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挫折是个体从事有目的的活动时,由于障碍或干扰其目的不能实现,需求欲望不能满足时的消极心理状态;进行克服个体需求未满足时消极的心理的教育,被称为挫折教育。对学生进行挫折教育,培养学生坚强的意志品质,是我们体育教学的重要目标之一。体育教学以班集体形式进行,在活动中,学生可以获得顺利与挫折、成功与失败、  相似文献   

心理挫折是个体在从事有目的的活动中遇到自感无法克服的障碍、干扰而产生的一种焦虑、紧张、愤懑或沮丧、失意的情绪性心理状态。挫折对人的心理和行为有重大影响。一般来说,其消极成分远远大于积极成分。当遭受挫折后会影响个体实现目标的积极性,降低人的创造性思维水平。减弱自我控制能力,产生消极行为。并且有损于人的身心健康。然而有的人则能正确对待挫折,把挫折变为激励自己前进的巨大动力,这也是本文的目的。  相似文献   

运用征询法结合自己近年来带队参加CUBA比赛的经验 ,借鉴运动心理学有关心理训练的基本理论 ,以运动员产生竞赛心理障碍的功利性、挫折性两个主要因素及其主要表现为切入点 ,对调控竞赛心理障碍的改变情景法、成功体验法、精神释放法等有效方法进行了分析讨论。  相似文献   

体育教学中进行心理品德教育的手段   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
体育教学对于培养学生良好的的心理品德具有重要的作用,可以通过营造生动活波、和谐友善的氛围;克服运动中的障碍和战胜挫折;不断体验进步与成功;群体交往及游戏、竞赛等手段进行心理品德教育,充分发挥体育“在育体中育心”的功能。  相似文献   

体育教学中如何增强学生的耐挫能力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
挫折是指人们在某种动机的推动下,在实现目标的活动中,遇到了无法克服或自以为是无法克服的障碍和干扰,使其需要或动机不能获得满足时产生的紧张状态和消极的情绪反应,是个体的内心感受。挫折构成图示如下:挫折的发生是不可避免的,学生受挫心理形成十分复杂,无论挫折的原因来自内部还是外部(主观与客观因素),都可能使学生内心产生紧张、焦虑、愤怒等不愉快的情绪体验。但是,怎样对待挫折情绪,如何培养学生耐挫能力是当前教育教学中渴求解决的一大难题。为此,笔者从体育教学的角度,对挫折教育进行了实践探讨,其目的是培养学生…  相似文献   

理挫折是指人们在致力于达到某一目标的过程中,受到障碍和干扰时,所产生的一种消极的情绪反应状态,如沮丧、失意、焦虑、愤懑等。学生在学习运动技能时,虽然刻苦努力了,但却掌握不好}考试成绩达不到自己预计的目标等等。这些心理障碍如不能及时消除,将造成学生心理发展的失调和不平衡,从而产生不适应感、焦虑感和压抑感,甚至导致病态心理,影响学生的心理健康。为此,教师应针对学生心理挫折产生的原因和表现,采取有效措施,消除学生的心理挫折。  相似文献   

运动实践表明,运动员在训练和竞赛中会遇到各种各样的挫折,这些挫折不仅影响运动员技术水平的发挥,也影响运动成绩的提高。因此,研究挫折产生的原因及其行为表现,使运动员正确对待和消除挫折的影响,对运动员的健康成长和不断提高运动成绩有着重要作用。一、运动员训练和竞赛中挫折产生的原因及对挫折的容忍力(一)挫折产生的原因心理学研究认为。挫折是指人们在从事有目的的活动过程中,由于遇到阻碍和干扰使个人需要不能满足、动机无法实现时,所产生的紧张状态和情绪反应,是个体的内心感受。运动员在训练和比赛中挫折产生的原因可…  相似文献   

培养学生健康的心理是当前学校教育中一个非常值得注意并亟待解决的问题。本文就体育教学中学生心理挫折产生的原因及培养学生心理挫折耐受力的方法和途经进行了分析与探讨。  相似文献   

大学生运动心理障碍成因研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
心理障碍是指个体从事有目的活动中遇到自感无法克服的困难,而产生的一种焦虑、紧张、沮丧、失意的心理状态。当运动心理出现障碍时,会影响个体实现目标的积极性,降低人的创造性思维活动水平,减弱自我控制能力,产生消极行为,并且有损运动员的心理健康,影响其运动成绩。本文旨在分析大学生运动心理障碍产生的原因及消除的方法和措施,为教学与训练提供心理学依据。  相似文献   

