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合理的教学决策是有效教学的前提。不同专业发展阶段的教师在教学计划决策、互动性教学决策和反思性教学决策三方面存在着决策维度、决策焦点和决策模式的差异。现有研究表明,新手教师成长为卓越教师,除了教学经验的不断丰富之外,更重要的是要增强教师的课程意识和课程决策能力,提高教师对教学决策的反思批判水平。对这一问题的后续研究需要增加有经验教师和专家教师的教学决策比较,实现从认知理性到生态理性的研究转换,以更好地指导教师专业发展的实践。  相似文献   

大学课程决策要呈现更多的民主化、科学化、制度化色彩,一个重要的路径就是构建有效的决策空间,它是一个组织平台、运行机制和公共理念的复合体,藉此更多的利益相关者可以就大学课程的各个方面进行民主对话、互动交流和博弈协调。构建大学课程的决策空间需要建构参与型决策文化、优化决策主体构成和完善课程决策运行机制等等。  相似文献   

教师应该享有一定的课程决策权力。教师之所以应享有课程决策权力,基于以下四点考虑:课程决策的性质;教师应有的形象;中国课程决策的传统;西方课程决策权的历史变化。教师的课程决策权力主要是由三方面构成,即参与国家课程和地方课程的决策,参与校本课程决策,以及参与学校课程统整的决策。教师课程决策权力的有效性保障主要包括机制保障、素质保障和资源保障。  相似文献   

Traditionally education has to contend with the problem that knowledge acquisition does not guarantee the successful application of that same knowledge. Yet, according to Whitehead, the ultimate goal of education should be to teach students to learn to apply knowledge. Furthermore, one is confronted with the problem that discipline-specific knowledge and skills are insufficient to respond adequately in a situation with discipline-transcending, new and unknown problems. Next to disciplinespecific knowledge and skills, more general knowledge and skills are needed in the area of e.g., communication, problem-solving, use of information, analysis, decision-making. General knowledge and skills, however, offer no guarantee whatsoever that somebody also has sufficient discipline-specific expertise at his disposal.These are the problems that Nijenrode University wants to solve with a new curriculum for management education. In the curriculum developed by Nijenrode, students learn to apply heuristics in the area of general skills and meta-skills (reflecting and learning-to-learn) in interaction with a varying discipline-specific learning content. In this context, discipline-specific knowledge and skills on the one hand, and general skills and meta-skills on the other hand are, in relation to each other, both the objective as well as the means. The student learns the one thing with the help of the other and vice versa, by means of a continuing process of contextualization and decontextualization. The curriculum is a response to the challenge confronting management education to prepare students for future management positions in a world which is characterized by continuous change. The response may be interesting for other types of vocational and professional education as well.  相似文献   

This research is based on an empirical study exploring how academics make curriculum decisions and their perceptions of the influences that shape their decisions. Interviews were held with 20 academics from diverse disciplines, who were both research active and committed to teaching. The higher education curriculum was conceptualised as a field of decision-making shaped by academics’ beliefs about educational and contextual influences. The study identified five distinctive curriculum orientations representing coherent patterns of curriculum decisions aligned with academics’ beliefs about educational purposes. Case studies are presented to elucidate each of the curriculum orientations. Curriculum orientations were also found to shape academics’ responses to educational change. The following higher education change drivers are explored: graduate employability and the skills agenda, teaching–research relationships, changing understandings about teaching and learning, educational technologies and flexible delivery. The findings suggest implications for institutional curriculum change initiatives and academic development programmes.  相似文献   

Modern society is characterized by rapid change, an overload of information, an interrelation between once distinct fields (science, technology and society) and a growing recognition of the importance of personal and social values. In such a dynamic society the teaching of facts becomes less vital while the teaching of thinking skills turns out to be indispensable. Educators have recognized the need for curricula devoted to thinking skills in general and attempts to attain this goal have already been made. However, almost no attention has been given to teaching children the very important and daily used skill of decision-making under certainty. In the present paper we propose a framework for developing school material which cultivates decision-making skills. This framework is a tripartite model which describes (a) the general strategy an ideal decision maker should adopt, (b) the underlying cognitive skills needed for that strategy and (c) the educational objectives for the promotion of each cognitive skill mentioned.Science in a Technological Society, a curriculum developed in the Israeli Science Teaching Center, Center for Curriculum Research and Development, School of Education, Tel-Aviv University.NoteIsraeli Science Teaching Center, Center for Curriculum Research & Development, School of Education,Tel-Aviv University  相似文献   

