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刘裕为了排除竞争对手和根除后患大杀功臣异己,成为关中失守和尔后宋魏战争刘宋屡败的重要原因之一。刘裕出身低微,担心高门士族不能屈尊拥戴他,于是大杀士族豪强以树立朝望;惟恐晋司马氏复辟,于是对其诛戮不已,造成其后国内政局动荡、树立死敌;刘裕首开杀害禅位皇帝和残害前朝宗室的先例,使其后代自食其果。刘裕因猜忌杀害功臣名将的衣钵被其后代继承,重用宗室政策,成为宗室叛乱和骨肉相残的根源。这些都加速了刘宋王朝的衰败和灭亡。  相似文献   

晋宋宗室官员考课是在当时王朝常规考黜制度规范下进行,并不存在专为宗室官员制定的特殊规定.两晋宗室官员考黜周期大致为6年,刘宋宗室官员的考黜周期则大致是3年左右,相较而言,短于刘宋早期的任官周期而略接近于孝武帝以后的任职周期.西晋皇权强大,刘宋皇权复振,且都推行重用宗亲的政策,故而西晋和刘宋的宗室官员在考课方面虽然遵守常规进行优劣评定、赏能罚否,但事实上能得到额外优待,有罪黜免时往往法外施恩,甚至免官后的起复也较庶姓为易,因此仕宦较为顺利,容易升迁要职,但也不无宽纵之弊.东晋皇权衰弱,宗室政策与高级门阀利益相抵触而难以施行,宗室官员的考课黜陟反较庶姓官员更为严格,多有贬谪,仕宦因此比较艰难,担任清官要职的机率降低.  相似文献   

孙权是三国鼎立时期的一代英主,正是他的励精图治才使得孙吴在魏、吴、蜀三国中国运最长.然而,由于自身性格特点和客观环境变化,在他统治后期也出现了许多弊政,如猜忌杀戮重臣;虚伪自持,好大喜功;立嗣举棋不定,废长立幼;币制紊乱,刑法苛重,任用酷吏等.这些弊政耗费了大量财富,使得孙吴后期人才调零,权臣和宗室专权,加速了孙吴政权的衰亡.  相似文献   

范晔受到宋文帝的重用,原因有二:一是在刘义康刘湛朋党被清除后,宋文帝急需人才,而范晔与刘义康交恶,故在政治上可靠;二是范晔的生父范泰对宋文帝有恩。范晔虽然受到重用,但也种下了被杀的苦果。由于宋文帝性格猜忌,不信任大臣,所以在大臣制造不和,以范晔桀骜的性格,长期在此环境下,必然会有过激的行为,这是他被杀的主要背景。  相似文献   

随着刘宋政权的建立,东晋士族门阀政治日趋衰落,皇权政治逐渐复兴。但门阀士族在相当长的时间内仍是皇权依靠的重要势力,他们与新起的庶族、宗室等力量不可避免地展开了权力的争夺。细绎每一次刘宋宗室内乱,都可以发现门阀士族的身影活跃其间。可以说,在宗室内乱中,高门与寒庶、高门与皇权之间的斗争是一味重要的催化剂。  相似文献   

三萧论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、晚年的梁武帝与梁後期政治 南朝宋、齐二朝,宫廷内政治斗争残酷而惨烈,宋之武帝、文帝,齐之高帝、武帝,史称英明之主,然嗣主多残暴之君。如宋文帝之子元凶刘劭弑父,为恶不悛,武陵王刘骏起兵,废杀刘劭自立,是为孝武帝。刘骏死後,其子刘子业凶暴逾于常人,为刘或所废,即明帝。明帝猜忌宗室,大行诛杀,《南史·後废帝纪》说:“孝武帝二十八子,明帝杀其十六,馀皆帝(後废帝刘昱)杀之。”[第一段]  相似文献   

刘宋时期,为重振皇权、抑制世族势力,引宗王全面参政,由于宗王势力的膨胀,导致空前残酷的宗室大屠杀。在宗室内乱中,寒人与宗王、帝王彼此利用。寒人或被倚作心腹、参与高层机密,或直接被利用为屠杀工具;寒人也利用宗室的矛盾获取或扩大自己的利益,势力也得到了扩张。  相似文献   

