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On 20 November 1989, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). It entered into force on 2 September 1990 and has by now been ratified by 193 States, making the most universally ratified human rights treaty. This overview will present and discuss the impact of this treaty both at the international and the national level, an overview which necessarily has to be limited to some of the developments as a result of the implementation of the CRC.The first part of this paper will be devoted to the impact the CRC had and still has on the setting and development of the international agenda for the promotion and protection of the rights and welfare of children. Special attention will given to developments, achievements, and remaining challenges at the international level with regard to protection of children in armed conflict; prevention and the protection of children from sexual exploitation; and from all forms of violence. This will include some information on the impact of these international developments and actions at the national level, for example, in the area of legislation.The second part will focus on the impact at the national level. Given the wide scope of the CRC this part will be limited to some of the General Measures of Implementation (law reform, national programmes, and independent monitoring) and the General Principles (non-discrimination, best interest, right to be heard) of the CRC. This will be based on reports of States on the implementation of the CRC submitted to the CRC Committee and the Concluding Observations of this Committee and on a number of studies. The conclusion will provide remarks on poverty as one of the major remaining challenges for the implementation of children's rights.  相似文献   

腐败犯罪问题严重威胁着社会的稳定与和谐发展。为了有效打击腐败犯罪,第五十八届联合国大会通过了《联合国反腐败公约》,中国已于2005年批准并签署了该公约。其第37条确立的"与执法机关的合作"是一个亮点,有利于积极侦破和追诉腐败犯罪,但我国相关立法较为滞后,因而如何正确理解和有效落实该公约有关规定,具有重要而紧迫的意义。  相似文献   

对儿童权利的保护是《经济、社会与文化权利公约》的重要内容,我国政府于1997年签署了该公约,目前国内已基本建立了儿童权利的立法保护体系,司法及执行保护体系也正在逐步完善与健全。但现状却另人堪忧,本文指出:切实地保护儿童的权利,首先应树立正确的儿童观,澄清儿童权利保护的理论误区,在此基础上逐步建立与完善包括监护制度、扶养制度、亲权制度等在内的儿童权利保障机制。  相似文献   

惩治贪官是全球所有国家的共识,其主要依据是《联合国反腐败公约》,它是迄今为止第一个关于治理腐败犯罪的最完整、最全面而又具有广泛性、创新性的国际公约,并奠定了各国打击腐败犯罪的国际法基础。我国也已基本建立反腐败法律体系,以《联合国反腐败公约》为鉴,进一步完善我国的反腐败法律制度,一是要制定《反腐败法典》,建立健全统一规范的反腐败法律体系;二是强化预防腐败的制度,从源头上铲除产生腐败的土壤和条件;三是加大对腐败的打击力度,完善惩治腐败的刑事法律;四是坚持程序正义,加强反腐败的国际合作。  相似文献   

晚清私铸与政治腐败   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
私铸的泛滥是与政治腐败相互影响的。私铸现象的严重,这与官钱铸局的腐败,地方政府的腐败有莫大的关联。晚清更是如此,政治上的腐败因素一直对私铸的泛滥起着推波助澜的作用,比如"局私"的普遍化、官铜的流失、胥吏的包庇、官查不严等等。  相似文献   

《联合国反腐败公约》是一部包含刑法规范在内的兼具国际法特征的国际刑法规范,是国际刑法渊源的重要组成部分,奠定了反腐败国际合作的法律基础。这部公约在职务犯罪惩治的立法上,体现了犯罪构成要件设计严密、完整、科学、合理的特点。中国在职务犯罪惩治的国际化方面尚存在种种现实问题,尤其是在职务犯罪惩治的刑法立法方面,需要明确"严而不厉"的立法指导思想。《联合国反腐败公约》在我国生效后,全国人大常委会相继通过了三个《刑法修正案》,在相关职务犯罪的规定上根据《联合国反腐败公约》作出相应的修改和完善,适应了职务犯罪惩治国际化的趋势。  相似文献   


