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Although there has been forward movement in identifying and addressing diverse learning needs, social justice education is not a significant part of the current standards for beginning teachers or K-12 students in the U.S. Throughout our standards-based history, social justice has been more of a hidden curriculum. To attain the 50 Million Strong by 2029 goal, it is vital to acknowledge that physical education is a social justice issue. Without consideration of the historical, political, and social contexts that permeate and frame physical education, along with the social identities and lived experiences of our future teachers and students, it is unlikely that this goal will be sustained. While concerns have been voiced relative to the standards-based teaching movement, in a country that espouses standards-based education, a first step in moving any educational reform forward is to formalize its inclusion in the national standards that serve to guide our discipline. A philosophical shift may be what is needed for change to occur regarding social justice education in an attempt to enhance the learning opportunities for all students. A forward step in creating this change is to address the research and pedagogical practices of our current physical education teacher education and K-12 programs, along with the physical education standards and policies at the national and state levels. We specifically articulate connections between social justice education and four key, interconnected research areas related to (a) occupational socialization, (b) curriculum, instruction, and assessment, (c) technology, and (d) professional development.  相似文献   

目的:了解高校青年教师的身心健康状况,为进一步研究高校教师的身体状况提供基础。方法:选取47名湖北省某普通高校人才引进的青年教师进行体质测试和心理问卷调查,利用统计方法分析该群体的身心状况。结论:新入职青年教师总体健康、情绪角色功能、心理健康较差,在学历、性别、婚姻状况方面整体不具有差异性,但结婚可以提高青年教师的社会功能;在超重或肥胖率上存在严重风险;在安静心率和血压方面存在风险;身体素质较同龄全国标准其他成年人群有差距,如柔韧性和平衡性不好、力量弱等体质问题。  相似文献   

目的运动干预对学生身体形态及素质有重要影响,为了更准确地了解有氧运动的强度不同是否有不同的监控体重的效果。方法采用两种不同有氧强度的运动干预方案探讨对超重、肥胖女大学生身体形态、身体循环机能和身体素质的影响。结果和结论运动干预前后,超重、肥胖女大学生各身体形态指标均值均有显著性下降。运动干预后,BMI指标下降最为明显(P<0.05),肥胖组女生WHR指标受大强度运动干预影响较大(P<0.05)。不同运动强度对超重、肥胖女大学生身体循环机能的显著性影响仅体现在大强度运动对各组内女生舒张压指标的影响(P<0.05)和中等强度运动干预对肥胖组女生舒张压的影响(P<0.05),对超重、肥胖学生减脂降重有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

儿童青少年是祖国的未来与希望,在一定程度上直接决定着国家未来的发展。随着“健康中国”和“体育强国”的规划与实施,小学生体质健康再次成为我们国家关注的热点问题。目前,我国中小学生的身体素质、肺活量持续下降,肥胖或超重学生比率增长较快,近视率居高不下。因此为了更好的提升小学生体质健康,促进小学生健康快乐的成长,通过对小学生体质下降的影响因素进行相关调研,发现了目前影响小学生体质健康的因素包括外界因素和自身因素,外界因素包括家庭因素、社会因素和学校因素,自身因素包括学习压力大、睡眠不足、体育锻炼意识不强等。针对出现的相关现状问题,为实现“健康中国”的战略目标和促进小学生体质健康,提出了我们需要注重素质教育,重视创新能力、调整膳食结构,倡导健康生活和加强体育参与,重视体育锻炼的相关对策。  相似文献   

目的调查武汉地区高校大学生体力活动的影响因素,构建社会生态模型,为制定大学生健康促进策略、提高其体质健康水平提供支持。方法对武汉地区5所高校1992名(男生1011人,女生981人;理科生1024人,文科生968人)大学生进行体力活动影响因素的问卷调查。结果武汉地区高校大学生体力活动的影响因素可由个人认识、家长朋友支持、学校条件、社区条件和教师支持这5个一阶因子和个人认识、人际关系、学校社区环境这2个二阶因子的社会生态模型来概括;个人认识同人际关系的关联度很高,但是同学校社区环境的关联度较低;男生在一阶因子得分和二阶因子得分都高于女生,文科生同理科生对比无差异。结论武汉地区大学生体力活动的影响因素可以由社会生态模型来解释,学校、社区和家庭三方配合较差,需要国家给予政策层面的支持和引导,为大学生创造可持续的体育参与机会,构建多方协调、合作、联动的体力活动促进模式。  相似文献   

当前高校体育教学改革的重点基本都是围绕如何构建体育教师的个性化教学理念和如何满足学生的个性化需求进行的。依据"90后"学生的性格特征,采用对比实验法,得出以下结论:个性引导教学对提高教学效果具有一定的优势,它能促进学生的个性发展;有效提高学生参与体育运动的兴趣;提高体育成绩,增强身体素质;能拉近师生距离,形成良好的师生关系。但由于个性发展的难控性,容易使学生重成绩而轻技术,而且对体育教师的课堂组织带来一定的难度。所以,个性引导教学应该有的放矢的进行,要肯定学生的个性发展,但也应该以课堂纪律作为约束,在一定的纪律要求下充分发挥学生的个性,才能使体育教学向着有效积极的方向发展。  相似文献   

