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目的:通过对我国2005~2008年参加中华全国体育基金会(China Sports Foundation)伤残互助保险并获理赔的741名柔道运动员运动损伤的发生部位、损伤类型及发生率进行统计分析,探讨预防或减少创伤的措施。方法:采用文献资料法和数理统计法。结果:损伤好发部位依次是膝关节、腰部、耳部、肘关节、踝关节和肩关节。损伤类型依次是:骨折、半月板损伤、韧带损伤、耳廓损伤、关节扭伤、椎间盘突出症、脱位。结论:加强医务监督和易伤部位的运动防护,重视核心力量、易伤关节周围肌肉力量和本体感觉的训练能有效地预防柔道运动损伤的发生,减少损伤的复发率和有利于损伤的康复。  相似文献   

我国摔跤运动员运动损伤现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:通过对我国2005-2008年参加中华全国体育基金会(China Sports Foundation)伤残互助保险并获理赔的1010名摔跤运动员运动损伤的发生部位、损伤类型及发生比例进行统计分析,探讨预防或减少创伤的措施。方法:采用文献资料法和数理统计法。结果:损伤好发部位依次是:耳部(30.59%)、膝关节(24.39%)、腰部(13.20%)、肘关节(5.42%)、颈部(4.46%)、肩关节(3.58%)和踝关节(2.01%)。损伤多发类型依次是:耳廓损伤(发生率29.90%)、半月板损伤(10.40%)、骨折(9.88%)、椎间盘突出症(9.10%)、韧带损伤(7.80%)、关节扭伤(7.63%)和脱位(4.16%)。结论:加强医务监督和易伤部位的运动防护,提高专项训练技术水平,重视核心力量、易伤关节周围肌肉力量和本体感觉的训练能有效地预防摔跤运动损伤的发生,减少损伤的复发率和有利于损伤的康复。  相似文献   

本文从摔跤运动损伤的特点、部位、损伤的成因、损伤的预防等主要问题进行了探析,有助于教练员和运动员了解摔跤训练中损伤的易伤部位,有针对性地加强易伤关节的周围肌肉力量和平衡协调性训练,掌握摔跤训练中运动损伤的发病规律,实现有效的预防和保护,减少运动损伤的发生。  相似文献   

唐丽 《体育世界》2010,(12):12-13
运动损伤是严重困扰体操训练和比赛的重要影响因素之一。本文以参加2006年中俄青少年体操比赛的国家体操二队及天津体操队的体操运动员为研究对象,旨在探讨高水平体操运动员运动损伤的发生率、类型、性质、部位、季节及其损伤原因。研究结果表明:高水平体操运动员运动损伤发生率较高;损伤类型以韧带及关节囊的损伤为主;损伤的部位以踝关节的损伤为主;冬季是运动损伤的高发季节;支撑过多、局部负担过重和训练量和强度过大,力量差是造成运动损伤的主要因素。通过对损伤原因的分析,提出了预防损伤的一些措施。  相似文献   

篮球运动是一项非常普及和极具锻炼价值的运动,深受大学生的喜爱和痴迷,在大学校园里蓬勃发展。但该运动也是各类损伤发生较多的项目,运动损伤发生的部位依次为手指、踝关节、膝部、腕部等,常见损伤类型为关节韧带扭伤、肌肉拉伤等,致伤原因主要是准备活动不足、技术问题、身体负担过大等。文章针对这些情况提出了一些预防篮球运动损伤的有效措施,以指导大学生防止和减少损伤事故的发生。  相似文献   

运用数理统计等方法对NBA球员运动损伤进行分析,研究表明:NBA篮球运动员运动损伤率排名依次为后卫、前锋、中锋;各部位运动损伤次数依次为脚踝、膝盖、背部等,以拉伤、扭伤为主;各位置球员运动损伤部位差异显著;损伤与运动员年龄、比赛年限相关;高龄球员重复损伤高于年轻球员。建议:按球员位置制定运动损伤预防方案;加强易伤部位训练;合理安排老队员上场时间;积极开展运动员思想教育。  相似文献   

<正> 在体育教学与训练中,严重的伤害事故较少见,但由骨、关节和肌肉构成的运动器官的捩、挫、闪、扭及劳损却较为常见,尤以腰、膝、踝、肩、肘、腕等部位的运动损伤更易发生。预防运动损伤的原则和方法是多方面的,而易伤部位的体育锻炼,就是预防运动损伤的一种积极性手段。这是因为:  相似文献   

通过对我国体操运动员常见运动损伤的学习研究,归纳了体操运动员的损伤部位,分析了损伤原因、性质,掌握损伤发病规律,并提出相应的对策与建议,以便在今后的体操训练和比赛中,有效地预防和减少运动创伤的发生。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法、数据统计法、逻辑分析法,对青少年武术套路运动员运动损伤情况调查与分析,研究结果表明:运动损伤类型列前位依次为关节损伤、肌肉劳损、肌肉拉伤、骨膜损伤;运动员损伤部位依次为腰部、膝部、腿部、踝关节、腕关节。发生损伤的原因有运动负荷的安排调控、技术动作掌握、带伤训练、准备活动不够到位等因素。本文将根据损伤调查情况,提出相应预防策略。  相似文献   

