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信息网络时代正在改变着我们的教育教学方式,基于网络自主学习平台的"一对一"数字化教学模式,能够充分利用网络资源对学生的自主学习进行引导。应在一线教学中探索这种教学模式的界定、设计流程、各教学环节的相应策略,以及应用过程要注意的事项等,总结出相关的经验。  相似文献   

在上海召开的全国中等职业教育教学改革创新工作会议上,教育部部长袁贵仁与新华通讯社副社长鲁炜共同开通了全国中等职业教育数字化学习资源平台。实现信息技术在中等职业教育教学中的普及和应用,推进中等职业教育教学资源信息化建设,是深化中等职业教育教学改革、提高教育质量的重要保证,也是中等职业教育信息化建设的核心。  相似文献   

浅谈数字化学习   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪末,信息技术将人类社会由传统的工业化时代推向信息化时代。信息化社会海量的信息以数字形式表征,知识的更新速度加快,新技术不断涌现。作为培养社会生产者的教育活动也被注入了信息化的元素。信息技术的核心是计算机技术和网络技术,网络使远程开放教学成为可能,满足了学习者非时空自主化学习需求。传统教学与学习活动在信息技术的作用下趋向数字化,产生了数字化学习。  相似文献   

网络已经影响到我们生活的方方面面。网络的发展与普及,使人类步入信息时代.一种与现代教育技术和信息高速公路时代相适应的全新、高效的学习方式,正深刻地影响着我们。现代信息技术为语文教学搭建的是两个平台,一个是多媒体运作的平台.另一个是网络信息的平台。通过多媒体技术的介入,语文教学要变过去统一、同步的教学为多元、异步的教学;变过去单向传递为多向传递。课堂教学形式再也不能局限于教师的讲解,  相似文献   

人类阔步迈进 2 1世纪之际 ,迎来了数字化时代。数字技术的飞快发展使现代教育技术出现质的飞跃。数字化教育技术可以充分运用先进的教学手段 ,满足人们的学习需求 ,最大限度地提高教学效率。数字化教育技术的核心包括两大部分 :一是硬件 ,解决存储量、网络传输速度和运算速度的问题 ;二是软件 ,解决教育资源存储、信息传输效率以及教育资源获取、浏览等软件环境。数字化教育技术将提供丰富的数字化教学资源、快速传输的通讯网络和效果优良、操作方便的前端平台 ,它是建立在数字化技术基础之上的现代教育思想、理论、方法、模式等一整套教育…  相似文献   

探讨信息化时代下《液压与气动》课程教学中的问题,尝试设计制作数字化课程学习资源,利用微信公众平台辅助教学,构建"线上+线下"学习模式,提升教学效果。  相似文献   

1数字化教学迈入学校智能教育时代或将来临随着数字教学在全球范围的开展和应用,人们的学习方式发生着根本性改变,便捷、个性化成为主流趋势。数字化教学推广得到了多国政府的支持。2013年6月,美国总统奥巴马宣布推行"连接教育"计划,旨在5年内实现全美学校享受不低于100兆比特、最高可达1吉比特的稳定高速无线网络服务。韩国在2011年提出《智能教育推进战略》,计划在2015年前把小学、初中、高中所有课程都开发成电子教科书,在个人电脑、智能手机等智能终端上使用。虽然乐观的人们相信,人类可以开发出更具创新价值的电子教育教材,电子产品与传统教育的结合也将给学习增添更多乐趣。但是,关于智能  相似文献   

人们生活在信息化时代,教育和信息化也密不可分。随着新课程改革的不断推进,传统的教学模式已经不能适应新时代的要求,推广普及数字化教学,加强小学教育和信息技术的整合利用已经成为教学的重要手段。采用数字化教学,利用生动、形象的文字图像等使数学教学中的抽象知识具体化、简单化,大大激发了学生的学习兴趣,调动了学生学习数学的积极性,提高了学生的数学知识应用能力和综合素质,有利于提高小学数学课堂效率。  相似文献   

