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高等教育与就业的性别比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

通过对近三年浙江省高校毕业生毕业一年后的就业情况跟踪调查发现, 该省高校应届毕业生的起薪水平虽逐年增长,但高校毕业生的总体起薪水平不高,甚至出现“身价不如农民工”的个别现象,究其原因,与政府就业政策指导、高校人才培养质量、用人单位对毕业生评判和大学生综合素质等有关。据此,本文从政府加强政策指导、高校改进人才培养模式、用人单位合理确定薪酬体系和大学生努力提升就业竞争力等方面提出对策,以期形成高校毕业生合理的起薪水平。  相似文献   

高校毕业生就业与所学专业的匹配情况是影响就业质量的重要因素。基于2015年全国高校毕业生就业调查数据,本文考察了毕业生就业与所学专业的匹配情况,以及专业匹配对毕业生工资起薪的影响,并使用倾向得分匹配方法(PSM)对内生性问题进行了纠正。研究发现:有56.1%的毕业生所学专业与工作匹配,有11.7%毫不相关;OLS方法得出专业匹配情况下的工资起薪比专业不匹配高3.4%,使用PSM方法得出专业匹配的工资效应为5%,传统的OLS模型低估了专业匹配的工资效应。进一步的研究显示,相较于“211工程”高校和高职高专院校,专业匹配对非“211工程”本科高校毕业生存在显著的收入效应;与专科和硕士以上学历的毕业生相比,专业匹配对本科学历毕业生具有显著的正向影响,专业匹配比专业不匹配工资高7%左右;经济学类毕业生专业匹配对工资起薪具有更加显著的正向影响,专业匹配比专业不匹配的起薪高15%左右。基于此,高校的专业学科结构设置和人才培养模式应该在专业匹配上做出更加精准的判断,以有效提高大学生的就业质量。  相似文献   

This paper examines the long term pattern of starting and early-career salaries of U.K. university graduates relative to average non-manual earnings. Salary statistics collected by several university careers services are aggregated to create a new data-set which records starting salary trends at aggregate, faculty and subject levels, and data from the 1960,1970 and 1980 graduate cohort surveys are used to extend the investigation to later years. Considerable differences in remuneration across subjects are reported but the paper demonstrates that graduate starting salaries, generally, have been substantially below average non-manual earnings throughout the period since 1960. Further, graduates' relative position has deteriorated over time: whilst at the start of the period graduates six years into their careers could, in most subjects, expect to earn more than the average non-manual wage, by the end of the period, this was no longer generally so. The paper offers an explanation of graduate salary trends, viewing these as the result of changing demand and supply forces in the graduate labour market, and it concludes by addressing some of the key policy and planning issues to which an awareness of salary levels is relevant.  相似文献   

调查发现,近十年我国的博士研究生招生数量急剧增加,每年毕业获得博士学位的人数也相应增加,不仅推动了我国经济、科技等领域的快速发展,同时也对传统的教育体制和教育方式提出了挑战。文章主要探讨了博士生教育的现状、存在的问题,并对比美国的博士生教育体制,给出了相应的解决办法和政策建议。  相似文献   

影响高校毕业生就业的社会资本因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
社会资本是近年来学术界研究较多的一个问题。本文在对社会资本及大学生就业相关文献进行梳理的基础上,利用北京大学教育学院"高等教育规模扩展与劳动力市场"课题组于2005年6月对全国34所高校调查的数据,对大学生社会资本状况,社会资本对大学生毕业去向、就业落实率、起薪及工作满意度的影响,进行了实证分析。本文的主要研究结果如下:(1)与来自社会经济地位较高的家庭的学生相比,来自社会弱势家庭的学生在家庭社会资本与个人社会资本上都比较缺乏;(2)大学生毕业选择就业或升学时,家庭社会交往广泛度对升学选择产生显著的正面影响,而个人社会交往广泛度对就业产生了显著的正面影响;(3)社会资本与大学毕业生的就业落实、起薪、工作满意度存在着显著的正面影响;(4)社会资本对大专生和本科生就业落实率有较为显著的正的影响,但是对硕士和博士的就业落实率没有显著影响。  相似文献   