刘宋王朝中后期,发生了一系列大规模的宗室内乱,其原因在于宗王势力过大,缺乏牵制与平衡的异姓力量;帝王及宗王素质较差;皇位继承失序.内乱导致大权旁落,大批寒人进入政权.  相似文献   

“元嘉之治”后,孝武帝刘骏励精图治,延续文帝的劝农政策,强化君主专制权力,力求恢复元嘉繁荣局面。但是孝武帝的上述努力很难使刘宋恢复到“元嘉之治”的治世水平。国家财政体系发生重大改变,朝廷对地方经济控制力减弱,财政状况持续恶化,币制日益混乱,甚至不得不对地方豪强的经济利益做出重大让步。孝武帝去世后,刘宋王朝在残酷的宗室内战中毁灭。  相似文献   

后汉书   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者范晔(公元398———445),字蔚宗,祖籍顺阳(今河南浙川),家居山阴(今浙江绍兴)。祖父范宁,曾作《春秋穀梁传集解》,父范泰,长于经学,善长文章,在东晋末年和南朝刘宋做大官。范晔生于晋安帝隆安二年,过继给从伯父范弘之,袭封武兴县五等侯。少好学,博览经史,善文章,通音律。宋文帝元嘉十六  相似文献   

韩信被杀的原因,古往今来人们多归咎于刘邦等人的猜忌残忍,而很少从其自身上考察。韩信被杀,就其自身来讲,有政治理想的模糊、位置关系的混乱、性格心理的高傲、报复意念的强烈等原因。  相似文献   

The intentional evoking of jealousy has received little attention in interpersonal research, yet eliciting jealousy in another may perform critical functions in relationships such as meeting personal needs and relational goals. The purposes of these two studies were to examine how evoking jealousy may be used as a communicative strategy in relationships, and to develop the Evoking Jealousy Scale. Two studies examined evoking jealousy, relationship orientation (exchange versus communal), positive responses to jealousy, and equity in relationships. Results from study one indicated both exchange oriented and communal oriented individuals make attempts to evoke jealousy from their partners. Results from study two indicate the only variable in this study related to the active strategy of evoking jealousy was being exchange oriented. Feelings of equity, being overbenefited, and communal orientation each were related to positive responses to feeling jealous. The Evoking Jealousy Scale was developed and tested in study two and appears to have good face validity, unidimensional factor structure, and internal reliability  相似文献   

Jealousy is a social emotion that has received little attention by developmental researchers. The current study examined sibling jealousy and its relations to child and family characteristics in 60 families with a 16-month-old toddler and an older preschool-age sibling. Sibling jealousy was elicited in social triads consisting of a parent (mother or father) and the two siblings. Positive marital relationship quality (i.e., love and relationship maintenance) was a particularly strong predictor of the older siblings' abilities to regulate jealousy reactions in the mother sessions. Younger siblings' jealous affect with mothers was linked to the child's temperament, whereas older siblings' jealous affect with mothers was related to the child's emotional understanding. Younger siblings displayed more behavioral dysregulation in the mother-sibling triads if there was greater sibling rivalry reported by mothers. Session order (i.e., which sibling was challenged first in the jealousy paradigm) had a strong effect on both the affect and behavioral dysregulation displayed by the older and younger siblings. Results are discussed with respect to the need for future research to consider social relationships as developmental contexts for young children's emotion regulation.  相似文献   

《金瓶梅》人物妒忌心理描写,揭示了中国古代一夫多妻家庭矛盾的人性心理根源,展现了妒忌心理对人性的扭曲、变态的巨大影响力。与类似的小说相比,《金瓶梅》妒忌心理的描写还展现出了它与一般描写妒妇、悍妇形象小说的不同之处:不仅借妒忌刻画人物性格,而且由此推动了情节的发展,成为小说情节发展的原动力之一。  相似文献   

