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去年全国"两会"期间,温家宝总理答记者问时关于平民教育的论述,反映了平民教育的本质,就是面向最大多数平民百姓的教育,就是体现了站在最大多数人一边,代表最广大人民的根本利益。走平民教育之路,就是要使广大平民百姓的子弟能进得了校门,上得起学,并学有成就。平民教育是新时期教育的一个重要理念,为我们领会精神、坚持教育优先发展战略、促进教育公平、构建和谐社会提供了清晰的思路。  相似文献   

平民教育平民就是百姓,平民教育就是面向最大多数平民百姓的教育,它注重每个人受教育机会和权利的平等。走  相似文献   

圣哲先生的办学实践圣哲先生是安徽休宁人,生长于农村贫苦家庭,与母亲相依为命;生活在平民百姓中间,与人相处以诚为本。事业有成的圣哲先生追随故里先贤陶行知的平民教育思想,决心把陶行知没有做完的中国平民教育事业继续做下去!为此,他于2003年在故乡创办了德胜——鲁班(休宁)木工学校,2005年又创办了休宁  相似文献   

王阳明在南赣巡抚任上,为了剿匪平贼,他在军事征伐的同时,对所辖地区的少年儿童、"盗贼"及平民百姓等各种人群展开登坛讲学、设立社学、颁行乡约和十家牌法等一系列的教育实践活动,这些活动在教化民风方面取得了一定的成效,如一些县域的社学得以恢复和重建,以十家牌法为核心的保甲制度得以推行,乡约制度也在一定范围内予以推广;后来这些教育实践活动被继承和传播开来,对后世的教育也有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

“国际数学家大会”这个词汇前段时间高频率地出现在各大报端,“中国多少年才能成为数学大国”的讨论一时间连篇累牍,让像我这样的“平民百姓”有点厌倦。而当新学期的《上海教育》上也出现了纳什、陈省身、田刚等数学家的身影时,我还是仔细地阅读了上面的文章。果然没有让我失望,《上海教育》的专访是具有  相似文献   

一切最好的教育方法,一切最好的教育艺术,都产生于教师对学生的无比热爱。爱,是启动教育者自身内部力量和智慧的能源;爱,是通向学生心灵深处的道路;爱,是创设优化的教育环境的瑰宝。因此,作为一名教师,首先应该做到爱孩子,了解孩子。无论他是出生于干部权贵之家或平民百姓之家,无论他是品学兼优的好学生或是令人头疼的后进生,均应一视同仁,爱得公正,爱得让学生信服。我们学校地处城郊。  相似文献   

<正>唐朝女皇武则天,为了镇压反对她的人,任用了一批酷吏。其中两个最为狠毒,一个叫周兴,一个叫来俊臣。他们利用诬陷、控告和惨无人道的刑法,杀害了许多正直的文武官吏和平民百姓。  相似文献   

唐代著名教育家孔颖达以"道"为核心的政治教育思想主要有以"六经之道"为本的教育理论、以"尧舜之道"为核心的教育目标、修习"大学之道"的教育过程和"以正道训民"的政治教化等四个层面的内容.他的经学教育的实质是政治教育,其目的是通过灌输儒家的理想政治模式理论及其核心价值体系,养成合格君主,培育政治精英,教化平民百姓.  相似文献   

<正>教育是一项看似人人都会,实则需要坚定信念的伟大难事,如果人的信念还站立着的话,那么世界上便没有什么能让自己倒下。陶行知先生奉献给教育的一生验证着这个"信念永存"的道理。一、信念不倒陶行知先生出过国,留过学,但是这并不意味着他改变了作为一个中国平民百姓的本性,用他的话说就是"经过一番觉悟,我就像黄河决了堤,向那中国的平  相似文献   

韩贞遵从师训,把传授良知之学看着"经世之业",所以他倦倦以明道化人为己责,毕生安贫乐教。韩贞与泰州王学一样,在教育对象上无问渔樵与工贾,真正做到了有教无类,当然他的学生还是以平民百姓为主。他特别注意照顾穷困学生,且不断扩大教育对象,做到平民化,从而使他的教育具有广泛性,群众性。韩贞教育精力主要在"化俗"二字上,目的就是让不善者重归于仁,从而建立稳定安乐的理想世界。  相似文献   

The keyword in the Nordic tradition for adult education is 'people' (folk). But the term 'people' is used in three different ways: people as a political category, a cultural category and a social category. Therefore, the term 'people's enlightenment' ( folkeoplysning ) has been defined as different ways to create empowered citizens, to provide enlightenment on the people's culture, and to educate the underenlightened and marginalised. What kind of adult education is required in the current situation? Is a political, cultural or social interpretation of the term most needed? This question is discussed in light of the European integration process. ' Folkeoplysning ' is not, by definition, based on a specific interpretation of the concept 'people'. On the contrary, the concept constitutes a battlefield on which different interests attempt to leave their own imprint.  相似文献   

汉代是平民教育发展的一个重要时期。目前学界从平民的文字能力、官学与私学的发展、察举制度对教育的影响等几个方面对汉代平民教育的发展状况进行了考察,取得了丰硕的成果,但尚存在研究不够细致、认识不一致的地方,对此还需要作进一步的研究。  相似文献   

