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根据现代市场经济的特征,市场经济理性可分为两大部分:个体理性的社会理性。个体理性包括追求个体利益最大化的经济理性和市场经济相适应的文化伦理理性。个体的经济理性是市场经济得以繁荣和发展的必不可少的动力,而文化伦理理性是促使市场经济机制形成和完善及维持市场公平和公正运作的重要因素;社会理性从社会普遍的整体利益出发,追求社会整体利益的最大化,从而建立健康、完善的市场机制。它主要表现在两个方面,其一,社会理性为市场的良性运作制定各种市场竞争规范。其二,社会理性为促使经济持续健康快速发展,合理使用经济杠杆进行宏观调控。  相似文献   

通过分析当代大学生就业过分集中、自愿性失业和不诚信等现状,指出学生个体理性与社会集体理性的冲突是根本原因。并从个体理性和集体理性的冲突理论出发,理顺了就业中个人利益与集体利益的关系,提出实现两者统一的途径与措施,要完善正式制度,确保社会公平公正;建立思想意识形态的激励机制,克服个体理性的缺点,走向集体理性,确保个体个性与集体理性的统一。  相似文献   

教育政策执行以科学与效率为行动逻辑,以道德自觉与公共精神为价值导向,以人的发展与幸福实现为终极目标。现阶段我国教育政策执行呈现工具理性过分张扬而价值理性日益式微的特征。教育政策执行者崇尚工具效率而漠视教育公平,专注行政责任而缺乏教育信念,追求个体利益而弱化公共道德。为持续提升教育政策执行的效能和意义,当前应呼唤价值理性的回归:克服功利主义,回归人本教育价值;解缚官僚思维,重构人的意义;规范自由裁量权,建立公德伦理。  相似文献   

经济理性行为的道德性是指自利的道德并不强制他人付出,而不经意地提高了公众的福利,它无论在事实层面还是价值层面都有其合理性的一面。这种允许人们追求最大化自我利益的道德规范能够完成那些以利他性为特征的道德规范所完成的任务,因而对全面认识社会主义初级阶段道德的时代特征也有一定的启示。  相似文献   

公共行政发展轨迹:工具理性与价值理性的选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工具理性与价值理性在公共行政发展中交替成为关注的焦点。以效率主义为核心的工具理性,在行政学建立之初就被确定为行政业务追求的主要价值。从公共行政剖析到效率主义的弊端,呼唤价值理性的回归,主张行政学应更多的关注公平、公正、民主等价值。以市场化和工商管理手段为主要特征的新公共管理似乎又回到了"效率中心主义"。如何找准工具理性与价值理性在公共行政发展中的平衡点,规范行政学科学地发展,是需要面对的一个现实的问题。  相似文献   

理性即选择,人的有限理性使行为人的决策过程无法获得"绝对最优化"的结果,这一理论为我们分析大学生就业行为提供了一种全新的思维。在此理论观照下,我国大学生就业存在个人利益取向与社会利益取向的错位、物质价值追求与精神价值追求的失衡、"关系渠道"依赖与"市场渠道"怀疑等现象。为消除这些误区,政府宜建立有效的制度保障体系,破除就业市场的信息非对称局面;高校宜建立大学生就业指导体系,优化大学生的就业观念与就业能力;个体需要建立独立性信息筛选机制,增强个体决策纠偏能力。  相似文献   

重建当代价值理性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
价值理性是人类在自身实践活动当中对于价值和价值追求的自觉理解和把握。在世界的现代性过程中,随着工具理性的过度扩张和价值理性的萎缩与迷失,形成了人类的价值理性危机,并由此而导致了人类生存的危机。因此,重建价值理性是人类摆脱生存危机的首要任务。  相似文献   

哲学家和社会学家都认为理性是道德和法的基础。现代西方的理性是形式理性,法和道德都是建立在形式理性基础之上的。实质理性不同于形式理性,形式理性是明晰的、是对唯一的普遍的形式的追求,而实质理性是模糊的,如对价值的追求产生价值理性,对最优的内容组合的追求产生中庸理性。建立在形式理性基础之上的形式法和建立在实质理性基础之上的实质道德之间存在冲突,那么它们是否可以相互融合呢?我们必须吸收现代西方和中国传统化的合理因素,在社会治理上实现法治和德治的统一。  相似文献   

个体理性走向集体行动理性即金融主体由诉求个体利益最大化向普惠人民、紧密联系实体经济转变,金融主体的治理结构、服务理念、服务政策与措施必须转向。本文基于新时代中国金融体系的行动特征,对金融主体走向集体行动理性的路径选择进行分析。  相似文献   