Gender disparities in science and engineering majors in Chinese universities have received increasing attention from researchers and educators in China in recent years. Using data from a national survey of college students who graduated in 2005, this study documents gender disparities in enrollment and academic performance in science and engineering majors, and explores gender disparities in initial employment experiences of science and engineering graduates. It finds that females lag far behind males in enrollment in science and engineering majors overall. However, females actually are more represented than males in some majors such as mathematics and chemistry though the reverse is true for other science and engineering majors. Also, in science and engineering majors, females perform better than males in both general course grades and in English competency tests. Male science and engineering graduates have a clear advantage over their female counterparts in initial employment after graduation: they have a high employment rate, a higher starting salary, and are more likely to be employed in such jobs as business management and technical specialist. The male advantage in employment rate and starting salary persists even after controlling for other factors.  相似文献   

现有文献多数只关注人力资本和社会资本何者更为重要的问题,很少讨论在大学生就业过程中二者以怎样的机制发生联合作用,即二者是一种替代关系还是互补关系。对这一问题的解答具有很强的政策含义。在对衡量指标充分讨论的基础上,本文首先利用一手数据研究了人力资本和社会资本何者更为重要,并进一步对其联合作用机制进行计量分析。本文发现:第一,在提高顺利就业概率方面,人力资本和社会资本都不可或缺,决定大学毕业生起薪水平的因素是人力资本,决定能否进入国有部门工作的因素是社会资本;第二,在获取就业机会和起薪决定方面,二者存在替代关系;在决定能否进入国有部门工作方面,二者具有较强的互补关系。  相似文献   

对10790名在广州市工作的大学毕业生的起薪情况调查的结果显示,在毕业生的学历、学校、性别、专业、学用结合性、家庭住址、学习成绩、综合素质等因素中,学历对毕业生的起薪影响最大,其后依次是学校、综合素质和学习成绩,而性别、学用结合性、专业和家庭住址对起薪影响很小。研究表明,当就业竞争增加时,学校、综合素质和性别对起薪的影响作用增大。  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of fertility and relative wages on occupational choice (teaching versus non-teaching) and labor force participation decisions of female college graduates using selectivity-corrected panel estimations.We find that the presence of a new born baby is not particularly important to the choice of occupation, but significantly discourages female labor force participation, especially among teachers. Higher relative wages are found to effectively attract female college graduates into teaching. College major in education is one of the most relevant determinants for female college graduates to become teachers. Though investing educational expenditures on teachers’ salary seems to be a valid policy, providing incentives for female college students to major in education will be an alterative way to secure teacher supply.  相似文献   

对2011年全国8个省份30所高校抽样调查数据的实证分析发现:人力资本依然是影响毕业生求职结果、起薪和工作满意度的重要因素;家庭背景对求职结果有显著影响,它不仅表现在就业机会获得方面,也表现在起薪和工作满意度上;就业结果的地区和性别差异依然存在;就业单位性质、行业状况是造成毕业生起薪差异的重要原因之一;学用结合程度、户口档案解决情况和起薪等都会对毕业生的工作满意度产生重要影响。  相似文献   

Abstract: This article addresses the impact of social capital on college graduate employment. After reviewing the literature, the authors analyze data collected by Peking University from 34 universities in 2005 and use statistical analysis to clarify the impact of social capital on students’ choice of employment or further study, job placement rate, starting salary and job satisfaction. The study concludes that social capital differs for students from different social backgrounds; personal social capital affects students’ choice to seek employment, but family social capital impacts their choice of further study; both family and personal social capital have a significant positive impact on graduates’ placement rate, starting salary, and job satisfaction; and social capital has a more significant and positive impact on job placement rates for graduates at the associate’s and undergraduate degree levels than for those at the master’s level and above.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether conclusions about the relationship between education and labor market risk depend on the use of commonly applied procedures to clean data of extreme values. The analysis uses fifteen years of data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics to demonstrate that conclusions about the relationship between education and labor market risk are sensitive to how extreme values of labor income are treated. The untrimmed estimates imply that college graduates experience 75% less transitory labor market risk than high school dropouts. However, applying commonly used trimming procedures results in estimates of a one standard deviation transitory labor market shock for high school dropouts being reduced by between $2700 and $4500, or 14% and 24% of annual earnings. The results demonstrate that seemingly innocuous sample selection procedures can have substantive implications.  相似文献   

本文利用2007年美国大学与雇主协会调查的美国毕业生就业状况数据和北京大学调查的中国毕业生就业状况数据,从求职结果、求职途径、求职意向和就业影响因素等方面对中美两国进行了比较研究,以期发现一些有价值的启示,从而提出有关就业的政策建议.  相似文献   

