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By using unique survey data, we conduct a detailed study of the gender salary gap within economics departments in Japan. Despite the presence of rigid pay scales emphasizing age and experience, there is a 7% gender salary gap after controlling for rank and detailed personal, job, institutional and human capital characteristics. This gender salary gap exists within ranks. We find no gender promotion differences. In addition, we find a concentration of the salary gap in public universities and in research oriented universities. Our results show no evidence that the gender salary gap is reducing over time, and reject the hypothesis that females’ choice between household work and market activities is responsible for the gender salary gap.  相似文献   

This study identifies changes in employment and starting salary gaps among business graduates by gender during the 1980s. Although national data indicate that both employment conditions and earnings improved for women in general over the past decade, our results indicate that, at least for a select group of younger women, labor market conditions were mixed. First, female graduates majoring in business found it less difficult, both in absolute and relative terms, to secure full-time employment after graduation throughout the 1980s. That is, the employment success rate for these females increased relative to their male counterparts. Second, regardless of whether mean, regression, or decomposition analysis is used to calculate the gender gap in starting salaries, the gap continued to increase throughout the last decade. In addition, both the regression and decomposition results suggest that the mean starting salaries gap underestimated the actual gap for the two periods studied. Finally, the study suggests that of the college-acquired characteristics found to be significant determinants of employment success and starting salaries in the early 1980s, only academic achievement continued to play a significant positive role by the end of the decade.  相似文献   

本文采用中国劳动统计年鉴(1989-2019)的有关数据对1988-2018年间我国教师工资的空间分布、相对位序和演变趋势进行了系统分析。研究发现:就我国教师工资的总体水平来看,在三十年间获得了巨大的提升,其绝对数量增长了51倍,年均增长率达14%;就我国教师工资在不同省份和地区的均衡分配程度来看,整体上呈现出从绝对均衡向相对均衡的发展趋势;就我国教师工资收入在全部国民经济行业中的相对位置来看,呈现出频繁变动的趋势和先下降后逐渐回升的趋势;就我国教师群体内部工资差距来看,呈现出不同教育阶段教师工资间的差距持续拉大的趋势。考虑到教师在培养社会劳动力中的重要性,在未来的发展中,要更加重视从整体上提升教师群体的工资水平和其他待遇,特别是要重视提高初等教育阶段教师的工资收入。  相似文献   

This study predicts faculty salaries using data collected at a large public university on publications, teaching and administrative hours, years of education and experience, department, sex, race, and interaction terms. Female faculty earn 24 percent less than male faculty; 17 or 41 percent of this differential is attributable to discrimination, depending on the particular set of salary determinants used. Unlike previous investigators, this study does not find discrimination in favor of minority faculty members. The choice of variables and form of model appropriate for a study of salary discrimination are discussed.  相似文献   

This study predicts faculty salaries using data collected at a large public university on publications, teaching and administrative hours, years of education and experience, department, sex, race, and interaction terms. Female faculty earn 24 percent less than male faculty; 17 or 41 percent of this differential is attributable to discrimination, depending on the particular set of salary determinants used. Unlike previous investigators, this study does not find discrimination in favor of minority faculty members. The choice of variables and form of model appropriate for a study of salary discrimination are discussed.  相似文献   

Many different approaches, almost all of which use some form of regression, have been used to study the issue of gender equity in university faculty salaries. One major point of contention in ail of these approaches is whether faculty rank, which is university conferred, should be included as a predictor variable. Two illustrations are presented to demonstrate how omitting faculty rank as a predictor variable from gender equity studies of university faculty salaries can lead to incorrect conclusions concerning gender discrimination. The first illustration uses hypothetical data constructed so that there is no difference in salary due to gender. However, when faculty rank is not included as a predictor variable in the regression model, there is a significant difference in salary due to gender. The second illustration uses actual data from a study of gender equity in pay at Bowling Green State University. This data set is used to construct a new data set that is totally free of gender bias. When a regression model omitting faculty rank is fit to this gender bias-free data, again a significant difference in salary due to gender is present. Therefore, it is recommended that faculty rank be included as a predictor variable in any model used to study gender equity relating to salary.  相似文献   

工资薪金个人所得税,是个人所得税收的主体组成部分,由支付工资、薪金所得的单位和个人负责代扣代缴。由于工资薪金个人所得税征税项目规定复杂,特别是单位内部分配形式多样化的情况下,扣缴义务人不易掌握。本文仅对特殊情况下工资、薪金收入个人所得税的计算予以探讨,以期完善个人所得税的代扣代缴工作。  相似文献   

