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翁杰 《职业技术教育》2005,26(22):55-59
在完全竞争的劳动力市场中,企业不会投资员工的一般性技能.但是在不完全劳动力市场中,企业有投资员工一般技能的激励.20世纪80年代信息经济学的快速发展使分析企业和员工在人力资本投资上的战略行为成为可能,促进了企业中的人力资本投资理论的发展.  相似文献   

随着现代化建设的推进,行业、企业培训单位为中国现代化建设和企业发展培养了大量人才。作为国家林业局直属的行业培训基地,国家林业局管理干部学院在十五及十一五期间不断开拓、蓬勃发展,培养了大批优秀的党政领导干部、林业专业技术人才和企业经营管理人员。作为与经济建设最接近的林业行业教育排头兵,学院积极发展扩大培训领域,这符合了国际及国内培训发展的方向,体现了学院求变发展的方针。在此趋势下,学院还应从培训的办学策略和教学管理模式上积极探索,找到适合自身对外培训发展之路。  相似文献   

In today's changed environment where the economy and industry are driven by customers, business is open to worldwide competition. Manufacturing firms have looked at employee performance improvement as a means to succeed. These findings advocate setting up priorities for employee performance improvement. This requires a continuous improvement training program. In this article, interpretive structural modeling is used to analyze interrelationships among performance appraisal factors to design and plan a training program for employees.  相似文献   

酒店员工英语培训策略初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
日益激烈的酒店业竞争实质上是人才的竞争,因此,酒店有必要使从业人员尽快掌握英语口语技能,进而全面提升酒店员工的综合素质。然而,基于英语培训与资金投入、英语培训与经营活动、英语培训与人才培养等矛盾的影响,酒店员工英语水平现状堪忧。对此,笔者就转变培训观念、培训应与绩效考核相结合、培训应与激励机制相结合、设计合理的员工英语培训方案等几个方面,对矛盾的解决做了初步探讨。  相似文献   

技术创新与民营企业制度变迁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着民营企业的发展,更多的企业越来越向现代企业制度演进。在民营企业制度变迁中,技术创新通过影响民营资本和社会资本融合的速度来影响民营企业制度变迁的速度和方向。那些使民营资本和社会资本能够相互认可的技术创新推出的速度越快,就越有利于民营资本和社会资本的融合,也就越有利于民营企业向现代企业制度演进。  相似文献   

At a time of economic transition, when jobs are continually disappearing and emerging, adult education and training in the workplace have developed very rapidly to meet the needs of skills development. This paper looks at how firms and their employees deal with workplace changes in the Shenzhen conurbation, site of China's earliest experiment in introducing a market economy. The author finds that adult education and on-the-job training are taking on new roles in aiding development. He argues that, while learning to reorganise production, firms have taken charge of meeting the demand for human capital in a changing workplace. At the same time, individual employees are becoming conscientious learners and accessing adult education as a means of personal development in their work lives.  相似文献   

At a time of economic transition, when jobs are continually disappearing and emerging, adult education and training in the workplace have developed very rapidly to meet the needs of skills development. This paper looks at how firms and their employees deal with workplace changes in the Shenzhen conurbation, site of China's earliest experiment in introducing a market economy. The author finds that adult education and on-the-job training are taking on new roles in aiding development. He argues that, while learning to reorganise production, firms have taken charge of meeting the demand for human capital in a changing workplace. At the same time, individual employees are becoming conscientious learners and accessing adult education as a means of personal development in their work lives.  相似文献   

改制之后的会计师事务所内部管理面临新的课题,各事务所应努力建立一套规范的事务所内部治理结构,积极追求品牌服务。拓展多元化服务,培育高素质人才。探求国际化发展。  相似文献   

投资与理财专业的教学改革,必须在"1221"人才培养模式的指导下,与当地资本市场和"大金融"的行业发展实际相结合。教学内容中应该高度融入职业资格证书的考试内容,通过与行业融合的实践教学来实现学生的零距离上岗,因地制宜地面向银行、证券和保险三个部门培养"大金融"的客户经理。  相似文献   

随着证券投资基金业在我国的迅速发展,基金评估正成为业务创新的新热点。本就我国基本评估业的现状、证券投资基金评估体系的构造、基金管理公司的投资管理能力、基金投资潜力四个方面进行了论述,指出了我国基金评估体系应遵循的原则以及基金评估指标的选择及应用等问题。  相似文献   

学术界关于抗战期间工矿业官僚资本和民间资本关系的系统研究还很少见,主要是在中国经济史研究中涉及这一问题时从某个角度进行了探讨,而且成果比较分散.本文从企业研究、数据研究、政策研究、行业研究以及方式研究这五种路径来梳理相关的研究成果,同时介绍了学界在抗战期间官僚资本与民间资本的经营范围的划分、发展趋势以及官僚资本垄断地位的认识和评价这三个焦点问题上的争论.此外还探讨了与研究直接相关的核心概念的界定  相似文献   

