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The past 15 years have seen a persistent underrepresentation of girls in school science and technology subjects. The article is in three parts. The first part surveys the persistence of girls' opting out of science and technology in their school option choices and reviews from a wide range of literature the influences which affect girls' choices. These influences are: early socialisation, primary teachers as change agents, option choice processes, guidance and careers advice, teachers and teaching, and work experience. The second part presents a meta-analysis of initiatives to encourage girls and women into science, engineering and technology (SET) courses and careers, drawing upon a survey undertaken as part of a Scottish initiative to encourage women students and staff to enter courses in SET in higher education and to progress in careers there. The analysis is then used to illuminate various school initiatives and to estimate the likelihood of their success in addressing the underlying influences on girls' choices away from science and technology.  相似文献   

This study provides insight into the profile of women scientists and technologists in Nigeria. The sample comprised two subgroups of women: young women undergraduates who were pursuing careers in the sciences and humanities (N= 2600); and career women in the field of science and technology (N= 209). Overall, the profile of the woman scientists which emerged from the findings sugests that she is of a certain social background: mother with high education, father in science‐based occupation and attendance at single‐sex schools. Her personal attributes include a positive attitude towards science, high rating of self‐ability, and low concern with the reward of a career in the field; as well as certain behaviour patterns involving regular participation in academic activities in science.  相似文献   

By applying the self-to-prototype matching theory to students?? academic choices, this study links the unpopularity of science in many industrialized countries with the perceived gap between typical persons representing science (e.g. physics teachers) on the one hand and students?? self-image on the other. A sample of N?=?308 Dutch and German students described both themselves and typical teachers representing different school subjects using 65 trait adjectives. The following hypotheses were tested: The typical hard sciences teacher and the typical languages teacher will be perceived as differing in their personal characteristics. The typical physics teachers will be perceived as being less similar to students' own self-image than teachers representing languages. Actual choices students make during secondary school should correlate with the perceived fit between students?? self-image and the prototype of teachers representing different school subjects, especially in the less frequent and less popular choices of a math or physics major/profile. The findings supported these hypotheses. The discussion stresses that students acquire not only knowledge about science but also about science culture (sensu Aikenhead) in their science classes and that students?? image of science teachers can influence their academic choices.  相似文献   

Antisocial behaviour in children and youth was examined in relation to the biosocial personality theory of Hans Eysenck. Eysenck's theory is based on three independent personality traits that reflect hypothesised temperament source traits affecting behavioural predisposition. The theory holds that the interaction of the three temperament traits Psychoticism (P), Extroversion (E), and Neuroticism (N) with socialisation experiences produce personality. Eysenck's measurement instruments also contain a Lie (L) scale that has been shown to function as an index of socialisation or social conformity. Eysenck's antisocial behaviour (ASB) hypothesis predicts that individuals at risk for developing ASB have above average P scale scores. Further, individuals who are also high on the E and N scales and below average on the L scale are at the greatest risk. The current article provides an overview of the theory and an evaluation of the research support for the ASB hypothesis in children and youth. The evaluation supported the role of P and L in ASB. Implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

A temperamental understanding of humor communication and exhilaratability   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This study examined humor creation from a communibiological perspective. Employing Eysenck's temperamental framework (based on the super traits of extroversion, neuroticism, and psychoticism ‐ ENP), the study found positive relationships between humor orientation, humor assessment, and sense of humor with the super‐trait extroversion. Additionally, an examination of the super‐trait of exhilaratability (cheerfulness, seriousness, and bad mood) determined that humor assessment, humor orientation, and sense of humor related to exhilaratability. The STCI (State‐Trait Cheerfulness Index) and the ENP index were shown to be related instruments. Overall, it was found that while an individual's sense of humor may be culturally influenced, her or his propensity to use humorous communicative messages (jokes and stories) is largely temperamentally based.  相似文献   

