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Maps and geospatial data are critical in disaster response situations. Accurate and updated maps direct first responders to areas of most need, reroute supply lines according to the post-disaster landscape, and help identify remote communities. Unfortunately, accurate and detailed geospatial data is not readily available for many parts of the world. Crowdsourced mapping programs such as Humanitarian OpenStreetMap (HOT) and Tomnod rely on volunteers to create this essential data, with a focus on the world's most vulnerable places. Groups of volunteers contribute to HOT and Tomnod in events called mapathons. This case study at Indiana University Bloomington's Herman B Wells Library asserts that the library is a natural home for humanitarian mapathons, as participants actively engage with spatial and data literacy concepts as they become spatial data creators. Through library mapathons, participants gain spatial and data literacy skills, engage with a global community, connect with other parts of the world, and are exposed to library resources. Hosting a mapathon requires very few specialized skills or knowledge, and has broad appeal. While Indiana University, Bloomington serves about 40,000 students, this case study provides tips and best practices for hosting humanitarian mapathons at libraries of any size.  相似文献   

学科服务空间环境的建设是图书馆提高服务质量的重要手段。构建学科化的空间环境成为图书馆提升学科服务质量、改善馆舍环境、提高馆舍利用率、增强文化氛围和辅助学科教学科研的突破口。通过对地学学科空间环境需求的调查,利用实物标本等为设计载体,融合图书馆馆舍结构和人文环境,构建图书馆学科空间环境,可为地学学科教学和科学研究提供具有学科氛围的图书馆服务环境。  相似文献   

This is a case study at Mississippi State University where a business librarian taught a one-credit financial literacy course for undergraduate freshmen during the 2010 Fall term. In this case, the librarian acted as a faculty teacher and an instructional librarian to teach the students financial literacy as well as information literacy. The course curriculum was embedded with a library orientation to introduce the library services. Pre- and post-course assessments were conducted to analyze the students’ learning level in financial knowledge and the level of familiarity with various library services.  相似文献   

基于GIS的图书馆空间信息管理系统研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
应用GIS技术和方法,将空间信息融入图书馆信息管理系统中,提出建立GIS图书馆空间信息管理系统的构想,并探讨系统功能、系统结构、系统设计和数据库建设等问题。  相似文献   

Competency theory predicts a miscalibration between students' self-assessments of their information literacy skills and their actual skill level. This study investigates whether such a disparity is evident among incoming freshmen who test as non-proficient on a standardized test of information literacy. In addition, this study analyzes Information Literacy Test scores and library anxiety test scores to provide preliminary data on whether library anxiety is related to information literacy skill attainment. Findings reveal that the relationship between information literacy skills and self-assessments predicted by competency theory are evident in the domain of information literacy. This study did not find an association between information literacy skill scores and total library anxiety scores. However, a significant negative correlation between information literacy scores and the subscale “knowledge of the library” indicates that as information literacy scores rise, anxiety scores related to a lack of knowledge of the library fall. The findings suggest that traditional information literacy instruction may not be effective with non-proficient students, who are unlikely to see themselves as needing or benefiting from such instruction.  相似文献   


This article reviews the findings from Project VIEWS2, a four-year IMLS-funded study that examined the early literacy impact of public library storytimes, and provides detail on a secondary analysis of storytime spaces that was done using the Project VIEWS2 dataset. The storytimes spaces were explored by looking at the spatial quality, physical literacy environment, and seating of attendees, as these characteristics have been identified as important aspects of early childhood learning environments. Findings across these three characteristics are presented as well as implications and recommendations for more effective storytime practice and space design.  相似文献   

信息化时代公共图书馆读者信息素质教育模式研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在信息化时代,公民的信息素质亟需提高,公共图书馆肩负着在全社会普及信息素质教育的重任.以信息化为时代特征的公共图书馆信息素质教育必须明确关注重点,从管理、开展与营销模式三个方面进行创新,探讨公共图书馆进行信息素质教育的模式,提升公民的信息素质.  相似文献   

