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物理课程标准中内容标准与科学探究是学生物理学习所应达到的基本要求。基于课程标准的教学有助于避免教学的盲目性。由于物理课程标准中内容标准表述过于宽泛,影响教师教学任务的明晰。本文结合典型案例,介绍了物理课程标准中内容标准目标的一般拆解策略、内容目标的分解步骤,为一线教师进行课程标准中内容标准目标的分解提供有益的思路和启示。  相似文献   

教学目标的制定源自对课程标准的深度理解和对教材的深度剖析。分解课程标准,通过目标主体、行为表现、行为条件和表现程度四个方面对目标进行阐述,使得目标更具操作性,更可观、可测。依据制定好的教学目标,设计教学活动,可以使教学更有针对性和适切性。以苏教版五年级下册"方程的意义"为例,完整地呈现课程标准的分解、教学目标的制定、教学活动的设计一系列过程,以此推进课堂教学效益的不断提升。  相似文献   

《普通高中信息技术课程标准(实验)》已颁布十多年,但据调查,基于多种现实原因很多学校并未使课程标准有效落地.正式版的高中课程标准将在近期颁布,那么如何有效分解这些标准为一线教学所用,并真实提升学生的信息素养是值得关注的问题.本文讨论的便的是基于信息技术课程标准的学习目标分解方法,和尝试分解学习目标时考虑的因素,从而引导更加有效的课堂教学.  相似文献   

“用教科书教”的本质就是要基于课程标准设计教学活动.具体包括仔细研读课程标准,分解课程标准中的内容标准,把握学生的学情基础,确定学习目标,并对教科书进行适当的重构,从而实现基于课程标准的教学设计和有效教学.  相似文献   

科学的评价机制应该是基于标准的评价,而要实现对学生的课时学习的评价则需要对课程标准进行量化和分解,结合学习要求、学习资源和学生实际等进行课时学习目标的设定.下面我们选取<普通高中思想政治课程标准(实验)>中的一条内容标准"树立正确的消费观"来说明如何分解课程标准,确立课时目标,并实施有效的课时学习评价.  相似文献   

修订后的义务教育品德与生活和品德与社会的课程标准终于颁布了。现阶段,研读课标,领悟精髓,是重要的学习活动。尝试分解课程标准的相关条目,把握实质,精当解读,是一种比较专业的学习实践活动,也是实现崔允漷教授倡导的从"基于教材的教学"走向"基于课程标准的教学"的策略。如何分解课程标准呢?笔者以"让教与学植根于儿童的生活"这一条目为例,介绍分解的做法。  相似文献   

为了引导各学科进一步落实课程标准,依据教育目标分类学理论中的目标分类框架以及对教学目标层次、行为表现的界定,描述遵循目标叙写的规范表述方式,义务教育阶段18个学科段形成基于课程标准的年级和单元教学目标体系。在目标分解的技术与路径上,形成成熟的目标分解技术、目标叙写技术,设计了课程目标分析、课程内容分析、教学目标编制的工具支架,并对年级教学目标的数量问题、综合性学习结果的目标描述问题、学科能力目标的分层问题进行了思考。  相似文献   

课程标准是教科书编写、教学和评价的依据。要准确解读课程标准,合理制定教学目标,就要明确课程目标体系,系统分析和理解内容标准,认真分析学生学习这一内容可能会遇到的问题,进而思考如何拟定合理的教学目标。文章以"鸦片战争"教学为例进行分析。  相似文献   

对《电磁感应现象的两类情况》一节内容,以课程标准为基本纲领,进行基于课程标准的环节性分解,示范了基于课程标准进行有效教学设计的理论基础、实施方法等内容.并论述了在课程标准的导引下如何进行章节教学目标的有效分解,构建教学设计.  相似文献   