苏东坡<寄吴德仁兼简陈季常>诗中的"河东狮子吼",实指柳真龄说经以戏陈季常,非指陈季常的夫人柳氏"凶妒",也非指陈季常"畏内".南宋人洪迈言"河东狮子,指柳氏"的说法,是错误理解了此诗的原意,亦误解了黄庭坚与陈季常尺牍的含意.清人王文浩对"河东狮子吼"的注释虽然正确,但言柳氏于元丰六年病故,言陈季常无妹亦有误.  相似文献   

This study examined jealousy situations among married versus dating relationships, the uncertainty jealousy induced, and communicative responses. Participants (N = 155) described situations, and analytic inductive procedures identified 9 jealousy situations. Comparisons indicate the Presence of Attractive Romantic Alternative and Choice of a Non-Romantic Other situations are most common among dating partners, whereas Choice of a Non-Romantic Other and Never Experienced Jealousy are most common among married couples. Dating partners experienced greater partner uncertainty following jealous situations. Situations differed in production of partner and relational uncertainty, satisfaction, and impact on other aspects of life.  相似文献   

颜之推《颜氏家训.文章》云刘孝绰忌恨何逊。从何、刘酬和及赠答诗来看,二人是相交甚深的知己。颜之推不喜欢也不理解诽谐文章。“(忄画)(忄画)不道车”并非忌恨之句,而是嘲谑之语。从萧衍不喜四声及沈约、何逊等人行车来看,《太平广经》引载的萧衍君臣作叠韵故事不可能发生,何逊出生寒族,性格孤傲或许就是梁武帝“何逊不逊”之语的深层原因。  相似文献   

There is a general confusion about the precise meanings of the words envy and jealousy. This paper explores the significance of this observation for clinical work. When their meanings are clear the clinician is able to hear things in the psychotherapy situation not previously heard and understand psychic and conflict in a new and useful way. With this new perspective envy and jealousy can be seen to be specific biopsychosocial response patterns of the perceptual, cognitive, affectve and intentional mental functions keyed to the two basic conditions of human existence, not having (envy) and having (jealousy) advantages deemed requirements of life. These response patterns are evoked by perceptual events which inform the individual of one's relative position vis à vis the requirements of one's life. A dynamic relationship is observable between envious and jealous dispositions; one begets the other. Each connotes a threat to the established sense of self. Various unconscious mechanisms of defense can be employed to ward off the threat posed by not having or losing whatever or whomever has come to be regarded as a requirement of life. Maladaptive solutions give rise to maladaptive character traits and psychopathological syndromes. A syndrome frequently seen in students is paralysis of intention, one manifestation of which may be procrastination, which is described and analyzed from the perspective afforded by the pscyhology of envy and jealousy. An inference based on observation of similar themes in many individuals is that the states of envy and jealousy become internalized as structured dispositions, the Beloved Ideal and the Nemesis. The psychology of envy/jealousy has internal consistency and therapeutic precision in its application. The paper concludes with a report of the application of the new frame of reference in the treatment of two students seen in brief psychotherapy.  相似文献   

南宋词人黄的渊明情结   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南宋后期江湖词人黄,受崇陶之风的影响,表现出浓厚的渊明情结。他崇拜陶渊明正气凛然、不屈服于强权与顺应大化、保素守真、悠然自得的高尚人格,同时,与陶渊明一样,其内心亦有不平静的一面。这是在南宋新的历史条件下,宋人对陶渊明等隐士的隐逸人格做出的时代文化解读的反映。  相似文献   

王安石形象在《宋史》与邓广铭笔下是截然不同的。在邓广铭笔下,王安石是一个少年胸怀远大抱负,入仕后学以致用,为改变北宋积贫积弱局面,造福于民而勇于与大地主阶级斗争之人,对于政治、经济、文化、军事,他都具有自己的韬略和具体施政方针,是一位杰出的政治改革家。但是在《宋史》以及随后的八百年间,他是一个不近人情、为达目的疯狂排斥自己的恩人和挚友之人,他祸国殃民,是北宋灭亡的罪魁祸首。为还原一个真实的王安石,文章力图从二者成书的选材、王安石的个人品质及思想和两者对新法评价的态度的不同来进行比较。  相似文献   

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