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作为20世纪新出现的一种文学类型,生态文学信奉自然整体主义观念,关注生态正义,以文学的方式,反思人类中心主义,推崇新型生态伦理,积极推动民众的普世生态理念进步。本文以美国生态文学为例,在分析环境伦理思想变迁的基础上,挖掘生态文学作品中的大地伦理、生态整体主义与绿色科技理念,旨在进一步探究生态文学的环境伦理教育价值。  相似文献   

本文从伦理维度的价值目的与社会道义相统一的视角,探讨了构建和谐社会中的道德建设问题。认为中国道德教育的现代转型与悖论是构建和谐社会的伦理前提;“和谐社会”不仅要求实现每个人正当合理的价值目的追求,更要求人们承担起与之相应的社会道义责任;只有在价值目的与社会道义的动态平衡的张力之中,才能确保“和谐社会”构建过程中社会正义秩序的长期稳定和社会道义的真正实现。  相似文献   

明确社会主义"义利观",是理解人民群众道义诉求的根本出发点。人民群众对经济、政治、文化、社会、生态"五大建设"的价值诉求中,就既包含功利诉求,也包含道义诉求。其中,功利诉求表现为实现小康,道义诉求表现为实现公正。坚持马克思主义"正义论",是提出人民群众道义诉求的理论依据。实践性、制度性、科学性和关注普通劳动者和缺少劳动能力者的命运是马克思主义正义论的特点。搞好"五大建设",是实现人民群众道义诉求的实践途径。这不仅应该是一个实现小康的过程,也应该是一个实现公正的过程。  相似文献   

中国传统伦理价值体系以“仁”为核心,从根本上反对非正义的战争暴力手段的运用,在战争前或战争中常加以“义”、“道”等伦理规则的限制,在战后又通过道义评价影响后来的战争;西方传统伦理多崇尚“力”的运用,注重功利因素,在战争中表现出某种非道义化的倾向。  相似文献   

中国道德教育的现代转型与悖论是构建和谐社会的伦理前提。“和谐社会”不仅要求实现每个人正当合理的价值目的追求,更要求人们承担起与之相应的社会道义责任;只有在价值目的与社会道义的动态平衡的张力之中,才能确保“和谐社会”构建过程中社会正义秩序的长期稳定和社会道义的真正实现。  相似文献   

科学技术对现代社会的发展发挥着不可估量的作用,对科技发展的伦理反思和伦理原则的建构是科学技术健康、可持续发展的保证。建构现代科技伦理原则应包三方面的内容:功利效用原则、社会正义原则和生态和谐原则。功利效用原则是对科学技术满足人类生存与发展需要的正伦理价值的坚持和弘扬;社会正义原则既是对科学技术正面伦理效应的积极保证,也是对科学技术负面伦理效应的有效规约;生态和谐原则是科学技术的发展要促进人类社会与自然环境的持续和谐发展。  相似文献   

普世伦理是当前学界人们普遍关注的一个问题。尽管人们对普世伦理领域中的很多问题还没有达成共识,但全球化的伦理现实已经也必将继续深刻地影响世界各个国家和地区政策的制定和发展,直接或间接地影响人们的生活和实践。通过梳理与总结,可以归纳出在普世伦理领域中人们共同关切的主题,即伦理视域中的人与人、人与自然、人与科学之间的关系问题。同时,普世伦理的三大主题给人们提出了新的教育课题。  相似文献   

"己欲立而立人,己欲达而达人","己所不欲,勿施于人"是最普遍最基本的道德原则,也是普世伦理原则。本文主要以全球化为背景,论述普世伦理原则永恒的道德价值性,人类社会依然需要普世伦理原则引导。  相似文献   

普世伦理(the Universal Ethics)又译为"普遍伦理"、"全球伦理"或"世界伦理",是目前理论界(主要是哲学界)探讨和争论的热点问题之一.这种普遍主义的诉求对现代社会的方方面面也必然对学校道德教育产生重大影响,但国内关于普世伦理的道德教育意义的探讨至今仍很少.这篇小论以普世伦理所展示的宽广的文化学上的视野,重新审视我们以往的学校道德教育.  相似文献   

普世伦理 (theUniversalEthics)又译为“普遍伦理”、“全球伦理”或“世界伦理” ,是目前理论界 (主要是哲学界 )探讨和争论的热点问题之一。这种普遍主义的诉求对现代社会的方方面面也必然对学校道德教育产生重大影响 ,但国内关于普世伦理的道德教育意义的探讨至今仍很少。这篇小论以普世伦理所展示的宽广的文化学上的视野 ,重新审视我们以往的学校道德教育。  一、普世伦理产生的现实背景  对普世伦理、道德的探求古已有之 ,如二千年前孔子的“己所不欲 ,勿施与人”[1] 就成为千古箴言 ,而《圣经》中耶稣基督的“…  相似文献   

行政伦理视野中的行政自由裁量权   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
行政自由裁量权作为行政伦理学的一个核心概念,在本质上是一种伦理性裁量权;行政自由裁量权的伦理本质为行政自由裁量权行使的伦理向度提供了理论依据;行政伦理问题的研究真正受到重视是基于对行政自由裁量权的确认与考察;行政伦理在行政自由裁量权的行使中发挥着极为重要的作用,因此行政自由裁量权的正当行使必须遵循一定的伦理规则.  相似文献   