分解课程标准是基于标准的教学、评价和教材开发需要思考的第一个核心问题,是理解并落实课程标准的一项专业活动,由于各科学科性质和课程内容标准的呈现方式不同,课程标准的分解可采用顺向、逆向两种路径操作。整个分解过程可藉由陈述课程标准的句型结构和核心关键词的分析技术,选择剖析核心关键词的拓展方式,并结合学情、校情、教学资源以及分解者的学科知识背景和自身教学经验,作出合理的专业判断。  相似文献   

The passage of No Child Left Behind and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act has strengthened the conditions for instructional accountability for all learners. The standards‐based approach promulgated by curriculum and state assessments is central to the accountability of conditions in today's schools; however, national and state data continue to document a performance gap between students with learning disabilities (LD) and their nondisabled peers. Building on 5 years of experience in developing and testing the Blending Assessment with Instruction Program in mathematics, we present three basic principles that are essential to ensuring that students with LD achieve curriculum standards: (1) instruction must be aligned with curriculum standards, (2) teachers' content knowledge is essential to translating curriculum standards into aligned instruction, and (3) instructional methodology should receive greater attention during teacher preparation.  相似文献   

胡定荣 《教育学报》2007,3(1):31-36
通过对中国西部地区162名中小学教师对评价一堂好课标准的问卷调查,结果表明:新课程倡导的教学理念得到部分体现;教师理想的评价标准和现实的评价标准之间存在差距;一堂课的评价标准具有一定的结构,指向善于讲解、设计环境、调动学生、运用手段、选择目标五个维度,学段、学科、性别、年龄对教师的评课标准不存在显著影响。  相似文献   

Assessment influences every level of the education system and is one of the most crucial catalysts for reform in science curriculum and instruction. Teachers, administrators, and others who choose, assemble, or develop assessments face the difficulty of judging whether tasks are truly aligned with national or state standards and whether they are effective in revealing what students actually know. Project 2061 of the American Association for the Advancement of Science has developed and field‐tested a procedure for analyzing curriculum materials, including their assessments, in terms of how well they are likely to contribute to the attainment of benchmarks and standards. With respect to assessment in curriculum materials, this procedure evaluates whether this assessment has the potential to reveal whether students have attained specific ideas in benchmarks and standards and whether information gained from students' responses can be used to inform subsequent instruction. Using this procedure, Project 2061 had produced a database of analytical reports on nine widely used science middle school curriculum materials. The analysis of assessments included in these materials shows that whereas currently available materials devote significant sections in their instruction to ideas included in national standards documents, students are typically not assessed on these ideas. The analysis results described in the report point to strengths and limitations of these widely used assessments and identify a range of good and poor assessment tasks that can shed light on important characteristics of good assessment. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 39: 889–910, 2002  相似文献   

Since A Nation at Risk was released in the 1980s, standards-based reform has been the most dominant trend in American educational policy, and the No Child Left Behind Act pushed the trend further by requiring states to develop rigorous curriculum standards. Though much has been said about these new standards, less has been said about whether or how well professional development helps teachers link their instruction to these standards. This study examined the impact of a professional development program for K-12 science teachers in helping teachers meet state curriculum standards. Seventy-five science teachers in Michigan participated in a 2-week summer workshop that used Problem-Based Learning for improving teachers’ content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge. Researchers surveyed participating teachers about the change of teachers’ preparedness for standards-based teaching, their expectations to meet state curriculum standards, and whether their expectations were met. In addition, the usefulness of workshop activities was examined. Data analysis showed that to align teaching with state curriculum standards, participating teachers expected to learn instructional strategies and enhance science content knowledge through professional development, and by and large their expectations were well met. Collaboration with colleagues and facilitators helped teachers achieve their goals in terms of teaching within state curriculum standards. These findings have important implications for designing professional development to help teachers align instruction with curriculum standards.  相似文献   