随着信息时代、数码时代的到来,计算机和网络的普及与频繁使用,数字化教学手段正越来越多地被运用于美术课教学中。数字化美术即以电脑为平台,结合相关的美术方面专业软件,利用键盘和鼠际进行图形图像制作。  相似文献   

数字化的兴起是人类的一次空前的革命,它激起了人类社会翻天覆地的变化。这些变化带给课堂教学的既是一次千载难逢的机遇,也是一场空前的挑战。在此机遇与挑战并存的境遇下,课堂教学实践中出现了如传统教学手段的缺位、"手脑"并用的机会减少、虚拟世界的道德缺失、"真"与"假"呈乱象趋势等现实困境。为了顺应数字化时代课堂教学变革,切实转化师生角色、谨慎对待变革步调、极力匹配辅助系统和重新界定课堂教学的时空概念等尤为重要。  相似文献   

We discuss the fruits of educational neuroscience research from our laboratory and show how the typical maturational timing milestones in bilingual language acquisition provide educators with a tool for differentiating a bilingual child experiencing language and reading delay versus deviance. Further, early schooling in two languages simultaneously affords young bilingual children a reading advantage and may also ameliorate the negative effect of low socioeconomic status on literacy. Using powerful brain imaging technology, functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy, we provide a first-time look into the developing brains of bilingual as comapred to monolingual children. We show unequivocally that the age of first bilingual exposure is a vital predictor of bilingual language and reading mastery. Accounts that promote later dual language and reading instruction, or those that assert human brain development is unrelated to bilingual language mastery, are not supported by the present findings. We discuss the implications for education, teachers, and developmental brain sciences.  相似文献   

Neuroeducation—a recent approach to educational policy—claims that a bridge should be established between education and mind‐brain sciences, with the double aim of devising educational methods that work and of understanding why they work. The success of this encounter depends, among other conditions, on getting the science right; otherwise, neuroeducation and science‐informed policies risk doing more harm than good. On several occasions, the cognitive and brain sciences have been misunderstood, and misused: neuromyths—the misconceptions about the mind and brain functioning—have blossomed, thus raising both theoretical and pragmatic concerns. This article addresses the origin, persistence, and potential side‐effects of neuromyths in education. The hypothesis is put forward that the persistence of neuromyths is sustained by specific cultural conditions, such as the circulation of pieces of information about the brain and the appetite for brain news, but has its roots in deeper cognitive intuitions.  相似文献   

This article is a philosophical analysis of van Eijck and Roth’s (2007) claim that science and traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) should be recalibrated because they are incommensurate, particular to the local contexts in which they are practical. In this view, science maintains an incommensurate status as if it is a “fundamental” basis for the relative comparison of other cultural knowledges, which reduces traditional knowledge to a status of in relation to the prioritized (higher)-status of natural sciences. van Eijck and Roth reject epistemological Truth as a way of thinking about sciences in science education. Rather they adopt a utilitarian perspective of cultural-historical activity theory to demonstrate when traditional knowledge is considered science and when it is not considered science, for the purposes of evaluating what should be included in U.S. science education curricula. There are several challenges for evaluating what should be included in science education when traditional knowledges and sciences are considered in light of a utilitarian analysis. Science as diverse, either practically local or theoretically abstract, is highly uncertain, which provides opportunities for multiple perspectives to enlarge and protect the natural sciences from exclusivity. In this response to van Eijck and Roth, we make the case for considering dialectical relationships between science and TEK in order to ensure cultural diversity in science education, as a paradigm. We also emphasize the need to (re)dissolve the hierarchies and dualisms that may emerge when science is elevated in status in comparison with other knowledges. We conclude with a modification to van Eijck and Roth’s perspective by recommending a guiding principle of cultural diversity in science education as a way to make curriculum choices. We envision this principle can be applied when evaluating science curricula worldwide.  相似文献   