图书馆与未成年人网络信息素养教育研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国未成年人网络信息素养教育在现阶段已取得了一定成绩,但由于未成年人沉溺于网络的现象日趋严重及图书馆教育职能的缺失,未成年人网络信息素养教育依然任重道远。在分析我国未成年人网络信息素养教育现状的基础上.探讨了图书馆在未成年人网络信息素养教育中的角色定位,指出图书馆应是网络环境下未成年人的信息服务中心和信息素养教育中心。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]一个社区是否强大,有赖于该社区民众的内力,这种内力就是韧性。韧性是一种适应并应对变化的能力。一个有韧性的人,不仅有危机意识,有开放的心态,而且有应对变化和解决问题的素养。图书馆服务不仅潜移默化地提升民众的韧性素养,而且为他们提供了有利于学习和交流的安全舒适的空间。[方法/过程]从图书馆所处的社会背景及其需求出发,聚焦韧性与可持续发展、阅读与信息服务在韧性培育中所起的作用、韧性社会与图书馆发展3个方面的问题,通过分析图书馆的社会功能及其在社会发展尤其是在抵御风险过程中应有的作用,进一步表明图书馆与韧性社会建设之间的关联,并提出可化为具体行动的对策和建议。[结果/结论]首先,要充分认识图书馆开展韧性素养教育的意义,并以此为切入点,努力拓展图书馆参与并融入社会的发展空间。图书馆要以社会需求为导向,将各种相关服务拓展到社会、家庭和个人。图书馆不仅要开展韧性素养教育,而且要为民众提升信息素养、媒体素养、技术素养以及职业素养等创造有利条件,为他们提供和谐安全的分享和交流空间。其次,要着力创新韧性素养教育活动,开拓新的服务项目。图书馆在继续开展阅读推广活动的同时,也应将阅读推广中积累起来的成功经验和最佳实践有效应用到韧性素养活动中,并通过参与社区韧性建设,拓展图书馆服务社区的新空间和新技能。最后,要大力提升图书馆应对各类风险和危机的能力及馆员自身的韧性素养。图书馆要树立大安全观和危机管理意识,増强抵御各类风险和危机的能力。韧性素养教育的过程也是馆员自我学习和锻炼的过程,要紧紧抓住这一机遇,努力以更强大、更坚定的职业韧性投入并服务于韧性社会建设。  相似文献   

The purpose of this case study was to ascertain if college students’ information literacy improves through a faculty-librarian collaboration involving a session of library instruction as part of a regular political science course. The authors conducted two surveys to determine if in-person library instruction increases students’ research abilities. The authors surveyed political science faculty to discover their attitudes toward library research instruction. They also surveyed political science students to gauge their opinions on the value of library instruction and to see if there is a connection between their research proficiencies and instruction by a librarian. Through this case study, the authors found that such instruction does improve information literacy. The researchers concluded that for faculty and colleges interested in improving information literacy skills in undergraduate political science students, such library instruction is helpful towards that goal.  相似文献   

信息素养是信息时代教师应具备的能力和修养,对教师实施信息素养教育是当前学校图书馆的重要任务之一。分析中职院校教师信息素养现状,阐述中职院校图书馆对教师进行信息素养教育的优势和信息素养教育的策略。  相似文献   

图书馆与阅读素养的影响情境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
PIRLS阅读素养评价是国际教育成就评价协会一个研究项目,目的是监控未成年人阅读能力的未来发展,它的意义在于评价一个国家、一个民族未来的阅读素养。家庭、学校和社会是PIRLS(国际阅读素养进展研究项目)确定的阅读素养的影响情境,图书馆作为公共的阅读场所,拥有不可比拟的阅读资源优势,在阅读素养的每个影响情境产生作用。尤其在当下这个信息泛滥的时代,怎样引导未成年人阅读,提高未成年人的阅读素养,是图书馆的职责所在。  相似文献   

后数图时代的图书馆空间功能及其布局设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
后数图时代,图书馆开始超越以文献为核心的传统服务,跨界发展新服务。以大学图书馆为例,结合图书馆的空间革命和空间发展,总结未来馆舍空间以书文化服务和空间服务为核心的功2能组成,论述空间布局与组织的基本要素和守则、空间环境设计的主要需求等内容,为图书馆的空间创新、空间再造提出一个功能和需求框架,为"第三空间"建设提供实施参考。  相似文献   