What makes a coherent EFL curriculum? How can curriculum planners avoid a mismatch between policy and pragmatics to produce an effective decision-making process? In The Second Language Curriculum, Johnson describes the coherent curriculum as one in which decision outcomes from the various stages of  相似文献   

目前我国幼儿园主题课程存在的问题有:幼儿园课程设计等同于集体教学活动设计,集体教学活动与区域活动、生活活动等环节脱节,整合课程即五大领域课程拼奏,课程决策个人化,各子主题活动缺少沟通与晕化,不利于儿童学习品质发展等。主题式教育组合理念及课程实践模式能够支持幼儿进行主动的、一致的和连续的学习,有助于幼儿学习品质发展,优化幼儿园课程结构,提高主题式课程实施品质,促进幼儿园课程内涵建设和教师专业发展。  相似文献   

Computer support for the development of decision-making skills   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article centres on the educational requirement of encouraging the development of decision-making skills, with particular reference to selection between alternatives. It reports the results of a protocol study in which subjects were asked to make a decision of the type described. These results, as well as information taken from the decision-making literature, are used as a basis for defining the requirements of an Intelligent Educational System designed to encourage externalisation and reflection on decision processes and on the current decision. The architecture of the proposed system is outlined, and the current state of implementation described briefly.  相似文献   

At the end of high school, teenagers must deal with the first life-changing decision of determining what to do after graduation. For these decisions, adolescents need to be able to make good choices. However, most schools have not yet implemented decision trainings into their curricula. A new intervention called “KLUGentscheiden!” was developed to train complex decision-making in high school students to close this gap. The intervention targets three key components of good decision-making: envisioning one's objectives, identifying relevant alternatives, and comparing the identified alternatives by a weighted evaluation. We assumed that successfully training those decision-analytical steps should enhance self-perceived proactive decision-making skills. In addition, the training should also enhance self-assessed career choice self-efficacy. The intervention was evaluated in a pseudorandomized control study including 193 high school students. Compared to a control group, the intervention group significantly increased proactive decision-making skills and career choice self-efficacy. Although different long-term evaluations are still pending, the KLUGentscheiden! intervention provides an important tool to train complex decision-making in high-school students. It also has the potential to apply to other career choices of young individuals, such as choosing majors, a final thesis, a job, or a field of work.  相似文献   

国外中小学在课程决策方面有丰富的实践经验。它们赋予学校一定的决策自主权,充分发挥决策主体的作用,建立基于学生生活经验的个性化学习决策理念,注重实践性课程决策,创建决策团体,发挥集体优势,建立一定的保障措施。这些对我国中小学学校课程决策具有参考价值。  相似文献   

Children's evaluations of decision-making procedures were examined in applications in different social contexts. Seventy-two children evenly divided into three grade levels (grades 1 – 2, 3 – 4, 5 – 6) were administered a structured interview requiring them to evaluate three decision-making procedures (consensus, majority rule, and authority-based) embedded in three social contexts (peer group, family, and school classroom) and to select the most appropriate decision-making procedure for two specific decisions: one expected to pull for procedures emphasizing children's autonomous decision making, and one expected to pull for adult authority. Judgments of decision-making procedures at all grade levels did not show a heteronomous acceptance of adult authority but rather were influenced by social context and type of decision. In general, consensus was preferred in peer and family contexts and authority-based procedures were preferred for school decisions about curriculum. Older children were more likely than younger children to consider how children's limited knowledge and competence may constrain their autonomous decision making.  相似文献   

论教师的课程决策意识   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
教师的课程决策意识就是教师自觉地、积极地进行课程决策的心理倾向,它具有多方面的意义。制约教师课程决策意识的内在因素主要有教师的价值观、知识观和教师观。提高教师的课程决策意识的主要途径有培训、交流、反思性实践、课程研究和文化浸润。  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to determine if a nonrational model of decision-making was used by college administrators in three typical areas of college operations. Were the value positions taken by three college constituency groups (faculty, students, community board) on problems in curriculum, student affairs, and personnel influencing decisions made by administrative groups? In a simulation study, information describing a mythical community college was prepared, using the dimensions of the management-information system CAMPUS (Comprehensive Analytical Methods for Planning in University Systems). Three simulated problems within the hypothetical community college setting were administered to teams of decision makers each composed of three junior college administrators. Junior college administrators did not use the nonrational model in reaching group or individual decisions in the three simulated problem areas. Administrators did not respond in a significant manner to the influence of college constituency groups in reaching decisions. The type of problem being considered (curriculum, student affairs, and personnel) was a significant factor in determining decision alternatives selected by administrators. Both the rational and nonrational models of decision-making as used in this study appear inadequate to explain administrative decisions. It is tenable to posit that decision-making is influenced at least as much by previously learned responses of the decision-makers, and it may need to be considered as an important element in any model of decision-making.  相似文献   

