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The authors argue that learning is not only a process basing on speech but as well one of the body. Learning also includes civilizing the body, being able to control the muscles and the emotions and to behave in different contexts. Each institution and culture develops modes of bodily behavour. Institutions like schools, societies and political systems present different models that are to be learned. The question of the following article is that which models for pupils the two German systems had developed and how these where performed by the pupils. The autors show that the model of the diligent pupil was present in both systems, because the behaviour connected to this model is functionally adequate for learning. Western Germany also promoted the model of the “pensive” pupil which was mainly presented for male students. The GDR developed the “socialist pupil personality” that included a political role as an activist and “polytechnics”. But it was difficult to find an own presentation for that. From the sixties on the model ressembled more and more that of the diligent pupil.  相似文献   

The introduction of comparative tests in a low-stakes system was carried out in the expectation that the data feedback to schools would act as a stimulus for the development of the schools and the standard of classroom teaching. By contrast with the use of data to develop teaching, the use of data for personnel development has not yet been studied in Germany. On the basis of an on-line survey of head teachers and a paper-and-pencil survey of teaching staff, the study examines for the first time the extent to which comparative test data is used by head teachers for personnel development and as a means to plan in-service training in subject conferences, and what factors influence whether the data is used in this way. Of the head teacher characteristics which were studied (attitude in relation to the perceived usefulness of the data, qualifications, organisation and age of the head teacher), usefulness is the only characteristic which has a positive effect on the use of the data. The use of comparative test data to plan in-service training in subject conferences is positively influenced by data-wise leadership by the head teacher and by collaborative evaluation.  相似文献   

Music, visual arts and design instruction has hardly been studied by the educational research community in Switzerland. Beyond a narrow group of specialists, there is little aware-ness of the basic pedagogical premises, subject matter expertise and the theoretical underpinnings of music visual art and design education although these areas of instruction are firmly anchored in the education goals for compulsory public schooling that have been outlined at national level in Switzerland and a generous amount of instructional time appears to be allocated to these subject areas in comparison with curriculum guidelines in other countries. This paper presents the findings of a trend analysis focused on music, visual arts and design instruction in Switzerland. It shows the importance accorded to aesthetic subjects within the scope of compulsory public education, explores differences in the amount of time resources allocated to these subject areas and describes the subject-specific and cross-functional goals and objectives. Teacher education programs are also examined as their current content and structure raise concerns about inadequate teacher qualifications that contradict the ambitious curricular goals. A review of previous research efforts, most of which have explored the transfer effects of creative, artistic subject areas, follows and desiderata with respect to the future development of research activities are presented.  相似文献   

Der Beitrag diskutiert aus der Perspektive historischer Sozialisationsforschung gegenw?rtige Bilder vom Kind. Er skizziert die Grundzüge des romantischen Kindheitsmythos um 1800 und analysiert seine Kontinuit?ten in der P?dagogik um 1900 und an der Wende zum 21. Jahrhundert. Er zeigt, dass sowohl dem aktuellen Bestseller von Elschenbroich „Das Weltwissen der Siebenj?hrigen“ (2001), als auch Positionen der zeitgen?ssischen Kindheitsforschung durchaus romantische Elemente zugrunde liegen. Kritisch befragt werden in diesem Zusammenhang sowohl das Konzept der „Selbstsozialisation“, als auch die Annahme vom Verschwinden der Differenz zwischen Kindern und Erwachsenen. Der Beitrag endet mit einem Fazit, in dem Gründe für die Attraktivit?t des Kindheitsmythos aufgeführt sowie Forschungsfragen und -probleme er?rtert werden.  相似文献   

Die Auslandsaktivitäten der Fachhochschulen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland auf studentischer Ebene kann man in die vier Kategorien: Praxisse-mester, Sprachintensivkurse, Studien- und Prüfungsleistungen sowie Studienabschlüsse gliedern, denen sich mehrere Merkmale zuordnen lassen, die für die Förderungswürdig-keit der Programme bedeutsam sind. Aus der Fülle unterschiedlicher Austauschprogram-marten erfolgt das Vorstellen des Reutlinger sowie des Osnabrucker Modells mit dem gemeinsamen Merkmal ‘Doppelqualifikation von zwei national anerkannten Hochschul-graden’.