试论高校图书馆信息素质教育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
信息素质是当今信息社会中人的综合素质的重要组成成分,是学习型社会中个人终身学习的必备素质之一。高校图书馆作为高等院校的信息资源中心,具有很强的信息素质教育优势。高校图书馆应充分利用自身的资源优势,积极开展面向高校大学生的信息素质教育。  相似文献   

数字图书馆用户信息素质教育研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
刘绿茵 《情报学报》2003,22(5):532-538
信息素质教育是信息化社会教育中的一项基本内容 ,以数字图书馆为代表的信息集散地 ,责无旁贷地承担起用户信息素质教育的工作。本文从信息素质的概念出发 ,探讨数字图书馆用户信息素质教育的内容、方法。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 公共图书馆是我国公共文化服务体系的重要组成部分,从空间视角对其效率进行测度与影响因素研究对于公共文化服务体系建设具有一定现实意义。[方法/过程] 以2007-2016年中国各省市面板数据为研究单元,在超效率三阶段DEA模型和Markov链模型测度分析公共图书馆效率的基础上,将空间效应引入公共图书馆效率影响因素的分析中,构建空间面板计量模型估算其影响程度,并分区域、分时段讨论影响因素的分异特征。[结果/结论] 研究发现,外部环境与随机误差因素对我国公共图书馆效率产生显著影响,调整后的效率值在区域分布上呈现显著的空间非均衡特征,表现为东部最高、中部次之、西部最小;公共图书馆效率存在显著的空间正相关性和空间溢出效应;在考虑空间要素的条件下,新增馆藏购置费、专业技术人才数量与结构、人均图书馆馆舍面积、图书馆活跃度及公平指数等内部因素均对公共图书馆效率产生影响。  相似文献   

近20年来图书馆馆库空间变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章通过分析近20年来全国公共图书馆馆库空间密度统计数据,并剖析中山大学和俄亥俄大学两个图书馆布局设计典型案例,探讨了图书馆空间布局的变化,阐述了现代图书馆已经从单纯的贮藏空间向公共空间及学习空间发生变化的观点,建议图书馆结合各地"十二五"规划,加强与所在城市区域的合作,以多种方式拓展图书馆可利用空间,提高图书馆的生存竞争力。  相似文献   

Column Editor's Notes

This workforce column, guest written by Jill Mierke, evokes memories of the saying, you are not alone. The challenges of workforce and workplace leadership for any library chief executive officer are many and varied. We come to those roles usually as experienced (if not seasoned) professionals, but we do not always have the theoretical grounding and specific professional practice experience a dedicated human resources professional might bring to the organization. A Master's in library and information sciences qualification is no guarantee that you will have the requite knowledge, skills, experience, and abilities to be a good people manager or a strategic leader of the library workforce. This article paints a compelling picture of what success for library human resource management and leadership can look like, through the lens of an experienced and seasoned human resources professional. Recent workforce research is telling us there are many roles within our libraries that are now being successfully filled by “other” professionals. In our ever changing and dynamic information landscape, the human resources strategic advisory role is one of them.

As always, I invite further contributions to our ongoing discussion! Please submit articles for this column to the editor at vicki.williamson@usask.ca  相似文献   

This article describes a project designed to raise the awareness of policymakers about the importance of information literacy to achieve societal goals. Issues benefit from the governmental support, prioritization, mandates, and funding that can result when there is policy behind them. Studies indicate that many people lack the ability to draw on quality sources of information for a variety of purposes. Attention by policymakers would accelerate the inclusion of information literacy in settings such as education, workforce training, citizenship preparation, and lifelong learning. One way to raise awareness of policymakers is by recommending a proclamation to government executives.  相似文献   

This case study provides insights into how one academic library scaled and structured its information literacy program for a rapidly growing online learning division. Particular attention is paid to strategies for reaching learners who bypass portions of the liberal studies requirements and techniques for designing information literacy modules taught by the instructor of record. This case study demonstrates how this library’s online information literacy program reached a new population of student while creating efficiencies with staff time. Attention is also paid to aspects of the program still under development, such as additional modules and a comprehensive assessment strategy.  相似文献   

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