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With the rapid advancement of information and communication technologies, e-learning has gained a considerable attention in recent years. Many researchers have attempted to develop various e-learning systems with personalized learning mechanisms for assisting learners so that they can learn more efficiently. In this context, curriculum sequencing is considered as an important concern for developing more efficient personalized e-learning systems. A more effective personalized e-learning recommender system should recommend a sequence of learning materials called learning path, in an appropriate order with a starting and ending point, rather than a sequence of unordered learning materials. Further the recommended sequence should also match the learner preferences for enhancing their learning capabilities. Moreover, the length of recommended sequence cannot be fixed for each learner because these learners differ from one another in their preferences such as knowledge levels, learning styles, emotions, etc. In this paper, we present an effective learning path recommendation system (LPRS) for e-learners through a variable length genetic algorithm (VLGA) by considering learners’ learning styles and knowledge levels. Experimental results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed LPRS in e-learning environment.  相似文献   

Many studies have identified web-based cooperative learning as an increasingly popular educational paradigm with potential to increase learner satisfaction and interactions. However, peer-to-peer interaction often suffers barriers owing to a failure to explore useful social interaction information in web-based cooperative learning environments. This easily leads to learners being unable to seek appropriate learning partners for facilitating effective cooperative learning. This problem frequently causes poor learning effectiveness in web-based cooperative learning environments. Generally, instructor assigned or learner selected learning peers cannot ensure to compose suitable learning partners for individual learners in cooperative learning environments. A suitable learning partner can help the learner, who is learning in the personal way and encounters the difficulty, to solve problems. Inappropriate learning partners cannot only easily lead to poor learning interaction and achievement, but can also lead to the meaning of cooperative learning being lost. Although many web-based learning systems have already been developed to assist cooperative learning, supporting peer-to-peer interaction in computer-supported cooperative learning (CSCL) is still immature. As a result, this study presents a novel scheme for recommending appropriate learning partners for individual learners utilizing mining of learning interactive social networks in a cooperative problem-based learning (PBL) environment. Results of this study show that the proposed scheme helps encourage learners to interact with learning peers more actively and positively, and facilitates learning performance in a cooperative PBL environment.  相似文献   

Web网页是网络课程重要的人机界面,其布局和设计直接影响学习者的学习效果.本文从眼动心理学角度,利用眼动实验研究学习者利用网络课程学习的视觉搜索行为,测量学习者在3种常见的网页布局及其导航样式下学习时的眼动数据,探讨网页布局对网络学习的影响.通过记录注视次数、注视持续时间等6项眼动指标,并结合态度测量,试图揭示学习者学习时的眼动心理生理基本特征,以期找出适宜的网页布局形式和导航样式,为网络课程的设计和开发提出有效建议.实验研究表明:(1)T字型布局有利于学习者进行视觉搜索;(2)国字型布局更有利于学习者对知识的认知加工;(3)学习者进行视觉搜索时兴趣区集中在导航区,进行知识学习时兴趣区集中在主体内容区;(4)学习者在国字型布局下能取得更高的正确率.  相似文献   

学习者模型是自适应学习系统的重要组成部分,然而传统的学习者模型往往是封闭的,学习者无法知晓模型的具体内容。文章从学习者模型内容开放的视角,设计了能够表征学习者认知状态和知识结构并推送学习路径与学习同伴的开放学习者模型——学习认知地图。基于学习元平台,文章从认知状态评测、知识结构计算和可视化呈现三个方面对学习认知地图的构建过程进行了阐述。之后,文章将构建的学习认知地图应用于中学信息技术课堂,实践结果表明:学习认知地图能够提升学生的学习态度,同时学生对具有学习认知地图支持的在线学习方式满意度更高。文章设计并检验了作为一种开放学习者模型实践样态的学习认知地图的效果,以期为开放学习者模型的进一步研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Because learning English is extremely popular in non-native English speaking countries, developing modern assisted-learning schemes that facilitate effective English learning is a critical issue in English-language education. Vocabulary learning is vital within English learning because vocabulary comprises the basic building blocks of English sentences. Therefore, numerous studies have attempted to increase the efficiency and performance of learning English vocabulary. ‘The situational learning approach’ proposed that ‘context’ is an important consideration in the language learning process and can enhance learner learning interest and efficiency. Restated, meaningful vocabulary learning occurs only when the learning process is integrated with social, cultural and life contexts. With the rapid development of context-awareness techniques, the development of context-aware mobile learning systems, which can support learners in learning without constraints of time or place via mobile devices and associate learning activities with real learning environment, enables the conduct of a novel context-aware ubiquitous learning mode to enhance English vocabulary learning. Accordingly, this study proposes a personalised context-aware ubiquitous learning system (PCULS) for learning English vocabulary based on learner location as detected by wireless positioning techniques, learning time, individual English vocabulary abilities and leisure time, enabling learners to adapt their learning content to effectively support English vocabulary learning in a school environment. Experimental results indicated that the accuracy of the employed wireless positioning scheme is over 92%, which is sufficient to help learners detect their locations. Additionally, the PCULS has been successfully implemented on PDA devices in a school environment to support effective situational English vocabulary learning. Experimental result indicates that the learning performance of learners who used personalised English vocabulary learning systems with context awareness (i.e. PCULS) was superior to learners who used personalised English vocabulary learning systems without context awareness.  相似文献   

