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运用文献计量分析、数理统计和逻辑分析等方法,以习近平总书记关于体育工作重要论述的研究文献为研究对象,分析了研究文献的数量、年代分布、研究主题、关键词、文献来源期刊及基金分布等,并对热点研究进行述评,以期为后续研究提供参考。研究认为,习近平总书记关于体育工作重要论述的研究具有以下特征:研究体现时代特色,但研究视野有待拓展;研究触及多个领域,但跨学科研究相对不足;研究贯穿问题意识,但研究内容亟待深化;研究善用经典方法,但仍需丰富。未来研究建议从以下方面进行深入探讨:不断强化实践路径研究、大力推进时代价值研究、大胆创新研究方法、积极拓宽研究视野、深入探寻理论基础研究。  相似文献   

通过文献计量学文献统计分析、数理统计、逻辑分析等方法,以近10年在体育核心期刊上发表的公共体育服务文献为研究对象,从研究成果的数量、年代分布、发表源、成果类别、发文作者、社会支持、研究主题进行综述。总结了我国公共体育服务研究存在主要问题:地区间研究多,群体间研究少;整体性的宏观定性研究多,微观的个案与定量研究少;政府供给角度研究多,公众需求角度研究少;参借管理理论较多,其他理论引入偏少;制度层面研究较少,路径许可和效益分析少。提出了我国公共体育服务重点后续研究方向,包括加强公共体育服务法制化建设研究、公共体育服务与健康中国建设的关系研究、公共体育服务供给侧改革研究、基本公共体育服务均等化研究、公共体育服务部门间与主体间职责研究、公共体育服务治理体系和能力现代化研究、公共体育服务质量评价研究等。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、逻辑分析等方法,对建国后中国基础教育体育课程内容研究的现状进行梳理与分析。结果表明,建国后中国基础教育体育课程内容研究主要集中在体育课程内容选择、组织、分类、开发利用的研究以及体育课程内容改革的研究等方面,存在研究深度与广度不足、实证研究相对薄弱、缺乏对体育课程内容整体性设计的研究等局限,在今后的研究中需要加强对体育与健康课程内容标准的研究、基础体育课程内容体系的整体建构研究,挖掘研究视角、创新研究思路,丰富研究方法,增强研究的应用性。  相似文献   

文章运用文献资料法、数理分析法、比较法等研究方法,对1949年至今与武术本质相关文献的整理、统计与分析,并在全面阐述其研究历程、主要论争、研究方法的基础上,对其研究现状做一次深入探析,旨在预测该论题可能的研究趋势。研究认为:尽管该研究取得的成果颇丰,但仍存在缺憾;研究视角与方法多元化、研究更加深化与彻底以及教育视角将有可能成为未来的研究趋势。  相似文献   

文章运用文献资料法、数理分析法、比较法等研究方法,对1949年至今与武术本质相关文献的整理、统计与分析,并在全面阐述其研究历程、主要论争、研究方法的基础上,对其研究现状做一次深入探析,旨在预测该论题可能的研究趋势。研究认为:尽管该研究取得的成果颇丰,但仍存在缺憾;研究视角与方法多元化、研究更加深化与彻底以及教育视角将有可能成为未来的研究趋势。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、逻辑推理法等,从动态轨迹、焦点议题与未来前景3个方面对体育投融资研究进行类比与分析、综合与演绎,以期为体育投融资研究的全面开展提供思路借鉴,进而为体育投融资的实践给予全方位的理论支撑。研究表明,我国体育投融资研究的动态轨迹呈现出波动性缓慢增长的发展态势,相关议题聚焦在体育投融资主体研究、客体研究、渠道研究和环境研究。然而,研究仍面临着理论尚需丰富、视角有待均衡、方法亟待创新等态势,体育投融资研究的未来前景包括奠定新基石、夯实体育投融资研究理论,散发新思维、开拓体育投融资研究视角,借助新工具、解锁体育投融资研究方法等。  相似文献   