A random sample of 400 K-12 science educators who were members of the National Science Teachers Association were surveyed regarding their attitude toward and practice of career education in their science teaching. These science teachers rejected a narrowly vocational view, favoring instead a conception of career education which included self-perception, values analysis, and vocational skills objectives. The science educators affirmed the importance of career education for a student's education, asserted career education ought to be taught in their existing science courses, and expressed a willingness to do so. Fewer than one-third of the science teachers, however, reported incorporating career education at least on a weekly basis in their science lessons. The major impediment to including more career education in science teaching was seen to be their lack of knowledge of methods and materials relevant to science career education, rather than objections from students, parents, or administrators; their unwillingness; or their evaluation of career education as unimportant. Thus, in order to improve this aspect of science teaching, science teachers need more concrete information about science career education applications.  相似文献   

In this article, we present a mixed-methods study of 2 schools’ elementary science programs including outdoor instruction specific to each school's culture. We explore fifth-grade students in measures of science knowledge, environmental attitudes, and outdoor comfort levels including gender and ethnic differences. We further examine students’ science and outdoor views and activity choices along with those of adults (teachers, parents, and principals). Significant differences were found between pre- and posttest measures along with gender and ethnic differences with respect to students’ science knowledge and environmental attitudes. Interview data exposed limitations of outdoor learning at both schools including standardized test pressures, teachers’ views of science instruction, and desultory connections of alternative learning settings to ‘school' science.  相似文献   

We describe an assessment of the collective impact of 35 grants that the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) made to biomedical research institutions in 1999 to support precollege science education outreach programs. Data collected from funded institutions were compared with data from a control group of institutions that had advanced to the last stage of review but had not been funded. The survey instrument and the results reveal outcomes and impacts that HHMI considers relevant for these programs. The following attributes are considered: ability to secure additional, non-HHMI funding; institution buy-in as measured by gains in dedicated space and staff; enhancement of the program director''s career; number and adoption of educational products developed; number of related publications and awards; percentage of programs for which teachers received course credit; increase in science content knowledge; and increase in student motivation to study science.  相似文献   

This study was designed to assess, over a seven year period from the commencement of teacher preparation through five years of teaching, the development of teachers' self, impact, and task concerns as formulated by Fuller for a longitudinal sample of teachers (N = 60) and to determine what, if any, personal and academic attributes of teachers might be associated with these teachers' changes in concerns about teaching as postulated by the Fuller model. Statistically significant developmental changes in the teachers' concerns about teaching were identified with concerns about survival as a teacher (self concerns) decreasing and concerns about the task of teaching increasing, as hypothesized by Fuller; whereas the teachers' impact upon pupil concerns were highest in intensity but relatively stable at all four points in career development. Interactions between career stages and teacher characteristics were identified, however, indicating that the self and impact concerns can not be adequately explained by just points of time in career development as also hypothesized by Fuller. Concerns about teaching were found to be related to grade point averages, gender, and personality type but not with basic academic skills, academic majors, family characteristics, ACT scores, and locus of control orientations.  相似文献   

This qualitative, sociocultural study examines how teacher preparation programs may have deliberate impact on science reform by unearthing the complex layers of diversity inherent in the contextual reality of education. This study was conducted in one of the largest school districts in the Southeastern United States, serving a predominately Hispanic population comprising 65 % of its student body, followed by African Americans at 24 %. The representative subjects utilized for this study were elementary education undergraduate students and later a percentage of the same subjects, as practicing teachers in the field. All subjects were exposed to inquiry based methodology in science teaching as part of their undergraduate studies with emphasis on the learning cycle, facilitation of student voice and exposure to the nature of science. The goal of science education was emphasized to students as purposeful in promoting scientific literacy. This study is framed by sociocultural theory grounded in a social constructivist paradigm with the understanding that science learning takes place within social and collaborative processes leading to internalization and greater sense of self-efficacy. The study examines the perception of education students’ beliefs about scientists as well as reflections on their own learning of science as elementary students themselves. As present practicing teachers, perspectives from their position in the field were obtained via interviews. Interviews served to elicit reflections on present practice as related to previous perceptions, in order to analyze whether these were pervasive in framing practice as well as self-perceptions related to science. A lack of change of these perceptions may underscore the importance of an emphasis on issues of gender, culture and social factors within teacher preparation, specific to science teaching and learning. Cognizance of such factors are believed to support internalization and hence greater understanding of the complexities framing science teaching and learning, leading to an actual paradigm shift in our elementary science classrooms.  相似文献   