数学文化与人的发展   总被引:29,自引:5,他引:29  
从文化学的角度理解数学,对于数学教育有特别重要的意义。只有当我们认为数学本身就是一种文化的时候,才可以称之为“数学文化”。数学与人文社会科学的各学科相比,它最像哲学,哲学是使人获得智慧的科学,而数学则正是可以使人变得更聪明的科学,数学美一直是指引数学家前进和奋斗不息的一盏明灯,数学美具有科学美的一切特性,而且它还具有艺术美的某些特性,数学作为一种文化,在教育中对人的发展起多方面的作用。  相似文献   

The concept of paradigm as a set of ontological and epistemological benchmarks is the basis for a discussion of the influence the Newtonian mechanistic paradigm has exerted over special education theory, research, and practice. Discussions of "malcontents" with the mechanistic paradigm across the social sciences and within special education are noted. Recent literature in the field of special education is critiqued for renaming theories as paradigms, thereby leaving mechanistic assumptions in place. The contours are then drawn of theoretical reorientations and of the emerging alternative holistic paradigm and its importance for special education. It is concluded that we do not have paradigms or paradigm shifts within the field, but that the field is part of a paradigm that is undergoing change across the sciences and social sciences.  相似文献   


Metaphors help us understand a concept by resorting to the imaginary because it is sometimes difficult to do so through the use of words alone. Thinkers have made use of metaphors to not only describe ‘falling in love’, ‘the pain of losing someone dear to us’, but also to describe particular concepts both in arts and sciences. In fact, the use of metaphors in some disciplines, particularly the sciences, is now regarded as something essential for the development of the field. We note that influential philosophers of education, such as Martin Buber, Paulo Freire, Michael Apple, Gert Biesta and Ilan Gur-Ze’ev have also made use of metaphors to discuss education and specific issues in educational contexts. In this article, we do two things: (i) we discuss the methodological importance of metaphors in helping us make better sense of concepts and particular problems; (ii) building on this methodological discussion, we critically discuss the problems posed by the current processes of ‘marketisation’ and ‘learnification’ in education. We conclude by arguing that metaphors do not provide us with ultimate answers to the problems we face; rather, they help us unveil a diversity of novel perspectives and a world of new possibilities.  相似文献   

论双语教学学科适应性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在开展双语教学的过程中,我们必须要重视学科特点和适应性,盲目地使用英语进行部分人文社会科学学科的教学会产生负面的影响。笔者认为,自然科学学科较为适合开展双语教学,而人文社会科学学科则要甄别地开展双语教学。  相似文献   

徐辉 《比较教育研究》2015,37(11):29-32
本文认为,作为中国比较教育研究分会会刊的《比较教育研究》在我国教育事业的改革与发展进程中发挥了不可替代的重要作用.它是青年学者学习的榜样,是我国教育界了解世界教育发展的窗口,是我国国际教育交流与合作的平台,是繁荣我国教育科学的园地,是服务我国教育决策的智库.  相似文献   

In this article, we discuss the recent evolutions of science and engineering doctoral and postdoctoral education in Europe. Indeed, Ph.Ds are crucial to the conduct of research and innovation in the national innovation systems, as they provide a large amount of input into creating the competitive advantage, notably through basic research. First, we show that Asia, and notably China, is producing more Ph.Ds than the United States and Europe. In many EU countries, the number of Ph.Ds has levelled off or even declined recently in many natural sciences and engineering fields. Second, we discuss the European situation in the international competition for talents. We study the European brain drain question, mainly at the doctoral and postdoctoral level. We find that there is an asymmetry in the flows of Ph.D students and postdoctorates between Europe and the United States, at the advantage of this latter country. These two points — production of Ph.Ds, international flows of doctorates and postdoctorates — lead us to be concerned about the future growth and innovation in Europe. In conclusion, we outline some European policy responses in the perspective of building the European Research Area and the European Higher Education Area.  相似文献   

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