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It is well known that smoking is a dangerous habit because it causes health problems. Doctors say it can be a direct cause of cancer, of the lungs and throats and can also help to lead to cancer of other organs. In addition, it can bring about other health problems such as heart lung diseases. It is regarded as one of the chief causes of death in our society.  相似文献   

The speech act of complaint is an important research subject of pragmatics,which is worthy of research among speech acts.With the development of research into speech acts,some scholars have performed investigations of complaints,but they have done little work on Chinese language complaints.Therefore,it is necessary to make a further study on complaint as a speech act in Chinese.This thesis is based on speech act theory and the politeness principle as an empirical study of the speech act of com plaint in Chinese.It aims to provide a more complete and comprehensive result of participant production of the speech act of complaint.  相似文献   

王晓芳  张希永 《海外英语》2012,(20):259-263
Metaphor is a common phenomenon in real life.It refers to a figure of speech in which an implied comparison is made between two unlike things that actually have something in common.As for advertising,foreign studies focus on the analysis of ap plication and effects of metaphor.Based on the historical and current studies on metaphor,this paper aims at analyzing metaphor and its functions in advertising from systemic functional grammar perspective.It pointed out that metaphor,a rhetoric method in advertising language,has many functions,namely,politeness,imagination,subjectivity,objectivity,and textual cohesion,etc.Thus,metaphor can be seen as an important sales strategy,helping the advertisers to establish a good interpersonal relationship with the target audience so as to reach their business aims.In addition,it is also of great importance in that it can stimulate our in terest to learn English,and help us to improve English reading,understanding and writing.  相似文献   

Indirect speech act theory is a part of pragmatics. In indirect speech acts the speaker often says one thing to mean something else. It is essential for the learners of language to know not only literal meaning of a sentence, but also its illocutionary act. So people can efficiently communicate with each other.This paper uses some examples to illustrate some functions and usage of indirect speech acts.  相似文献   

凌红 《海外英语》2013,(3X):266-268
Among the modern rhetorical devices,metonymy and synecdoche are two important figures of speech,which are analogous to each other for both use the name of one thing for that of something else.That is to say,both of the rhetorical devices involve substitution.Thus the two concepts are confusing.Metonymy emphasizes on using the name of one thing for that of something else with which it is associated.Synecdoche is a figure of speech in which a part is used for a whole,an individual for a class,a material for a thing,or the reverse of any of these.By making a comparative study of these two through the connotation and category,the author summarizes that:they are two independent figures of speech.  相似文献   

Linguistics is a necessary course for English-majors because it plays an important role in second language learning, teaching and research. It is significant, yet difficult to make this course comprehensible and interesting and get the students involved in and attracted by it. This paper intends to analyze and explore teachers’ roles in the course of linguistics from the following aspects: as an explainer, as an activator, as a co-learner, as a question-finder and as an enabler. Some examples are taken to show how to make use of comparison, contrast, instance, discussion, and practice for classroom management. What’s important for a teacher of linguistics is not only to understand linguistic theories and carry on linguistic research by him- or herself, but also to make his or her students get to know the nature of language and learn to do scientific studies of language by themselves.  相似文献   

It is considerably well known that the Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao is a learned and refined man and use a lot quotes of ancient Chinese prose in his speech to enrich the meaning of his words.The same situation can also be applied to his speech in external news conferences during which words of wisdom sparkles.It is believed that those quotes of Premier Wen and his interpreter's concise translation contributes a lot to convey national Chinese culture as well as set up a significant international image of China,which plays a considerable part in enhancing the soft power of China.Since China has enjoyed a rapid and comprehensive development of economy and technology in recent decades and has had an increasing impact upon international affairs,the issue concerning setting a powerful and reasonable self image is getting more and more important \ urgent.To improve a country's soft power is certainly an aspect of national image which will lead China towards a powerful country that is helpful for the peace and development of the whole world.  相似文献   

一Many people love eating out,but it can be a both great and dangerous thing. One of the greatest things about eating out is that it saves time.After lon hours' working at our offices,few people want to get home and cook a meal.Eating out can also be great because we can try many different kinds of foods and  相似文献   