Threshold concepts are a widely used idea, particularly in curriculum design and evaluation of student learning. However they can be criticised as being hard to identify, vague and teacher imposed. Using the cognitive theory of Bernard Lonergan we argue that his epistemology enables us to reframe threshold concepts by adding a learner focussed understanding. We extend this to include considerations of liminality and ‘stuckness’, as well as the multiple paths to the threshold learners may take. Adding an understanding of cognitive process to the idea of threshold concepts also enables us to understand how they can be identified in disparate subjects.  相似文献   

Internet evolution has affected all industrial, commercial, and especially learning activities in the new context of e-learning. Due to cost, time, or flexibility e-learning has been adopted by participators as an alternative training method. By development of computer-based devices and new methods of teaching, e-learning has emerged. The effectiveness of such programs is dependent on powerful learning management systems. In this paper, a neuro-fuzzy approach is proposed based on an evolutionary technique to obtain an optimal learning path for both instructor and learner. The neuro-fuzzy synergy allows the diagnostic model to imitate instructor in diagnosing learners’ characteristics, and equips the intelligent learning environment with reasoning capabilities. These reasoning capabilities can be used to drive pedagogical decisions based on the learning style of the learner. The neuro-fuzzy implementation helps to encode both structured and non-structured knowledge for the instructor. On the other hand, for learners, the neural network approach has been applied to make personalized curriculum profile based on individual learner requirements in a fuzzy environment.  相似文献   

将智能导学系统应用于现代远程教育中,系统运用数据挖掘技术对学习者访问网络记录进性分析,提取出学习者的学习过程以及对知识点的掌握情况,从而针对学习者个体评价学习效果、优化学习方案、以及督促和鞭策学习者学习,真正实现个性化智能导学。  相似文献   

One of the most significant features of the educational reforms introduced since 1989 has been the emphasis on raising achievement levels. One of the dangers of this emphasis is that teachers and learners become instrumental in their approach to teaching and learning. Research on the creative mediation of policy shows that primary teachers appropriate reforms and adapt them to ensure a high level of learner involvement in learning. This pilot study of three Year 5 and 6 classes focuses on the creative teaching strategies used to maintain learner involvement in the wake of all the reforms of the 1990s. In particular, the study uses learner perspectives as a major part of the data set. The tentative conclusions are that the clarification of learning objectives with the learners and the reconstruction of appropriate creative learning contexts has had an effect in countering learner instrumentalism. These approaches were effective in developing learners' awareness of the learning process and enabled them to articulate perspectives concerning those processes. However, the study did not find much evidence of teachers incorporating these learner perspectives into their curriculum and pedagogic programmes.  相似文献   

智慧学习环境下的教学更加关注学习者的个性化诉求,自适应学习系统能够为实现个性化学习提供技术支持。文章针对传统层状自适应学习系统模型未阐明学习系统内部运行机制的不足,基于自适应逆控制理论研制了一种自适应学习系统动力模型。学习者的学习目标选择促使学习系统开始运行,学习者的初始学习目标与其后的学习成效之间的差值是维系学习系统继续运行的内在动力。学习系统在领域模型、学习者模型、认知诊断和自适应模型四者的协同作用下向学习者不断推送适切的学习资源,旨在消除学习目标与当前学习成效之间的差值,从而使系统重新归于稳定。文章从系统动力机制视角,设计了自适应学习系统包含的领域模型、学习者模型、自适应模型和认知诊断模型。研究将为自适应学习系统的设计与实现提供理论借鉴。  相似文献   

