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近年来,凉山彝族自治州彝族地区的民族教育一直受到教育界人士的关注,在党和政府的支持和帮助下,彝区的教育不断得到改善和发展,尤其是两类体制的彝汉双语教育取得了明显的成效。随着社会的发展,英语的重要性逐渐被彝区人民所认识,开始探索如何在彝区克服英语教学中的局限,培养双语、多语综合性人才之路。凉山彝族自治州西昌市民族中学适时开展了彝英双语教育的教学实践,借助彝语母语的优势来学习英语,克服了彝族学生对英语的恐惧心理,提高了学生的英语水平,达到了事半功倍的效果。  相似文献   

母语负迁移指的是二语学习过程中母语对二语的阻碍作用。汉英两种语言分别属于不同语系,它们之间虽然有相同点但也存在着很大的差异。由于语言决定思维,因此汉英翻译中以汉语为母语的译者在翻译时,不可避免地会受到母语的影响,译出不合英语表达习惯和语法结构的句子。结合教学中所遇到的母语负迁移现象,母语对汉英翻译的影响主要表现在词语选择、句式结构及语篇衔接三个方面。汉英翻译实践中,译者应多关注目标语的表达习惯、语法特点、句式特点及语篇衔接习惯等,并多进行两种语言间的比较,以期将母语对翻译的影响降至最低。  相似文献   

This study is part of a larger project related to multilingualism and education in rural Kenya. We examine how Grade 8 learners use their three languages (Nandi, Swahili, and English) when they discuss experiences elicited by two short video clips representing happiness and sadness as basic emotions. Previous research indicates that use of the mother tongue is preferred for expressing feelings; however, we find that learners neither prefer their indigenous language nor convey the most fluent emotional stories in this language. We problematise this finding, and further discuss the connection between school languages and intention within the national curriculum.  相似文献   

澳大利亚的应用语言学研究与英国和美国不同。在英国和美国,应用语言学是在对国际学生英语教学过程中发展起来的。澳大利亚的应用语言学研究有两个特点:1)深受以各种现代语言为研究对象的应用语言学的影响,这一点不仅体现在大学法语及其他现代语言教师的研究中,还体现在对移民社区各种语言的研究中;2)英语应用语言学作用显著,不管是英语在学校作为母语,还是作为移民语言。本文通过对澳大利亚一些著名的应用语言学家,如Terry Quinn,Michael Clyne,Michael Halliday等的走访或网络采访,力图探讨澳大利亚应用语言学研究的起源与特点。  相似文献   

在全球经济一体化的时代背景下,在壮族地区中小学开展壮英双语教育具有超越一般学科教育的意义。推行壮英双语教育需要解决的理论问题主要包括:接受外来化与树立民族自信心和自尊心的关系,保存民族化传统与处理好化认同的关系,在具体实施壮英双语教育课程体系时,涉及经费、师资、教学手段等困难和问题。通过壮汉、壮英双语教育的课程改革,使更多的壮族学生实现壮汉英三语兼通,将会加快壮族社会实现现代化的进程,推动壮族地区经济的腾飞。  相似文献   

One of Singapore's problems with reading acquisition programmes stems from the fact that although most of our children come from non-Englisg speaking homes, their parents' choice of the medium of instruction is English. This means that English is taught right from the first day the child enters school. Most of the other countries where English is taught and is not the mother tongue, use the mother tongue as a medium of instruction for several years before the introduction of English. Neither are Singaporean children totally immersed in English at school because they also spend part of their school time learning a non-English language, namely Chinese, Malay or Tamil. Investigation into problems connected with the teaching of English and reading is therefore very important for Singapore, especially since one of our education system's streaming procedures is instituted very early, at the end of the third year of schooling at Primary 3.  相似文献   

论欧洲母语教材的“多元因素”及其启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
欧洲各国的母语课标或大纲体现出共同价值为导向与多元价值的协调,语言教育为根本与多元智能的统一,本国文化为主体与多元文化的共存。欧洲母语教材中的"多元因素"具体表现为多元价值的相互映衬、多元智能的综合体现以及多元文化的经典荟萃。多元化的欧洲母语教材对我国母语教材编制乃至课程改革具有启示作用。  相似文献   