在日常训练与体育教学中,严重的伤害事故虽较少见,但由骨、关节和骨肌肉构成的运动器官的挫、闪、扭、拉及劳损都较为常见,尤以腰、膝、踝、肩、肘、腕等部位的运动损伤较易发生。预防运动损伤的原则和方法是多方面的,而易伤部位的体育锻炼则是预防运动损伤的一种积极有效的手段。这是因为:第一,从生理解剖的角度来分析,是由于人体某些部位生理解剖结构薄弱,极易受伤。如躁关节的距肿前韧带力量较差,若遭受外力冲击,较容易引起韧带扭伤,膝关节的内外侧副韧带力矩长、力量差,四周围缺乏肌肉保护,因而膝关节受伤机会较多,挠腕关…  相似文献   

了解我国优秀体操和女子手球运动员运动损伤发生率和发生部位及特点,探讨致伤的原因及机理。  相似文献   


This paper examines the influence of selected risk factors on injuries among male players of competition handball. Data relating to risk factors were collected using a self-report questionnaire. The factors that were examined were age, height, weight, body mass index, field position, past sport experience, level of competition, pre-season conditioning, number of practices per week, frequency of participation in games, use of prophylactic equipment, use of stretching exercises, and technical training. The questionnaire was administered to 216 male handball players. Nearly half of the players (42.6% or n=92) reported that they had been injured during the previous two years. The injury incidence was 8.14 injuries per 1,000 game hours for the preceding two years. Logistic regression analysis revealed that the variables “use of prophylactic equipment” and the “number of practices per week” contributed significantly to the prediction of an injury in handball players. The results of this study suggest that it is possible to reduce injury occurrence by giving specific attention to players using prophylactic equipment and to the lower-competition-level players.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the throwing velocity and kinematics of overarm throwing in team handball of elite female and male handball players. Kinematics and ball velocity of a 7 metre-throw in eleven elite male (age 23.6 ± 5.2 yr, body mass 87.0 ± 6.8 kg, height 1.85 ± 0.05 m) and eleven elite female (age 20.3 ± 1.8 yr, body mass 69.9 ± 5.5 kg, height 1.75 ± 0.05 m) team handball players were recorded. The analysis consisted of maximal joint angles, angles at ball release, maximal angular velocities of the joint movements, and maximal linear velocities of the distal endpoints of segments and their timing during the throw. The ball release velocity of the male handball players was significantly higher than the females (21.1 vs. 19.2 m · s(-1); p < 0.05). No major differences in kinematics were found, except for the maximal endpoint velocities of the hand and wrist segment, indicating that male and female handball players throw with the same technique. It was concluded that differences in throwing velocity in elite male and female handball players are generally not the result of changes in kinematics in the joint movements.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、观察法、逻辑分析等方法,对国际和国内手球重大比赛进行了调研;根据中国手球运动员的形态特征,研制了一套符合专项比赛需求以及结合专项特点对内锋队员运用行进间垫步假动作后突然变向一步跳起射门技术动作进行了训练和分析,旨在推进中国手球运动员更好地运用这项技术,进而使内锋队员在比赛中更大限度的发挥作用。  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the place of early development in a sample of Danish male elite and youth handball and football players. The sample included 366 handball and football players from the elite Danish league in the season 2011–2012 and a comparison sample of youth players under the age of 12 from 2003, including 147,221 football and 26,290 handball players. Odds ratio analysis showed that both population size and density significantly affected the proportional number of youth players per community and the odds of athletes reaching an elite level in football and handball. The odds for youth player registrations in both handball and football increased in rural in contrast to urban communities. However, elite football players primarily came from communities of high density (>1000 pop./km2), whereas elite handball players primarily came from less densely populated communities (100 to <250 pop./km2). Furthermore, there seems to be a relation between representation of elite and talent clubs in different communities and the probability of becoming an elite player in both sports. The limited number of elite players in both sports from rural communities may be due to national talent development strategies that do not incorporate development support for clubs in rural areas. Additionally, the results of the study clearly suggest the need to include the youth player population to advance research findings in birthplace effect studies.  相似文献   

采用《运动情境决策测试系统(手球运动情境版)》,考察女子手球运动员的认知决策与直觉决策绩效。结果表明,手球运动中存在直觉决策;手球运动中的认知决策和直觉决策任务是两类不同性质的任务,不同水平的女子手球运动员在这两类任务的作业绩效上存在差异。  相似文献   

通过对手球运动员与普通大学生的体成分与生理机能进行测试和比较分析,探讨手球运动员体成分与生理机能的特点,为手球运动员科学选材和运动训练提供理论参考。  相似文献   

Salivary cortisol, androstenedione delta 4, and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) in 20 elite sportswomen were measured using radioimmunoassay in samples taken 5 min before and after a handball or volleyball competition. Three psychometric tests--State Trait Anxiety Inventory, Bortner, and Questionnaire de Personnalité pour Sportifs (questionnaire of personality for sports participants)--were used to evaluate the participants' personalities. Results indicated higher concentrations of cortisol and lower concentrations of delta 4 and DHEA in handball players before and after the competition. Cortisol values increased significantly during the competition in both groups. No changes were observed in androgen levels. The state of anxiety was higher in handball players, characterized by Pattern A behavior, whereas Pattern B behavior defined the volleyball players. The results suggest that adrenocortical changes during handball and volleyball competition are influenced by the different energy systems required by the two activities, individual personality characteristics, and the athlete's anxiety level relative to winning or losing.  相似文献   

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