Teachers can perpetuate stereotypic cultural beliefs regarding girls' ability in, aptitude for, and suitability for science by their teaching practices and behaviors. As teachers have a major influence on girls' career choices their equitable teaching practices in the classroom are important to encourage all students, but especially girls, to continue with science. Researchers have studied science classrooms and have defined common strategies and practices that can help create an equitable classroom environment. The purpose of this study was to determine if high school biology student teachers could transfer learned equitable teaching strategies to actual teaching and the support conditions necessary for that transfer. Two support conditions were assessed: cooperating teacher and peer group support. Seven preservice teachers were placed into three groups. One group had both support conditions, the second group had only one condition (peer support), and the third group did not have either support condition. Both qualitative and quantitative data sources were collected. Results showed that preservice teachers could transfer learned equitable teaching into actual teaching practice. However, they were more successful in achieving the transfer if they were supervised by cooperating teachers who are sensitized to the issue of gender equity in education. Being involved in a peer support group was not as crucial to using the strategies as having a supportive cooperative teacher.  相似文献   

This study determined the relations between generative teaching and student teachers' social maturity, receptivity to criticism and ability to incorporate criticism. Additionally, the “more effective” and ‘less effective” student teachers were compared with respect to these personality characteristics and generative teaching. The subjects were 97 elementary student teachers. At the end of student teaching assignment, the subjects' generative teaching as well as their personality characteristics were evaluated. Results showed that personality characteristics accounted for 56.8% and 56.6% of the variance in the preactive and interactive generative teaching. The “more effective” student teachers were significantly more generative, more mature, and more receptive; they also incorporated criticism more often than the “less effective” ones.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to concurrently investigate Taiwanese high-school students' and their science teachers' conceptions of learning science (COLS) and conceptions of science assessment (COSA). A total of 1,048 Taiwanese high-school students and their 59 science teachers were invited to fill out two questionnaires assessing their COSA and COLS. The main results indicated that, first, although a handful of different patterns occurred, students and teachers were found to have similar COLS–COSA patterns. In general, students and teachers with COSA as reproducing knowledge and rehearsing tended to possess lower-level COLS, such as learning science as memorizing, testing, and calculating and practicing. In contrast, if students and teachers viewed science assessment as improving learning and problem-solving, they would be prone to regard science learning as increase of knowledge, applying, and understanding and seeing in a new way. However, the students' conceptions did not align with those of the teachers' in certain aspects. The students tended to regard science learning and assessment at a superficial level (COLS as ‘memorizing’, ‘testing’, and ‘calculating and practicing’ and COSA as ‘reproducing knowledge’), while the teachers’ conceptions were at a more sophisticated level (COLS as ‘application’ and ‘understanding and seeing in a new way’ and COSA as ‘improving learning’). It is evident that a dissonance exists between the students' and teachers' COLS and COSA. Based on the results, practical implications and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

A project designed to foster the full and fair participation of girls in high-school science classes addressed obstacles, both perceived and actual, to equal participation. In order to modify existing classroom techniques and environments, a Teacher Intervention Program was designed. By means of a workshop and periodic personal communications, teachers were sensitized to the importance of a stimulating, gender-free learning environment. In addition, they were presented with a variety of methods and materials which had been shown to encourage girls in science. Twelve teachers, who were selected randomly, taught in diverse communities throughout one Midwestern state. The subjects tested were students in 24 general biology classes taught by the 12 teachers. Although both qualitative and quantitative measures were used during the research, only the quantitative results are discussed in this paper. Using ANOVA's, treatment group by student sex, a comparison of the mean scores was made for all students, as well as for all females and for all males. The results indicated that the experimental group, compared to the control group, had significantly higher mean scores on tests of attitudes toward science, perceptions of science, extracurricular science activities, and interest in a science-related career.  相似文献   