随着农村劳动力大规模向非农产业转移,农民工职业培训也越来越多。职业培训对农户的生计资本会产生哪些影响,以青海林业资源管理项目所实施的农民职业培训项目为案例进行分析。研究发现,职业培训不仅对农户的人力资本、金融资本有所影响,而且还对社会资本、自然资本有深远的影响。  相似文献   

中国企业改革已进入攻坚阶段,通过进一步的深化改革,我们不仅要建立起规范化的现代企业制度,还要对企业股权结构进行了合理化调整,并通过企业重组实现产业结构的优化升级,能否顺利地将企业改革引向深化,在很大程度上有赖于高效资本市场的支撑。因此,必须充分发挥资本市场在推进企业改革深化中的支撑作用。  相似文献   

This article explores the characteristics involved when higher education institutions (HEIs) engage in management training in smaller firms. Building on previous research on how smaller firms and small firm managers learn and how these learning characteristics relate to the dominating culture in HEIs, the article suggests a tentative framework within which HEI‐based training of SME managers better could be understood and more effectively implemented. Founded on this framework, the article advocates dialogue as a main pedagogical strategy for designing HEI‐based management training programmes; programmes that should also benefit from including consultants as a lubricating interface between the academic world and the smaller firms’ world of practice. The implications drawn from this framework are illustrated by experiences from a pilot management‐training programme for small business managers in northern Sweden.  相似文献   

浙江长兴是我国重要的蓄电池生产基地。目前,长兴蓄电池企业面临难得的机遇:从宏观上看,蓄电池产品市场需求持续旺盛,政府支持蓄电池产业发展;从微观上看,蓄电池行业的集中度较高,下游企业的威胁相对较小。尽管蓄电池企业也存在原材料价格上涨,替代品威胁等不利因素,但整体上是机会大于威胁。各类蓄电池企业应根据宏观环境和行业现状,结合自身的特点,采取不同的竞争策略,以赢得自身的生存和发展。  相似文献   

高职院校实行工学交替、产教一体,专业对接产业,服务地方经济建设,校企双方相互支持、彼此渗透、双向介入、优势互补、资源共享、利益双赢,既是实现人才培养目标的重要保障,也是实现职业教育与企业管理现代化,促进教育和生产可持续发展的重要途径,涉农专业的校企合作可充分依托地方企业的技术设备和生产管理优势,将人才培养与企业的生产需求紧密结合,构建切实可行的工学一体化校企合作模式。  相似文献   

Using 1996 surveyed data of 1023 employees in Shenzhen, China, this study estimated the effects of three forms of human capital on employee salary, namely formal education, on-the-job training provided by employers, and adult education pursued by employees. Using a hierarchical linear model, the analysis estimated employee monthly salary growth over a maximum of six years due to (a) such temporal factors as work experience and improved performance, (b) individual-level characteristics, and (c) firm-level characteristics. This study found that (a) pre-work formal education was positively associated with salary only at hiring, (b) employees' experience in changing production technology as well as on-the-job training were positively associated with salary increases through improved technical proficiency, formal education was not; (c) manufacturing firms introduced more new production technology than the service sector and provided more on-the-job training, thus improving workers' performance and increasing their salary.  相似文献   

现代企业利润的焦点从生产管理转向销售和物流领域,物流活动对企业在竞争中的作用变得越来越显著.物流产业或企业产生于社会分工的细化和深化,企业在各方面的需求和竞争压力面前,使得物流服务水平和服务理念都超过了以往时代,除了提供通常的物流服务之外,还提供个性化的服务.第三方物流的服务创造了巨大的效益和利润,为进一步扩展业务创造了资金聚合的优势,目前正在朝着提供创新和创造型的服务方向发展.  相似文献   

金融后台服务外包始于20世纪70年代,是与银行等金融机构的直接经营活动相对分离,并为其提供服务与支撑的业务部门。20世纪90年代以来,金融后台业务外移成为金融业经营的一种新策略,大量金融机构趋向于将企业内部的一些非前台业务或职能集中转移出总部所在地,甚至通过合约的方式外包给外部服务提供商。外包的业务主要包括数据处理中心、银行卡中心、结算中心、呼叫中心、灾备中心、档案中心、研发中心、培训中心等。发展金融后台服务外包是我国调整产业结构、转变增长方式的必然要求,也是拓展利用外资领域、转变外贸增长方式的重要途径。大连要充分发挥优势,弥补劣势,把握机遇,迎接挑战,提高金融后台服务业的竞争力。  相似文献   

随着全球金融危机的爆发,发达国家众多产业出现了危机,这与其资本结构安全性以及企业市场战略密切相关,即资本结构和产业竞争存在内在的联系。基于此,文章简要阐述了资本结构与产业竞争的基本理论,对资本结构和产业竞争理论进行了分析,最终得出了产业竞争对上市公司资本结构会产生的影响,以及资本结构对产业竞争产生的影响。  相似文献   

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