当前课程标准的修订方式和依据过于单一,缺少来自课堂的直接数据的支撑。课堂观察的意义不仅在于规范听评课,它对课程标准的修订和实施具有重要的政策意义。课堂观察可以判断教师课程实施与课程标准的吻合程度,提供实施过程的数据;相互调适课程标准与课堂教学,达成改革共识;形成从理想到底限的教师行为连续体,为标准实施中的教师研修提供参考。  相似文献   

陈云 《海外英语》2014,(20):107-108
The requirements of "Curriculum standards" for high school students to write have greatly improved than ever. Thus,in high school,teachers should seriously study teaching materials and "curriculum standards" and pay attention to the importance of English writing instruction,guide and organize students to do English writing to train and improve students’ writing skills and to improve their writing instruction effectiveness.  相似文献   

In 2001, the Chinese Ministry of Education issued Guidelines for Preschool Education (GPE) (trial version) to call on early childhood practitioners to use a child-centered and play-based approach to teaching and learning. The guidelines also include mathematics within the science domain and described its standards in a way that significantly lessens the teacher’s role as knowledge disseminator. Instead, the guidelines encourage mathematics learning and teaching through play, self-discovery, and problem solving. This qualitative case study examined one kindergarten teacher’s implementation of and associated challenges in delivering mathematics lessons from a newly developed integrated provincial curriculum (PC) and the quality of instruction as influenced by using a curriculum that is organized around thematic units. The analysis of the curriculum, ten videotaped lessons, two teacher interviews, and other supporting documents, such as student work and teacher lesson plans, indicated that the teacher encountered difficulties implementing the PC as intended due to a number of factors, including inadequate curricular resources, incoherency of the curriculum design, and a mismatch between the mathematics standards and curriculum goals and the teacher’s instructional style and teaching philosophy. As a result, the quality of mathematics instruction was poor, especially in the areas of (1) using effective teaching strategies, (2) providing clear and accurate instruction with a positive attitude, (3) engaging students in sustained interactions with mathematical ideas, and (4) offering on-going assessment and feedback. To close, recommendations for curriculum refinement and professional development are provided.  相似文献   

后现代视野中的高校课程体系建设   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
当前高校课程体系改革取得了可喜成果,但还远不能适应教育创新的要求。后现代教育理论强调以实践的观点展开教育活动,注重培养学生的独立精神、创新能力和批判怀疑精神。受此启发,高校课程体系改革和建设应实现几个转变:教学目的应从工具论向本体论转变,追求人的全面自由发展;教学内容应从预设向生成转变,实现知识、能力和素质的协调发展;教学过程应从教师权威向学生主体转变,提倡启发式教学;教学评价应从单一向多元转变,体现学生的主体地位。  相似文献   


This article assesses the policy strategy for local management of schools in Victoria, Australia within the high involvement framework for creating high performance organizations. The high involvement framework as adapted to education hypothesizes that a decentralized strategy for improving educational performance requires decentralizing four key resources: power over the budget and personnel functions; information about revenues, expenditures, costs and best practices; knowledge and skills including both technical and business knowledge; and rewards including compensation and other incentives. The framework also includes an instructional guidance framework of curriculum standards and student assessment to those standards, and facilitative principal leadership. Based on two years of data collection at both the state and school levels, focusing on governance, management, finance, and curriculum and instruction, the study found that Victoria's Schools of the Future ranked high on all six variables, and that the decentralization process was working smoothly and major changes were being made in curriculum and instruction when school sites also ranked high on the six variables


高中语文新课程现在已经全面实施,虽然广大教师在实施中努力践行新课程的理念,但是综观现在的高中阅读教学,仍然有许多令人不如意的地方。为了改变现状提高阅读教学的效率,广大一线语文教师需要对优化教学的标准、语文学习的规律等方面进行充分地研究,在此基础上优化阅读教学的策略,从强化兴趣意识、主体意识、介入意识、训练意识等方面着手,力求在提高学生阅读的能力的同时还能够促进学生人格的健康发展,达到教学的较高境界。  相似文献   

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