正义究竟是什么:公平、权利还是美德?   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
正义究竟是什么?罗尔斯认为正义就是公平,他用两个正义原则即平等原则和差异原则来保障;诺齐克认为正义应该是个人权利的自由保障问题,他提出了包含有持有正义三原则的权利理论来反对罗尔斯的判别原则及其分配正义原则;麦金太尔反对把社会公平与个人权利作为伦理学的主题,主张回到亚里士多德的美德伦理,向传统美德伦理寻找答案。三人的见解各有千秋,理想的正义论应该是三人的合题,即公平与权利、规范伦理与美德伦理的内在统一。  相似文献   

Criminal justice courses offer ideal opportunities to present students with contemporary issues that ideally will encourage reflection on moral dilemmas. In a criminal justice ethics course, students encounter complex aspects of the topic, such as the application of theories of ethical reasoning beyond merely an understanding of the malfeasance, nonfeasance, and misfeasance of practitioners in the system. A supplemental book, whether fiction or nonfiction, assigned in addition to a criminal justice ethics textbook may facilitate deeper understanding of theories of ethics. The ideal supplemental reading should reflect the range of ethical theories detailed in the main text. In the present article, the authors discuss and evaluate the use of post-apocalyptic fiction, a popular contemporary genre, as supplemental reading in criminal justice ethics courses. A sample criminal justice ethics course writing assignment, a grading rubric, and a discussion of the multiple assessment measures are provided. Assessment results suggest that the supplemental reading helps students meet the course learning objective, which requires students to identify and apply theoretical models of ethics to specific ethical and moral situations.  相似文献   

网络伦理困惑探析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
网络技术的迅速发展在给人类带来众多机遇和福祉的同时 ,也对社会伦理产生了冲击和挑战。处理网络空间与物理空间、信息共享与产权保护、个人隐私与社会监督、通讯自由与社会责任、全球化与民族性的关系 ,存在诸多伦理困惑和道德冲突。必须大力加强网络道德建设的研究 ,帮助人们作出正确的行为选择。目前 ,应确立和强调以下伦理原则 :为人类共同利益原则、关怀人性原则、公正原则、自主原则、责任原则和自律原则  相似文献   

考试伦理之微探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考试是人类最重要的一项活动,具有功利性和伦理性。考试伦理是由公正和诚信共同维护的道德体系。当前我国考试伦理建设应从加强伦理道德教育、建立现代考试制度、调整考试价值取向、实行依法治考,以及严格查处腐败行为等方面入手。  相似文献   


Numerous articles and books advocate the importance of ethics as an essential component of a criminal justice curriculum. While there are several approaches suggested, one of the most popular methods of assuring coverage of this important topic is to add an ethics course to the curriculum either as a required or an elective course. Teaching students ethical theories, principles and providing them with the opportunity to discuss discipline specific ethics problems is thought to help contribute to the establishment of ethical practitioners.

The purpose of this research is to examine the impact of a semester long criminal justice ethics course on the students' value orientations, and their perceptions of both the seriousness of ethical violations and their likelihood of engaging in such behaviors. Our findings are consistent with the results of researchers evaluating ethics courses in other disciplines. Implications for criminal justice ethics education are discussed.  相似文献   

公正是和谐社会的棱心价值。它不仅是伦理原则,也是利益分配原则。针对资源适度稀缺、人性中幽暗识的存在和不合理的利益分配等影响社会公正实现的因素,笔者认为:落实科学发展观、完善政府行政伦理秽加强政治文明建设。是实现社会公正、建设和谐社会的必然要求。  相似文献   


Lecturers have significant de facto power and responsibility as arbiters of student justice. However, while the literature on ethics in higher education principally focuses on a self-regarding agenda connected with research codes and power relationships between academics, the more practical concerns of pedagogy tend to be overlooked. Moreover, while many new lecturer programmes stress competence in teaching techniques they tend to give restricted attention to many of the ethical dilemmas which confront university teachers in their daily lives. This paper addresses this imbalance by presenting a conceptual framework for debating the ethics of pedagogy based on four forms of justice. The concepts of procedural, retributive, remedial, and distributive justice are presented as a means of incorporating many of the key ethical challenges that confront lecturers new to higher education. The justice framework is also recommended as a means of encouraging practitioners to identify their own key ethical principles.  相似文献   

伦理性是有效教学的固有属性,越是追求有效性的教学,越有必要凸现其伦理性。缺乏伦理规范的有效教学,越是有效,对于学生身心健康的损害就越大,伦理性已成为有效教学中急需关注的问题。利益最大化原则和平等尊重原则是保证有效教学符合伦理规范的伦理原则,两者共同规约着有效教学的伦理行为。有效教学的伦理实践要求是要构建有效教学的伦理关系,规范有效教学的伦理行为,进行有效教学的伦理反思。  相似文献   

In a study of the ethical reasoning of teachers of children with severe and profound intellectual disabilities, the authors report on their findings from interviews with, and classroom observations of, five teachers of children in segregated classrooms. The teachers' responses to four ethical dilemmas were discussed and analysed for the types of reasoning that they used and for the presence of four principles often cited in normative ethics: justice, respect for autonomy, beneficence, and non-maleficence. Interview data also suggested the presence of some distinctive elements in the ethical discussion of the participants. The authors found that teachers gave almost exclusive consideration to individual student interests in their discussions of the dilemmas. Although justice played a significant role in their validation of their decisions, the governing principle in their argument seemed to be beneficence. Moral impasses have frequently arisen in discussions of the ethics of decisions regarding persons with severe and profound intellectual disabilities. The findings of this study are presented as an empirical contribution to that debate and as a mandate for further discussion.  相似文献   

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