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Introductory Psychology courses in Higher Education lack application of knowledge in solving work-based problems. We develop and study mini-games that support a more active and experiential way of learning to increase professional awareness. This paper describes the instructional design and the factors under study: learner control and authenticity. We compared professional awareness and perceived authenticity for the old (without game, n = 130) and new course (with game, n = 197) by administering pre- and post-questionnaires. Participants were allocated to game variants, differing in freedom of assignment order (less or more learner control) and number of sources available (less or more authentic). We computer logged their game actions, and asked them additional questions about gameplay that concerned aspects like motivation, flow, performance, learnability and usability. Both courses improved professional awareness (knowledge gains of 4% for the old and 12% for the new course), but only in the new course with mini-games this was significant. Students evaluated gameplay and their content as “more than sufficient” to “good.” A free order of assignments was found to produce more effective (in-game) performance, and the provision of more sources was found to improve learnability, authentic learning and appreciations of gameplay.  相似文献   

任务驱动教学法以"学生为中心",在完成任务的过程中,培养学生分析和解决问题的能力.结合学生实际,将任务驱动教学法应用到高校经济学专业课程,正好满足了这类课程实践性强、知识更新快的特点.通过教学实践,既巩固了学生对课本知识的学习,更重要的是培养和提高了学生分析解决实际问题的能力,为学生进入到实际工作领域打下了良好的基础,实现了学校和社会的有效衔接.  相似文献   

编程课程的深度学习具有一定的领域特殊性,体现为学习者深度应用编程知识解决现实问题的程序设计策略构建与编程自我效能感培养。项目式编程学习不应局限于学习者对于领域知识的理解与配对应用,更需要关注学习者在项目驱动的编程问题解决过程中程序设计策略的构建与迁移。本研究以优化设计项目式编程学习为核心目标,融合编程领域深度学习的特殊性,构建项目式编程学习“四层”过程模型;基于编程方案生成与评估以及程序设计策略构建等过程,梳理编程项目设计原则;结合程序设计支持技术、阶段性结果及启发性问题,结构化地设计促进学习者有效完成程序设计的项目支架。学习者自我感知的程序设计策略水平和编程自我效能感在前测与后测中出现了显著性差异,验证了编程项目设计原则与项目支架设计的有效性。  相似文献   

为解决高校思政课教学效果不佳,学生学习积极性不高等问题,提出高校思政课教学中师生心理偏差及其应对策略。分析了思政课教师职业倦怠,以及高校学生学习思政课积极性不高的原因和影响。提出提升思政课教师职业认同感,实现从“怠教”到“乐教”,以及增强大学生思政课学习动力,实现从“厌学”到“愿学”的措施,从而提高思政课教师的职业认同感,激发大学生思政课学习的热情,构建和谐融洽的师生关系,真正实现思政课教学效果的提升。  相似文献   

Recently, theorists have raised concerns that pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) has become “a stale metaphor” that disregards diversity and equity, offers little to help teachers address students’ misconceptions, and portrays knowledge as “in the head” versus in practice. We refute these notions using grounded theory to specify ways one 7th-grade science teacher enacted PCK to advance student learning. With the definition of PCK as knowledge at the intersection of content and teaching, we utilised a framework for science PCK to explore instructional decision-making. Interviews conducted over three years revealed specific ways the teacher enacted PCK by designing and delivering instruction built on each of the seven conceptual science PCK components. The teacher enacted PCK to plan and deliver instruction that was responsive, adaptive, and considerate of changing needs of students and the changing classroom landscape. She infused PCK into instructional decision-making, instructional interactions, and mentoring of a student teacher, modelling the translation of educational theory into practice and habits of mind necessary for expert teaching. This enactment actively refutes Settlage’s critiques, and depicts PCK as a vibrant and effective stance for teaching that enhances learning.  相似文献   

The paper reports on an empirical study adopting a mixed research method, aiming at improving primary students’ collaborative problem solving competency in project-based learning with productive failure (PF) instructional design in a seamless learning environment. Two Grade Six classes participated in a project-based learning of “Plant Adaptations”. In Class 1 with 27 students, the project-based learning was conducted with PF instructional design; in Class 2 with 26 students, the project-based learning was conducted without PF instructional design. The learning activities spanned across farm, class, home and online spaces supported by mobile devices. Data collection includes various students’ created artifacts in groups in the inquiry process, student reflections, student focus group interviews and pre- and post-domain tests. Both qualitative and quantitative data analysis methods were employed. The research findings show that compared to Class 2, the students in Class 1 gained deeper understanding of conceptual knowledge and produced better group artifacts in collaborative problem-solving quality than those in Class 2; and the students in Class 1 were more positive in facing the challenges in their project-based learning process, and developed a sense of ownership of their learning. The findings imply that PF instructional design is conducive to developing primary students’ collaborative solving competency in science learning in a seamless learning environment.  相似文献   