在滑冰教学中,学生很容易产生焦虑、怯懦等思想情绪,对完成学习任务有着很大的消极影响。分析滑冰教学中,学生学习情绪障碍的类型、特点及其成因,采取有效的心理指导和教学措施,排除情绪障碍的影响和干扰,提高心理承受能力和自控能力是十分必要的。  相似文献   

为掌握篮球竞赛中哪些挫折因素容易引发攻击行为,以CUBA男子运动员为研究对象进行调查研究,结果表明:容易引起攻击行为的挫折情境因素依次为:裁判不公正、裁判错判、漏判、对抗失败等;容易引起攻击行为的消极挫折认识因素依次为:报复、敌对、恶意、猜疑;容易引起攻击行为的消极挫折情绪因素依次为:愤怒、焦虑、抑郁、紧张。提出建议:针对挫折情境因素进行模拟训练,提高运动员挫折承受能力;注重平时训练中运动员的挫折认识教育;培养运动员良好的个性。  相似文献   

体育挫折观教育是一把双刃剑,挫折既可以使人变得更加坚强,也可以让人变得消极低落。基于此,运用文献资料、逻辑分析等研究方法就高校学生体育挫折教育的注意事项进行了分析。高校体育挫折教育方法实施的注意事项包括:正确面对挫折,鼓励与惩罚兼并,认清挫折的原因及挫折的两重性,强调挫折教育并不等于排斥成功教育,开展多元化的体育挫折教育,体育挫折教育中加强思想教育和培养大学生和谐的人际关系等。  相似文献   

Background: A distinction is made in Achievement Goal Theory (AGT) between task-oriented (i.e. effort, intra-individual progress, and self-comparison) and ego-oriented (i.e. inter-individual progress and normative comparison) climates. Combining insights from AGT and Self-Determination Theory (SDT), studies in the PE context have shown that a task-oriented climate positively relates to need satisfaction, although the findings regarding the motivating role of an ego-oriented climate are inconsistent. Moreover, little is known about the role of task- or ego-oriented climates in explaining experiences of basic psychological need frustration.

Purpose: Grounded in AGT and SDT, the aim of the present study was to examine if experiences of basic psychological need satisfaction and need frustration can explain why task- and ego-oriented climates elicit positive and negative motivational outcomes in PE, respectively.

Research design: Cross-sectional study.

Method: A sample of 524 secondary school students (51.1% boys, Mage?=?14.51; SD?=?1.81) from five different secondary schools participated in this study. Students reported on their perceptions of task- and ego-oriented climates, motivational regulations, basic psychological need satisfaction, and need frustration, as well as positive and negative outcomes in PE. Structural equation modeling was used to investigate our objective.

Results: We found that a task-oriented climate had a strong and positive relationship with basic psychological need satisfaction, eliciting a bright pathway to autonomous motivation and affective attitude. An ego-oriented climate was positively related to basic psychological need frustration, eliciting a dark pathway to amotivation and boredom. A negative cross-path from task-oriented climate to basic psychological need frustration was also found, while no significant cross-paths were found from ego-oriented climate to basic psychological need satisfaction.

Conclusions: This study provides a better understanding of the mechanisms that explain why task- and ego-oriented climates shape students’ motivational experiences in PE lessons. It is suggested that a task-oriented climate elicits a bright pathway towards more optimal functioning, because it fosters experiences of need satisfaction and buffers against experiences of need frustration. In contrast, an ego-oriented climate is primarily positively related to feelings of need frustration and negative motivational outcomes. Practical implications for PE teacher training are discussed.  相似文献   

运用问卷调查法和实验法就合作学习模式对提高大学生挫折承受力的问题进行探讨,结果表明:挫折承受力强的大学生一般更趋向于采取积极合理的应对方式;在体育教学中采用合作学习模式能有效提高大学生的挫折承受力;通过提高大学生承受学习挫折、交往挫折及适应挫折方面的能力,进而可以提高其挫折承受力的总体水平。  相似文献   