We investigated whether the sexes differ in science performance before they make important course and career selections. We collected teacher-report data from a sample of children from the Twins Early Development Study (TEDS) assessed at ages 9, 10 and 12 years (N>2500 pairs). In addition we developed a test of scientific enquiry and administered it to a sub-sample of TEDS (n=1135; age=14 years). We found no evidence for mean sex differences in science performance assessed by teachers, or by a test of scientific enquiry, although boys were somewhat more variable. At a time when adolescents are making important course choices, girls are performing just as well as boys.  相似文献   

The increased number of older adults attributes to a rising need for future professionals to work in gerontology. Understanding the influence of students' career choices is important. A qualitative study was conducted after students' taking a gerontology course to explore students' knowledge and career preference in gerontology. The results were that students reported higher competency in that their knowledge was higher. Although increased knowledge did not necessarily encourage students to choose careers in gerontology, it may have made students more amenable toward accepting working with the aging population in the future. The study offers suggestions on how to increase students' competency level in practice.  相似文献   

Typically, mathematics and science are seen as linked together, where both subjects involve numbers, critical thinking, and problem solving. Our study aims to develop a better understanding of the connections between student’s achievement scores in mathematics and science, student gender, and self-efficacy. We used the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study 2007 eighth grade data to answer our research questions and were able to demonstrate that when controlling for self-efficacy, there is a statistically significant difference in the achievement scores between males and females by subject, where females score higher Algebra, but males score higher in the other mathematics subjects. Likewise, we were also able to demonstrate that there is a statistically significant difference in the achievement scores in Earth Science, Physics, and Biology, between males and females where males score higher in science subjects. In both mathematics and science examinations, we controlled for self-efficacy where in mathematics females hold lower self-efficacy then males and in science there is no difference between females and males in terms of self-efficacy. We conjecture that mathematics and science classrooms that consider self-efficacy may impact student’s achievement scores by subject, which can ultimately impact career choices in mathematics- and science-based fields.  相似文献   

家长是高考改革重要的利益相关者,其对选科的认识及意向是学生选科的重要影响因素。调查显示:家长对孩子在校课程学习和高考选科关注度较高,但对相关政策的了解有待深入;家长与孩子的选科意向及意向学科组合总体趋势较为一致;家长对孩子大学专业报考的初步意向集中在教育学、经济学、理学、医学等专业上,较为尊重孩子的选科及专业报考意向,赞同根据兴趣、能力、成绩及大学招生要求进行综合选择。根据家长对高考高度关注但实际了解程度偏低、新高考赋予更多选择权但家长的选择取向相对集中、家长和学生选择意向的趋利性特点突出、家校社协同机制有待形成等实际,还需进一步推动高考制度设计在试点中持续优化,发挥高校在招生和育人中的导向作用,推进高中学校育人方式改革,构建家校社协同机制以增进社会理解,从而加强对家长和学生选科选考的指导。  相似文献   

The traditional core Masters in Business Administration (MBA) curriculum consists of a broad range of courses that can be considered as a whole, or divided into qualitative and quantitative courses. Regression models were developed with “QualGPA” and “QuantGPA” as response variables, and gender, pre‐MBA academic indicators, and personality factors (measured by the RightPath6® profile) as the explanatory variables. Results may provide pedagogical insight for faculty teaching increasingly diverse MBA classes. Additionally, there are recruitment implications for those hiring MBA graduates, as well as implications for MBA students in decisions regarding MBA concentrations and subsequent career choices. While gender alone was not a significant variable in any model, gender–personality interactions were significant. Across both course categories, performance tended to be higher for students who were more “Detached” than “Compassionate,” with the exception of females in quantitative courses. Additionally, “Extraversion” and “Reactiveness” significantly enhanced performance among males in qualitative courses, and “Conscientiousness” had a strong positive performance effect among females in quantitative courses.  相似文献   

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