This article highlights the lack of human rights recognition for arguably one of the most vulnerable groups in our society, children and young people in the care of the state. Currently under New Zealand legislation and policy frameworks these children do not have their rights upheld, as per New Zealand’s obligations under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). This is particularly important for the care and protection of children needing state care as the government has the responsibility as a state body to ensure their rights are upheld, alongside their direct responsibilities as the ‘corporate parent’. This article explores the vulnerability of this group and the ways in which their rights under UNCRC are not being met by current legislation and policy. It goes on to recommend changes to the way in which we approach legislative and policy development.  相似文献   

Conclusion Paper commitments by governments to the convention are not enough. This brief overview of the current state of children's education rights highlights the limits of the progress made so far. The convention provides us with a tool, a philosophy and a framework of standards against which to monitor progress. The challenge is to use it to develop concrete plans of action for implementing its principles in the lives of all children. At the present time, many schoolsfall far below its standards. Change is urgently needed not only to improve enrolment and reduce the number of dropouts but also to promote the rights of children to participate, to respect for their dignity, to an education directed at promoting fulfilment of potential, to freedom from violence and to a culture of respect for human rights. Respect for these rights will benefit not only individual children but also society as a whole. Children will be less disaffected if the curriculum is relevant to their needs. They will learn more effectively if they are valued as individuals. They will become socially responsible if they learn principles of respect for human rights through their treatment at school. Change will take time and will require more resources. But the outcome is win-win. There can be no excuse for failing to make an active commitment to the fullest possible implementation of the convention. We owe it to the world's children. Original language: English Gerison Lansdown (United Kingdom) Director of the Children's Rights Office established to promote implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and promote the case for a statutory Children's Rights Commissioner. She was co-editor of theAgenda for children (1994), a comprehensive analysis of the state of children's rights in the United Kingdom. She has published and lectured widely in the field of children's rights, both nationally and internationally. She is currently an associate fellow at UNICEF's International Child Development Centre in Florence.  相似文献   

高校教职工雏权是新时期高等教育发展的要求,随着高校教育改革不断深化。教职工的维权也随着高教事业的发展而拓展延伸。就目前而言,教代会是高校教职工维权的主要途径,只有完善教代会制度。才能切实雏护高校教职工的权益,促进高校社会主义政治文明的建设。  相似文献   

我国现行刑法对贪污贿赂犯罪在刑罚设置方面存在着一些与《联合国反腐败公约》规定的内容相脱节的情况,这势必影响到国际社会以及我国国内预防和打击腐败的实际效果。因此,有必要以我国同意加入《联合国反腐败公约》为契机,以此为新的视角审视我国刑法规定,达到完善我国有关贪污贿赂犯罪刑罚体系之目的。  相似文献   

"特许"中的"管制"--特许学校改革中政府的作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
特许学校是美国公立学校体系改革的主要方案,经过近10年的探索,已获得不同政治派别和利益群体的认可.特许状本质上是学校与政府间的"合同",但这个"合同"却包含着"特许权设计"的诸多细节,体现了美国各级政府对特许学校的立法、政策、监管等诸多法律和行政行为.通过特许权授予,在解决对公立学校直接行政管理低效问题的同时,实现了行政与市场手段的匹配.  相似文献   

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) is presented and understood as the primary reference point regarding questions of children's rights. However, the UNCRC is not a neutral instrument deployed to meet the rights of children: it embodies a specific perception of the child, childhood and citizenship. The interpretation of the UNCRC from the point of view of children's legal status emphasises the autonomy of children; the focus is on the rights that children possess. Conversely, the social-political interpretation of the UNCRC addresses the question of how the rights of children can be realised. It is suggested that distinguishing between these interpretations is essential with regard to questions of pedagogy and education.  相似文献   

刚果(金)是非洲大陆各种自然资源比较丰富的国家。然而,独立数十年来,刚果(金)的经济发展却是每况愈下,成为世界上最不发达的国家之一。以比利时为首的欧洲殖民主义国家对刚果(金)长期的殖民侵略和统治所遗留下来的诸多政治、经济和文化恶果,刚果(金)独立以后连绵不断的战乱和政局动荡,不合理的国际政治经济秩序,固然是刚果(金)长期贫穷的根源,但刚果(金)历届政府在经济发展战略和政策方面的种种失误,也是不可忽略的原因。  相似文献   