本研究运用大学毕业生调查数据,比较分析了当前本科、专科毕业生就业中的教育与工作匹配状况、影响因素、工资效应等方面的差异.研究发现:超过四成高职高专毕业生的教育与工作不匹配;教育与工作匹配性在两类大学毕业生之间存在显著差异,普通本科生的匹配性明显高于高职高专生;教育与工作匹配性还受到性别、专业以及实习经历等因素的显著影响;教育与工作不匹配给两类毕业生均带来工资效应,但两者的差异并不显著.  相似文献   

钟云华 《复旦教育论坛》2012,10(2):34-37,54
论文将劳动力市场划分为体制内劳动力市场与体制外劳动力市场,将大学毕业生的求职过程划分为信息收集与求职进行两个阶段,在一个二元、动态的分析框架内,就强弱社会关系对大学生就业机会获得及起薪水平的影响进行了实证研究。研究发现,强弱社会关系对大学生求职的影响与空间相关:在体制外劳动力市场,弱关系更有助于获得就业信息,弱关系比强关系更"强";但在体制内劳动力市场,强关系比弱关系更"强"。强弱关系对大学生求职的影响也与时间相关:在求职进行阶段,强关系更有助于就业机会获得,强关系比弱关系更"强"。但不管是强关系,还是弱关系,对大学生起薪水平均没有"强"影响,强弱关系对大学生起薪水平的影响与空间及时间都无关。  相似文献   

Patti Pulliam Phillips, CPT, PhD, CEO of the ROI Institute, Inc., consults with U.S. and international organizations on implementing the ROI Methodology. Jack J. Phillips, PhD, a world‐renowned expert on measurement and evaluation, developed the ROI Methodology; his expertise in measurement and evaluation comes from nearly 30 years of experience. Ron Drew Stone is an author, international consultant, and authority on improving and measuring performance improvement interventions. Holly Burkett, CPT, MA, SPHR, principal of Evaluation Works, has more than 20 years' experience assisting in the design and measurement of performance improvement initiatives. The ROI Fieldbook: Strategies for Implementing ROI in HR and Training (ISBN: 978‐0‐7506‐7622‐9) is published by Elsevier Butterworth‐Heinemann (price: $44.95; paperback with a CD). This publisher may be reached online at http://www.elsevier.com.  相似文献   

The employability of university graduates constitutes a major policy concern in both developed and developing nations. In this context, the present study uses self-reported data to compare the earnings and employment expectations of university students, and the realised earnings and employment paths of recent graduates. The sample consisted of 476 individuals (243 students and 233 graduates of the University of Cyprus). The analysis points to both differences and similarities in the effect of different variables on (a) the probability of employment for graduates and the probability of expected employment for students, and (b) the conditional salary of graduates and the conditional expected salary of students. The completion of postgraduate studies, the area of family residence and the department of study are the key factors affecting the graduates’ employment probability, while the students’ probability of expected employment is determined differently, namely by characteristics such as secondary education performance and studies in the business administration department. Gender and family income are among the main determinants of both the graduates’ actual earnings and the students’ expected earnings, with women earning or expecting to earn less than men, and graduates/students with higher family incomes earning or anticipating to earn more than their lower income counterparts. The findings are compared to those of similar studies in other countries.  相似文献   

美国学前阶段特殊教育全纳安置模式述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国是实施全纳性学前教育最早的国家之一,以1986年颁布《全体残疾儿童教育法修正案》为标志性起点。美国教育部向国会递交并公开发表的有关特殊教育法实施情况的十多个年度报告从实践层面展示了为全面落实全纳政策,为学前阶段(3-5岁)残疾幼儿提供的8种全纳教育安置模式。这些模式能够为我国学前阶段全纳教育的理论和实践提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes changes in the teacher salary schedules of Michigan school districts between 1970 and 1980. We find that starting salaries, expressed in 1970 dollars, decreased by an average of 20% over the decade. Real maximum salaries decreased by 15%. The between-district variability of starting salaries increased markedly over the decade, making the average starting salary a much poorer estimate of the starting salary a particular teacher earned in 1980 than was the case in 1970. The between-district variability of maximum salaries did not increase over the decade. Student enrollment changes were a significant predictor of the changes in maximum salaries. Districts that experienced the greatest percentage losses in students tended to experience the greatest declines in real maximum salaries. Student enrollment changes were also related to changes in starting salaries, but the relationship was more complex.  相似文献   

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