This paper describes, chronologically, the deliberations of a school staff in their decision-making to place technology education in their school. The outcome of these deliberations is a curriculum model whereby objectives of technology awareness, technological literacy, technological capability and transferable skills are integrated with all subjects in the school. The desired outcome is that students at this school will gain a technological education by, for example, attending classes in English, Home Economics, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science and Art. The implementation process is ongoing, is being evaluated and has already experienced senior staff changes and industrial disruption without loss of vigour or intent. Specializations: diagnosis of student learning and teaching for conceptual change, technology education, curriculum evaluation.  相似文献   

我国教师集体课程研究制度由来已久,目前主要的集体课程决策形式可以总结为:整体解读式、流程约定式、课例研究式、问题解决式、课程开发式、反馈调整式。教师合作的质量影响教师集体课程决策的效果,教师集体课程决策具有对象上的层次性,教师集体课程决策具有个体需求上的差异性,教师集体课程决策与个体课程决策相互延伸。教师集体课程决策对教师专业发展具有意义,但必须注意克服课程约定中对个性发挥的局限,集体课程决策方式的局限,以及沟通中信息流动均衡性的局限。  相似文献   

The Department of Education in the Philippines has undertaken initiatives to restructure the curriculum for secondary schools as part of its ongoing effort to improve the quality of learning. After a decade of study, the Department produced a new basic education curriculum, as the 2002 Basic Education Curriculum. All public schools in the country were mandated to implement the curriculum at the start of 2002–2003 school year. Makabayan (nationalistic or patriotic) is one of the learning areas in the Basic Education Curriculum along with English, Filipino, Science and Mathematics. Makabayan from First to Fourth Year is designed to develop the personal, social and work special skills of learners especially their interpersonal skills, empathy with other cultures, vocational efficiency, problem-solving, and decision-making in daily life, that is, to develop socio-cultural and politico-economic literacy. This paper describes the context and content of the Makabayan curriculum and the extent to which it develops in learners a sense of citizenship, that is, a healthy personal and national self-concept. To delimit scope, this paper focuses on the study of geography only as one of the components of Araling Panlipunan (Social Studies) in the secondary school Makabayan Curriculum, using the results of a study of third year high school students' learning of geographic knowledge and skills as bases of empirical data. Key Words: citizenship, geographic literacy and competency, Makabayan curriculum, secondary education  相似文献   

当前,西方国家校本课程决策出现了许多新的动向:在理念上,以学习为中心,强调个性化学习,强调知识学习与整体生活经验融通,关注校本课程决策的文化视角;在机制上,课程决策机制的整体框架和校本课程决策的内在机制都有变化;在方式上,注重课程统筹性的决策,注重课程补充上的决策,注重对学生进行个性化学习指导上的决策。  相似文献   

当前我国中小学课程改革的一个重要趋势是强调校本课程决策,这对教师专业发展构成了新的挑战。适应校本课程决策需要的教师专业素质主要有课程意识、课程理念和课程决策能力。面向校本课程决策的教师专业发展策略主要有理论学习、反思性实践和课程研究。  相似文献   

课程改革赋予教师有限的课程决策权,但教师在行使课程决策权时,往往会对课程决策形成三种态度(阻抗、彷徨和接受),同时会遇到困难和困惑。教师在课程决策过程中遇到的主要问题和困难是:自身所处环境缺乏课程决策的文化氛围,对课程决策的理解有偏差,缺少课程决策的经验和训练,教师课程专业能力无法满足课程决策的需要等。教师作为一个课程决策者需要提高自身专业能力,急切需要从以下方面着手:课程管理能力,课程实施能力,课程评价能力,课程资源整合利用能力,即时信息处理反馈能力等。  相似文献   

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