分为州政府管理和大学管理两种模式,二者在经费筹集、人事任免、发展规划以及学院与外部的关系等方面存在明显差异。在内部管理体制上,美国社区学院大多采用董事会领导下的院长负责制,在这一体制基础上,各社区学院根据自身的实际情况采用职能分工式或事业部式管理体制。在社区学院的运行过程中,各级政府、学院董事会及当地社区扮演着不同的角色,从而形成了各具特色的管理模式。  相似文献   

文学曾经致力于划清自己的边界,而现在,它又在不断地扩张中将边界搞得模糊不清。文学与新闻,文学与政论,文学与历史,文学与社会调查等,彼此的交叉融合已是常见现象。在文学内部,一部作品在文体的归属上同样存在亦此亦彼的情况。  相似文献   

To illuminate barriers to collaboration, this study examines who participates in cross-boundary scholarly collaboration most often and which types of boundary crossing (disciplinary, institutional, role) are engaged in most often. The data of this study came from an interdisciplinary consortium with five partner institutions, including one Historically Black College and University (HBCU). The core disciplines involved in the consortium are life sciences, computer science and math and engineering. Through statistical analysis, we determined that members of the consortium engaged more in interdisciplinary research than inter-institutional research. Participation in all boundary crossing collaborations was greater at the HBCU and students and postdocs were less likely than academics to cross-institutional boundaries.  相似文献   

随着经济全球化浪潮和信息化革命的到来,资本主义国家的阶级结构出现了新的变化,主要体现为阶级对立日趋复杂化,阶级结构呈多元化趋势且变动性大,并出现了人数众多的新中间阶级,阶级界限变得越来越模糊.在新的形势下,我们更应该坚持用马克思主义的阶级分析理论,深入地观察和分析这些现象,坚决批判西方学者提出的各种否认阶级存在、抹杀阶级矛盾的错误观点.  相似文献   

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