运动休闲小镇是目前我国体育学领域的研究热点之一。运用文献资料和对比分析法对运动休闲小镇的研究缘起、基本概念和研究主题进行分析,旨在把握已有研究取得的主要成果和最新进展。研究认为:运动休闲小镇研究成果主要集中在5个方面:建设问题研究、治理路径研究、运营模式研究、建设评价研究和中外比较研究。在此基础上,从研究方法、研究对象、研究主体和研究内容等4个方面探索了未来运动休闲小镇研究方向,以期推动我国运动休闲小镇研究理论的发展。  相似文献   

随着研究技术的逐步发展和科学理论的不断创新,近年来,形态学的研究从相对的静止研究发展到相对的活动研究、从实物的形态研究发展到反应物的形态研究、从定性的形态研究发展到定量的形态研究、从组织细胞形态研究发展到DNA(或条带)研究、从对尸体或死细胞的研究发展到对活体组织的研究。人们正在逐步走出传统的研究框框,综合应用先进的科学技术,让人体运动形态学研究焕发出应有的生命力。  相似文献   

为厘清国内外近十年(2011-2021年) 羽毛球教学领域研究的最新进展,该研究采用系统性文献综述法,选取Web of Science、EBSCO、Elsevier、中国知网等数据库中的27篇高质量实证研究论文,从研究主题、研究情境、研究方法、研究因变量四个方面进行统计分析,得出以下结论:(1)从研究主题上看,羽毛球教学领域的研究主题主要集中在教学法与教学设计、信息化技术与教学融合和羽毛球训练3个方面,其中又以教学法与教学设计的研究最多;(2)从研究情境上看,羽毛球教学领域研究主要面对大学生开展小样本、短周期的研究;(3)从研究方法上看,羽毛球教学实证研究仍集中于收集定量数据,针对定性数据的收集方法较少,且定性数据的收集方法使用频率也较低;(4)从研究因变量上看,国内外羽毛球教学的实证研究大都关注学习者的运动能力,而关注健康行为的研究偏少,且几乎没有研究将体育品德作为研究因变量。可见,目前羽毛球教学领域研究存在研究主题不够全面和深入、研究方法综合运用欠缺、研究情景较为单一、研究因变量存在空缺等问题。最后,探讨了该研究对羽毛球教学实践和科学研究带来的启示,以期促进我国羽毛球教学的发展。  相似文献   

通过CNKI数据总库,检索到1990—2013年有关体育政策研究的体育类期刊文献1 210篇,运用共现分析、聚类分析等方法,借助信息可视化软件Citespace II,绘制出我国体育政策研究发展走势图和关键词网络图谱,分析我国体育政策研究发展历程、现状及趋势,为今后制定体育政策或体育政策研究提供参考。研究结果显示:我国体育政策研究可分为起步探索阶段、缓慢发展阶段、高速发展阶段、繁荣稳定阶段4个阶段;形成了大众体育政策研究、竞技体育政策研究、学校体育政策研究、体育产业政策研究等4个研究热点;高等体育院校、师范院校以及体育局是体育政策研究的主要机构和代表人物密集的单位,研究机构相对单一、集中,部分研究机构已形成研究团队;行政部门重视体育政策研究,论文获基金资助比率较大。  相似文献   

Kinsey F 《国际体育史杂志》2011,28(10):1375-1387
The scholarship surrounding women's cycling in Australia during the 1890s is slim. However, a focus on female competitive cycling, just one of many diverse cycling activities that women pursued in this era, reveals a rich seam of information. Accordingly, this paper surveys endurance riding, adventure touring and racing, introducing new historical and biographical detail and highlighting the significance of competitive cycling for women in the late nineteenth century. The discussion shows that women's competitive cycling constituted a significant component of Australian cycling history, and helped to re-define women's identity in an era when feminine roles were in flux and the traditional gender order was being contested.  相似文献   