工资薪金个人所得税,是个人所得税收的主体组成部分,由支付工资、薪金所得的单位和个人负责代扣代缴。由于工资薪金个人所得税征税项目规定复杂,特别是单位内部分配形式多样化的情况下,扣缴义务人不易掌握。本文仅对特殊情况下工资、薪金收入个人所得税的计算予以探讨,以期完善个人所得税的代扣代缴工作。  相似文献   

This paper presents estimates of the gender salary gap and discrimination based on the most recent national faculty survey data. New estimates for 1999 indicate that male faculty members still earn 20.7% more than comparable female colleagues. Depending upon which decomposition technique is employed, the portion of this gap attributable to discrimination is 17% or, 19–23%. Both estimates of the unexplained salary gap are lower than previous estimates. Furthermore, application of the Juhn technique shows that differences in salary structure, especially between research and liberal arts institutions, constitutes an important determinant of the relative gender pay gap between institutional types.  相似文献   

We employ new data to examine how public higher education institutions adjusted the salaries and composition of their business faculty during a financially challenging period. The data's multilevel structure allows us to describe changes in between-institution inequality, within-institution inequality, and their interaction. To examine the role of finances, we compare public and private institutions and employ difference and fixed-effects models to study the effect of state appropriations. Our results indicate that financially stressed publics almost matched the salary increases of their competitors between 1999 and 2006, but reductions in the number of professorsespecially full professorsaccompanied this salary growth. The salary gap across public institutions increased, while within institutions, salary compression and salary inequality within rank grew.  相似文献   

Around the world, multiple-choice tests are widely used as part of high-stakes examinations. To counteract lucky guessing, many of them have instituted a penalty for wrong answers. In this paper, we use administrative data from Turkish college admissions test to study the heterogeneity in gender differences in tendency to leave questions blank across subjects, difficulty levels, and stakes. Exploiting the tracking system and using the resulting variation in the effective guessing penalty across different test sections, we find that female test-takers skip significantly more questions than male test-takers in the quantitative track while we do not find a significant difference in other tracks. Among quantitative track students, the gender gap is larger in Math and when questions are more difficult while it reverses in Literature. We also find that self-assessment is related to skipping behavior and explains part of the gender gap. Male test-takers are more likely than female test-takers to report that they are good at Math, Science, and Social Science after conditioning on their number of correct answers in the corresponding test sections. This gender gap, consistently with the one in skipping behavior, reverses when it comes to Literature. Differently from previous literature, our findings suggest that the magnitude and the sign of the gender gap in answering questions under uncertainty is context dependent.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes changes in the teacher salary schedules of Michigan school districts between 1970 and 1980. We find that starting salaries, expressed in 1970 dollars, decreased by an average of 20% over the decade. Real maximum salaries decreased by 15%. The between-district variability of starting salaries increased markedly over the decade, making the average starting salary a much poorer estimate of the starting salary a particular teacher earned in 1980 than was the case in 1970. The between-district variability of maximum salaries did not increase over the decade. Student enrollment changes were a significant predictor of the changes in maximum salaries. Districts that experienced the greatest percentage losses in students tended to experience the greatest declines in real maximum salaries. Student enrollment changes were also related to changes in starting salaries, but the relationship was more complex.  相似文献   

Academic salary compression occurs when professors of lower professorial rank earn salaries close to—or even higher than—salaries of more senior faculty. We present a modified maximum likelihood method for fitting flexible Dagum distributions to limited data that provide only the minimum, maximum, mean, and sample size, and we use this method to study salary compression across 15 academic disciplines over the past 22 years. After examining mean-based compression ratios, we estimate salary percentiles and explore stochastic dominance relationships between estimated salary distributions for different disciplines and professorial ranks. Although salary compression is not seen in most academic disciplines, it is prevalent in business-related disciplines, is increasing in these disciplines, and exhibits examples of stochastic dominance. In addition, salary compression increases as competing nonacademic salaries increase. Finally, we evaluate our methodology, showing that it would likely be useful in a variety of settings.  相似文献   

教师绩效工资改革的国外研究及其启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着国外教师工资改革的不断推进,学者对教师绩效工资改革的研究不断拓展和深入。梳理发现,研究内容主要集中在教师工资与教师供给、教师工资与学生产出、教师工资与教师流失以及公立学校和私立学校绩效工资改革对比研究等方面。对国外绩效工资改革的反思,使我们认识到教师工资制度改革必须要与学校组织的变革有机结合;政策制定、实施要努力做到"程序公平";采用合理的评价标准和方式;正确对待绩效工资,将其看作一个持续的工作而不断完善。  相似文献   