Medical school curricula are undergoing transformational change in response to calls for integrating content across courses and years to enable better retention and application and for individualizing learning to meet the diverse backgrounds and thus differing needs of students. To address the related teaching challenges, faculty can employ solid principles of adult learning and instructional design and use teaching strategies that stimulate different learning styles. We developed laboratory sessions that follow a learner‐centered instructional design model we refer to as “PLHET,” reflecting the steps of preparing, linking, hooking, engaging, and transferring learning, and also applied teaching strategies that reflect Kolb's four styles of learning (accommodative, divergent, assimilative, and convergent). We utilized a group learning format to promote active learning, teamwork, and self‐direction. Preliminary data based on student surveys of laboratory activity show positive responses. In the future, we will test the hypothesis that this design will improve medical students' performance. Anat Sci Educ © 2013 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

This article describes the design, evaluation, and results of an innovative undergraduate engineering course at the U.S. Air Force Academy (USAFA). The course, ENGR 110 — Introduction to Engineering, is a problem‐based learning environment in which freshmen students work in teams to solve problems integral to a “mission to Mars”, that is, getting to Mars, constructing a research site on Mars, and developing a renewable power source there. In addition to traditional knowledge and skill objectives, the course focuses on “higher order” outcomes such as: framing and resolving ill‐defined problems; communicating via multiple media; exhibiting intellectual curiosity; and developing a rich conceptualisation of engineering. The course is described in terms of a set of pedagogical dimensions for problem‐based learning environments. Several cognitive assessment methods were used to assess student achievement and evaluate the effectiveness of the course. Results included statistically and educationally significant differences in “problem‐solving” between two classes of ENGR 110 students and two control classes of sophomore engineering students.  相似文献   

The importance of “size and scale” in nanoscience and engineering has been recognized by both scientists and science educators. A solid understanding of this concept is key to the learning of nanoscience. Students, however, have been reported to have considerable difficulty grasping this concept; yet little is known regarding their state of understanding. To address this knowledge gap, we conducted a series of studies that were aimed at exploring the different ways students conceive of “size and scale” in the context of undergraduate nanoscience and engineering courses. Informed by Variation Theory of Learning (Marton and Booth, 1997), we identified four major categories (with two sub‐categories within each) of student conception—fragmented, linear, proportional, and logarithmic. These conception categories, together with the aspects of variation that characterize and distinguish them, are summarized in a typology. In addition to serving as a diagnostic tool to describe students' understanding, this typology can also be used to guide the development of instructional interventions that facilitate students to move toward a more sophisticated understanding of “size and scale.” © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc., Inc. J Res Sci Teach 48: 512–533, 2011  相似文献   

There is a growing emphasis on utilizing a problem‐based learning [PBL] pedagogy to help instructional design students gain an understanding of the complex forces operating within an actual design environment. However, little literature exists to suggest that PBL is being used to teach the process by which instructional design firms and practitioners secure work—the Instructional Design Business Acquisition Process (IDBAP). This study outlines a conceptual framework for using an adapted problem‐based learning model for teaching the IDBAP, which consists of writing a response to a request for proposal (RFP), developing a working prototype, and orally presenting the solution. This study also examines the impact of a PBL pedagogy on students' perception of their confidence in solving instructional design problems. The results of this empirical research indicate that students who participate in a problem‐based learning pedagogy gain confidence in their abilities to solve instructional design problems, view themselves in emotional control when solving an instructional design problem, and are more inclined to approach similar problems in the future.  相似文献   

With an increased emphasis on problem solving and problem-based learning in the instructional design field, new methods for task analysis and models for designing instruction are needed. An important methodology for both entails the elicitation, analysis, and inclusion of stories as a primary form of instructional support while learning to solve problems. Stories are the most natural and powerful formalism for storing and describing experiential knowledge that is essential to problem solving. The rationale and means for analyzing, organizing, and presenting stories to support problem solving are defined by case-based reasoning. Problems are solved by retrieving similar past experiences in the form of stories and applying the lessons learned from those stories to the new problems. In this paper, after justifying the use of stories as instructional supports, we describe methods for eliciting, indexing, and making stories available as instructional support for learning to solve problems.  相似文献   

We have developed the Knowledge Integration Environment (KIE) to promote lifelong learning. We believe that science courses can promote lifelong learning by offering students science models that apply to problems they encounter in their everyday lives and by engaging students in personally relevant science projects where they connect science models to typical science resources such as those found on the Internet. Our instructional framework, Scaffolded Knowledge Integration (SKI), guides the design of the Knowledge Integration Environment. In this paper we describe the Knowledge Integration Environment and report results of “design experiments” carried out to guide improvement of Knowledge Integration Environment instruction as well as to help us improve our understanding of lifelong learning.  相似文献   