In this article, we present the characteristics and the design of a modular personalized multimedia testing tool based fully on XML learning specifications. Personalization is based on the characteristics of the individual learners, thus the testing paths are tailored to their needs and goals. The system maintains learner profiles rich in content from which diverse information can be elicited and presented to educators to help them understand their learners. At the end of the article, specific use cases are discussed and the educational advantages are discussed on the basis of an evaluative study.  相似文献   

概念图是学生协作知识建构的一种有效支持工具,然而在Web环境下概念图的协同创作系统的研究却并不多见。鉴于此,文章通过对协作学习中概念图的理论研究,分析了概念图协作创建过程中学习者的认知过程,设计了基于概念图的协作知识建构的理论模型,设计了概念图协作创作系统的功能模型和动态模型,介绍了基于Flex和FMS技术的系统实现方案,讨论了系统功能和实现过程。文章的研究成果能丰富协作知识建构的理论研究,推进概念图在网络协作学习实践中的应用。  相似文献   

The recent advances in software and computer technology have enabled the incorporation of dynamic representations into a multitude of educational and training environments. Cognitive load theory has been extensively used to enhance learning from complex dynamic representations by providing appropriate instructional designs to manage learner cognitive load. The available evidence, however, indicates that the suggested instructional designs that are effective for novice learners can reverse and become ineffective for learners with higher levels of prior knowledge. This phenomenon is called the expertise reversal effect. This paper reviews a series of recent experimental studies that have found interactions between levels of learners' organized knowledge structures (endogenous support) and effectiveness of different instructional designs (exogenous support), leading to the expertise reversal effect. It is argued that adapting instructional designs to learners with different amount of prior knowledge is a crucial part of effective learning.  相似文献   

合作语言学习是学习者之间有目的、相互合作的语言活动,主要建立在认知理论和建构主义理论基础上,其特色是在以小组为单位的合作学习中,同伴之间的合作互动和个体责任,从而重新构建和深化个体知识。在英语专业的高级英语课堂中有必要加入合作学习策略,以改变目前以教师为主宰的翻译法讲授模式,提供培养学生自主学习能力和使用语言的空间。高级英语课堂中的合作语言学习活动应是涉及到学习者合作、有目的、体验使用语言的任务型活动。  相似文献   

基于课程知识结构的网络学习资源建设   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文提出了一种以知识结构为基本框架,建设网络学习环境中的学习资源库的方法.结构化的学习资源库中,首先建立课程的基于知识点的知识结构体系,在此体系中实现以元知识点为最小学习单元,实现对学习者学习过程的控制.建立学习资源与元知识点的关联关系,将学习资源融入课程的知识结构中,从而实现了结构化的学习资源的建设、组织方法.  相似文献   

论新形势下会计继续教育模式的创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统会计继续教育模式以班级集中授课形式为主,受训人员无法获得个性化和实用性的知识和技能。借助因特网构建教学和学习的平台,可以实现会计继续教育网络化。新型的教育模式能为学习者提供符合个人需求的教育内容,提高学习者专业素质,以适应新形势发展的需要。  相似文献   

远程学习环境下学习过程中的人机交互和情感检测是一项重要的课题。在教育代理应用的基础上,对学习者的情感检测模型和检测的整体架构进行设计,通过对教育代理与学习者之间情感信息的提取、分析,完成对学习者的个性学习监控,界定学习者的情感态度、认知状态和学习偏好,在情感检测结果基础上利用自动生成课程工具实现对学习者的个性化学习资源服务,以改善远程学习中的人机交互现状并提高整体学习效果。  相似文献   

对48名具有不同认知风格的英语专业学生提供两种不同的超文本网页结构来调查信息细化和内容综览图对学习绩效的影响。结果显示提供恰当的、不同程度的细化信息能促进不同认知风格者的学习。虽然分析型学习者在综览图环境下学习效果稍差一些,但综览图对学习效果没有太大影响。结果表明针对学习者不同的认知风格设计不同的学习环境很有必要。  相似文献   

在网络课程中的形成性评价是对每一节或每一知识点的即时测验,目的是让学习者自我检测学习结果,调整学习进程,使之更好地完成学习任务。在这篇文章中研究形成性评价的实现方式,具体提供了一种全新的使用Flash来轻松实现网络课程中的形成性评价方法。  相似文献   

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