表演者发行权是表演者的一项重要的经济权,是权利人的一项专有权。立法保护领域从有形发行发展到网络环境,国内外立法及国际公约采用三种体例。多数国家不明确规定表演者发行权,而用作者权利方式加以涵盖。三大网络国际公约等主要国际公约都规定了表演者的发行权,但内容各有侧重。我国大陆及港澳台地区法律各有规定。文化产业要求法律赋予表演者享有网络发行权,是完善立法的国际发展趋势。  相似文献   

世界人权宣言、就业政策公约、公民权利和政治权利国际公约、发展权利宣言与经济、社会及文化权利国际公约等国际公约对成年人的生存权、职业就业、选择权与发展权作了论述.2013年是我国大学史上毕业生最多的一年,就业形势十分严峻.我国高校毕业生就业面临不平等的法律歧视、缺少对农村户口大学毕业生的法律保护等多种法律问题.从法律的角度,提出了加快大学生就业权益保护的立法步伐、强化各地政府执法力度与提高大学毕业生运用法律,进行自我保护意识等几点建议.  相似文献   

The Gulliford Lecture 2003 was given by Professor Ann Lewis of the School of Education at the University of Birmingham. Professor Lewis's lecture, on which this article is based, focused on the process of listening to the views of children and, in particular, children with learning difficulties. Following the near-universal ratification of the United Nations (UN) Convention on the Rights of the Child, a plethora of recent initiatives, both in the UK and internationally, has encouraged professionals to access children's views about provision (educational, health-related, social and legal). A range of materials has been developed to support this process, often by, or in liaison with, children's charities. At the same time, research provides valuable insights into effective practice in exploring the views of children with learning difficulties. In this article, Ann Lewis reviews ten strategies for gathering the views of children and raises four challenges for the further development of policy and practice. She closes her argument with a call for greater rigour and critical evaluation in this crucial and demanding area.  相似文献   

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child provides a guidepost to the development of child protection policy. Both comprehensive and conceptually coherent, the Convention provides a statement of international consensus that children are indeed persons, legally and morally, and that the state should ensure that they are treated with dignity. At least in spirit, the Convention demands substantial reform of most existing child protection systems.  相似文献   

人权保护有三个基本途径:1.人权的经济保护。经济发展是充分实现人权的基础,是维护生存权、促进发展权的直接动力。实施可持续发展战略,是解决贫困问题、维护生存权和发展权的长远的最佳的方略。2.人权的政治保护。国家作为人权保护的主体在人权保护中有重要作用。3.人权的法律保护。有人权的国内法保护和国际法保护两种。  相似文献   

以美国为典型的“法制化”国家对弱势群体权利保护的立法体系较为完善且管理部门职责明确,以德国为典型的“补助化”国家实施减免税收的政策并对弱势群体展开全方面的社会救济,以瑞典为典型的“福利型”国家在全国统一推行各项针对弱势群体的就业保护计划.相比其他国家和地区对弱势群体权利的法律保护之特色,我国在关于弱势群体权利保护的法律规定还存在缺失且急需补足,应尽快地适用新的法律环境和运用新法武器,通过加强立法、扩大社会保障覆盖面以及实现政府公共服务功能,维护社会关系的和谐稳定,特别是重点破解各类特殊群林的就业安置难题,从而全面促进社会经济关系的发展.  相似文献   

《儿童权利公约》将儿童权利保护置于首要位置,为儿童权利的保护提供了普遍的法律标准,它是迄今为止得到最为广泛认可的国际公约,成为儿童权利保护最重要的一个国际法律文件。中国积极实施《儿童权利公约》取得了一系列的成果。但是,我国儿童生存权保障也还存在不足,我国应进一步完善相关的法制,加强儿童生存权保障的组织,采取更加有效的措施,从而使儿童生存权得到更好的保障。  相似文献   

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