内容策展是针对特定主题的"选择"、"过滤"、"组织"、"呈现"与"发展"。随着云计算、移动学习以及大量的开放教育课程逐渐进入教育领域,特别是高等教育领域,教育与学习将面临巨大的变革,学习者需要进行认知负荷的有效管理和资源选择的指导,劳动力市场需要能够综合各领域知识信息并创造性解决真实世界问题的人才,教育机构也面临角色的转变。内容策展促进了学习者对信息的有效过滤和组织,提高了学习者的创新及问题解决能力等,对教育和学习的变革具有重要价值。  相似文献   

Due to the pandemic conditions, hands-on courses in architectural education were conducted remotely and their presentation had to be reconsidered. Hands-on courses, by their nature, support learning and learner-instructor interaction in the classroom environment. It was necessary to develop innovative solutions to ensure this interaction in virtual classrooms. This study discusses a method we experienced in the 2021–2022 spring semester of the “Principles of Digital Design and Fabrication in Architecture” course given at Gazi University. To combat potential interaction deficits, “problem-based learning (PBL)” and “learning by doing (LBD)” teaching methods were applied. While reflecting on foreseen problems in the curriculum on the students, we determined the distance education process causes different reflections on students in terms of digital modelling and fabrication techniques. All constraints and problem determinations obtained by the students were classified and a way to solve these problems developed with the LBD style. By the end of the course, the students, who were expected to design a small 3D object, first designed the mould then realised their fabrication of the object. In this process, while the foreseen problems and curriculum determined at the beginning overlapped, other problem determinations and their reflections formed an important base for the future curriculum.  相似文献   

随着5G时代的到来,"万物互联"成为可能,物联网相关课程成为高校工程类专业的核心课程.目前,物联网技术课程在当前各高校中课时较少,仅注重理论教学,与实践脱节,教学内容空洞,针对以上问题提出一种基于"行动学习"的物联网技术课程教学模式.基于"行动学习"的教学模式是将教学内容提炼成"知行合一"的循环学习过程.通过学习、理解...  相似文献   

“问题解决导向”的小学英语单元教学设计旨在培养学生学会使用英语解决实际问题的能力,这是英语学习的语用指向,也是评价语言能力的语用标准。教师在引领学生发现、表达、分析和解决问题以及评价问题解决效果的过程中,能够促进学生学得语言知识,提高语言理解和表达能力,帮助他们学会基于事实进行分析、概括和推理,逐步提升思维的逻辑性和批判性。  相似文献   

Inaccurate judgments of task difficulty and invested mental effort may negatively affect how accurate students monitor their own performance. When students are not able to accurately monitor their own performance, they cannot control their learning effectively (e.g., allocate adequate mental effort and study time). Although students' judgments of task difficulty and invested mental effort are closely related to their study behaviors, it is still an open question how the accuracy of these judgments can be improved in learning from problem solving. The present study focused on the impact of three types of instructional support on the accuracy of students' judgments of difficulty and invested mental effort in relation to their performance while learning genetics in a computer-based environment. Sixty-seven university students with different prior knowledge received either incomplete worked-out examples, completion problems, or conventional problems. Results indicated that lower prior knowledge students performed better with completion problems, while higher prior knowledge students performed better with conventional problems. Incomplete worked-out examples resulted in an overestimation of performance, that is, an illusion of understanding, whereas completion and conventional problems showed neither over- nor underestimation. The findings suggest that completion problems can be used to avoid students' misjudgments of their competencies.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate those factors influencing performance in solving story problems in a web-based environment. A situational simulation, “Hiking across Estonia,” was explored by two samples of voluntary groups of students, comprising 65 and 50 groups, respectively. They solved 25 ecological and environmental story problems and filled in a pre-test and post-test that evaluated problem-solving skills. The groups were clustered according to their characteristics and performance into five clusters: “slow learners,”“quick learners,”“successful learners,”“smart learners,” and “ineffective learners.” The clusters were provided with different types of supportive notes and the sequence of problems was rearranged according to the students' initial results in the first four problem-solving tasks. These treatments demonstrated statistically significant improvements in the outcome in solving story problems in small groups. The main factors determining the effectiveness of problem solving were: (i) time spent on learning; (ii) initial skills in problem-solving; (iii) the presence of support in enhancing situation awareness; (iv) graduated problem tasks sequenced on the basis of complexity and difficulty; (v) ratio of genders in a learning group. However, the importance of these factors depended on the cluster and, therefore, it can be concluded that the design of problem-solving instruction has to be adapted according to the clusters' characteristics.  相似文献   

为解决学生目标不明确,学习内动力不足的问题,从建构“入门—提高—综合”阶梯化培养模式,形成原理—仿真—系统的模块化知识体系入手,优化课程体系,使得学以致用;研究激励为主的相近专业课程的教学管理机制,满足和调动学生学习兴趣;提高企业参与的积极性,使学生接受系统性训练,在工程技术上迅速成长;最后通过动态调整,不断完善,以实现旨在提高学生兴趣,培养和提高学生综合能力和素质的学校主导、企业全程参与的自动化应用技术型人才培养模式。  相似文献   

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