自行车骑行是一项有利于健康的运动项目,在日常生活中鼓励人们更多地采用自行车代步出行和骑车锻炼对于促进公共健康、降低慢性疾病发病率具有重要意义。近年来许多国家和地区在大力推行自行车骑行和自行车复兴的政策、项目和规划。但自行车骑行同时也存在一些不利于健康的负面因素,通过在道路骑行中采取一些保护措施可以在一定程度上抵消道路骑行对健康的负面影响,达到骑行健身的效果。综述了近年来有关自行车骑行对健康的促进作用、与骑行有关的负面影响,以及国内外自行车骑行的现状,为与自行车有关的健康研究和政策制定提供理论依据。  相似文献   


Bicycles are now gradually losing their attraction for utilitarian use, but in recent years, cycling for tourism and recreation has gained in popularity. However, the experiences and well-being involved in cycling tourism from a theoretical perspective have received little attention. This article intends to explore the relationships between cycling tourism and well-being by studying cyclists on Hainan Island in China. Interviews and participation observations were used to collect data. The types of cycling tourists were firstly identified and classified, followed by analysis of how the tourists obtained well-being through physical and social activities and their contexts. The study finds that human–bicycle relationships and China’s collectivistic culture play important roles in how cycling tourists obtain well-being. This study provides a mobility perspective on cycling tourism and well-being.  相似文献   

马国强  刘茂  唐琪 《体育科研》2016,(4):91-94,99
自行车骑行效率通常被定义为自行车骑行过程中一定氧耗和能耗水平下的功率输出,自行车骑行能力的增强,多伴随骑行效率的提高。性别、年龄、骨骼肌纤维类型的差异会对骑行效率产生不同影响;而自行车骑行过程中踏蹬技术、身体姿态,甚至运动器材的变化,则可通过改变踏蹬过程中骨骼肌发力和能耗影响骑行效率;专业自行车运动员的骑行效率与训练强度呈正相关关系,阶段性的肌力或专项训练可能通过提高做功和能量节省化促进骑行效率的。  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2016,19(4):417-430
Sport participation is an issue of relevance to sport managers, yet it is an often-neglected area of sport management research. Cycling is a particularly complex form of participation to examine given its many formats, including sport, recreational and commuter cycling, and the multifaceted nature of the cycling landscape involving a broad range of stakeholders. In Australia, women are underrepresented in cycling participation and membership (ABS, 2012, CA, 2014), yet women show an interest in cycling training courses. The present paper explores motivations, supports and constraints reported by a group of entry-level female cyclists who participated in a training programme accredited by AustCycle, an initiative led by Cycling Australia. We draw on a health and sport development driven framework, informed by social ecological theory (Rowe et al., 2013), and suited to examining the issue of women's cycling participation in Australia. Results show that a range of individual characteristics, and factors within the social and physical environment, were perceived by study participants as barriers to participation. Of these, skill level, confidence, traffic/road conditions, and social support networks held particular relevance. Participants also discussed specific cycling barriers and supports of relevance to certain forms of cycling. Preliminary insights into perceptions held by a group of entry-level female cyclists highlight overlaps between cycling formats and indicate that conceptual advancements in the development of sport, and development through sport could be collectively considered in the context of women's cycling participation. Further research opportunities were also identified.  相似文献   

We investigated the association between changes in vastii electromyography (EMG) and knee extensor fatigue during high-intensity cycling, and the subsequent effect on lower-limb power and intermuscular coordination during all-out cycling. On two separate days, participants completed 30-s all-out cycling or 10-min of high-intensity cycling followed by 30-s all-out cycling. EMG for gluteus maximus (GMAX), rectus femoris (RF), vastii (VAS), hamstrings (HAM) and gastrocnemius (GAS); co-activation for GMAX/RF, VAS/HAM and VAS/GAS; isometric maximal voluntary force (IMVF) and resting twitch (RT) of the knee extensors were measured. VAS EMG increases during high-intensity cycling (6% to 14%, P < 0.05) were negatively correlated (r = ?0.791, P < 0.05) with knee extensor IMVF decreases (?2% to?36%, P < 0.05) following the exercise. Knee extensor IMVF decreases were positively correlated (r = 0.757, P < 0.05) with all-out cycling power reductions (0% to ?27%, P < 0.05). VAS/GAS co-activation did not change (P > 0.05) during all-out cycling while VAS and GAS EMG decreased. Larger increase in VAS EMG during high-intensity cycling was associated with greater knee extensor fatigue and larger power reduction during all-out cycling. High VAS/GAS co-activation potentially limited power reduction induced by knee extensor fatigue during all-out cycling.  相似文献   