从全球化视野出发,分析各国母语课程标准或母语教学大纲,提炼出各国母语教育的基本特点,即通过母语教育炼就学生的思维品质、养成学生的情意要素与尊重、传承和发展母文化的真诚态度和高超能力;并以此去分析各国“母语学材”的四大设计取向,即学生中心的设计取向、能力至上的设计取向、学养为根的设计取向、情知皆备的设计取向。  相似文献   

This article reports the findings of a PhD study, which offers comparative perspectives on teacher education in a period of reforms, inquiring into stakeholders’ perceptions in English, French, Italian and Spanish contexts as case studies. The interaction of needs and constraints in European initial teacher education within higher education reforms, and the mediation between contrasting influences and diverse education cultures, are viewed as global phenomena: teacher education practices in different countries can be described as ‘translations’ of European policies, with innovative potential in glocal developments. This article explores some issues of the European dimension of teacher education, reporting the qualitative findings of the study, underpinned by a theoretical framework encompassing globalisation and social ecological studies. In the four case study contexts, the focus is on secondary teacher education; when a subject perspective is required, it concerns the area of modern languages, considering their transversal role in European education policies. Findings from the national case studies come from a limited empirical sample, but can be of interest in showing emerging tensions and trends.  相似文献   

美国母语课程媒介素养的内容及启示   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
媒介素养进入语文课程已经成为世界各国母语课程现代化的必然趋势,也是深化母语课程改革、提升教育质量的内在需求。美国母语课程媒介素养的内容丰富多彩,呈现方式异彩纷呈,给我国语文课程媒介资源开发及媒介素养教育与语文课程相融合提供理论支持和经验借鉴。  相似文献   

Scholars in education have drawn our attention to the ways in which social power and control manifests in the process of knowledge production in education institutions especially through school curriculum. In this paper, I analyse school textbooks along with classroom instruction events and everyday practices in a mother-tongue school in Nepal. Drawing on the concept of ‘legitimate knowledge’, this paper discusses mother-tongue education as a struggle over symbolic resources, whereby familiarity with ‘daily life in the locality’ is discursively drawn upon to articulate mother tongue as an effective pedagogy and legitimate knowledge. The paper argues that the introduction of mother tongue in the school curriculum is, therefore, more than an addition of new language. It is a process of negotiating what it means to ‘know’ things in school. In doing so, this paper illustrates a dynamic process of re-signification of local languages, knowledge and identities that is underway.  相似文献   

"有"字句是现代汉语中常见的句式,其基本语义可分为领属和存在两种。表领属的"有"字句语义明确,是在很多语言中都存在的句式。文章以母语为英语的汉语学习者为对象,采用语料分析法,对领属"有"字句的使用情况进行了分析。研究发现,高级水平的汉语学习者对领属"有"字句的使用仍然存在问题,这些问题受多种因素影响。同时,文章也谈及了本研究对汉语教学和语言习得研究的启示。  相似文献   

双语教学与大学英语教学改革   总被引:92,自引:0,他引:92  
我国高校的双语教学是以提高外语(主要是英语)水平为主的教育,其目标是培养大批能同时使用母语和英语进行交际的复合型专业人才。高校双语教学为打破大学英语教学的严重的应试倾向开辟了道路。要搞好双语教学,必须借鉴国外的成功经验,采用依托式教学模式。教师能用全英语讲授专业课,学生达到中等以上英语水平,是搞好双语教学必备的条件。  相似文献   

21世纪,印度贯彻新时期教育政策,对高中课程进行了一系列改革:课程设置注重学术性与职业性结合,课程内容强调多样性与应用性结合,课程管理强调统一性与多样性结合,课程评价强调多样性与现实性结合。本文总结了印度高中课程改革的经验与问题,分析了印度高中课程改革的发展趋势:强调课程的公平性取向、民族化取向、职业化取向。  相似文献   