通过调查了解到目前有相当一部分大学生步入高校以后,遭遇到不同原因的挫折,诱发出许多的不良行为反应,大学生存在较严重的心理健康问题。提出高校的每位教师都应把学生心理健康教育渗透其中,强调体育教学在这方面独特的教育作用,介绍体育教学中帮助学生战胜挫折的几种方法。  相似文献   


Background: Research stemming from Self-Determination Theory (SDT) shows that physical education (PE) teachers who endorse an autonomy-supportive and structuring motivating style positively affect students’ motivation, engagement and learning. Choice provision and positive feedback are two concrete strategies that are part of an autonomy-supportive and structuring style, respectively. While the benefits of choice provision and positive feedback have been shown in contexts other than PE, evidence in the specific context of PE is much scarcer. Grounded in SDT and relying on experimental design, the present study sought to examine the effects of choice provision and positive feedback on students’ motivational experiences in PE, and whether these effects were moderated by students’ actual motor competence (AMC).

Method: A sample of 277 students (41% boys, Mage?=?12.78 years) was randomly assigned to one of four experimental conditions (2?×?2 design). Prior to the experimental manipulation, participants’ AMC was measured with the Test of Gross Motor Development second edition. Participants then watched a videotaped PE lesson, in which the provision of choice (choice – no choice) and type of feedback (corrective feedback – positive and corrective feedback) were manipulated. Participants were asked to imagine how they would feel being a student in the displayed lessons. After watching the video, they completed validated questionnaires on their (1) anticipated need satisfaction and frustration and (2) autonomous and controlled motivation. MANOVAs were conducted to investigate the differences between the experimental groups in terms of anticipated need satisfaction, need frustration and motivation. Multiple linear regression analyses were used to examine the potential moderating role of AMC.

Findings and conclusions: The benefits of choice provision were clearly shown with students in the choice condition anticipating significantly more autonomy, competence and relatedness satisfaction and autonomous motivation, while they anticipated significantly less autonomy and relatedness frustration when compared to students in the no choice condition. Similarly, the addition of positive feedback to corrective feedback yielded clear benefits, with lower averages in anticipated need frustration found among students who watched the videos in which positive feedback was added to corrective feedback. No support was provided for a synergetic motivational effect between choice and positive feedback. Overall, the present findings show the importance of offering choice and providing positive feedback to motivate students in PE, with positive effects being present for all students independent of their initial AMC levels. Although few interaction effects were found, lowly motor competent students benefited even more from receiving positive feedback than highly motor competent students. The findings of this study are important to take into account in PE teacher education programs and professional training programs for PE teachers about how to teach in a (more) motivating way.  相似文献   

试论体育活动中的挫折效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
体育活动因其所具有的竞技特征,而可能使较多的人在参与过程中遭受挫折。因此研究挫折的机制及应付策略,对正确指导此类活动具有重要意义。该文回顾了有关挫折的各种研究和理论,并提出了在体育活动中应付挫折的基本方法。  相似文献   

文章运用实验法,以太原科技大学的80名大学生为被试对象进行实验,并进行挫折耐受力调查,分析数据。得出结论:散打课教学有利于大学生挫折承受力的提高。  相似文献   

为掌握运动员遭受挫折后到攻击行为发生之前的心理状态变化,对CUBA男子运动员进行了调查研究。研究得出:1、攻击准备状态是挫折心理到攻击行为实际发生的一个过渡阶段,是一种思想上具有攻击性的状态。2、当CUBA男子运动员在竞赛过程中遭遇挫折后,一旦他们无法克服挫折情境、对挫折产生极度消极认识、产生强烈的挫折情绪反应以及挫折调节能力下降,那么,他们极有可能从挫折心理过渡到攻击准备状态。研究建议:1、对运动员进行挫折心理知识教育。2、采用多种手段提高运动员的挫折调节能力。  相似文献   

体育教学在提高大学生的挫折承受力方面具有得天独厚的优势,但与此同时挫折观教育又是一把双刃剑,促使在教学中实施体育挫折教育时要把握好一定的原则。基于此,运用文献资料、逻辑分析等研究方法就高校学生体育挫折教育原则进行了研究。主要包括:转变观念原则、教育针对性原则、适应性原则和宣传配合原则等,旨在推进体育挫折教育在高校体育教学中的顺利实施并取得实效。  相似文献   

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