本文通过多元Logit回归模型对北京市中小学教师收入的影响因素进行了实证分析。研究结果表明,中小学教师内部存在明显的收入差异;教师教龄、职称、荣誉称号、行政职务、班主任岗位、学校办学质量、学校所处地理位置以及办学层级对教师收入影响显著。在研究结果基础上提出:要提高中小学校班主任津贴补助;优化校内津贴分配制度,平衡学校中层干部与普通教师的工资差距;建立公平的教育资源分配制度,缩小教师收入的城乡差异和校际差异;调整工资结构,进一步强化国家和省(市)政府教师工资统筹的责任。  相似文献   

We investigate the male–female gap in principal compensation in state and national data: detailed longitudinal personnel records from Missouri and repeated cross-sections from the nationally representative Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS). In both data sets, we estimate substantively important compensation gaps for school leaders. In Missouri, female principals make approximately $1,450 less annually than their male colleagues with similar characteristics, including experience level and degree attainment, leading the same school in different years. Gaps are present in both base salary and extra duty salary, and are only partially explained by career paths or workplace sorting. SASS analyses show that women make about $1,000 less than men nationally, on average, a gap that even grows larger once accounting for individual and workplace characteristics, teacher-supplied effectiveness ratings, and reported hours worked. The presence of these residual gaps after accounting for many supply-side explanations may signal gender discrimination in school principal compensation.  相似文献   

工资管理工作是一项重要而繁杂的日常性工作 ,各单位工资录入、计算、合计等需要通过大量的手工完成 ,数据量多 ,处理速度慢 ,耗费劳动力大 ,而且极易出错 目前有工资管理系统 ,但许多系统不具有通用性 ,特别不能适应工资结构的变化 ,在现行工资管理制度的基础上 ,我们设计和实现了一个通用动态的工资管理系统(GDSMS) ,用计算机管理代替以往大量的手工工资管理 GDSMS包括表结构、固定工资等 7个数据表单 ,实现了公式设置、动态设置表格、科学的报表打印等多项功能 ,并将信息分为固定项和变动项来减少数据输入 GDSMS实现了工资电算化 ,能减轻工作人员的劳动量 ,提高工作效率 ,促进办公自动化  相似文献   

In a study of the compensation of over 600 college and university presidents, both individual characteristics (tenure in the position, gender, and whether or not the person was hired from inside) and institutional characteristics (size, resources, university type, and form of control) were found to predict salary. In private institutions, size, resources, and type (university, four-year college, two-year college) had more effect on salary than in public colleges and universities. There is evidence that over the period from 1978 to 1983, salaries increased more in private organizations, and the link between level of resources and compensation increased in public colleges. The results, taken as a whole, are consistent both with functional theories of compensation as well as with perspectives that emphasize the attribution of effectiveness to leaders.  相似文献   

以2013~2014美职篮球员年薪及反映球员业绩的各项统计数据为基础,试图构建模型来揭示美职篮球员业绩的指标与球员年薪之间的定量关系。通过对美职篮球员年薪的回归分析,计算出球员各指标对其年薪的影响程度。研究发现,年薪取对数后与得分的对数、球员篮板数、球员失误数、球员犯规数、球员上场时间和球员年龄具有线性关系。其中,球员得分、球员失误数和球员犯规数对球员的年薪影响较大。由此得出,职业运动员的年薪不能只考虑得分等正向贡献,还应考虑包括负面"贡献"在内的多方面因素后而综合确定。  相似文献   

Females are more likely to attend Canadian universities and their participation rate has been increasing faster than that of males, generating a 15 percentage point gap by 2005. We investigate the determinants of attending university and explore the reasons for the increasing gender gap. As in the US literature, we find that conventional decompositions, averaging over the whole sample, attribute most of the gender gap to differences in variables, notably the University Premium. The average sample approach in these decompositions abstracts from the evolution over time of the participation rates by gender and from important detail at specific points in time, features that we try to overcome. We find that the rising level of the university participation rate for both women and men can be explained by changing societal norms, the dynamic influence of parental education, the University Premium, tuition fees and real income. The 2005 gap between the female and male participation rates can be accounted mostly (9 percentage points) by the gender differences in the University Premium and, to a lesser extent (6 percentage points), by differences in the coefficients in the female and male participation equations.  相似文献   

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