周自强 《海外英语》2011,(10):22-23,26
Figurative speeches, especially metaphors that prevail essays, novels, reports, poems, etc. give flavor, if not life, to writings, help express the inexpressible, bring the abstract concrete, make the tedious succinct, and illuminate the vague and the ambiguous bright and clear. It seems that metaphors to writing is what salt to cooking ─ and more. In this paper, we are attempting to drag it to a "down-to-earth" tool to be handy to common learners by quoting examples from various styles to show how it can be used to increase language power and how important it is for ordinary Chinese learners of English to get familiar with and learn to employ metaphors and other figurative speeches in writing. We should be able to use words in non-literal sense to lend force to an idea, to heighten effects, or to create atmosphere, so as to make our writings eligible at least for practical use and readable for an ordinary native speaker of English.  相似文献   

熊祖娟 《海外英语》2011,(6):185-187
Skills for Translating Onomatopoeia in English Poems aims for a better comprehension of translating skills for onomatopoeia in English poems. By introducing the definition of onomatopoeia, it proposes several methods of translating onomatopoeia. It suggests, it’s better to keep the part of speech of onomatopoeia when translate an English poem for fully expressing the meaning of the original author;or change the part of speech of onomatopoeia if it is necessary, which are definitely explained by methods and examples including turning nouns into verbs, turning verbs into nouns and turning adjectives into verbs. It also points out one can add onomatopoeia to a text without onomatopoeia for other purposes.  相似文献   

The infinitive is a kind of non-finite forms of the verb. It has partly the character of a verb, partly that of a noun and also that of an adjective and adverb. It shows its verbal character by its capacity of taking the ordinary verb-modifiers, objects and adverbial adjuncts, exhibiting, at least in part, the distinctions of tense and voice. It shows its substantival character by its capacity of filling the same functions in a sentence as an ordinary noun. It can act in the function of adverbial as well as attribute, subject, object, predicative, apposition and so on. In this article, we will only discuss the question about the infinitive used as adverbial.  相似文献   

Some people say it is a very easy thing to get up on a cold morning.You have only,they tell you,to take the resolution1;and the thing is done.This may be very true;just as a boy at school has only to take a flogging2,and the thing is over.But we have not at all made up our minds3 upon it;and we find it a very pleasant4 exercise to discuss5 the matter,candidly6,before we get up.This at least7 is not idling8, though it may be lying9.It affords10 an excellent answer to those,who ask how lying in…  相似文献   

See if you can complete this crossword. It's based on words and expressions from the magazine. So, the best thing is to do it after reading all the magazine. How much can you remember?Across 2. person who gives advice or help to an organisation. 4. Money, equipment, services, etc. for people in poor countries. 6. A piece of equipment for going up to a high place. It has steps on it.  相似文献   

Gary Wu 《新高考》2015,(4):19-20
在所有的语言中,最令人伤感的莫过于“本来可以”。我不想用这样的字眼来描述自己的生活,或许你也不想。那么,在我们决定是不是要追逐新的梦想时,就别再用年龄做借口了。A common question I hear frequently asked is:“Am I too old to learn or do X?”where X is anything from programming to painting to starting a business.The weird thing is I’ve seen kids as young as 14 ask this.It’s an odd question,because it implies that past a certain age,we’re unable to learn new things,as if our brain becomes static and who we are is who we’ll be forever.This notion is supported by proverbs like“you can’t teach an old dog new tricks”and the idea that it’s impossible  相似文献   