Although bike fitting is recommended to help reduce injury risk, little empirical evidence exists to indicate an association between bike fitting and injury incidence. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of bike fitting on self-reported injury, comfort, and pain while cycling from a worldwide survey of cyclists. A total of 849 cyclists completed an online questionnaire between February and October 2016. Questionnaire collected data on respondent demographics, cycling profile, bike fitting, comfort and pain while cycling, and injury history. The main predictor variable was bike fitting (yes, by the respondent, i.e. user bike fitting; yes, by a professional service; or no). Covariates included demographic and cycling profile characteristics. Logistic regression models estimated the odds of injury within the last 12 months, reporting a comfortable body posture while cycling, and not reporting pain while cycling. Odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) were reported. User bike fitting was associated with increased odds of reporting a comfortable posture (OR?=?2.28, 95%CI: 1.06, 4.68). User (OR?=?2.35; 95%CI: 1.48, 3.84) and professional bike fitting (OR?=?2.35; 95%CI: 1.42, 3.98) were both associated with increased odds of not reporting pain while cycling. No associations were found between bike fitting and injury within the last 12 months. In conclusion, we found an association between bike fitting and reported comfort and pain while cycling. We recommend integrating bike fitting into cycling maintenance. However, further studies with longer follow-up are necessary to determine the presence of an association between bike fitting and injury.  相似文献   

A review of existing mathematical models for velodrome cycling suggests that cyclists and cycling coaches could benefit from an improved simulation tool. A continuous mathematical model for cycling has been developed that includes calculated slip and steering angles and, therefore, allows for resulting variation in rolling resistance. The model focuses on aspects that are particular, but not unique, to velodrome cycling but could be used for any cycling event. Validation of the model is provided by power meter, wheel speed and timing data obtained from two different studies and eight different athletes. The model is shown to predict the lap by lap performance of six elite female athletes to an average accuracy of 0.36% and the finishing times of two elite athletes competing in a 3-km individual pursuit track cycling event to an average accuracy of 0.20%. Possible reasons for these errors are presented. The impact of speed on steering input is discussed as an example application of the model.  相似文献   

本文对循环练习法的科学基础以及当前体育教学中运用循环练习法所存在的问题进行了粗略的分析,并对如何正确运用循环练习法提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

Aerodynamics has such a profound impact on cycling performance at the elite level that it has infiltrated almost every aspect of the sport from riding position and styles, equipment design and selection, race tactics and training regimes, governing rules and regulations to even the design of new velodromes. This paper presents a review of the aspects of aerodynamics that are critical to understanding flows around cyclists under racing conditions, and the methods used to evaluate and improve aerodynamic performance at the elite level. The fundamental flow physics of bluff body aerodynamics and the mechanisms by which the aerodynamic forces are imparted on cyclists are described. Both experimental and numerical techniques used to investigate cycling aerodynamic performance and the constraints on implementing aerodynamic saving measures at the elite level are also discussed. The review reveals that the nature of cycling flow fields are complex and multi-faceted as a result of the highly three-dimensional and variable geometry of the human form, the unsteady racing environment flow field, and the non-linear interactions that are inherent to all cycling flows. Current findings in this field have and will continue to evolve the sport of elite cycling while also posing a multitude of potentially fruitful areas of research for further gains in cycling performance.  相似文献   

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