作为中国马克思主义的先驱和中国共产党的早期创始人,李大钊重视民生问题,他将马克思主义民生思想与中国实际相结合,通过撰写文章、教育指导等方式传播相关理论,并在其短暂的革命生涯中身体力行,推动马克思主义民生思想中国化,这对当代中国民生建设亦有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

清朝末年,朝鲜人民开始大批移民至我国东北部的通化地区,同时也带来了朝鲜族音乐文化。在两个民族长期的共同生活过程中,共同的传播媒介和相互影响的教育体系使得朝鲜族音乐风格逐渐融入该地区的汉族音乐创作中。当地汉族音乐文化吸收了朝鲜族音乐文化的精髓,使两民族文化能够相互融合、和谐共处。  相似文献   

Louisa Allen 《Sex education》2013,13(2):109-122

In rethinking what is theoretically conceived as a 'gap' between what young people learn in sexuality education and what they do in practice, this article argues for the need to comprehend young people's sexual knowledge from their own conceptualisation of this. Drawing on empirical findings from research with New Zealanders aged 17-19, young people's own understandings of their sexual knowledge are explored. These findings indicate how young people in the study conceptualised sexual knowledge in two ways: as information derived from secondary sources such as sexuality education, and knowledge gleaned from personal sexual experience. Hierarchies were evident within and between such types of sexual knowledge, in terms of the status young people afforded, and the interest they displayed in them. The type of sexual knowledge young people were most interested in, and which they identified as lacking in sexuality education, centred on a 'discourse of erotics'. It is argued that the inclusion of this discourse within sexuality education programmes might offer one way of closing the knowledge/practice gap, by raising the status of sexuality education's messages for young people and drawing this information closer to their lived sexual experiences.  相似文献   

在“中国式”分权背景下,地方政府对本地教育财政投入激励不足。如何发挥地方人大的预决算审查监督职能、构建有效约束机制来提高地方政府教育支出水平,对我国教育事业长远发展具有重大意义。本文以我国各地区推动预算监督法制化为制度背景,以1999—2017年间各省份预算审查监督条例立法作为准自然实验,使用双重差分法研究通过立法加强地方人大预算监督如何影响地方政府教育支出。研究发现:(1)省级预算监督条例立法能够显著增加地方政府的教育财政支出,使教育支出在财政预算支出中的比重平均上升约一个百分点,使地方教育支出占GDP的比重显著提高;(2)异质性分析显示预算监督条例立法对地方政府教育投入的促进作用主要体现在基础教育和中等教育层面,并且在财政分权程度更高或地方主政官员缺乏中央工作经历的地区更加显著。本文的研究表明,推动财政监督法制化是构建现代教育财政治理体系的重要制度基础,强化地方人大预算监督是确保地方教育支出持续稳定增长的有效制度保障。  相似文献   

The short report reviews the research on the factors that influence young people's higher education choices. It considers the main messages that have emerged from empirical studies, looking in particular at: the sources of information young people use; the relative importance of factors in their decisions; and their judgements about the 'feasibility' of an application. The paper concludes by suggesting that, although much of the literature is underpinned by an assumption that if young people's access to information improves they will make 'better' decisions about their futures, the picture is rather more complex due to the socially embedded nature of decision-making. Both research and policy need to recognize that young people's access to, and interpretation of, information is often patterned by their gender, ethnicity and socio-economic status.  相似文献   

在当代文坛上贾大山如同一位隐居者,面对时髦的文学创作潮流他很少附和与追随,他始终有自己的聚焦点和写作重心,这就是中国最普通的老百姓。他始终如一地以民生立场锤炼认知、以悲悯情怀关注民生百态,在历史、现世、未来的经纬中言说百姓生活的悲欢哀乐,通过与政治的理性对话进行现世民生的思索,通过对历史的感伤重温探究民生之苦的根源,通过对民间美德的描绘呼唤理想的民生状态。朴素而浓烈的民生关怀构筑了贾大山小说的独特风景,在新时代强调文艺创作的人民主体性之际,重温贾大山的小说既是一种缅怀,也是一种启迪。  相似文献   

Many young people in the youth justice system in England and Wales are educationally marginalised and systemic barriers to their engagement with education persist. This article presents an analytical framework for understanding how education and youth justice practices shape young people's educational pathways during their time in the youth justice system with the aim of understanding the systemic dynamics that encourage or impede young people's engagement with education. It draws on data from a case study of 32 young people who were serving either a community or a custodial sentence under the supervision of one youth offending team in England and Wales. Using as analytical starting points Bourdieu's and Wacquant's conceptualisations of competing dynamics within the ‘bureaucratic field’ of state governance and Hodkinson's careership theory, this article discusses the interplay between exclusionary and inclusionary interests operating within and between the agencies of education and youth justice and the extent to which they play a role in sustaining young people's involvement in education or compounding their educational and social marginalisation.  相似文献   

家庭教育是提高国民素质和能力的重要途径.新时代强化家庭教育是培育时代新人的迫切需要,是适应家庭结构变化的现实要求,是实现人民美好生活的必然选择.当前我国家庭教育中存在家庭教育风气不够纯正、家长教育理念不够科学、家庭教育环境不够和谐等问题,要从根本上解决这些问题,就必须要有新时代强化家庭教育的有效途径,即在家庭中树立正确...  相似文献   

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