This study examined the nature, occurring contexts, and psychological implications of weight-related teasing in urban physical education programs. Semistructured interviews were conducted with 47 participants from a large urban school district. Data were analyzed using inductive analysis and constant comparisons. Most overweight adolescents experienced many different types of teasing in physical education. Victims of teasing felt hurt and experienced uncomfortable feelings due to social comparisons. Overweight students who were not teased reported a variety of reasons. Teachers lacked awareness of and strategies to handle teasing of overweight students. There is a need to implement preventive policies and rules to eliminate weight-related teasing and create inclusive physical education environments.  相似文献   

孙玉林 《当代体育科技》2020,(12):129-129,131
随着人们生活水平的提高,人们对健康的身体特别向往。在核心素养的背景下如何上好高中体育课,是每一位体育教师关心的首要问题。首先让学生对终身体育锻炼的观念要理解,其次教师通过学校体育课的教学,设计科学的体育教学内容,让学生养成终身体育锻炼的良好习惯。高中体育教师应改变自身传统的教学理念,通过现代化教学手段给学生上课,指引学生树立正确的体育观念,并引领学生将这种体育观念应用到社会生活中。  相似文献   


This study examined the nature, occurring contexts, and psychological implications of weight-related teasing in urban physical education programs. Semistructured interviews were conducted with 47 participants from a large urban school district. Data were analyzed using inductive analysis and constant comparisons. Most overweight adolescents experienced many different types of teasing in physical education. Victims of teasing felt hurt and experienced uncomfortable feelings due to social comparisons. Overweight students who were not teased reported a variety of reasons. Teachers lacked awareness of and strategies to handle teasing of overweight students. There is a need to implement preventive policies and rules to eliminate weight-related teasing and create inclusive physical education environments.  相似文献   

开展"阳光体育运动"的基本要求是学生每天能够坚持锻炼,在此前提要求下,对刚进入大学校园的一年级学生来说,正是从初期培养其参与阳光体育运动,并养成自我锻炼的内部约束机制的最佳时机,为其顺利完成大学体育教育,终身受益体育锻炼带来的益处,具有重要意义。通过对200名大学一年级男生与女生体育锻炼价值认识、坚持性意志品质的自我认识、运动技能掌握情况的调查结果分析,提出培养大学一年级学生体育锻炼坚持性需从终身体育锻炼思想培养、课内体育锻炼技能培养、课外体育活动兴趣激发、加强女生锻炼的组织引导几个主要方面进行。  相似文献   

通过对2013年河北省大学生体质监测的部分数据进行整理分析,揭示河北省大学生BMI与其各项体质指标的关系,结果显示河北省大学生多数学生处于BMI正常范围,且体重指数正常组的体质指标多数高于体重指数偏低或者超重肥胖的组别,偏轻组也较高于超重肥胖组。说明超重肥胖组的各项体质指标的下降与其体重指数过大相关。  相似文献   

通过对安徽省高校肥胖大学生体育锻炼的行为和体质健康现状的调查研究发现,安徽省高校肥胖大学生的体质健康水平较低,体育运动参与不足。针对肥胖大学生建立健身减肥俱乐部,进行科学健康干预,提高肥胖大学生的体育健身理论知识,提高自我体育锻炼能力等建议。  相似文献   

目前大学生体质连年下降举国关注。依据《学生体质健康标准试行方案与实施办法》、《体育活动等级量表》和李克特量表,对800名大学生进行了相关测量和调查,并对测查结果加以客观的数理统计与比较分析。结果发现:不少大学生肥胖、超重或体重较低,尤其男生超重、肥胖或营养不良的比例偏高;女生的运动态度较男生消极;大学生对体育课需求倾向得分最高的选项是"愉悦身心",反映其健身目标较为单一、片面、缺乏长远追求;不同性别和年级的大学生课外参与体育俱乐部和自主锻炼,在每周参与次数、每次参与时间和锻炼强度上的差异均具显著性。上述种种,揭示了大学生体质持续下降的成因。因此,大学生转变锻炼方式,培养健全体育意识和良好健身习惯,势在必行。建议:参照大学生锻炼方式转变结构图实施高校体育教育,"快乐体育"、"终身体育",最终回归"健康第一"。  相似文献   

This paper identifies and explores emergent themes in inclusive PE in the specific context of pre-service teacher preparation programs. Fully inclusive PE encompasses four areas: knowledge and curricula related to ability and disability, teacher attitudes, pre-service teacher education and a reframing of our understandings of multiple perspectives on physical literacy. Fully accessible PE involves material and attitudinal conditions configured to render these programs actually usable by all those whose ‘inclusion’ is intended. Access is, indeed, conceptually implied in ‘inclusion’, however, in practice the latter can easily become more of a slogan naming an aspiration than a realizable state of affairs. Unless an organization or individual brings a universal commitment to access, attitudinal barriers may prevent full inclusion from becoming a reality. The paper uses qualitative case study methodology to examine pre-service teacher education students’ preconceptions about ‘dis’ability and analyses heuristically how pre-service teachers pre-conceived notions of ability and disability may be challenged through an intervention. 21C PE programs can move towards an emphasis on inclusive activities which are not based on traditional conceptions of physical competence, size, shape, appearance and ability, but instead focus on how all bodies can develop fundamental movement skills, functional fitness and physical literacy. The author challenges pre-service students to address issues of accessibility, normative notions of ability, body equity, social justice and inclusion, as well as the need for multiple definitions of physical literacy. The paper is a case study of the specific phenomenon of ‘broadening student teachers’ understandings of ability and disability in PE’ as a necessary condition for preparing students to work in schools where full inclusion may not have been integral to PE policies, programs and practices.  相似文献   