It is argued that the lack of consensus on what constitutes an inquiry-based approach makes the generalization about it difficult, because the concept is relatively unspecific and vague. This problem can partially be solved by constructing a set of activities promoted by inquiry, thus defining the inquiry objectives for classroom and laboratory teaching. Five high school and college Mexican teachers' PICK (pedagogical inquiry/content knowledge) was documented and assessed by means of Loughran, Mulhall and Berry's (2004) l-CoRe (inquiry content representation) developed by the authors through a proposal of a set of seven inquiry activities. They were also interviewed to construct the professional and pedagogical experience repertoires, a second tool by Loughran et al. (2004) to document PICK. It was observed that all teachers interviewed have used inquiry to modify their students' way of thinking, mainly through question posing. Some of them employed research as their main tool to promote scientific inquiry but others mentioned the lack of time to do it. It is interesting to notice that in spite of the fact that inquiry is out of the curriculum in M6xico, the teachers make use of it to improve their teaching practice. According to their answers, their actions in the classroom or the lab were classified within the three general approaches expressed by Lederman (2004): implicit, historical and explicit. It is concluded that a given teacher cannot be classified exclusively in one of them, because in his/her activities one general approach overlaps the others. The authors conclude that Lederman's classification has to be taken into account as an orientation to characterize a given activity of one teacher, even though the same teacher may use another activity characterized by other general approach. That is, Lederman's classification applies to characterize activities, not persons  相似文献   

As the pace of life continues to increase,we are fast losing the art of relaxation.1you are in thehabit of rushing through life,being on the go from morningtill night,it is hard to2down.But relaxationis3for a healthy mind and body.Stress is a4part of everydaylife and there is no way to5it.Infact,it is not the bad thing that it is oftensupposed to be.A6amount of stressis important to provide motivation and give7to life.It is only when the stressgets out of control8it can lead topoor performanc…  相似文献   

李艳 《海外英语》2012,(22):76-77,88
This paper sets forth a tentative model of lesson planning for the writing module at the vocational education level,with argumentative essay writing as an illustration.First,it presents a summary account of the context where the course structure and learner needs are addressed.It,then,provides an overview of the lesson plan in terms of classroom processes,strategies and purposes.Finally,the paper proceeds to the theoretical and empirical justification of the lesson plan through recourse to earlier research findings.The model is intended to be implicational for writing teachers to prepare each lesson as an indispensable pre-instructional process.  相似文献   

李锐 《海外英语》2012,(1):146-148
Translation is an art,a bilingual art.Like painting,translation enables us to reproduce the fine thought of somebody,not in colors,but in words,in words of a different language.It is no easy job,not so easy as it is supposed.Many can speak and write it well,but they can not translate well.This paper is mainly discussing the method of translating English to Chinese.Also analyses and classifies the translation of the passive voice from English to Chinese,and also points several language points should be considered in translating.  相似文献   

薛才佳 《海外英语》2011,(11):193-196
Chinese poetry has a very long and remarkable history.It is one of the most important representatives of China’s ancient civilization of 5000 years.Chinese poetry utilizes quite a large number of methods in order to be more melodious and charming.Reduplicated words,as a figure of speech,are one of the most frequently used form among them.Reduplicated words as an active rhetorical device can add more flavor and taste to poems.They have the advantages of expressing the stylistic beauty effectively in form,sound and sense,thus push the article to its topmost aesthetic beauty.This paper,from a stylistic perspective,first discusses and argues the translatability of reduplicated words and then the importance to maintain the style of reduplicated words.After that it tries hard to put forward some favorable ways of dealing with the translation of reduplicated words so that reduplicated words in classical Chinese poetry can be appropriately translated without damage to the original style and flavor.  相似文献   

蔡萍 《海外英语》2012,(14):133-134,148
Metaphor is a common linguistic phenomenon and always realizes its value within a certain context.Metaphor uses words to indicate something different from their literal meaning-one thing is described in terms of another so as to suggest a likeness or analogy between them.A metaphor can easily be seen as a bridge which links and comprises the known and the unknown,the familiar and the unfamiliar.Some people hold that metaphor tends to be seen as a way of coloring the ordinary plain language.Meanwhile some people think that metaphor is regarded as a way of experiencing the world.An analysis on English and Chinese metaphor translation will help to strengthen our understanding of different languages as well as different cultures.This paper focuses on the structure and features of metaphor,correspondences and several techniques in metaphor translation.  相似文献   

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