Structure of Joint-study-programmes in the Federal Republic of Germany and Great Britain. Academic links for students of Fachhochschulen are mainly structured in four categories: industrial training, intensive language courses, examinations, national degrees. The following six characteristics can be attributed to the above mentioned categories: activity with academic or national recognition; activity on an obligatory or voluntary basis; activity that can be done within the normal 4 years period of study or which causes a prolongation of study; activity that works reciprocally; activity with the chance of becoming a normal study course; activity on a binational or even multinational basis. These six characteristics are important for students to be eligible for scholarship through the ERASMUS Bureau or other organisations. Out of the plenty of different joint-study-programmes, which are classified by the categories mentioned, the ‘Reutlinger and the Osnabrücker models’ are presented as courses with double qualifications.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Herkunftsbedingte Unterschiede der Bildungsbeteiligung und des Kompetenzerwerbs stellen einen Untersuchungsschwerpunkt in der Pisa-Studie dar. In der Bundesrepublik war ein besonders enger Zusammenhang zwischen Strukturmerkmalen famili?rer Lebensverh?ltnisse (sozio?konomischer Status, Bildungsniveau, Migrationstatus), Bildungsbeteiligung und Kompetenzerwerb nachweisbar. Ziel des Beitrags ist es, auf Grundlage der Daten der nationalen Erweiterung von PISA die disparit?tserzeugenden Effekte famili?rer Strukturmerkmale durch Prozessmerkmale famili?rer Lebensverh?ltnisse (kulturelle und kommunikative Praxis), institutionelle (Schulform) und psychologische Faktoren zu erkl?ren. Dies geschieht in zwei Schritten: Zun?chst wird mit Hilfe von Strukturgleichungsmodellen gezeigt, dass die Effekte von famili?ren Strukturmerkmalen überwiegend durch die kulturelle Praxis von Familien vermittelt sind. In einer sequentiellen Berechnung von Regressionsmodellen ergeben sich sodann deutliche Hinweise darauf, dass die Wirkung famili?rer Struktur- und Prozessmerkmale im Wesentlichen über individuelle F?higkeits- und Motivationsunterschiede (kognitive Grundf?higkeiten, Lesegeschwindigkeit, Leseinteresse, metakognitive Lernstrategien) transportiert werden. Die psychologischen und institutionellen Vermittlungsmechanismen tragen gemeinsam, aber auch jeweils spezifisch und damit kumulativ zu sozialen Unterschieden im Kompetenzerwerb bei.
Summary Disparities in Educational Participation and Attainment: An Institutional and Individual Mediation Model The effect of students’ social background on their educational participation and attainment is a central focus of the PISA study. For Germany, the link between structural features of the family background (socio-economic status, level of education, migration status) and educational participation and attainment was shown to be particularly strong. Drawing on data from the German national extension of the PISA study, an explanation of these disparity effects is proposed, relying on process-based features (cultural and communicative practices), institutional factors (school type) and psychological factors. This is done in a two-step approach. First, structural equation models are used to show that most effects of family background structures are mediated by families’ cultural practices. Second, sequential analyses of regression models are run, providing strong evidence to suggest that the effects of family structures and processes are essentially transmitted through individual differences in competencies and motivation (basic cognitive abilities, reading speed, interest in reading, meta-cognitive learning strategies). Psychological and institutional mediation mechanisms contribute, jointly as well as individually, and thus cumulatively, to social differences in attainment.

“Deutsche Schule”, the journal of the German Association of Teachers, was an important forum for the social education debate during the German empire. The author describes this discussion, which took place between 1897 and 1914, on the basis of essays published in the “Deutsche Schule”. Central is the relation between educational task and theory. Within the generally accepted educational task of strengthening the unity of the cultural nation, this early social education debate developed into a controversial discussion over the social and sociological elements of education policy and theory.  相似文献   

The positive impact of families’ higher social origin on the transition into more demanding secondary school forms can be split up into two effects: the primary effect, which is conditioned by higher achievements of children from privileged social origin, and the secondary effect, which is independent of achievement differences and can be explained by the fact that higher school curricula are less costly and promise more benefits for parents of higher social status than for parents of lower social status. It is examined how the relative size of both effects has changed in Germany between 1969 and 2007 using two comparable studies in the federal state Hesse, which measure students’ achievement and their social origin in very similar ways. The transition to the Gymnasium, the most prestigious track of the German tripartite secondary school, is investigated applying the method by Karlson et al. (2012). The primary effect has increased, specifically because of an increasing impact of achievement; and the secondary effect decreased such that school has gained more impact compared to the child’s parental home.  相似文献   

This contribution investigates the professional self-concept of school heads and the demands on their professional competencies using a standardized survey of 861 school leaders. The paper starts with a sketch of the theoretical basis of the investigation, which is a framework model for school leadership. The initial findings of the research project contradict the concept of a homogeneous group of professionals. Using cluster analysis it is possible to identify five leadership groups, which not only display divergent occupational concepts, but differ systematically in their satisfaction and their experience of stress.  相似文献   


The article first examines the attempts to methodise and systematize the modes of travelling within the early modern apodemic discourse. Special emphasis is paid to the early modern traveller's modes of perceiving, observing, and judging. The interrelations between travelling, visitingfamous scholars and correspondence as well as between travelling and the various formal and informal institutions (universities, scholarly societies, libraries, cabinets, publishing houses etc.) of the “res publica literaria” is analysed in detail. Having interpreted travelling as an early modern mode of communication, epistemological and cultural repercussions of the differentiation of travelling since the second half of the 18th century will be hinted at.


Over the last few years, German federal states have increasingly emphasized and strengthened the subjects regarded as core domains of the Gymnasium (the academic school track), including German, mathematics, foreign languages and, to some extent, science subjects (biology, chemistry, physics) by reducing the number of course and examination options through specific educational reforms. The present study investigates consequences of the reform of upper secondary schooling in the federal state of Saxony on the learning time allocated to subjects and on achievement in the domains of mathematics, English and natural sciences. As expected, the mandatory course selection of science subjects introduced through the reform led to substantially higher achievement levels in physics and chemistry. Moreover, disparities in achievement in the subjects of chemistry and biology were reduced. The reform effects on average achievement levels were strongly associated with course level choices (basic course, advanced course, drop out). Achievement rates relating to course level were, however, largely independent of the amount of allocated learning time. No changes were observed with regard to achievement levels and disparities in mathematics and English.  相似文献   

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