迁移是研究语言习得的一个重要概念。法语由于其与英语的特殊关系以及长期受到英语学习的影响,英语专业的学生在学习二外法语时倾向用英语知识来构建法语,从而带来了正负双重迁移。基于此,从英语和法语的迁移理论着手,结合两种语言在语音方面的异同比较,分析探讨英语专业学生在二外法语语音习得阶段,如何合理利用迁移定势,促进正迁移,从而更好地学习二外法语。  相似文献   

For many children around the world, access to higher education and the labour market depends on becoming fluent in a second language. In South Africa, the majority of children do not speak English as their first language but are required to undertake their final school-leaving examinations in English. Most schools offer mother-tongue instruction in the first three grades of school and then transition to English as the language of instruction in the fourth grade. Some schools use English as the language of instruction from the first grade. In recent years a number of schools have changed their policy, thus creating within-school, cross-grade variation in the language of instruction received in the early grades. Using longitudinal data from the population of South African primary schools and a fixed-effects approach, we find that mother tongue instruction in the early grades significantly improves English acquisition, as measured in grades 4, 5 and 6.  相似文献   

For the past 35 years, various models of intercultural bilingual education (IBE) have been implemented in Latin American schools and adult education. While Spanish is the official language in Nicaragua, many indigenous languages, such as Miskito and Sumo-Mayangna, are also spoken ?C especially in the Atlantic coastal region. The Nicaraguan Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport recognises the need for a flexible curriculum that reflects individual local and regional linguistic and socio-cultural characteristics, through the use of mother tongue and second language learning. The contextualisation model applied in the Atlantic coastal region of Nicaragua is therefore based on the use of a languages strategy in preparing textbooks and basic technical materials with an IBE approach, as part of the process of improving the quality of education. Thus intercultural communication is enhanced, and the need to strengthen the systematic teaching of languages, differentiating between mother tongue, second language and foreign language, is recognised. As well as explaining the contextualisation process in detail, this article discusses the conceptual differences between intercultural bilingual education (IBE) and bilingual intercultural education (BIE). The paper concludes with several recommendations for the further development of BIE in Latin America.  相似文献   

Teachers’ role in curriculum design is a broad question that inspires political educational reforms among European countries, a trend that even extends to higher education politics. The perspective on teachers’ role in curriculum, both at the level of the policies and of the practices, shapes recent educational reforms in Portugal. These are the concerns underlying our research that intends to substantiate school teachers’ involvement in curriculum development as it is experienced by them, and while comparing their views to the roles they are attributed in the political and academic dominant discourses. To reach teachers’ perceptions, we distributed questionnaires which were completed by 214 teachers in primary and secondary schools. We could conclude that the enactment of a professional identity on the basis of teacher assumption of their role as real curriculum designers is still far from being achieved.  相似文献   

“一带一路”倡议的实施要求高职商务英语教学更加突出复合型、应用型人才培养目标,而目前高职英语教学忽视了“一带一路”沿线国家本土化英语表达下的语言障碍,存在课程设置单一、教材内容滞后、师资力量薄弱等问题。为此,必须设置多样化培养课程,采用多元化教学模式与评价方式,推动产教融合,以培养“一带一路”建设所需的优质商务英语人才。  相似文献   

Multicultural education respects cultural differences and affirms pluralism which students, their communities and teachers bring to the learning process. It is founded on the belief that a school curriculum which promotes the ideals of freedom, justice, equality, equity and human dignity is most likely to result in high academic achievement and quality education. In Botswana, English is the official language and medium of instruction and Setswana is the national lingua franca which is used for formal occasions in the villages and other informal settings. Any other languages spoken by unrecognised tribes are banned from use in schools or the media, including minority languages taught before independence in 1966, This paper describes the Shiyeyi Language Project, initiated by the Wayeyi tribe, which advocates for a multicultural model of education where children learn in their mother tongue and about their local culture at an early stage, then add the national language, and eventually an international language as medium of instruction. The project operates within an unfriendly political and legal context, but has achieved some results. Continued efforts, especially as supported by similar language projects, have the potential to change the situation in Botswana.  相似文献   

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