对理性教育的思考   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
理性教育是培养人的理性意识、理性能力、理性精神的教育。理性对于个体和社会发展有重要价值,理性教育对于主体人的批判意识、生存能力和完整人格的构建具有重要意义。必须切实采取措施以改变我国教育中理性教育缺失的状况。  相似文献   

During the spring semester of 1987 a mathematician and a physicist from Oberlin College went with twenty-one undergraduates to London to use the resources of England as the basis for a course with the above title. This unusual interdisciplinary course is described, with emphasis on its experimental, experiential nature and the challenges and satisfactions which it provided.Joseph L. Snider is Professor of Physics at Oberlin College. He received his undergraduate degree in physics from Amherst College in 1956 and his Ph.D. in experimental physics from Princeton University in 1961. He has taught and done research at Harvard University and at Oberlin College. His areas of interest are solar physics, astrophysics, relativity, and the history and philosophy of science. Recently he has become interested in working to improve the teaching of physics and astronomy to pre-college students.Bruce Pollack-Johnson is Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Oberlin College, where he is responsible for the operations research program. He received a B.A. in sociology with a minor in education from Brandeis University in 1975, an M.A. in mathematics from Temple University in 1979, and an M.S. and Ph.D. in operations research from the University of Pennsylvania in 1980 and 1983, respectively. He has published in the areas of human resource modeling, forecasting, educational planning, simulation, and project management, and his current research includes project scheduling and conflict resolution. He has helped develop new courses for liberal arts students on introductory computer science and educational philosophy, as well as the course described in this article, and is also Co-Director of the Lorain County Peace Education Project.  相似文献   


In higher education teaching, enhancing learner autonomy has become a key concern for curriculum planners and classroom teachers. The significant body of research about learner autonomy in language learning over the last 20 years (e.g. Holec 1981, 1988; Riley 1985; Dickinson 1987, 1992; Wenden & Rubin 1987; Little, 1991; Dam, 1995; Benson & Voller, 1997) has indicated an on-going search for more understanding of how learner autonomy can be implemented in different contexts. This paper is based on a research study which was conducted in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in Hong Kong. The study explores learners' attitudes and expectations of language learning, teacher and learner roles, their learning preferences and perceptions of learner autonomy. The paper reports the results and discusses their implication on the development of a learner-centred approach in higher education.  相似文献   

This is a story of what happened on the Aiguille du Grepon. It is based on fact and designed to reveal both the appearance and reality of motivation in climbing, a combination that is often difficult to express in a traditional academic style. The story differentiates motivation along two dimensions, a goal dimension with intrinsic and extrinsic rewards at opposite ends and a relational dimension with exclusive and inclusive rewards at opposite ends. These polar opposites are integrated in the experience of outdoor adventure through the story. They are further reflected in the attitudes of a previous generation of climbers. It is suggested that these motivations define the games of outdoor adventure in general, and that we should be self-conscious of them both in education and in play.  相似文献   


This is a story of what happened on the Aiguille du Grepon. It is based on fact and designed to reveal both the appearance and reality of motivation in climbing, a combination that is often difficult to express in a traditional academic style. The story differentiates motivation along two dimensions, a goal dimension with intrinsic and extrinsic rewards at opposite ends and a relational dimension with exclusive and inclusive rewards at opposite ends. These polar opposites are integrated in the experience of outdoor adventure through the story. They are further reflected in the attitudes of a previous generation of climbers. It is suggested that these motivations define the games of outdoor adventure in general, and that we should be self-conscious of them both in education and in play.  相似文献   

This paper argues that an emerging framework for studying social episodes known as ‘positioning theory’ is a rich tool for practical reasoning. After giving an outline of the Aristotelian conception of practical reason, recently developed by Alasdair MacIntyre, it is argued that positioning theory should be seen not as a detached, scientific theory, but rather as an important resource for learning to think and act in relation to practical and moral matters. I try to demonstrate a number of significant points of resemblance between MacIntyre's analysis of practical reason and Rom Harré's positioning theory. Following a pragmatist view of social theories, I suggest that positioning theory can be seen as explicating an understanding of social episodes that we need to acquire in order to learn to act as capable practical reasoners, but which quite often is left implicit in our everyday lives. Finally, I consider how positioning theory could be used to train the capacity for practical reasoning in moral education.  相似文献   

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