体质指数与大学生体质健康指标相关关系的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
运用文献资料法、数理统计法等研究方法对南通市4所高校中部分大学生的体质指数(BMI)和大学生体质健康标准测试成绩进行分析研究,反映了大学生体质指数(BMI)的分布特征,揭示了体质指数(BMI)值与大学生体质健康标准测试指标之间的相关关系.结果显示:(1)大学生的体质指数(BMI)曲线呈"细峰右尾"型,大部分分布在18.5~24的标准之间,但由于不合理的饮食结构与不合理的生活方式,造成了相当数量的超重或肥胖的学生.(2)BMI值与肺活量/体重指数呈非常显著性负相关,与立定跳远呈显著性负相关.超重或肥胖对大学生的肺功能及下肢的相对爆发力产生较大的负面影响.(3)BMI值偏低对大学生的各项体质健康指标产生一定的负面影响.  相似文献   

实现信息技术和高等教育的深度融合,发展和采用有效的网络教学模式,是目前教育领域面临的重要课题。基于MOODLE操作环境,结合体育教学的职能和特点,认为普通高校体育教学信息化网络平台应具备实现传授运动技能、传播体育文化、指导身体素质锻炼以及培养健康心理和良好社会适应性的体育职能的功能。在游泳选项课试运行后,认为信息技术与体育教学的融合提升了体育教学管理,有助于指导学生科学选项、科学评价、科学反馈和提高工作效率。  相似文献   

根据教育部、国家体育总局制定的《国家学生体质健康标准和实施办法》,采用文献资料法、测试法和数理统计法,对浙江理工大学2007级大学生连续4年体质健康测试并对各项指标进行追踪研究。研究结果:显示浙江理工大学2007级大学生耐力素质呈下降趋势,下肢肌肉爆发力和肺活量体重指数先升后降,上肢肌肉力量素质较好,而超重和肥胖学生呈上升趋势。通过研究旨在了解大学生体质健康长期变化趋势,提出改善大学生体质健康相关措施,并为促进学校体育工作改革提供指导性干预策略。  相似文献   


The decline of physical activity (PA) in adults as well as children and youth is a worldwide phenomenon. The aim of this study is to analyse the amount of PA in Czech university students' daily lives. The research on university students was conducted as part of nationwide research on PA in the adult population of the Czech Republic. A total of 906 students at eight selected universities were asked to participate in this study. The response rate was 79.5%. We analysed data from 641 university students: 318 male [mean age 21.63±1.73; mean Body Mass Index (BMI) 23.50±1.91] and 323 female (mean age 21.08±1.53; mean BMI 21.23±2.20). The students wore Yamax SW-701 pedometers continuously for seven days. With respect to BMI, the recommendation of 10,000 steps per day on an average day was met by 76% of men and 68% of women of normal weight, 67% of male students who were overweight or obese and 85% of female students who were overweight or obese. Of all monitored days, in both females and males, the number of steps taken on Sunday was significantly lower (p<0.0001) in comparison to other days of a week. No significant differences were found in the number of steps taken among students of normal weight, students who were overweight and students who were obese on any of the monitored days. The majority of Czech male university students are of normal weight. Only 9% of students meet the criterion of 10,000 steps every day. Approximately two-thirds of students meet the 10,000 steps daily criterion on four or more days per week. The lowest number of steps is taken on Sundays; this finding supports the need for intervention programmes to enhance PA on weekends.  相似文献   

运用文献资料、测试等方法对黑龙江省8所高校中部分大学生的体质指数(BMI)和大学生体质健康标准测试成绩进行分析研究。结果显示:大学生体质指数分布曲线呈"细峰右尾"型,BMI值基本分布在18.5~24之间,但有相当数量的超重或肥胖的学生。BMI偏低或偏高的学生的身体素质明显低于BMI正常的学生;BMI偏高的学生又低于BMI偏低的学生身体素质。BMI异常都可能会使学生的身体素质下降,BMI偏高的主要影响是使学生的耐力素质、速度素质、相对肌肉力量素质的下降,BMI偏低会使学生的力量素质和柔韧性下降。  相似文献   

文章对广西15所高校开展散打运动的情况进行了调查分析,发现男大学生非常热衷于散打运动,但缺乏有关部门重视和正确引导。并分析了上述现象产生的原因,建议各级领导对于高校开展散打运动应该给予支持和正确引导,使散打运动在学校体育教育中发挥应有的作用。  相似文献   

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